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Blue's Stable


Grizzled Veteran

Name: Farvardin
Breed: Mystic Ghoulie
Curiosities: two tails
Season: Summer

Gender: Female
Orientation: Asexual
Mate: none
Home: No where. She travels too much
Occupation: 'Adventurer' but really is a Nom-Nom breeder who travels all over breeding and selling Nom-Noms.

Personality: A happy, puppy like Ghoulie. Farvardin isn't like most of her breed and isn't wary of strangers. She enjoys fighting and exploring. She travels all over Everchange to have adventures to tell her friend, Wildcard, about.
History: Farvardin has always been on the move, never staying in one place for long. She feels as if she just hasn't found that one place to be called home. Before her travels, when she was young, she met her friend, Wildcard. She often acted like a seeing eye helper for Wildcard and encouraged them to follow their dreams. The urge to travel hit after a while and Farvardin left, promising to return with new stories on what she has been up to.

She discovered the pets called Babels and instantly fell in love. She began adopting as many as she could and discovered a love for raising and caring for them. She is beginning to think about breeding them and finding the new ones a loving home. She had also adopted a Doom that she raised since it was born, who helps her with caring for the Noms. It was only recently that she discovered Doh-Nohs and made it a goal to also begin adopting them.

Farvardin met and befriended Wymond on one of her journeys. They traveled around for a while, growing close. While Wymond at first thought of making a family with her as he longed for one. She wasn't against that but made it clear that while she would help him start a family, she wasn't interested in settling down and becoming mates. He accepted that just glad to be able to start a family. It wasn't too long afterwards that he met his love and mate. Wymond told her about Hidden Treasure and how they were going to be mated. Farvardin wholeheartedly supports them and often fangirls over them when she visits.

Since Wymond met his mate Farvardin figured she wouldn't be needed to help start a family. However one day she woke up to the sight of a basket at the door of the place she was renting. She instantly knew this was Wymond's child and dropped everything to deliver it to him. She left her doom, Goopy, in charge of the other pets and rushed over to the Dark Grove. She delivered the basket safely, gushed over the happy family while promising to come visit more, and promptly left because Goopy was watching the other pets.
Likes: Babels, Doh-Nohs, traveling, fighting, playing, meat,
Dislikes: mean ponies, bitter food, vegetables, being in one place for long periods of time,

Family: Fling - Wymond - Warin
Friends: Wildcard, Wymond

Notes: Parrot - Farvardin's first Babel. It's a pretty chill for a Babel preferring to parrot words that Farvardin's tails say.
Begger - The second Babel. This one loves to beg for sweets and meat. It does nip people when they ignore it's attempts to get treats.
Chomper - A mean Babel. It constantly nips and tries to bite anything that gets near it's mouth.
Rock - A Babel that likes music, particularly rock and metal. It can usually be seen just jamming out by bobbing it's head even if music isn't playing.
Goopy - A doom that Farvardin raised since it's birth. It helps care for the Babels and has a special harness that allows it to carry one on it's back. It prefers to carry Parrot around.
Bitey - A Doh-Noh that Farvardin adopted after learning about them. It is waging a small war on the Babel. It often tries to bite them and tends to be pretty fearless in 'fighting' them.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Skipping Stones
Breed: Pegasus
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Mate: none
Home: No where. She travels too much
Occupation: Free spirit - In truth she does a travel column for a newspaper

Personality: A free spirit who travels all over and isn't against helping others start families. She's just not ready to settle down and stay with them. She's nice but can be a bit spacey.
History: Skipping Stones came from a family that believed that it took a village to raise a child. So while she had Mom and Dad, there were also lots of other moms and dads that helped raised her. She came from a small little village where everyone knew everyone and they were all one big family (not literally, just the mentality of it).

As she grew older she felt constrained by the small size of her home and wanted nothing more than to spread her wings and get out of dodge. She did and quickly fell in love with traveling. She never stayed in one place for long, the urge to see new things or go do more things hit before she could ever think about settling there. Her life when viewed from outside could be seen as a whirlwind, as she was always doing something. She never felt that way though.

