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Angel Heart Stables


About Reece
Gender: Female

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Single

Occupation: Personal Trainer


You might not realize it by the looks of her but Reece is a bit of a tomboy. She likes makeup and pretty things as much as the next girl but that won't keep her from getting down and dirty with some sports. Reece is competitive to say the least. She can find a way to turn anything into a competition and if she loses the game, she also loses her temper. However, if you let her win she will be equally as pissed. She is notorious for never turning down a challenge. Though most of her life is centered around being athletic she has a secret talent for cooking.

Despite her boisterous persona Reece has her soft cuddly moments with the right people. She has a knack for standing up for others or just being a shoulder to lean on. Although if your looking to be more than friends the way to her heart is either on the field or through her stomach. Reece loves to eat, pretty much anything, but has a special place in heart for ice cream. She is a bit of an ice cream enthusiast. She loves finding new flavors of foods and then combining them to make new epic combinations. Her most recent discovery was a mashup of her three favorite ice cream flavors; chocolate vanilla and strawberry.

Hobbies: Cooking, Sitting in the Park, Working Out

Likes: Large Pets, Competition, Running, New Experiences

Dislikes: Losing, Self Absorbed People, Dancing in Public, Tiny creatures


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About Luma

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Status: Single

Occupation: Volunteer at Animal Shelters / Orphanages

Luma is the only child of two traditionalist parents. Much to their dismay, she was born with mutations. She was raised in a large community which was founded on the notion of "keep to your own kind". Luma never understood this and even as a young child questioned why she was discouraged from socializing with other breeds. Most of her life Luma has been fighting her parents on their absurdly strict customs. In her community you should respect your family above all else but how could she when they only wanted her to be a figure head for the family until they could marry her off? She had no interest in being courted by suitors her parents deemed suitable. She loved her parents and her community but she refused to spend the rest of her life making herself look pretty and collecting jewels.

Luma prefers to wear clothes that would be considered distasteful as a way to drive off suitors. No one wants their son to marry to the weird girl who socializes with other races, dresses "inappropriately" and glows. She was proud of her friends, and her bioluminescence. Luma is determined to do whatever it takes to live the life she wants to live, helping people and exploring everything life has to offer her. She spends every minute of her free time doing some sort of volunteer work. She spends time tending to neglected familiars or bonding with orphaned children. She believes every deserved to feel loved and valued. Luma wants to do everything in her power to spread positivity and inclusion.

She does want to have a child or two of her own someday but with someone she choses, not someone chosen for her. Oh! and she absolutely adores door mice. She has started a small community of her own in her bedroom. Tiny rodents are the cutest!

Hobbies: Volunteering

Likes: Large Crowds, Making Friends, Plushies, The color purple

Dislikes: Arguments, Being Alone, Jewelry, Following Rules


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About Primrose 💍

Primrose had as normal a childhood as you could. Her parents were a tailor and a craftsman respectively. Naturally between the wood and the fabric she decided to school to learn to be an interior designer. She only changed her major when asked to help organize her older sister's big day. Wedding planning seemed to come naturally to her. It was easy to sift through all the options to find the perfect match.

She is a very kind and considerate bunny with a determined passion that helps her quickly solve problems. Her profession has made her a very observant person. Attention to detail just seems to come naturally. Prim tries to be a friend to everyone but when shown disrespect will put people in their place with the scorn of a disappointed mother.

Currently, Primrose does wedding planning professionally at her studio Prim and Perfect Weddings. If you asked she would say she might just be the best wedding planner in all of Everchange though surely her glowing reviews speak for themselves.

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About Opal

Gender: Female

Orientation: Unknown

Status: Single

Occupation: n/a

Opal has lived a very unique life. She grew up within the mountain range of winter's realm. Its still unknown if she was lost or abandoned but she has no memories of her parents. Due to her wolf morph features she was happily accepted and raised by the local wildlife until she was discovered by some roaming nomad ponies in her late teenage years. Returning to civilized pony life has been difficult. Learning to speak pony was much easier than adjusting to life off the mountain. She still is more comfortable out in the elements than inside a building. Its for this reason the home she given has minimal furniture. She prefers to have the heat off and all the doors and windows open.

Opal is very inquisitive. Contrast to what you may think she is not apprehensive of the town full of people or all new new things that have been introduced to her. Opal is simply.. stubborn. She knows what she is used to and once she rejects something she has no intentions of trying it a second time.
She is a pack pony at heart so living in town without her wildlife family has left her lonely she often wanders around town following people and completely disregarding social boundaries.

Hobbies: looking for other wolf morphs, wallowing in the snow,
admiring her collection of shiny rocks (crystals)

cold weather, crystals, the smell of pine trees, other woodland morphs

cluttered spaces, technology, wearing clothes,

Pets / Plots / Trinkets



About Alec

Gender: Male

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Dating

Family: N/A

Occupation: Manual Labor, Stocking.. etc

Alec is the picturesque stereotype for hard on the outside soft on the inside. Though a well known pillar of his community Alec was never known for letting people in. He will always be there to lend a hand when needed but not the type to accept invitations for social calls. If you are lucky you might catch a rare glance of him smiling when speaking to a child or an elderly shop keeper. Alec tries very hard to keep up the tough guy persona when out in public but when alone at home he is comfortable expressing the more gentle and dorky side of his personality.

The only people he seemed to let close are his twin besties who are like sisters to him. They often pick at him for his sulky demeanor or how he never seems interested in any of the mares they set him up with. Most recently the two are convinced that he "plays for the other team" as they caught him starring at a local barista. This of course is absolutely preposterous! He simply hadn't met the right girl yet....

Cooking, usually dishes from books or television shows

All Kinds of Pets, Listening to Love Songs (Privately), the color red, seafood

Anything Pumpkin/Pumpkin Spice, Being the center of attention, Violence/Competitons
Having to go shopping especially for clothes.

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Gender: Male

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Married

Family: N/A

Personality type:




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