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A Breeding Guide

Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
Beginning a breeding
  1. Look at the Parents
    1. Determine Breeds and Edit Level
      1. reference the cert if necessary. If still unsure ask for help!
      2. Use other refs
        1. Breed Guide
        2. Template threads
        3. Edit Guide
  2. Roll Results
    1. List Breed, edit level, if there are throwbacks, and/or extra kits
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
  1. Observe what can be passed down based on results
    1. Breeds and poses
      1. Poses don't have to be the same as the parents
      2. breed traits have to match the parents
        1. same horns as parents on nightmares
        2. same body type for mers
        3. same body templates for fauna
          ex: don't switch to different ears if no parent has them
      3. hybrid children can combine any two breeds represented in the breeding
    2. Throwbacks- if there is a family line, direct family member's can influence offspring if rolled for in the results.
      1. hair color, eye color, body color, markings, gradients, style, mutations, and variants can pass depending on edit level of the child
    3. Mutations- edits to the kitsu's body that aren't templates and aren't related to traits of other breeds.
      1. Body edits take priority over clothing/accessory/hair edits
      2. Examples of mutations-
        extra large feathered wings on an Angelic - Mutant
        extra large feathered wings on a Normal -Mutant Hybrid (normal/angelic)
        Templated alternate posed Angelic wings on an Angelic -Standard Angelic
        Templated alternate posed Angelic wings on a Normal - Hybrid (normal/Angelic)
        Mixing Lop-earred and Fauna templates - Mutant
    4. Variants- Templated body edits that usually replace a feature on a kitsu. ex: dog ear variant
      1. these traits can be mixed and matched if they can be passed down
      2. if they can't pass to the child's breed then do your best to match the other parent(s) traits with that child
      3. altering the templates without submitting the changes to be templated is a mutation
    5. Color - these are all separate
      1. Hair color - Colors used on the hair or top of the head of the parents/throwback
      2. Eye color - Color and pupil style of the eyes of the parents/throwback
      3. Body color - Color used on the body/markings of the parents/throwback
      4. Item color - Colors used on the accessories, items, or pets of the parents/throwback
        1. see style for more info on item colors and offspring
      5. No flat color mixing
        1. example
          flat red kitsu + flat yellow kitsu =/= orange offsping
      6. flat color parents cannot have gradient children
      7. yes to gradient color mixing!
        red kitsu with black gradient + yellow kitsu with a white gradient could have:
        red kitsu with yellow gradient or yellow with red gradient
        black kitsu with white gradient or White with black
        ect but it has to be a gradient!
    6. Gradients - how you get any sort of color mixing
      1. gradients allow for new colors to appear in the family line
      2. gradients on the markings count as having a gradient
      3. gradient parents can have flat color offspring
      4. you can mix and match colors as seen in the earlier example
    7. Markings- what kind of marks do you see on the parents/ throwbacks?
      1. you want to keep about the same level of markings as the parents or in-between
        1. if parents are covered in heavy markings, their kids should be too!
      2. can be placed in different spots than their parents
      3. can interact with each other as long as it is discernable where they came from
    8. Style - Items the kitsu has
      1. try to match the general style or feel of the parents or throwbacks
      2. you can change colors of the clothes add new patterns and details
      3. you can do related styles:
        goth vs vamp kids vs emo vs punk - they are sorta all related but have their differences
    9. pets
      1. if parents have a pet they can be passed on to the kid
      2. pets must be in the same family as the parents
        ex parent has Owl, child can have any flying bird - goose, cardinal, chicken ect
    10. ghosts
      1. Treat ghosts like a single kit specific throwback
      2. these will not be a 1 to 1 transfer but a blend of parents and ghost
      3. a single ghost only applies to one kit
      4. ghosts add an additional kit to the litter
        see guide for details and rules
    11. breeding items
      1. make sure to note breeding items and apply them to the breeding
        see guide for details
These are as specific as they are because we will have special items to alter what can be done and it gives the person something to work towards. It will show things as they pass and evolve down the family line.
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
Where should I start?

I recommend starting with the adult stages since that's their most permanent form.​
After that, I would recommend doing any ghosts first.​
This is not a rule, just a recommendation.​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
Clean up

This is something you can do as you go but it's always good practice to take a deep breath and look at your work.

  1. when its zoomed out:
    1. can you read the lines?
    2. anything look weird?
    3. shading and highlights in place?
  2. Zoom in, way in:
    1. make a new layer below the piece and fill it in with a dark color
    2. check edges for spills, especially corners
    3. look carefully at transitions between parts for spills
    4. check negative spaces
    5. make sure kitsu is fully colored in
    6. make sure lines look layered correctly
      1. colored fully
      2. have colors cut off nicely
      3. gradient if there is a soft transition between colors
    7. look for errant marks
      1. things not fully erased on the kitsu or outside of it
  3. Crop excess space
    1. make sure any glowing is not cut off
  4. Resize
    1. 60% for Neutral Adults (upright pose)
    2. 50% for Adults
    3. 40% for Kits
    4. 25% for Orb lines
  5. Growing
    1. Orbs last a week
    2. Kits last two weeks
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

When placing your breeding in approvals please include:
  • parents
  • throwbacks
  • ghosts
  • note any breeding items used
  • breeding roll results
This is for every time you post stages unless you are posting it alongside previously approved stages.
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