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15. Ultra Satan by ChexaRain (Edits) and Bo (Colors)

(Note: Names included here are for funsies, you're not required to use them!)

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[CENTER][SIZE=24px][FONT=ChocolateBox][COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)]CAT [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(176, 138, 113)]BEFRIENDED[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)] SUCCESSFULLY![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)][B]Username:[/B][/COLOR] [Who are you?]
[COLOR=rgb(228, 204, 183)][B]Winning roll:[/B][/COLOR] [Direct link to post where cat decided you were worthy]
[COLOR=rgb(162, 106, 89)][B]Which cat is your friend now?:[/B][/COLOR] [Pick your cat from the prize pool in the first post!]
[Erase this and @ Bo here][/CENTER][/CENTER]