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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Certing Thread ]


Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Herringbone
owner of mother Blinded By Silence
father Thistledown
owner of father belloblossom
generations of parents 2 x 4

name Patchface
name origin Named for the patch markings on their face!
sex Girl
owner belloblossom
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Ravenstrike
name origin Named for her raven black fur!
sex Girl
owner Lunar Fea
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Snowmelt
name origin Named for the melting snow on ground.
sex Boy
owner Blinded By Silence
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Absolutiones
cert current
old name/clan Whirlpool/loner
new name/clan Whirlpool/loner
name origin
reason for the change
is this a swap? Ye
special purchases N/A
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Stew Aficionado
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Absolutiones
cert current
old name/clan Honesty/loner
new name/clan Honesty/loner
name origin
reason for the change
is this a swap? Ye
special purchases N/A
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Livewire
owner Lunar Fea
name Samuel Hallow Hain
name origin Two legs! They even gave him a title (but that doesn't have to go on his cert, far too long)
sex Male
clan Kittypet
rank He is the Lordiest Lord of all spoopery!
uncert Himbs!

Name approved - Bello
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Long-Term Resident
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist Nym
mother Patch
owner of mother pyrrh
father N/A
owner of father N/A
generations of parents 2

name Fleck
name origin Twolegs in the shelter that briefly took their mother in
sex Boy
owner Tigeria
clan Loner
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Parlay
name origin Twolegs in the shelter that briefly took their mother in
sex Girl
owner PeterPan_da144
clan Loner
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Matey
name origin Twolegs in the shelter that briefly took their mother in
sex Girl
owner pyrrh
clan Loner
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded
owner Absolutiones
name Haven
name origin She is safety uwu
sex Girl
clan Loner
special purchases

Name approved - Bello
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Live
owner Bouquet of Diamonds
name Waffle Iron
name origin He tugged a waffle iron off of a counter when he was a kitten and got covered in waffle batter.
sex Boy
clan Kittypet
rank Village Idiot
uncert WAFFLES

Name approved - Bello
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Station Visitor
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded by Silence
owner ChaosT
name Sandstone
name origin Named by her mother due to her appearance and personality
sex Girl
clan Loner
special purchases

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded By Silence
mother Sweet Corn
owner of mother belloblossom
father Splitnose
owner of father DragonGirl1031
generations of parents 1 x 1

name Shiver Vine
name origin Their striped pelt reminded Sweet of vines.
sex Female
owner I--LiveWire--I
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases N/A

name Acorn
name origin Named after the nut!
sex Female
owner Bouquet of Diamonds
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases N/A

name Honey
name origin Named after, well, honey!
sex Male
owner belloblossom
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases was anything special purchased for this cat? link here where it was purchased (DP shop stuff)

name Howl
name origin Named for the sound
sex Female
owner PeterPan_da144
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases N/A

name Shriek
name origin Named for the sound
sex Male
owner Nym
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases N/A

name Shadow
name origin Named for his dark pelt
sex Male
owner DragonGirl1031
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases N/A

Names approved - Bello
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Livewire
owner Lunar Fea
name Little One
name origin She was the smallest, it started as a nickname but it stuck fast
sex Girl
clan Loner
rank n/a
uncert [x]

Name approved - Bello
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Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Livewire
owner Umbrefox
name Bluet
name origin A blue flower
sex Female
clan Loner
rank n/a
uncert Link

Name approved - Bello
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Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Livewire
owner Umbrefox
name Valerian
name origin An invasive herb (Common Valerian)
sex Male
clan Loner
rank n/a
uncert Link

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Buzzardstrike
owner of mother kovak
father Sporecloud
owner of father belloblossom
generations of parents 2 x 1

name Goldenleap
name origin Named for their golden (ish) fur!
sex Female
owner ChaosT
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Crowclaw
name origin Named for their resemblance to a crow!
sex Female
owner belloblossom
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Toadstool
name origin Named for the splotches on their fur.
sex Female
owner kovak
clan MountainClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
owner belloblossom
name Forest
name origin Named for the place they grew up in
sex Male
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases No

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Sunflight
owner of mother belloblossom
father One Vision
owner of father ChexaRain
generations of parents 1 x 1

name Sparkhope
name origin She was the only kit with a spark of life left in her.
sex Female
owner belloblossom
clan TreeClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Sorrowsong
name origin Sunflight allowed a new rule in TreeClan, any kits or apprentices who died before their warrior naming ceremony would receive their warrior name to carry with them to TreeClan. Sorrowsong was the first to receive the new name, amidst Sunflight's sorrow for their loss.
sex Female
owner ChexaRain
clan SunClan (TreeClan)
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Flickerwing
name origin Sunflight allowed a new rule in TreeClan, any kits or apprentices who died before their warrior naming ceremony would receive their warrior name to carry with them to TreeClan. Flickerwing was the second to receive their warrior name under the new rule, amidst Sunflight's flickering hope for the future.
sex Female
owner Umbrefox
clan SunClan (TreeClan)
uncert Here
special purchases No

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Honeytooth
owner of mother belloblossom
father Ruthless
owner of father pyrrh
generations of parents 2 x 1

name Deathclaw
name origin His parents wanted a dramatic naming theme for their kits.
sex Male
owner pyrrh
clan LostClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Oathheart
name origin His parents wanted a dramatic naming theme for their kits.
sex Male
owner belloblossom
clan LostClan
uncert Here
special purchases No

name Gravedigger
name origin Her parents wanted a dramatic naming theme for their kits.
sex Female
owner PeterPan_da144
clan LostClan
uncert Here
special purchases

Names approved - Bello
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Lunar Fea
cert Here
old name/clan RisingFlight
new name/clan Risinglight
name origin
reason for the change His name was supposed to be Rising LIGHT, not flight.
special purchases n/a

Name approved - Bello
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signed an NDA
Staff member
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded by Silence
owner Nym
name Flashfang
name origin A name given to them by how quick their teeth came as a child.
sex Male
clan Loner
special purchases No, was a swap.

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Nym
owner belloblossom
name Grace
name origin Named for her grace in movement
sex Girl
clan Loner
special purchases N/A

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded By Silence
mother Rivermist
owner of mother PeterPan_da144
father Woodear
owner of father kovak
generations of parents 2 x 3

name Shadowkit
name origin For being so dark
sex Boy
owner PeterPan_da144
clan MountainClan
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Badgerkit
name origin after the animal
sex Boy
owner kovak
clan MountainClan
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Marshkit
name origin after the type of land
sex Boy
owner spazzedoutmew
clan MountainClan
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Minkkit
name origin after the animal
sex Male
owner Natty-chan
clan SunClan
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Meadowkit
name origin after the land type
sex Female
owner kovak
clan MountainClan
uncert xXx
special purchases SC second claim

name Acornkit
name origin from the... plant? no, seed!
sex Female
owner PeterPan_da144
clan MountainClan
uncert xXx
special purchases SC second claim

Names approved - Bello
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