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[CLOSED] So Tell Me About Your Family! [Personality Contest]


Grizzled Veteran

Koshin Uncerts
[Parent 1] || [Parent 2] || [Child 1] || [Child 2]

I happened across this little family, but I need some help finding out more about them! Can you help a mewy out?
This is a personality contest for the four Koshin above.

End Date: June 10th 11PM EST June 15th 11PM EST *UPDATED*


  • No whining, complaining, guilt tripping, etc.
  • Follow all BS ToS and shop rules.
  • Anyone can enter! (except for Mewy)
  • Proxying is allowed (except for Mewy)
  • Feel free to edit your post until the end time.
  • The children will be Gen 2, even if you don't keep them as a family.


Grizzled Veteran
Parent 1

[color= #2D5A4B][size=24px][font=starborn][center]Parent 1[/center][/font][/size][/color]
[b]Personality Blurb[/b]:
[b]Fun Fact!:[/b] (Be as silly as you want with this :3)
Parent 2

[color= #F9CFDA][size=24px][font=starborn][center]Parent 2[/center][/font][/size][/color]
[b]Personality Blurb[/b]:
[b]Fun Fact!:[/b] (Be as silly as you want with this :3)
Child 1

[color= #4C967D][size=24px][font=starborn][center]Child 1[/center][/font][/size][/color]
[b]Personality Blurb[/b]:
[b]Fun Fact!:[/b] (Be as silly as you want with this :3)

Child 2

[color= #7F5366][size=24px][font=starborn][center]Child 2[/center][/font][/size][/color]
[b]Personality Blurb[/b]:
[b]Fun Fact!:[/b] (Be as silly as you want with this :3)


Stew Aficionado
Parent 2​
Username: Absolutiones
Name: Pixie
Personality Blurb: A gentle, very motherly type. Pixie is sweet and always optimistic. She's the first to offer a helping paw, sometimes even when it isn't needed. She can be overprotective, especially with her kits. All she really wants is for them to succeed, but she doesn't always recognize when enough is enough.
Fun Fact!: Pixie's favorite color is sunshine yellow! She's secretly jealous of koshin with wings.


Stew Aficionado
Child 2​

Username: belloblossom
Name: Jennifer
Personality Blurb: Jennifer (she/her) is a regular firecracker! She loves to solve puzzles and play pranks, which is why working at an escape room has been her job for the last five years. She's always got some sort of puzzle in her hands while leaving ominous hints for her players. She gets defensive around her family because they saw her through her 'awkward' teenage years and those secrets must never be revealed to her friends now (ugh, she was so LAME when she was a teenager - all glittery and wanting romance with a partner, some prince charming... totally unrealistic lil Gen, come on, want more for yourself.) As an adult, she's not actually all that interested in dating or settling down. She has her own hobbies and now she's just, to put it simply, thriving.
Fun Fact!: Jennifer goes by Gen with her friends, yes with a G- because Jen doesn't look or sound cool at all AND because she can hear the difference between G and J (don't even get her started with the gif vs jif issue!)
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Stew Aficionado
Child 1​
Username: belloblossom
Name: Skipper ( "Or Skip, that's fine too." )
Personality Blurb: Skipper (she/they) is an adventurous koshin. They enjoy spending their time in the outdoors so much that even when they come to visit friends or family, they bring camping gear with them and prefer to sleep in the yard. They feel so cramped when they're indoors - and no amount of "exposure therapy" is going to help the claustrophobic feeling of walls closing in around her. A tent is fluid enough to do the work and you can get properly cozy in a tent. That said, she is seriously anti-glamping. It doesn't matter how many large glass windows are in the place or even a glass roof! The buzzing in her ears comes in and she gets tunnel vision panic until she can feel the wind in her fur again.

As it is, she's currently a park ranger and that means that she gets to spend lots of time cleaning up trails and sleeping in the open campgrounds!
Fun Fact!: "Did you know that the oldest tree is over 4 thou-" Wait, you wanted to know a fun fact about Skipper? Oh, you shoulda said so! She cuts her own hair! And she'll try to cut everyone else's in her family too, but for some reason they don't want her near scissors.... "I only cut my sib's ear once and it was an accident! Honestly they're all so dramatic!"


Stew Aficionado
Parent 2​

Username: belloblossom
Name: Sandra ( "But please, only my mother calls me that anymore. Call me Sandy, I insist!" )
Personality Blurb: Sandra - or Sandy (she/her), as she insists upon being called by her peers - is a mother who loves her children. She put her life's work on hold to ensure that they had a good maternal figure in their life who was kind, compassionate and firm with boundaries. She never wants to be like her own mother and had plenty of anxieties about that as the kits were growing up, but - she thinks she did a good job with them. She hopes so, anyway... But what's important are her kiddos! Now that they're grown and left to their own lives, she's definitely feeling like an empty-nester. Is it too late to get back into her former career - or maybe she should try to find a new hobby altogether. Gosh, how is she meant to just go back to how it was before? Maybe she'll get lucky and one of her babies will need to move back in with her!
Fun Fact!: Her childhood nickname was Scout, because she was always trying to roam off ahead when the family went on outings.


Long-Term Resident
[color= #4C967D]
Child 1​
Username: ArrowAnubis
Name: Chase Yule
Personality Blurb: Chase is fascinated with how medicine and how the body works. That being said he, potentially, sometimes gets himself into trouble with his desire to learn about these things. The little creature can be found tinkering with making new and better meds, or with treating wounds to the best of his abilities. He's a very sweet boy not a mean bone in his body :3
Fun Fact!: Sometimes when he sees blood he'll pass out!