One day she was approached by a Unicorn who had a couple of baskets with him. Apparently they were the parents. While she wanted to be in the picture for the foals she still wasn't ready to settle down to one place. She came to an agreement with the father, Orange Zest. He would raise the foals while she would pop in to help when she was around or when needed. She needed a steady job to help provide and began writing about her travels for a newspaper. As long as she kept to the deadlines she could submit her pieces from wherever and didn't need to be at the actual office.

Likes: traveling, rivers, swimming, fish, flying, storms,
Dislikes: staying in one place for too long, settling down, snow,

Family: Fling - Orange Zest - Citrus Zest and Bubbling Brook
Reika - Bubbling Brook's mate; Mikheil - Citrus Zest's mate

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Magnolia
Breed: Suli
Curiosities: none
Season: Winter

Gender: Female
Orientation: Poly
Mate: Hyde Charm and Rafflesia ((Sami agreement, My agreement))
Home: The Despair
Occupation: Garden Designer

Personality: A quiet pony. Magnolia mostly keeps to herself and mainly hangs out with her twin or her mates. She is kind and sweet but can be a bit shy around strangers. Loves being in nature and flowers.
History: Magnolia grew up in the Despair with her twin sister, Myosotis. She discovered a small flower garden in a neighbor's yard and worked with them expanding it. She discovered she had a talent for designing gardens and began to study on how to become better. She hardly ever left the Despair, preferring the comforts of home to the outside world. However on one of the few trips she did take outside of her home, she found her mates and fell in love. She now splits her time between her home and where her mates live due to Hyde Charm being unable to enter the Despair.
Likes: flowers, nature, tea, nuts, vegetables,
Dislikes: mindless destruction, fire, meat,

Family: twin sister- Myosotis

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Dandelion
Breed: Hybrid - Suli x Pegasus
Curiosities: none
Season: Summer

Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual (for the most part I believe)
Mate: none
Home: The Despair
Occupation: Home Decorator

Personality: A sad and lonely lady. Dandelion wants love in her life but doesn't feel like she deserves it or can find it. She is scared of going out to new places and prefers to just stay home.
History: Dandelion has always lived in the Despair. She had a happy home life as a foal. When she was a young adult her parents passed away. Being an only child and not having a mate, Dandelion soon became lonely and began to fall into depression. She's tried dating a few times but each time it didn't work out. At that point she began to feel as if she was undeserving of love.

At some point she meets Scarlet and ends up having a fling with him. This resulted in three kids that are being raised jointly by the two. Dandelion has to travel outside of her home to visit with the foals.
Likes: Designing homes, romance novels, movies, soup,
Dislikes: traveling, cities, dating apps, meat,

Family: Scarlet - Chicory, Sami's, Blinded By Silence

has a fling with Gargoyle (permission)
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Odette
Breed: Seabell (formally known as Mer)
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Mate: Juliette Maximillion (permission)
Home: In an underwater city
Occupation: Underwater ballerina

Personality: A timid mer. Odette works hard to be a good ballerina but does have a tendency to be clumsy (even underwater). She adores ballets which lead to her becoming a ballerina.
History: Odette's family formally lived in the underwater royal city of the mers. While they had no court position or any sort of influence, they enjoyed a good life there. Once she expressed interest in becoming a ballerina, her family supported her to move from the city to another where there was a good school of the arts for her to learn. Since then she's lived in this city on her own, doing her best to become a good ballerina.
Likes: ballet, dancing, jellyfish, water, ribbons,
Dislikes: being clumsy, the surface world, heat, drying out,


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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Bashful Splash
Breed: Stalker (formally known as Aquatic)
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Male
Orientation: Possibly poly. Bashful is too well bashful to fully tell
Mate: Chomper (permission)
Home: Drizzle Town
Occupation: Librarian

Personality: Shy boi! Really lives up to his name Bashful. He's very timid and does stammer when he gets nervous, which admittedly is nearly all of the time.
History: As a foal Bashful was often teased because of how timid he was and the fact that he stammered. It caused him to become very self conscious and even more shy. He would always end up hiding at the local library which is where he found his love of books. The librarian at the time was his only friend up until the time that they retired and moved away. Bashful took a while to make new friends after that. He did decide to become a librarian himself as it meant he could be in one of his favorite places.

