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Pokémon Expeditions

02: (Pip)


Let's go! Expedition time!
Players participating: Andraia

Trainers participating: Pip Sirenes
Pokémon participating: 99, 118, 511, 537, 182, 455

Expedition area: Darksallow Valley [Beginner] Dark, Forest, River

Shelby "Pip" Sirène
Trainer Stats3441-13252
Little Guy
#99 - Amateur - Gentle N. Totodile
4 (4)
4 (4)
1 (3)
2 (4)
1 (3)
4 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
4 (5)
#118 - Amateur - Serious Chingling
1 (3)
2 (4)
4 (4)
2 (4)
4 (4)
1 (5)
1 (5)
4 (5)
4 (5)
1 (5)
#511 - Amateur - Jolly A. Vulpix
1 (3)
1 (3)
4 (4)
2 (4)
4 (4)
3 (5)
1 (5)
3 (5)
3 (5)
1 (5)
#405 - Beginner - Timid Pikachu (PW)
2 (5)
1 (4)
2 (6)
4 (5)
2 (6)
3 (5)
1 (5)
2 (5)
1 (5)
2 (5)
#182 - Amateur - Gentle Lapras
2 (5)
4 (5)
2 (4)
3 (6)
4 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
#455 - Amateur - Bold N. Poliwag
1 (3)
3 (3)
4 (5)
1 (3)
2 (4)
1 (5)
4 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)


Another day, another trek into the dark and spooky forest full of pit traps.

To be fair, since they had started focusing on the river route, they had fallen into significantly fewer death (or at least, broken knee) traps. Although they had been reluctant, at first, to work with the lapras their grandmother had sent them, Lanette had been a very reliable companion so far. She was still very young, of course, but very clever and gentle. They were relatively confident that she wasn’t going to accidentally drown them. Probably.

Either way, once again, Pip found themselves floating down the river on their lapras’ back, moving through the more thoroughly explored parts of the forest without pausing to look too closely. Instead they kept their focus on the water. Although, on the whole, they found this method of travel through the bush a lot safer, there were plenty of things in the water that would give them a hard time too.

The last thing they needed was the get knocked into the water during an expected encounter and electrified by a wild chinchou. At best it was unpleasant, at worst it was potentially deadly.

Mezzo floated along beside them (in the air, rather than the water) keeping an extra set of eyes out. Pip was self-aware enough to know that they weren’t always the most situationally-aware, and the chingling was a very observant companion. Little Guy swam a little farther ahead, entertaining himself in the roughest parts of the currents.


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 15
Res: 4
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 250
Total GEs Earned: 1
GEs Already Used:

4You stumble into a plant patch covered in stinging hairs. Roll INS + DEX to extract yourself safely.Trainer Danger2

Trainer Danger
The players encounter a danger, whether terrain or pokémon based, which directly threatens one or more players.

If the event indicates all characters are in danger, roll the directed stats vs the event's difficulty for each character. If a character fails the roll, they lose 1 VIT for the remainder of the Expedition.

If the event indicates one character is in danger, players decide which character will be targeted; players may roll 1d20 with the lowest number being targeted if they don't want to decide themselves. That character rolls the directed stats vs the event's difficulty. If they fail, that character loses 1 VIT for the remainder of the Expedition.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 5 4 2 2 15
Rolling for Trainer Danger...
Pip has INS 1 + DEX 4 vs DC 2​

... Pip just makes it! No damage taken.​


It had been a couple of days since their last foray into the forest, so they weren’t surprised to find that things had changed a bit. Between the island’s weather, the pokemon activity, and the entirely wild nature of the expedition zones, it was difficult to predict what was going to happen, even in the parts of the valley you had been to before.

On their last couple of trips, Pip and their team had had to clean a lot of obstructions that had formed after the storm. As a result their way was mostly clear today, (at least, for the part nearest the town,) but there were a few problems.

Little Guy had gotten some slimy foliage stuck on his spines and had swam up beside Lanette to have Pip detangle it from him. They had been leaned over to do just that when the lapras rounded the next corner, and they didn’t see the branch that had fallen down across a narrow point in the river! It had gotten stuck on the other branches on both sides, so it hadn’t fallen all the way, but it had fallen to… approximately the height of a taller than average human riding on the back of a small lapras’ head height.

Lanette, clever but still new to taking passengers, had merely ducked her own head without changing her speed or warning her trainer. So Pip was entirely blindsided by a face full of stingy thorny vines and sticks when they straightened up! Thankfully they were able to duck down again quickly and only ended up a little scraped up by the encounter.

