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Character Name: Aloise
Pronoun Choice: He/Him | They/Them
Age: 25
Home Region: Kalos and Paldea
Character Overview: Aloise is energy itself, catapulting through life without a second thought or reason that might slow him down. Why should he, anyway? He’s had a hard enough life and too many regrets— he’s done limiting himself towards others expectations and rules. While not entirely selfish or unable to see how his actions affect others, Aloise tries to live life the way he wants to and will happily (and probably loudly) encourage others to do the same with him. He might not be fully aware of it, but Aloise loves being around other people and being part of a community, especially if they can blindly, fully accept him and all that comes with him.
Five Likes:
- Sweets
- His phone
- Unexpected circumstances
- Physical touch
- Talking
Five Dislikes:
- Money
- Thunder
- Family holidays
- Physical touch
- Puzzles
Hobbies: Gardening, collecting baubles, and climbing everything and anything
Three Strengths:
- Strong Willed: Not much can deter or control Aloise. Where he wants to go, he goes. What he wants to do, he does. He believes everyone should be just a little bit selfish in life. You only live once, after all; why live a life where you don’t get to exhaust everything you can out of life? He can be knocked down time and time again, but he’s going to keep getting back up and pushing forward, no matter how disadvantaged they might be in a situation.
- Inquisitive: But, why? How? When? Where? Aloise has a million questions, and he wants to know. He wants to understand! He doesn’t settle for anything less. He’s the type to fully devour all the available information at hand and then chase after all the questions that knowledge evidently raises. He’s been growing a bank of knowledge through this behavior, making him a surprising source of answers in unlikely situations.
- Resourceful: He’s used to figuring out how to survive, and he never lost the skill, not even when his family swooped him and housed him like a lost dog in the rain. He’s a survivor, and will gnaw and claw through life by any means.
- Imposter Syndrome: Is he good enough? Do people know what he’s done to get here? Would they still look at him the same if they did? Does he even deserve to be here? These questions nag at him relentlessly, taking the form of harmful excursions or reckless behavior. They’re never good enough for themselves, and always compare themselves to those around them. He wants to be someone he’s proud of, but he doesn’t want the life his brother has, either. What is a life worth living? What would make him a good person? He’s not sure, and he’s honestly not ready to tackle this question.
- Impulsive: Think twice? Nope! Everything about Aloise is not planned nor measured. Does he want to punch you in the face? You’re getting punched. Oh, someone needs his help and they’re deep in a creepy well? Off he goes!
- Lawless: Rules aren’t real in his world. Okay, sure, he knows better than to break the absolute definite no’s of the world, but when did people with money get to own the land and tell him how to walk on it? Fine, he’ll play the part, but Aloise likes to bend what they can and tends to find themselves in trouble. Thankfully, their lawyer brother can fix just about everything, right?
Twin to Edelmiro Solares and younger brother to Jairo Solares, Aloise didn’t really know his brothers until years after becoming an adult. After his birth, his mother and father split, resulting in their father taking only him and heading back to Kalos. While their father attempted to provide money to his mother, she refused the help and insisted on starting over on her own. She was not a good mother, with her many wrongdoings paling in comparisons to the moment she just stopped coming home. Aloise was left alone as a homeschooled grade schooler, and he did what any kid might; he tried to find his mother.
What was supposed to be a quick trip around the town became a long, listless wandering. Being home alone just reminded them of the home that was meant to have the two of them— at least wandering gave them new sights and sounds. He too stopped returning home, instead gravitating to whatever helped him get by and interested in at the moment. He circled through various gangs and performed smaller, less organized jobs for those of suspicious backgrounds. It was a living, and Aloise met plenty of different people. Some wanted things from him, others meant well— life was… interesting, but all he knew. He became an adult and expected to fall into the same lifestyle as the people he worked for until…
His older brother found him.
Aloise had agreed to help rob a pokeball store for temporary housing with the group he currently was working for. It hadn’t been something he’d done before, but Aloise figured he’d eventually end up committing crimes to get by someday. He wasn’t a “cute kid” anymore, and couldn’t get away with the usual sad, pathetic puppy dog eyes he had learned so well. It wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to do, but… well, that was life. He always did things he didn’t want to. It wasn’t a big deal in his world. What was a big deal was a hand jutting out from the darkness and grabbing onto his hoodie right before he entered the broken window, roughly dragging and throwing the flailing Aloise into a dark car. His kidnapper was Jairo, a man who revealed himself as their older brother with deep, deep pockets and a bleeding heart for the sibling he felt he had abandoned. Aloise absolutely hated him at first, refusing to meld into the family him and Edelmiro had created. Aloise’ life was not as fortunate or privileged as theirs, and he wasn’t sure how to live that life— in fact, he didn’t even think he should. He didn’t deserve it, in his eyes, although he’d never admit it to Jairo’s face.
Jairo was relentless, insisting on providing for Aloise if it meant he didn’t have to commit crimes any more. Deciding to drain as much of his brother’s wallet dry as possible, Aloise agreed and moved to Paldea and into his brother’s home. What he didn’t expect was both just how bottomless Jairo’s pockets were, and the warmth of his brother’s love. It felt nice, even if he still remained uncomfortable within their spotless, well-decorated walls. It wasn’t enough, though— it didn’t feel like his home. He was quick to lash out at strangers, quicker to break small rules and laws, and constantly causing havoc when left alone for too long. He agreed to overnight schooling to catch up on an education he never received, but would attempt to sneak out when the nagging, hateful voice in his head got too loud and reminded him he didn’t belong. Jairo and Edelmiro tried, but eventually it wasn’t enough.
Aloise heard about Nauwill.
Not only did he heard about Nauwill, but he had met someone about to also go to the island. The story was tempting— an island without the current constraints of modern society? A new home that he could help build and mold? Somewhere he wouldn’t ever fear bumping into someone from his past? Yeah, yeah, that sounded perfect. He applied and didn’t expect a response, but there it was; an approval letter. He debated telling his brothers, but had worked himself into a guilt ridden frenzy. They’d be better without him, in the end.
So he left for Nauwill.
Strength 2 (5) | Vitality 3 (5) | Dexterity 3 (5) | Insight 2 (5) |
Tough 3 (5) | Cool 2 (5) | Beauty 1 (5) | Clever 2 (5) | Cute 3 (5) |
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