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__The Nebula Network__ [Accepting]


__The Nebula Network__


[ Basics ] [ About ] [ IDS ] [ Locations ] [ Events ] [ Application ] [ Members ]

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_Basic Info_

[ Purpose ]
Discover, discuss, and share the findings and love for the many amazing and strange things out there.

[ Founder/Leader ]

[ Location ]
Dream Valley - Beneath Xoy's UFO's Landing Café
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The Nebula Network is a herd made up of those enthusiastic about all the strange, mysterious, and unexplained. Ranging from life among that stars to ghosts and mythical beasts. Drawn together by similar interests they enjoy the company of others that share their passions.

Their goal is purely to discover, discuss, and share these fascinating things with any pony who will listen.

The headquarters is an underground complex located beneath Xoy's public establishment. To gain entry one must possess an id or have a guest pass. The headquarters is a combination of high end tech and magic to create a secure location and provide members with access to the cutting edge for their endeavors.

Herd members are provided with living quarters and workspaces if they desire them, members are free to come and go as they please or find their own lodgings as they see fit.

There is very little in way of a ridged hierarchy and what does exist is mainly there to make sure things can run smoothly and quell any squabbles that my arise. In general the group is intended to be a friendly collaborative that works on equal footing with each other.
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Ponies in the network are issued special and unique id cards that are used as easy ways to identify them as herd members.


The focus is the primary area of interest and study for a particular individual. It doesn't reflect all interests, just their main area. On request one can change this if they fill out the appropriate paperwork.
Indicated by the color of the orb in the bottom corner.

[ Extraterrestrial ]

Space, aliens, cosmic events, and anything not of this world. There is so much to discover beyond this world alone and it calls out to be explored however possible.

[ Paranormal ]
Ghosts, demons, and various unexplained supernatural phenomenon. No need to look far to find something that leaves ponies perplexed and often terrified.

[ Cryptozoology ]
Cryptids and mystical beasts believed to lurk just out of sight. They leave legends and traces that beg to be validated.

[ Arcana ]
Magic, though common in Everchange, is still a strange and fascinating subject. Discovering new magic and tid-bits about how this fundamental power works is fascinating.

[ Technology ]
Devices of unknown origin and those that are just begging to be brought into existence. Studying strange tech, learning new things, and using cutting edge techniques to make amazing things possible.


Break up members based on their type of activity within the herd. These divisions are just main branches and many individual kinds of jobs exist within.

[ Admin ] - They take up the roles to manage and run things on all levels so things run smoothly and things exist for others to utilize.

[ Research ] - Devoted to study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

[ Investigation ] - Field agents that get out into the world chasing down leads and finding new evidence.

[ Records ] - Compiling, cataloguing, and storing the knowledge so it is not lost and can be easily accessed and shared.

[ Artifact ] - Also known as the Warehouse division, they organize and store the physical objects of interesting origin that come into the Network's possession.

[ Enthusiast ] - General or junior members. They either don't know what they want to do or would rather just support by being the main word of mouth for the herd and its findings.


The title for whatever specific task they have decided upon. Due to the loose nature in general ponies are allowed to describe what they do as they wish.

There is no set list and the Network will pretty much put down whatever the pony states on their application. Anything from basics like bookkeeping and field investigator to the more odd like keeper of secrets or all knowing lord.

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UFO's Landing
An extraterrestrial themed drink and lounge cafe owned and managed by Xoyyuzh. The vibe is light and fun designed to be a casual place to hang out and converse with friends.
The structure has a circular room design with large green tinted windows around it all. In the center is the main counter and bar like area home to the staff work station. There is an elevator within the central pillar where staff access storage and Network members may access the lower levels.
The rest of the open area is open and filled with low tables surrounded by giant plush bean bags for guests to lounge.
Main Headquarters
A multilevel underground bunker designed to be a living and working space to support herd members. The top few floors are dedicated to living spaces and a few amenities such as gyms, pools, relaxation and game rooms. The middle floors are mainly offices and labs of many varied sizes. The lower floors are primarily warehouse spaces and such.
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_Joining Form_
[FONT=conspiracy][size=5][color=#11823B]It's not a conspiracy![/color][/size][/font]
[b]Pony Cert:[/b]
[b]Pony Uncert:[/b]Link please
[b]What brought them to the network?:[/b](bit about how/why the found/want to join)
[b]What role can they fulfill:[/b] (Focus HERE) [b]-->[/b] (Division HERE) [b]-->[/b] (Vocation Title HERE)
[b]About Pony: [/b]

_Leaving Form_
[FONT=conspiracy][size=5][color=#BD0200]See you soon. [/color][/size][/font]
[b]Pony Cert:[/b]
[b]Pony Uncert:[/b]Link please

_ID Card Update_
[FONT=conspiracy][size=5][color=skyblue]I've spotted an anomaly. [/color][/size][/font]
[b]ID Card:[/b]
[b]What needs updated:[/b](spelling corrections, or changes in focus, vocations, ect)
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