He met his mate, Chomper, one day while being bullied by another pony. Chomper quickly stepped in and got the other pony to back off and leave. As Chomper had recently moved to Drizzle Town, Bashful offered to show them to a realtor and a good bakery.

Likes: Books, sweets, quiet time, sunbathing,
Dislikes: ponies who rush/pester/make fun of him, spicy food, loud ponies (especially in the library),


Rossa - Bashful's Angelfish companion. Content to swim alone in her tank. In fact she seems to fight off any other Angelfish anytime Bashful has tried to introduce new fish, even with getting a bigger tank.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Phobos
Breed: Hybrid - Mer x Dragon
Curiosities: Will have to ask (think it's the fins and tail)
Season: Summer

Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual?
Mate: none
Home: underwater city
Occupation: Enchanted mask maker

Personality: A pony who is terrified of the world above the ocean but especially of insects. Don't even think of bringing up the flying variety of insects. He's likely to faint. He believes that wearing his mask will help keep him safe from the untold horrors and dangers of the surface world. He and his brother often feed into each other's fears until it just escalates into pure terror and fleeing. When he's not terrified of the surface/insects he tends to be a jerk.
History: Phobos has lived with his twin underwater for years. It was only recently that the pair ended up traveling to the surface and discovering the horrors it held. Phobos' first encounter above water was with a flying insect landing on his face. It caused him to promptly panic and ultimately faint as it was before he wore his mask. After that he will not go up to the surface without his mask.
Likes: underwater, masks, seaweed, fish,
Dislikes: bugs, the surface world, grass,

Family: Twin brother - Deimos

Merciful Alicorns is an expression often said.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Veena of the Lost
Breed: Earth with wolf morph
Curiosities: Ears
Season: Spring

Gender: Female
Home: a forest somewhere.
Occupation: Hunter

Personality: A quiet loner. Veena tends to be awkward in large groups and prefers to stick to herself. She often comes off as standoffish and aloof.
woods, solitude, wolf song, classical music,
Dislikes: crowds, cities, bitter food,

Family: Twin- Rava of the Lost

Lost Woods - Veena's little wooden friend. Woods is quiet and often is found on Veena's head.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Nyx
Breed: Earth
Curiosities: Ears and tail (I think gloves are just gloves, not a mutation)
Season: Winter

Gender: Female
Orientation: Possibly Bisexual
Mate: none
Home: Town near Frostland Fen
Occupation: Unemployed at this time. Does take part in underground fights from time to time.

Personality: Nyx isn't the nicest but she's also not the worst. In order to protect herself she often insults others but really doesn't mean anything by it. She's just.... lonely and hurt. She's been hurt one too many times and it's taught her to protect herself no matter what. She doesn't have those scars for no reason.
History: Nyx had a not so great childhood. At a young age she was hurt in an accident where she lost her parents. She was tossed from family member to family member. Some weren't bad but others.... well she quickly ran away from any that were. She bears the scars from her family to this day, along with scars from so called friends and lovers.
Likes: being alone (for short periods of time), fish, milk, sunbathing,
Dislikes: big crowds, being hurt, being left alone for long periods of time, water, foals,


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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Canaalsio Schiller
Breed: Hybrid - Pegasus x Kitsune
Curiosities: Floating rocks, tail
Season: Winter

Gender: Male
Orientation: Poly
Mate: Evangelica Moonlight and Alice Fluquor (permission)
Home: Close to the Glimmerstone Mines
Occupation: Geologist

Personality: Canaalsio is a rock dude. He loves digging for rare rocks and has a rock collection that he just goes off on when people ask about a rock.
History: Cannalsio has always lived in Winter's Breath, in Winterbloom. Growing up with archeologists for parents he was often taken with them to digs. It helped form his love of rocks and crystals. He travels around a lot to go to different places to dig up different types of rocks. When he's not doing that he does little geology courses by the Mines.
Likes: rocks, crystals, the earth, digging,
Dislikes: swimming, open water, summer,


