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Bello's Beautiful Beasties


Stew Aficionado
Viola Extra Info

Viola is a free spirit. She came from a family game, but I don't know if she'll stick around with her kits or the partner she had in the game because she prefers being on the move. She never stays in one place for long, partially because she's on the flighty side and partially because she has an unfortunate habit of alienating herself from others.

She's got an ear for gossip/drama and spreading rumors is fun! Especially when she isn't there to take the fall for being the gossip-starter. The only thing she wishes is that she could be a fly on a wall when all the locals realized that a mischievous yako who had left town was the one who tied all the drama together. She rationalizes herself as doing a good deed to others as their third party relationship tester. If their relationship falls apart because of some hearsay from another koshin, was it really a stable or healthy one to begin with?
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Stew Aficionado
Jennifer "Gen" extra info

Name: Jennifer
Personality Blurb: Jennifer (she/her) is a regular firecracker! She loves to solve puzzles and play pranks, which is why working at an escape room has been her job for the last five years. She's always got some sort of puzzle in her hands while leaving ominous hints for her players. She gets defensive around her family because they saw her through her 'awkward' teenage years and those secrets must never be revealed to her friends now (ugh, she was so LAME when she was a teenager - all glittery and wanting romance with a partner, some prince charming... totally unrealistic lil Gen, come on, want more for yourself.) As an adult, she's not actually all that interested in dating or settling down. She has her own hobbies and now she's just, to put it simply, thriving.
Fun Fact!: Jennifer goes by Gen with her friends, yes with a G- because Jen doesn't look or sound cool at all AND because she can hear the difference between G and J (don't even get her started with the gif vs jif issue!)

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