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Concept Contest - A New Family!~ - CLOSED! Congrats, winners!!


Grizzled Veteran

Earth, Earth, and... Earth! by Luxona !

Open: Nov. 5th - Nov. 19th 11:59CST

Once upon a time, Lux was a simple pony hoarder with a dream... And now that dream has come true! Naturally some ponies got created during the process, and since they're all official those ponies need homes! While I kept one of the baskets for my own, the other three are up for grabs in this simple little concept contest~

What to Do!
Fill out and post the form below!
Names *may* be left TBD (to be decided), and there's no theme!
my own pony doesn't even have a name yet, oops...
Feel free to use their placeholder 'names' as inspiration!
Forms may be edited up until the closing date!
Please keep your blurb to a small handful of sentences, no novels for my sanity @n@
While the baskets will be gen2 with the adults as their parents, it can be either an IC or OOC breeding!
Additionally, it could also be an IC breeding without the kids knowing their parents!
After the ending date, Lux will check out the entries and decide the winners!
You are absolutely free to enter for as many or few of the prizes as you'd like!
Get creative, have fun!​
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Grizzled Veteran
Who's That Pony?

Moon Drip
Earth w/ Vampire Morph!~

The first official sample I made on official lines! Fun Fact: This pony's original color scheme was blues and purples! After some playing, I settled on their current look, and am much happier with how it turned out~


My second official sample! This pony went through a lot of changes with their hair to get that perfectly curled look, but it was worth it! Fun Fact: Curls with highlights are hard, yo. XD


This was the second of the two breeding samples I did from these parents, and had some design changes along the way as well! It was a super fun learning experience, and I'm so happy with how they turned out~

This One's Mine~

Earth w/ Vampire Morph!~

This one is the sample pony that I kept! I had so much fun making them, and while I'm not sure what they're gonna be like I'm excited to figure it out!​
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Grizzled Veteran
Form to Post!

[B][SIZE=24px][FONT=ChocolateBox][COLOR=rgb(170, 149, 216)]This Is What I Imagine...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Username: [B]
[B]Entry For: [B] (moon drip, gumdrop, basket)
[B]Pony's Name: [B]
[B]Personality Blurb: [B]
[B]Would You Like IC Family Plots?: [B] (totally optional, if you win they're yours to plot how you wish!)
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This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: Gumdrop
Pony's Name: Gumdrop
Personality Blurb: Gumdrop is a candy maker! She's best known for her bright, warm, and sweet personality, just like her candy. While she does have mood swings every once and a while and can be snappy, she hates being upset and never holds a grudge long. A very outgoing pony with plenty of friends.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!
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This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: Moon drip
Pony's Name: Moon drip (goes by Moony)
Personality Blurb: Moony is a graffiti artist by night. He's very very artistic in any capacity, and though he typically prefers to keep to himself, he warms up to people who are continuously kind to him. He's very bashful when it comes to his creations and likes to go by his alias. Loves compliments from other ponies but won't admit it.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!
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Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: Basket
Pony's Name: Quiver
Personality Blurb: Quiver tends to be a bit of a recluse, but more out of a social awkwardness rather than a fear of other ponies. She's kind, but she will absolutely have no idea how to react if another pony cries [besides an awkward pat on the back, perhaps].
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Melomar
Entry For: moon drip
Pony's Name: Clair de Lune ("moonlight," goes by Lune)
Personality Blurb: Practical and kind of boring, when Gumdrop came into their life, their personality began to shine! For example, they used to write gloomy poetry, but now they sing the words as lyrics, together. Since their first meeting they loved music enough to start a band together, Sugar Moon. With the single, "Sugar," they are working on their first album, Sugar Moon. (I'm flexible on the names.) Lune plays the drums. Those baskets make Lune feel so proud, even if they are a little shy about it.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes please!


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: gumdrop
Pony's Name: "Sugar" Gumdrop
Personality Blurb: A total girly-girl, she used to hate her bone-shaped markings. But the gloomy Clair de Lune liked them, saying it was as if there was some hidden meaning to them. She didn't really get it at the time but it stuck with her and she tries to use hidden meanings in her own lyrics. She plays rhythm guitar for their band, Sugar Moon. See, the name is their names smooshed together. It's cute. Lune is super cute though, and so are their baskets! Look how their colors and markings are both taken from their parents. It's so sweet.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Melomar
Entry For: basket
Pony's Name: Unknown, because the parents will name the baskets together!
Personality Blurb: Baby wants to be part of the band but has no sense of rhythm! As a child they will have the "voice of a choir boy" but when they get older the voice totally betrays them. Then, they get dramatic because they feel there is no place for them. That is when they discover their purpose in life! They become happy and balanced and wise. What is their purpose? You'll see! (I am kind of leaning toward writing vampire novels... and candy-making for niche tastes and needs, like blood-, fish-, kelp-, and brains-flavored suckers and allergy-free candies.)
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes, I would love to!


