šŸ‰The Dragon RealmsšŸ‰


Mule Account

A Spyro the Dragon B/C

There lies, somewhere beyond the reach of all but the most determined adventurer or magician,
a series of lovely and varied islands. Untouched by the wider world of humans and their technology
(except where the residents find it amusing), they live peacefully with each other and a variety of
colorful companions. This smaller world is home to a number of species, the most notable species
being colorful, wise, and long-lived creatures who are living wells of raw magic power.

Welcome to the world of dragons.

Important Links:
Discord - Certing Thread
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Mule Account

Jan 30th - Created
Gaia Side of things. Will not be making a guild as the info is public here in our group. A cert thread/drop offs for the gaia side will be made on discord.
Jan 20th - New Fodder Introduced: Giant Butterflies
Jan 17th - Few Previews for Pokemon Event Dropped in Discord. Yearly CC customs opened up - Breeding Info in the works.
Dec 30th - Caught up on all owed things
July 13th - Start of CYO Event
May 28th - Grand Opening Event
April 2nd - Adventurer's Guild and Quest System introduced
March 6th - Main Thread, Group and Discord made
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ā€¢ [ BS ToS ] Follow it.
ā€¢ [ Art Theft ] Don't take what isn't yours.
ā€¢ [ Play Nice ] It isn't hard to be friendly, say please and thank you, leave your baggage at the door, all that jazz. Please, don't let your bad mood ruin the mood of the shop.
ā€¢ [ Be Respectful ] Whether it be staff, owners, oldbies, or newbies, everyone has the right to common decency and respect. We do not tolerate lack of respect due to discrimination of any kind.
ā€¢ [ No Begging ] There's going to be lots of events, even before the actual shop opens, and there will be many opportunities for you to obtain a pet! Please do not beg, everyone will have a chance sooner or later. This is also not the place to ask for credits or anything else.
ā€¢ [ Contact Staff ] If there are any issues, confusion, or conflicts within the shop, please contact shop staff. Either PM the shop mule or the owners. We're nice people, and we will do everything we can to help resolve the issue!

ā€¢ [ Co-Owning ] Co-owning is, quite simply, not allowed. One owner per pet.
ā€¢ [ Roleplaying ] Roleplaying is required to grow, your dragon, however we do have options for those who do not rp to grow their pet.
ā€¢ [ Naming ] Names should coincide with the setting of the shop. For example, luvrboi69 isn't an appropriate name. Nor is Zoosmell Pooplord.
ā€¢ [ Cosplays ] Cosplays are allowed, however they cannot take on the same name as the thing they are cosplaying as. Full body clothing will be interpreted either as markings or as accessories. There can be multiple of the same cosplay as long as there are differences between the two. ex: Different outfit, hair style, markings ect.
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Mule Account

Story Thus Far:
Thousands of years after Spyro the dragon had vanquished evil from the Dragon Realms a time of peace was established. Through the years dragons lived and thrived together binding their magics to the elements of the plains. Thus came about the different elemental dragons we have today.

The land was broken into several territories which are ruled by a single king, who is said to be a descendant of Spyro. Each territory is led by a single dragon who is loyal to the royal bloodline. This dragon is part of the kingā€™s council which helps keep peace among the territories. Portals were made so that dragonkin can teleport between the lands quickly.

But peace did not last long, darkness began to slowly creep over the lands, the king and his mate did their best to hold back, but one of the territories were swallowed up by the darkness and the portal was closed off. Keeping to the main lands the dragons avoided the place now known as the isle of darkness. Peace returned as the darkness remained kept there, or so they thought.

The king and queen had a single child, a son, but one day the child was swallowed up by the darkness and taken from them. Sicken with guilt the queen fell ill and soon died, filled with grief the king retreated to the depths of his castle, leaving the council to rule over the lands. Since that day the king has not been seen, and the era of the council began.
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Mule Account

No gender specific lines, just think of the other set as a different pose. Each dragon gender is entirely up to you, whether it be F, M or NB.

Each dragon is born with a magical aptitude to attune to an element, there are currently 5 known elements, with more being discovered. (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Dark)

The dragonā€™s horns are the source of their magical powers. The more or bigger horns a dragon has from its initial elemental species shows how powerful it is. If a dragon has less or smaller horns then its initial elemental species then it is weaker then a normal dragon of that type. If a dragon breaks one of its horns it loses quite a bit of magical energy. If a dragon loses all of its horns then it perishes and its magical energy returns to the lands.

Adults are the only stage which can breed yielding 1-6 offspring. Dragons can only breed a total of 3 times in their lifetimes. When two dragons breed they come together and infuse rocks with their magic, over time these rocks will become the dragons eggs which will then hatch into their offspring.

Usually dragons only inhabit one elemental type, however in rare occasions dual type dragons do appear, usually through breeding of two different elemental types together. They often are considered the element of their body type (Dominate) until their breath appears (Recessive) . Dual type dragonā€™s breath will appear late for their young adult stage as their body and magic take longer to attune to their recessive element. Dual type dragons are also more powerful and often have more or bigger horns then their normal elemental type does. Dual types as an adult can learn both of the elemental manipulations of both of their elements.

Dragons lay eggs in batches, typically 1-6 each breeding. It isn't unheard of for dragons to lay less, though these will show up in events rather than actual breedings. All eggs look the same between elements, a dusty pink shell speckled with uniquely colored scales. These scales reflect the color of the unhatched dragon and are a hint toward its appearance.
Eggs grow in 5-7 days

As all dragons share a common ancestor, every hatchling dragon looks relatively the same. Their colorations may differ wildly, but they will not begin exhibiting signs of their element until they are a little older. These little ones are sleepy, floppy, and they can't even breathe or muster up their magical energy yet.
Hatchlings take 7 days to grow.