Is in a poly group with Evangelica Moonlight and Alice Fluquor but isn't actively involved with Alice.
Labradorite - Canaalsio's companion Scarab. He found him on a dig a while ago and ended up adopting the little beetle. He enjoys hiding in Canaalsio's tail or jumping from the rocks that float around his owner.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Megumi Katou
Breed: Earth
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Mate: none
Home: Lives in a big city in Dream Valley
Occupation: Office worker

Personality: A yandere pony. Megumi starts off as a nice, sweet pony and for majority of others that's all they'll see. She is obsessive and possessive of the love of her life (currently need to find someone to fill that slot) and stalks them every chance she gets. She gets very violent with anyone she feels is getting in the way of them being together.
History: Megumi has always dreamed of finding her true love. So far she hasn't been successful but she doesn't let that stop her. So far no one has triggered her yandere tendencies. She's had a normal childhood and has only recently moved out from her parents. She found a job in the city she lives in as an office worker, answering phones and emails.
Likes: Pictures, photography, manga, romance movies,
Dislikes: others getting in the way of love, prank calls, sour foods,


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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Fafnir Starblast
Breed: Ghoulie
Curiosities: three 'wolf' tails
Season: Fall

Gender: Female
Orientation: Unsure
Mate: none
Home: Lives in a small town near Blazing Bog

Quick to anger, Fafnir is a ticking bomb. She tends to be ride or die when it comes to her friends and family. She looks like she's always irritated or have a resting b*tch face.

Triplets - Jormungandr Starblast and Nym's

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Scarlet
Breed: Ryujin (formally known as a Lung Dragon)
Curiosities: none
Season: Winter

Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Mate: Maniac Macchiato (permission) (as a note he's starting off as her bodyguard and will progress to mate)
Home: Winterbloom
Occupation: Actress - villainess roles in particular

Personality: A true villain or rather villainess. Scarlet is a haughty actress who is in high demand for villain roles. She comes from money and expects nothing less than the best. Any who cross her or betray her will feel her wrath, either immediately with harsh cutting words, or later with sneaky underhand tactics.
Well at least that is the role Scarlet plays for her fans as it seems to be what ponies expect of her. Very few know that she is a rather lazy mare who would love nothing more than to just lounge around in her pj's while catching up on her favorite romance shows/movies. She was pretty aloof growing up and when she started her career which led to the whole misunderstanding that she was a real life villainess.
History: Scarlet's family is an old money type of family who do their best to support their community. Scarlet was given some of the best opportunities growing up but ultimately found her calling in her school's theater club. She eventually decided to become an actress and her family wholeheartedly supported her. She really wanted to get roles in romantic material but with her aloof attitude at the time she was constantly cast in villain roles. This led to her big breakout and ultimate success as a villain actor.
Likes: Acting, Romance books and movies, relaxing, sleeping in,
Dislikes: getting up early, diets, constantly being called a villain, rude ponies,

Sweet Dreams (plots with Sami)

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ceridwen
Breed: Kitsune
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Female
Home: Near the Slippery Mountains
Occupation: Apothecary

Personality: A kind and fiery lady. Ceri enjoys sneaking around and finding out secrets and important information. She also enjoys creating illusions for others to enjoy. Do try to not anger her as she is quick to act in anger and can hold a grudge.
herbs, plants, growing things, learning, secrets, illusions, tea,
Dislikes: jerks, unneeded fights, sour foods,


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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Aster
Breed: Unicorn
Curiosities: none
Season: Fall

Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Mate: Imogene (permission)
Home: Currently lives in Spring Rain in Runesigil as he teaches there. Formally from Dream Valley in a little village (currently unnamed)
Occupation: Researcher/Professor

Personality: A polite and old-time gentleman. Aster can be easily embarrassed and flustered but tries not to let that get in the way of experiencing new things. He likes to learn and to explore. He is very kind but tends to talk in a quiet voice making others think he is shy when really he's not.
studying, learning, magic, tea, quiet, relaxing, classical music
Dislikes: rudeness, loud noises all the time,


