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🐾 Cat Café Adoption Event 🐾[OVER!]

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran

🐾 Welcome to the Cat Café! 🐾

🐾 From left to right 🐾
1. Latte Luv Misp by Bo / 2.Hopeful Skies Misp by Bo
🐾 Row One 🐾
Prism Star by Bo / 4. Ziggy by Bo / 5. Retro Screensaver by Bo / 6. ICU by Bo / 7. Beach Day by Bo
8. Lavender Lemon by Bo / 9. Lemongrass by Bo / 10. Electric by Bo / 11. Electric Boogaloo by Bo
🐾 Row Two 🐾
Chill Wave by PeterPan_da144 / 13. Grape Jelly by PeterPan_da144 / 14. Spider Web by Tea /
15. Ultra Satan by ChexaRain (Edits) and Bo (Colors)
/ 16. Red Ultra Satan by ChexaRain (Edits) and Bo (Colors) / 17. Purple Ultra Satan by ChexaRain (Edits) and Bo (Colors) / 18. Rainbow Ultra Satan by Cheza (Edits) and Bo (Colors) / 19. Waffles by by ChexaRain (Lines) and Bo (Colors)/ 20. Rufus by ChexaRain (Lines) and Bo (Colors)
🐾 Row Three 🐾
Fish Nom by ChexaRain / 22. Fish Nom Gray by ChexaRain / 23. Fish Nom Red by ChexaRain /
24. The Great Pumpkin Pard by Bo
(Note: Names included here are for funsies, you're not required to use them!)

🐾 Rules 🐾
🐾 1. All Basilisk Stew and Everchange rules apply!
🐾 2. Don't be a sourpuss! Everyone has the same chance to win as you, so be kind and considerate!
🐾 3. Make sure to read how to play thoroughly! (The rules for gameplay are in the next post)
🐾 4. The game ends when all the cats have homes!
🐾 5. Please, please, DM Bo on Discord if you have any concerns! Quoting here should be for game wins only!
🐾 6. Also, understand that Bo is a college student and your wins will be dropped to you as soon as possible!
🐾 7. Anyone except Bo can enter and win!

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran

The last thing that Simone had expected to find during her closing time routine at her café, Latte Love, was a box full of cats. It boggled her how any self-respecting pony could abandon their animals like that, much less outside of her café! The world could be so cruel.

Still, there was no way in Dreamer's grace that she could care for them all herself, espescially not something as massive as a Pard. She'd need to find them good, loving homes, but with what time? She was already busy enough as it was being the full-time owner and head barista at Latte Love and she couldn't just delegate this to her employees.

Then, while trying to keep one of the misps out of the espresso machine (What was the obsession? They can't even eat! Did they like the smell?), it hit her! A cat café pop-up event! The café would get business and, hopefully, all of the cats in need would get homes in the process! It would be a win-win for everyone!

🐾 How to Play 🐾

Once a day, roll 3 D100 in a single post. (Reset is at midnight EST) If you roll one of the current winning numbers, you've befriended a café cat and can pick one to take home! You can also win by rolling 3-1-20,14-25-1, and 13-5-23, which spell C-A-T, N-Y-A, and M-E-W numerically, but only if you roll those numbers in that order in your post!
2. If you win, you must wait three days from your win in order to roll again! (Yes, I stole this rule from Sami. She can fight me) That means if you win, for example, on a Friday, the earliest you can roll again is the following Tuesday.
3. Each player may only win two cats total. Proxies will count toward this total, so if you win a cat for a proxy and then win another cat for yourself, you can't roll to win more. The same goes for the player you proxy for, if they roll to win after they've been given a cat, they can only win a second cat.
4. Winning numbers are subject to change if Bo remembers to change them. Heck, they may even just add numbers and take none away. They'll announce here and on Discord if they do something.
5. Please use the provided form if you win! (And please, please, quote Bo!)

🐾 Current Winning Numbers 🐾

8, 9, 10, 12, 43, 52, 61, 72, 77 (You only need one of these)
3-1-20 (All of them, IN THAT ORDER)
14-25-1 (All of them, IN THAT ORDER)
13-5-23 (All of them, IN THAT ORDER)

🐾 Form for wins 🐾
[CENTER][SIZE=24px][FONT=ChocolateBox][COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)]CAT [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(176, 138, 113)]BEFRIENDED[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)] SUCCESSFULLY![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)][B]Username:[/B][/COLOR] [Who are you?]
[COLOR=rgb(228, 204, 183)][B]Winning roll:[/B][/COLOR] [Direct link to post where cat decided you were worthy]
[COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)][B]Which cat is your friend now?:[/B][/COLOR] [Pick your cat from the prize pool in the first post!]
[Erase this and @ Bo here][/CENTER][/CENTER]


🐾 Nym: #14
🐾 Tigeria: #20
🐾 PeterPan_da144:
#18, #13 MAXED OUT
🐾 Zakiax: #19
🐾 Revel:#24, #4 MAXED OUT
🐾 Bittersweet Contradiction: #1
🐾 Lisaisfire619: #3
🐾 Jackariah Beckett: #22,
🐾 Natty-chan: #23, #15 MAXED OUT
🐾 bitsie spider: #21, #9 MAXED OUT
🐾 Bluedemonwolf: #5
🐾 Reoakee: #16,
🐾 Cheyriddle4: #2
🐾 Melomar: #12, #6 MAXED OUT
🐾 spazzedoutmew: #7,
🐾 Absolutiones: #17

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 93 8 35 136
72, 52, 8 (You only need one of these)
3-1-20 (All of them, IN THAT ORDER)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 8 36 58 102
72, 52, 8 (You only need one of these)
3-1-20 (All of them, IN THAT ORDER)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 96 5 67 168
Roll for 11/28 because I'll probably forget because of turkey day madness