So… there was still some work to be done with Lanette’s passenger training.


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 15
Res: 4
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 534
Total GEs Earned: 2
GEs Already Used: 1

4You stumble into a plant patch covered in stinging hairs. Roll INS + DEX to extract yourself safely.Trainer Danger2

Trainer Danger
The players encounter a danger, whether terrain or pokémon based, which directly threatens one or more players.

If the event indicates all characters are in danger, roll the directed stats vs the event's difficulty for each character. If a character fails the roll, they lose 1 VIT for the remainder of the Expedition.

If the event indicates one character is in danger, players decide which character will be targeted; players may roll 1d20 with the lowest number being targeted if they don't want to decide themselves. That character rolls the directed stats vs the event's difficulty. If they fail, that character loses 1 VIT for the remainder of the Expedition.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 1 5 1 1 9
Rolling for Trainer Danger...
Pip has INS 1 + DEX 4 vs DC 2​

... RIP. This time they fail! -1 VIT to Pip. (3 VIT remaining.)​


Although, perhaps Pip thought they were clear too soon…

Just as Lanette moved them past the last of the fallen obstacles, Pip felt a tug at their backpack. They only had a moment to be confused before the thorny vine that had attached itself to them went taut. Lanette, not experienced enough to realize they needed to stop, carried on and Pip was dragged off of her back!

They bumped against the ridges of her shell on their way off, and tumbled into the water. For a few moments there was confusion as the water rushed over them, and they were keenly aware of Lanette’s massive form in the water above them. They had a moment of actual panic, because, between the current and their tangled bag, if Lanette freaked out or clumsily tried to get to them, the odds of injury to themselves or her was greater than usual.

However, Pip didn’t let the panic get to them, and instead focused on the problem at hand. They didn’t particularly want to open their eyes, given the water quality and the current, but they knew they had to if they wanted to be efficient and safe. The first problem was their bag, which was yanking them around awkwardly, so they slipped out of it but didn’t let go.

They blinked their eyes open, and kept them that way despite the sting and the pressure. The first thing they saw was Little Guy, zooming towards them. It didn’t appear that he was stressed at all, and probably thought Pip had jumped into the water to play. Pip halted him as he came closer with a tap to the nose, and then directed him to the vine Pip could now see attached to their bag.

Little Guy dutifully swam over and chomped on the vine, severing it’s hold on the bag and, by extension, Pip. They started floating down with the current now that they weren’t tethered. They signaled for Little Guy to take the bag (which had a reinforced rubber handle on it for precisely this reason) and looked around to spot Lanette’s shadow before making their way back to the surface. The last thing they needed was to hop up underneath her and accidentally give themselves a concussion. The water was murky, but Lanette was large enough that she was easy enough to spot.

Pip swam up, headed straight for the river bank. They pulled themselves up and took a deep breath. (They hadn’t been down nearly long enough to be a problem for Pip under normal circumstances, but they had gone under unexpectedly and they hadn’t been properly prepared.) After a moment they hauled themselves up, and took a seat on the ledge while they cataloged the new bruises and scratches they had acquired.

A moment later, Little Guy followed them out of the water, dropping their bag beside them and looking up at them in expectation of reward. Pip acquiesced, giving them a head scratch and a treat from their (thankfully waterproof) retrieved bag.


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 15
Res: 9
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 1040
Total GEs Earned: 4
GEs Already Used: 2

9A thick, thorny brush blocks the way. Roll (STR or SPEC) + INS to have a pokémon clear the dangerous plants.Pokémon Danger2


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 4 5 1 6 4 4 27
Rolling Pokemon Danger...
Lanette has SPEC 4 and INS 3 vs DC 2​

... passed!​


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 15
Res: 1
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 1040
Total GEs Earned: 4
GEs Already Used: 3

1You must get a little too close to a den, as a territorial pokémon snaps up from a hidden enbankment!Wild Battle5


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 100
Res: 53
Rolling for Pokemon Encounter...
Rowlet 1-10 | Tangel 11-20 | N. Poliwag 21-35 | Chinchou 36-50 | N. Wurmple 51-65 | N. Weedle 66-80 | N. Scatterbug 81-100

... N. Wurmple!​


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 2 4 1 3 3 2 3 20
Rolling for Wild Battle...
Lanette has SPEC 4 + VIT 4 vs DC 5​

... Lanette lost 💀 . -2 VIT to Lanette, leaving her with 2.​