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[Basket Game] Prankster's next heist


Grizzled Veteran
Hello, hello~

We've been sittings on these baskets, and they have been brewing for sometime. Time to crack them open and let the chaos begin

More info about the game in the next post.
But for Now!
These are prankster kids, They were purchased with SC and 2 have already been homed due to this fact.
All are guaranteed to have Mutations and, you are trying for the lone Earth bb.



Grizzled Veteran
Starts: Now
Ends: Nov, 17 2021
Judging begins shortly after the ending.

You Must make a prank for this game.
You can "showcase" your prank if it is better received in visuals
@Nym and @Tigeria will be Judging this game in 1 week.
DO NOT, and I can't stress this enough, do not inflict harm to individuals.
Be it words or actions, just don't.​
Have fun
These can and will change if things come up.

[b]Name[/b](for the basket)
[b]Prank:[/b] Pictures, words, even drawings including pranking ponies work here.


Grizzled Veteran
Username: KisaValkyrie
Name Minion
Prank: So imagine if you had little cork plugs and how silly it might be to make them look like eyes and then to sneak up on a sleeping Changeling and fill their leg holes in with little cork plugs that look like eyes of different colors and shapes and watch what happens when they wake up! Pretty silly right!

(I do not have any idea if this would actually hurt a changeling but if it would i will change my answer lol)


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Joshuality
Name Hardy Harr
Prank: The best pranks are reusable or bring ponies together- like how Gadget manages to convince a different pony from Dream Valley each year that all pegasi have to fly south for the winter to avoid the cold! The expression on their faces upon seeing their pegasi friends still around is great for a laugh, especially once their friends hit them with that "Gadget told you that, didn't she?"


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Name Snickers
Prank: It starts on a small scale - with only one pony as their target (likely a sibling or a parent.) The prank? Rubber chickens. First, a rubber chicken in the bathroom sink. Then, rubber chickens in the refridgerator. Replacing the shoes on the shoe rack. Under their victim's pillow right before bed. A rubber chicken has replaced the shower head. If confronted, the chicken disappear for a day, only to return in full force the next day - rubber chickens replace potted plants - seemingly growing from the pots instead. There's a rubber chicken attached to an apple - but it's still hanging on the apple tree's branch. Colored rubber chickens represent street lights and flash accordingly (don't wanna cause traffic chaos, after all.) Everyone is baffled by all the chickens - it's not just one pony now, but many ponies seeing rubber chickens, everywhere. Rubber chickens in the hobby store, posing with fishing rods and sports gear. Rubber chickens adorned with fake mustaches found with real chickens in coops, blending in. This goes on for a full 24hrs and then suddenly - all the rubber chickens vanish and peace is restored. It becomes known as the Chicken Caper of (insert year here.)


Grizzled Veteran
Username: ChexaRain
Name Your Mom [they picked it themselves, yes]
Prank: Don't ever fall asleep, because I assure you, you're either getting a marker mustache, your mattress dragged into the middle of a lake, or an appendage dipped into warm water to make you wet yourself in your sleep. Sleeping is an unsafe, defenseless thing to do around this pony, and they will absolutely get a good giggle out of your unknowing, but in the long run harmless, torment.


Grizzled Veteran
Username: MoogerMint
Name Van Dahlia
Prank: As an artsy, shy pony, one would not likely take Van Dahlia for such a mischief-maker, but there is more than one reason they tend to keep their works-in-progress to themselves. A wizard with chalks and paints, Van's canvas tends to be more than a little unconventional, depicting precarious and spooky scenes in minute detail. Among their favorites tend to be the ground, where a crevice, lava pool, or frozen lake might make a false appearance as a mirage might, or walls seem to start evaporating into the matrix. The joy that is elicited upon seeing another unsuspecting victim of a prank stumble across Van's practiced typography instructing them to "Hold SHIFT to run" while out and about at night never fails!


Grizzled Veteran
This is over and done!
The Pranking Masters have deliberated and

Congratulations @MoogerMint ! We both fell in love with Van Dahlia's antics.
Please stand by for a claiming post.

Thank you all for playing!