- 206
- #1

- Please fill out your forms completely. If you have any questions, feel free to PM the Cats of the Sun mule, or ask in-thread or in the discord "ask-the-staff" channel.
- Name Origin is as it implies in the certing form. This is where you explain the origin for the character's name in world lore.
- Names must be approved before a cat can be certed. You will be PMed if your name does not pass our criteria. If staff asks you to change a name, it must be changed.
- Cats can share names, but please try and avoid copying if you can.
- Please keep your names appropriate, names involving slurs, curse words, or inappropriate themes will not be approved.
- Please use the official uncert given to you by your colorist. Any uncerts from sites other than catsofthesun will be ignored.
- When it comes to posting breedings, only the owner of one of the parents may post the form.
- Please only post one form per post. If you are certing multiple cats, please do so in separate posts.

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