Young dragons are extremely energetic. They like to run and jump and glide. They absolutely love charging into things with their horns. At this stage their physical appearance begins to show what element they will attune to. They can now breathe a breath of magical energy. However this energy doesnā€™t really do anything until they are attuned with an element. Unfortunately, their wings are still too small to carry their weight and they can't fly yet, but not to worry -- that'll change soon. Children can glide if they have a high enough starting point and will often do so to get used to and strengthen their wings.
Children take 14 days to grow.

These dragons start showing signs of their attuned element with body and breath. Their breath will change accordingly, changing shape and size to fit their elemental nature. Young Adult dragons can do everything their fully-grown counterparts can -- including fly! -- just... slightly worse. They're still clumsy and getting used to functioning as a dragon, learning what it all means, how to be responsible, but you can bet they're going to find ways to be mischievous.
Young Adults take 5,000 words to grow or a growth stone.

Fully grown! Now no one can tell you to wait until you're older to do or learn something. Adults fully grow into their element taking on a whole new power, learning new ways to control or manipulate it.
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Mule Account

No gender specific lines, just think of the other set as a different pose. Each faun gender is entirely up to you, whether it be F, M or NB.

Living and working alongside the dragons are a number of other creatures. Notable among them are the fauns. They are much smaller than, and are not nearly as magically gifted as dragons, but they are an asset to the isles nonetheless. Fauns cannot learn elemental magic, their magic is generic, only used to strengthen their endurance and strength. They are much better suited to some professions than dragons are, given their smaller size and nimbler hands. While dragons are also better suited to some professions, there are many where species do not matter.

Fauns cannot breed with dragons as their general magic is not compatible with elemental magic. Fauns can only breed 3 times in their lifetime

Newly born fauns are much like human babies, which you may be familiar with. Less familiar are the furred animal-like legs, and a tail, though they're definitely no less cute. Fauns can have anywhere from 1 to 3 kids per litter.
Faun babies will take one week to grow.

Like the children of many species, young fauns are energetic, curious, adorable, and very troublesome. They have a lot of learning to do, and long legs, ears and tails to grow into as well. It's not hard to get a good idea of their personality, though, even at this age.
Faun kids will take three weeks to grow.

At full growth, fauns aren't much taller than humans. Some will find work they love, some will work to get by; some will find friends, some will be solitary; some will form families of their own, and some won't be that into the whole romance thing. You know, the usual.
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Mule Account

While the fauna of the Realms may be fantastic, the majority here, as elsewhere, is only of animal intelligence. Many of them are kept by dragons or fauns, and for a variety of reasons - some for companionship, others for work, and still others for food or material production, and some can be wild. So, just like everywhere else, really!

All fodder are considered non-magical, as they are creatures who lack any magical aptitude. However even with this lack of magic fodder are still able to breed. Fodder have no limits on how many times they can breed and can breed with any other fodder species. After all dragons do love to hoard things. Fodder produce 1-3 offspring per litter.

Sheep - A dietary staple for many dragons in the forms of both meat and dairy, as well as being the source of choice for textiles. Sheep are easy to feed, respond well to affection, and are easy to handle, which make them a good starter pet.
Chicken - Another animal famous for its edible contributions to society, dragon realm chickens are also famous for their plumage - or rather, their lack thereof! Chickens are also very easy to feed and care for, and have vibrant personalities.
Living Pumpkins- These pumpkins are quite unique as they are alive. They are considered to be living plants that were created through the plant magic of Light dragons. After the first few were created they seemed to multiply becoming their own species.

Jack Rabbits- These rabbits are a good starter fodder for young dragons or faun. They can be used for their meat, however most just use them as companions.

Giant Butterflies - Giant butterflies are just as the name states Giant Butterflies. They are cultivated and trained by the adventure guild and the only way to acquire one of this type of fodder is through the point system in the adventure guild. The wings on a Giant Butterfly can vary from many different shapes and sizes often being memorizing and distracting opponents. They are good companions to dragons because they are able to fly with them.

Frilled Lizards - Although they cannot use magic, frilled lizards are considered the far off distant cousin of the dragon. It is unknown how these creatures lost the ability to use magic, but these creatures are known to be quite territorial and will only attach themselves to a creature who has earned their trust by beating it in battle.
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Mule Account

Gram Event in Group
Cyos in Discord

On going events
  • All Newbies are able to post for a pet, based on either other characters you own in another shop or ocs. If you don't have a specific oc or pet you wish to get you can post a color palette. These will all start out as young adults so you will need to rp or find a growth stone to get them grown. So quote Zakiax with a character you own or oc and with what young adult pose you want it on and an element from these 3, fire, water, wind. (For more information on the traits of these dragons and the lines/templates they are on, check them out in our group HERE.)
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Mule Account

This is a compile of faq that have been asked in the shop. If your question is not on this list please ask away and we will answer it.

I have a pet from when the shop was on Gaia can I still use it?
Yes! All pets that were acquired on Gaia Online are still pets of the shop. Things have changed from that shop to this one, but that pet is still yours and you can use it here in this shop. You will have to get it re-certed so we can register it in our archives.

Can my pet have scars?
Yes as long as you have rp to back up scars, you may have scars on your pet as they grow.
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Mule Account

Links in
Want to associate with us. Post the code somewhere on your front page and we will do the same here with yours.

Links out
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Mule Account


silent xx scarlet (Gaia)

Zakiax - Full Time
Corn - Guest
space crawfish (Gaia) - Guest

Mushbee (Gaia)

Mushbee (Gaia)
silent xx scarlet (Gaia)


Spyro the Dragon is Ā© Insomniac Games
This is a templated shop. Some edits may be unique, but many edits are meant to be reusable. All Templates were done by Corn
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