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28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran

Mystic Earth [curiosities: goopy ooze (you can decide if it's chocolate-y consistency etc etc), spikes)​

Owner: bitsie spider
Pony URL: nymrealm only
Pony Name: Sundae Fluff
Breed: mystic earth
Drop-off Date: 04.02.2024
Seasonal Alignment: winter
Gender: male
Colorist: Tea <3
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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran

Mystic Slime - Curiosities: Cone Muzzle, Layered Slime - Edits: Googly Eyes​

Owner: bitsie spider
Pony URL: nymrealm only
Pony Name: Scoopy
Breed: mystic slime
Drop-off Date: 05.05.2024
Seasonal Alignment: winter
Gender: male
Colorist: me
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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran

Edited Mystic Suli/Pegasus with Goat/Hedgehog Animal Morph [edits: earrings | curiosities: tail]​

Owner: bitsie spider
Pony URL: nymrealm only
Pony Name: Charlie Quinn
Breed: Mystic Suli/Pegasus
Drop-off Date: 05.15.2024
Seasonal Alignment: winter
Gender: male
Colorist: nym <3

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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran

So for Nostalgia, they're nonbinary (genderfluid, androgynous, female bodied by birth). They're a social media influencer, specifically focused on old school stuff. Like vintage and retro and just basically anything that makes their heart squeeze with some kind of, well, nostalgia! They're fun and kinda loud and always bouncing back and forth between activities they have set out for themselves. They're also sensitive and kind of innocent. They like to think of themselves as a happy and well rounded person but they do have their flaws. They're a bit vain and can spend literal hours getting ready for an event and are prone to mini meltdowns when overwhelmed.


Galadriel is actually Nostalgia's BFF and part of their support system. She's sort of like their unpaid bodyguard? They grew up together and Gal has always been bigger than Nostalgia so she's always protected them from ignorant bullies and foul people. Gal is 100% not afraid of shit and will take you on no matter how big you are if you mess with her or Gia. Very tsundere. Very "scary dog" coded since she has major resting bitch face. Under all that, she's actually very kind and generous and caring. She's never really had someone to protect her so she's making up for it with Gia. She's also been attending therapy for some deep-seated anger issues and has been trying to get Gia to go with her but hasn't been successful yet. She's not the type to give up, though.
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