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Bello's Eternal Equines


Stew Aficionado
Dastardly Dubloon 4

Thieves' Tools - Can transform a solid object (ex. fork, branch, pencil) into a traditional lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form and the transformed item has to be roughly the same size as a lockpick would be. (no giant clubs turning into tiny lockpicks on the go.) It can happen up to twice a day, with a three day recharge.

Light on Her Hooves - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Blending In - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Ooh, Shiny! - Can appraise and determine a general worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's regarded as rare/expensive or she touches a gold box and senses it's worth next to nothing. This power can be used once a day and has a recharge span of one day.
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