Freya - A maow companion that just adopted Aster as her owner. She acts like a regal maow and that she owns the place. She does seem to be pretty well trained for magical tracking even if she does choose to not help with it all the time.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Spitfire
Breed: Hybrid - Kitsune x Earth
Curiosities: wisps, wispy tail and ears
Season: Summer

Gender: Female
Orientation: Unsure
Mate: none
Home: Unnamed town in Summer's Touch
Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: A hot tempered lady. Spitfire lives up to name 99% of the time. She is a little tricky and is very shady. If you pay the right price, she'll do any job you want. She loves a good brawl followed by several drinks.
History: Spitfire may seem and act like she had a bad childhood however that couldn't be further from the truth. She had a normal life growing up but was always so bored. As she got older she got in her first fight which ignited a fire in her. She quickly became the 'bad girl' and was kicked out of her home. She found a mercenary group who took her in after seeing her fight one time. She was treated like a slave majority of the time, having to do all of the miscellaneous chores, but they did help her learn the trade and how to fight properly. She eventually left the group deciding to go solo for a while.
Likes: Fire, alcohol, fights, money,
Dislikes: jobs going sour, thunderstorms, the cold,


edits: bangles, necklace
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Nemhain Morvoren
Breed: Bat
Curiosities: none
Season: Winter

Gender: Female
Orientation: unsure
Mate: none
Home: Winterbloom
Occupation: Historian/Researcher (focuses on vampires but also looks into occult type stuff)

Personality: A mischievous pony. Nemhain enjoys pranks and scaring others. However she doesn't take joy out of it when it goes to far. She's really into vampires and lore/history behind them.
History: Nemhain had a typical childhood growing up. She did met a vampire when she was young that started her like of those ponies. She found them fascinating and as she grew up she began to do all kinds of research to learn more about them. She eventually began to branch out into other occult stuff. She eventually found out about the herd, Coven of the Night, and ended up joining them as a recruiter. She also assists in any research they may need.
Likes: hard rock, metal rock, vampires, pranks, spooky things, occult stuff, night
Dislikes: noon, boredom, coffee, super sappy stories and sappy ponies (no need to act like that),


Recruiter for the Coven of the Night herd
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Lunette
Breed: Pegasus with Bunny morph
Curiosities: none
Season: Fall

Gender: Female
Orientation: Unsure
Mate: none
Home: Dream Valley (unnamed big city)
Occupation: Pop star/idol

Personality: A bubbly pony. Lunette is happy, kind, friendly and just wants to make people happy. She figured the best way to do that is by singing. She's worked hard to train her voice and is working hard at becoming a star.
History: Lunette grew up admiring idols and various stars. She had a decent voice and as she got older decided to try and become a pop star like the idols she admired. She's still in training and hasn't had her big debut yet.
Likes: singing, pop stars, idols, star gazing,
Dislikes: rain, coffee, grumpy ponies, reptiles, pranks,

Family: Cousin: Lunaria Meteōros

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Flann
Breed: Flightless
Curiosities: Ears and tail
Season: Fall

Gender: Nonbinary
Home: Fall's Harvest
Occupation: Writer - Horror, mystery, thriller genre. Did one non-fiction book that tanked badly.

Personality: A pony who has dark and intrusive thoughts. However they do their best to not give into those thoughts. Instead they use those thoughts to help their writing process as a horror writer and murder mystery writer. They're a nice pony who can be a little naive or innocent.
books, writing, horror movies,
Dislikes: romance movies/books, sweets, blood (they get squeamish seeing blood in person), their dark thoughts,

Family: Parents: Monty (was swapped so may not IC be parent) and Spooky; Siblings: Tillie Jane and ??? (not sure who owns this kid)

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Masahiko
Breed: Pegasus
Curiosities: none
Season: Spring

Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Mate: Infinite Void ((permission))

He's very knightly and may can seem cold or even standoffish at first but he's really kind, just unsure how to interact with others for the most part.


Saki - Masahiko's loyal Boof. She fiercely protects her owner and is loyal to him. She often serves as a way to help ease his interactions with others.
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