- 391
- #161

Name: Firetail
Previous Names: Firepaw, Firekit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Flamepelt (DragonGirl1031)
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Quietbreeze (mother) x Flameheart (father - Nat)
Siblings: Kindlepaw (brother - Nym), Blazekit (deceased brother - Nat)
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Larkspur (pyrrh)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Firetail enjoys the company of her family and keeps a keen eye trained on her brother, Kindlepaw. Reserved emotionally, she was a dutiful warrior who kept her head raised eye with pride for being raised into TreeClan, but she never thought of herself as a cat who would find true love. She knew that loners and kittypets would often join TreeClan and be lurking around their borders, but the odds of her finding one and more than that, finding and falling in love with one, was so low on her list of life goals or expectations, the fact that Larkspur found her way into her heart caught her entirely off guard. Larkspur was so unabashedly kind to her from the beginning and it opened up Firetail's heart to becoming more open with her family and making friends within the Clan too. She's grateful for him and his influence on her life and at this moment, she can't imagine what her life would be like without him.
Bio Blurb: Firetail's brother, Blazekit, didn't make it past kithood and Firetail was devastated. As a result, she became very, very close with her brother, Kindlepaw and was always at his flank as a kit and an apprentice. When she went on to becoming a warrior, she would continue to bring Kindlepaw prey first. She wanted him to succeed and to grow. She thought she owed it to Blazekit to become a good warrior, since her little brother had been unable to and she spent her life taking care of her remaining brother and going on patrols. It was on one such patrol that she met a very kind loner and her world changed for the better. No longer did she live solely in the past, for the betterment of Blazekit, but she began to live for herself. She would join Blazekit one day in SunClan and she could tell him about her adventures in TreeClan then, though she's always hoped that he's been watching over her from SunClan as she's gone through her lifetime.
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