This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: Basket
Pony's Name: Moon Drop
Personality Blurb: Moon drop, named that way as a combo of their parent's names and the darling baby of the family, admires their older sibling with a passion and wants to go everything with them! Sweet like their Gumdrop and shy like Moon Drip, they'd much rather be in their big siblings shadow than standing out on their own.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Entry For: Gumdrop
Pony's Name: Tutti Frutti
Personality Blurb: Sweet, zesty, and full of pep! Tutti Frutti wants to live their life to the fullest, no matter how crazy it gets, and does everything with an extra flair that's all their own. They like to party, hard, and have so much love to give that it barely fits in their body. (Self-proclaimed) One day they hope to open a business, but they can't decide if it should be party-related, daredevil-related, or an unholy mashup of the two.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Entry For: Basket
Pony's Name: Fuit Gummi
Personality Blurb: Though Fuit doesn't like to talk all that much, they're very much a sweet, social pony that likes to be part of a group rather than stand out. They're creative and proudly show off their creations to others, even if their pieces might not be easily understood. (Their family gets the brunt of these mini art tours for the most part, and their sibling should prepare themselves for surprise midnight art sessions)

However, Fuit's most distinguishing characteristic is their insatiable need to chew on something, espescially if it has a firm, squishy texture. It doesn't have to be edible, or flavored, or even remotely sanitized, it just needs to be enjoyable for chewing. (Note: Other ponies are not on the Fuit approved list of enjoyable things, at least not yet) They even have special necklaces with pendants specifically made for chewing... But they still prefer erasers and the occasional .25 cent gacha bouncy ball.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: KisaValkyrie
Entry For: basket(purple one)
Pony's Name: Lilac Patches
Personality Blurb: Lilac is a spunky little pony who loves to dance and make childrens clothes. She loves to spend her time going around to all the towns she can and making nice clothes for a lot of the children there. She has spent a lot of time with her sibling and parents when she can. She sometimes makes little dolls with the leftover bits of fabrics from making the clothes and will give the dolls to other young ponies that want a homemade little friend. She is sweet and kind and loves to give whatever she can to those who need it. She would happily take home anything that needed a home if she found it lost and all on its own, be it companion or pony alike.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes!


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: Moondrip
Pony's Name: Shadow Greylight
Personality Blurb: Shadow loves his children and traveling at night wherever he wishes to go. He comes off very quiet but he just likes to watch everything going on till he knows what he wants to say. Hes actually very kind and caring for a vampire. He will often go out and help find lost or missing ponies who need help being brought back to where they live. He will fight and defend any who try to harm innocent ponies or children. He is not one to stay in one area often, and is happy to travel with either of his children(Or the other parent if they wish to stick around) and go looking for interesting things, or lost ones. He only wishes for the best for his children and those they make family. He feeds only from willing hosts or from hunted wild companions. He does not kill to eat, except the wild companions. He enjoys the cold areas more then in the warmer ones but he goes where he feels called to and or where ever his children or traveling companion at the time wishes to go.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: yes please!

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: bitsie spider
Entry For: gumdrop
Pony's Name: Paxton
Personality Blurb: Pax is a lady that likes to have a good ol' time, especially with spooky anything. Her passion is fall, and her love is her family and anything scary. When she isn't working at the cinema, she's watching scary movies and shows at home!... living for every moment that a jump scare happens!
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: sure <3


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Reoakee
Entry For: gumdrop
Pony's Name: Stitch-Fix
Personality Blurb: Loving and inventive she cares deeply for her family and can make shapes and stories out of anything. One of her favorite things is making 'missing story cookies' which are misshapen cookies that have vague shapes that could be a tower or a cow or something odd that she and the family get to pick up and make a story about the vague shape before they chow down. She makes all kinds of cloth goods like accessories, dolls and blankets for a job that she can do form home so she can spend more time with her family though the kids might have to help her with all that fancy tech things to sell things online and update the site when they get older.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: I'm horrible at set up but i don't mind jumping in. just poke me if I'm slow because pregnancy brain is a thing


Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Entry For: moon drip
Pony's Name: Monochrome Nights
Personality Blurb: A nocturnal pony who at first glance seems to live up to his name. He seems dull, cold, and very monotone when ponies first meet him. However deep down he's very passionate, romantic, and very very awkward. He's unsure of how to show his emotions after some trauma as a child and falls back to being distant and cold.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Yes

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Blinded By Silence
Entry For: Moon Drip
Pony's Name: Deft
Personality Blurb: Deft is often described as lazy, but in reality, they are simply efficient in their approach to the problems they come across! Some might see their clean-cut tones and lack of emotional responses as off-putting, but when you need something done, and done well, Deft is your pony.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Sure! I'm still very new to the setting here, so I might need some help!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
This Is What I Imagine...
Username: Blinded By Silence
Entry For: Gumdrop
Pony's Name: Serendipity
Personality Blurb: Dippy is a very creative mind, she adores upcycling anything and everything she can get her hooves on! If you ever need supplies for a craft, just ask Dippy, she's sure to have something for you in that mess of a craft room.
Would You Like IC Family Plots?: Sure! I'm still very new to the setting here, so I might need some help!