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[Co-op Research] [Lan and Zak] amazing bulbasaur[Complete]

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Grizzled Veteran
USED for Amateur rank up for Zakiax Firebane!

Not yet used for Lan.

Trainer: Zak, Lan
Project: task #1 Meet the locals
Assignment: 1. Nauwillian Bulbasuar
Requirement Proof:Christmas the Bulbasaur Belongs to Lan!

Options Chosen: Temperament & Notable Behaviors
Who Is Rolling: Zak - Notable Behaviors / Lan for Temperament
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Grizzled Veteran
Lan sprawled out on the common room of the dorm, Christmas sprawled on his chest as he wiggled her little claws. "So, who is being difficult? That is right, you are precious." he cooed, half his focus on her and half on the doorway. Not that one, he didn't know anything about that trainer and they didn't seem nerdy enough. "Yes, I think we need a nerd, or a student."

He brushed his lips over the top of her pretty pink head. Not that one. She seemed liable to cry and Lan didn't want to deal with anyone crying. It was painful.

Ooh ohh that one. "You! I know you. Come here and help with the research on the baby!" He called out at Zak, lifting the bulbasaur up high. "Don't you want to learn about the baby?"


Stew Aficionado
Rain Drop securely in its pokemon, Zak had just returned from and exploration into the grasslands. Scratches lined his arms from the few briar patches he managed to get himself trapped in, but over all it had been a good exploration.

When Lan called out to him he walked over. He was curious about the pink Bulbasaur since the first time he had seen it in the other's arms. "I do" He replied, pocketing the pokeball which contained his trouble making Torchic. "I am quite curious to the differences they have from Kanto Bulbasaur."

Growing up in Kanto the man knew quite a bit about the starters there, mostly about Charmander, as he had quite a few back home. But in his travels he had come across several trainers who had Bulbasaur as their pokemon. He wondered just how different they were.

Finding a place upon the floor he pulled out his trusty notebook, and pencil. "So Lan where do you want to start?" he questioned, wondering if the other had an idea of what observations they wanted to look at first. After all the pink Bulbasaur was theirs.

(WC: 189)


Grizzled Veteran
"You look like shit," Lan replied, shifting to sit up straight. "Did you go out on an exploration? Did you get trapped in the briars or the sticky grass." He wasn't sure what it was about that that grass but it clung and slowed anyone that stepped into it and left small seed pods stuck to him willnilly.

"Catch anything?" He inquired, curious. All thoughts of research gone now.

"Wait, wha,, ahh that." Lan set Christmas down on the floor, letting the bulbasaur stretch out and waddle over to Zak and attempt to poke at his notebook and pencil.

"You mean outside of her being pink like a hot house cactus and her bulb is spilling out down like a pussy willow?" He looked down at her. "Not a clue, brighter color seem fitting for a tropical setting though." Hot houses had some of the most beautiful flowers.


Stew Aficionado

"The Briars always tend to get us," Zak replied. "Usually cause I'm distracted and I run into them on accident" He hadn't heard about the stick grass that Lan seemed to be talking about. As he and Briars seemed to have a love hate relationship.

"We did end up catching a weird looking weedle" He responded, and flipped the page in his notes where he had a rough looking sketch of it to show Lan. "It had a weird spot on its tail"

When Christmas tried to poke at his notebook and pencil he allowed it "Do you want to try?" he asked it pulling out another pencil from his pocket, always carrying more then one on him incase they broke in the field. He offered it to the bulbasaur and tore out a blank sheet of paper from his notebook for her.

"That they do." He responded, though he was curious as to why his torchic was blue, and the totodiles were brown if that was the case.

He began to sketch Christmas in his notebook trying to think of what they could learn about her from her current behaviors.

(WC: 191 TWC: 380)


Grizzled Veteran
"Ooh, hn." Lan leaned over looking at the rough sketch. "That is a weird looking weedle. Are you going to be keeping it, or turning it into one of the three groups here for money?" Money was important, and he certainly needed more of it. Money made the world spin.

Christmas made a cheerful noise, wrapping a vine around the offer pencil and flailed it around a bit, twisting it this way as she tried to get a good look at it. She put her feet on the paper, lifted it and then set it down again.

"Do you have any ink or paint?" Lan questioned, watching Christmas cheerfully stomp on the paper and flail about the pencil.


Stew Aficionado
"I turned it into the Viridian City Academy for research. I prefer to train Fire and dragon type Pokémon, hence why I chose the torchic as my first Pokémon here, but i'm not sure if it actually is gonna just be a fire type, seeing as its not warm to the touch like normal torchics. Plus it knows how to use an ice type move which is very weird." Zak replied.

Zakiax put pencil to paper and started to sketch himself, watching Christmas with the pencil and paper was quite the delight. "I do not, just another pen, but that's not the sort of ink i believe you are thinking of." he replied, and then thought long on the problem at hand.

"I did find some oran berries while exploring but we ate them all, but berries are the only other substitute for ink or paint I can think of. " he mused "The enrichment center may also have something of that sort."

(WC: 163, TWC 543)


Grizzled Veteran
"That is very weird, Christmas knows a fairy move. I am beginning to think her typing is different as well as her coloration." It certainly wasn't the only thing different about his baby. "We still have a way to go before she evolves into an Ivysaur. I think we'll figure out a lot of differences then."

Lan hummed, considering. "I'll have to take her to the enrichment center later and see if they can help me. I'm sure they have some proper paint and paper there." He nodded. "I only found oran berries so far but never enough to really bring back." And usually he needed them more often then not.


Stew Aficionado
"I'm also curious to see Rain Drops next form" Zak replied, "But we also have a ways to go I feel until he evolves himself." Although the two had already won quite a few battles together he felt like it wasn't enough. More training was in order before that happened.

"She does seem to enjoy it" Zak replied finishing up the rough sketch of Christmas with the pencil wrapped in her vine waving it quite cutely. "What do you think?" He showed the sketch to Lan.

Though he was observing her and her behavior during the sketching process he still didn't really notice anything about the Nauwillian Bulbasaur that stood out to him. Though he had been a bit distracted by the conversation he had with Lan and may have missed something during it.

(WC: 134, TWC: 677)


Grizzled Veteran
"Maybe we can have a battle some time, see how they do then?" Lan suggested. "Might be good to let her battle another pokemon." He hummed, looking at the rough sketch. "I think she is a baby and you are rather good." Certainly more then he would managed.

He patted himself down and fished out his phone, offering it to Zak. "Put in your phone number so I can text you."


Stew Aficionado
Zak's soft smile he wore on his face turned more into a grin when the other suggested pokemon battles. He had been wanting to test his skills against other trainers on this island but he had yet found anyone who wanted to battle "I would love that" he replied.

"I only have Rain Drop at the moment, but i'm sure some of my pokemon will be coming through quarantine very soon." It was more of a hope though as he had been wishing to see his Zue for a while now, his head felt quite bare without the bat constantly warming it. "Rain Drop seems like it would over power her quite a bit being a fire type, but we can always try. Or you could wait to battle another one of mine later." Though thinking on it seemed like most of his pokemon would probably over power the bulbasaur, but the other did say it knew a fairy type move so it could be a decent opponent against one of his dragon types, if they came through in time.

"Is Christmas your only pokemon or do you have others?" he questioned Having multiple pokemon to battle would also be fun especially if they were native to the island as it would be a good experience to figure out some of their moves as well and make inferences to what other types these nauwillian pokemon could be once they evolved.

Zak took the phone from Lan and entered his number, quite happy about the entire concept. He then held it back to the other once his information was in the device. After he tore out the sketch he did of Christmas and offered it to Lan. "Here," he began. "I can make another later."

Though the research on the bulbasaur seemed to be quite a bust, as he really did not notice anything out of the ordinary with it, the prospect of a battling friend was more to over compensate that defeated feeling.

(WC: 333, TWC: 1010)


Grizzled Veteran
"Not yet, I'm hoping to get one of the native scatterbugs," Lan took back his phone, putting it back into his pocket. "Ooh, thank you." He gently touch the picture, giving a soft smile at the drawling of the bulbasaur. "She looks so cute." He turned back to Christmas who had started to tired of just stepping on the paper and had gleefully crinkled it up to bat with her tendrils.

"You are such a brat." He said fondly, petting her side as he recalled her to her pokeball. "A battle against an effective type might be good for her, at least once... not all the time though." Lan grinned. "I'll call you latter when I have time so we can set up some battles."

He waved and left to his dorm room, wanting to get the picture taped up.
(TWC : 726)


Stew Aficionado
Zak gave a small wave at Lan as he left. As he would be waiting quite expectantly for that call. Scooping up his own things he returned to his room to prepare for the next day


late to the party
Staff member

500 tier: 3$
1x vca gw for Lan

1000 tier: 5p
1x fairlight gw for zak
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