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[CYOA] The First Floor


Grizzled Veteran
[Only those quoted may respond!]

You decide that the rest of the building is just above your pay grade for one night of work, so you stick to checking out the mall itself.
On the shelf you notice a stack of flashlights, and you make the very quick and wise decision to grab one and a couple of the rolling loose batteries, juuust in case.
Leaving the Security room, the soft shuffling of feet catches your attention. It stops your breath as you focus on the sound, trying to find the source, and your somehow-functional flashlight's flickering light bounces off nothing but old posters on the walls and a fine layer of dust.
Curiosity gets the better of you and you press on across the wide-open foyer, the turnstiles of the entrance coming into view.
With a soft creak, you push thru them and, officially, you're inside the establishment, as if the bright colors and advertisements littering the floor around a giant golden statue weren't notice enough.
Where you go from here, however...

You could go to the Bowling Alley, maybe bowl a few balls as you wait for the night to pass..

Or maybe the Arcade, there's old games in there and maybe the prize counter has some interesting goodies you could ahem, acquire...

There's also the DJ Booth, maybe there's just music in general you can play, plus there's supposedly a huge animatronic...

Or there's the main stage, those animatronics are surely still there and would be a sight to look at....

[Roll 1d100 along with your choice!]

Responses must be in by the 23rd, 11:30 PM EST
This will be your thread for the remainder of the game!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 21 21
Arcade, there's old games in there and maybe the prize counter has some interesting goodies you could ahem, acquire...

Yep. Cig hated this place. Well he hated most everything so he supposed it wasn’t that different from everywhere else. Loading up the flashlight and tucking extra batteries into his hoodie he was tempted to light up a cigarette. He had been good so far but felt that itch to smoke. Pulling up his hood he headed out and stopped at the sound of shuffling stopped him dead. Rats. Well no? that didn’t sound quite right. Flipping on the light he looked around and couldn’t find the source. Dust, dirt and grime. Puttering about he managed to peek in the place. Honestly no one else was around and he figured he might be able to swipe some candy that he could use to fight off his cigarette craving at the Arcade.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 75 75
Akadia took her time weighing her choices. Ultimately she decided the DJ Booth felt the most appealing. This place was spooky so maybe some music would make her feel better.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 15 15
Despite other interesting areas to maybe pass a few minutes of time during this odd job, Mattie continued to be drawn to the main stage. Whether it was the best of decisions to go poking around the clearly used thing remained to be seen as, after all, the damned place in its entirety was eerie as hell. Like ... something out of a horror movie.


Grizzled Veteran

As you make your way to the Arcade just to the left of the turnstiles, the sounds of the game music slowly getting louder catches you a little off-guard, considering the place is supposed to be deserted.
The glass doors are surprisingly clean, and no sooner do you push into the room, you hear the shuffling of something lurking in the dark....
"Who wants candy?"
A voice rings out in the dark, and no sooner did you hear the direction it came from, you spot them.

You suppose you could ask them where to find it, but the way they're twitching it just a little too.... unnatural.
But then they spot you, and their head tilts at a strange angle.
"I love pizza."

Oh... oh boy.
Do you want to confront this stranger? Or maybe you'd rather duck behind the prize counter and avoid them entirely?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The DJ Booth is straight through the large, statued lobby, it seems, and you pass under the large staircase towards the very back of the building.
The air back here seems heavy, or maybe its just because there aren't any windows back here that it just seems a bit stuffy.
A soft noise catches your attention, and you can't help but glance behind the rotating door...

Oh... quite the dainty little thing, but the markings...
You shrug it off, but not the companion, and they float aimlessly around you, but it certainly seems like they're sticking close by.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

The rest of the room seems to be made up for a real party, with a giant checkered dance floor, speakers in all four corners and a DJ stage... but last you'd heard, there was supposed to be a giant DJ here, but where...?
Huh. Maybe they moved it for safety reasons?
It could be behind the booth, the place does seem rather large enough.
Or you could take a look around the room itself, there seem to be a lot of randomly placed vents in the walls.
There also seems to be a restroom down here- huh, was that a shadow?

Where will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The Main Stage seems to be up the staircase, and lucky for you it's pretty easy to navigate. A few wet floor signs litter the upstairs hallway, and the upper balcony's banister encircles the golden statue.
You can definitely tell it was meant to be a focal point when you entered the building, but you had a goal in mind.
Turning to face the main stage however, it is far from the little room you expected it to be, and its a bit overwhelming.
It was more like a concert hall, with rows of chairs surrounding a very large stage, with spotlights and projectors around the room that were strangely lit up, pointed at the large, glitter silver backdrop to the stage.
It seems like the stage would be a good place to be noising around, but then again maybe you want to look around the room itself? There's litter all over the place, maybe something is useful...
There's also a manager's office right above the doorway, maybe you can take the stairs up and check it out....

What will you do?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 97 97
confront this stranger
The noise made Cig frown. Music on, doors not caked with dirt. Even before going in he was on edge. Nearly turning around he moved into the room with the phrase, This is it, this is how I die, rolling through his head. The question coming from the dark was off-putting. The strange and bright pony. They were twitching like a addict was going through withdrawal. “I like pizza as well. Honestly though I was looking for candy.” He was glad he was an earth pony because if this one charged at him he was going to kick all the pent up frustration from not smoking until they were no longer a threat and likely a bad stain on the floor. Tougher then diamond hooves were a nice thing at times. First thing he was going to aim for was that beak. He had a slight image of it without a beak in his mind and it was spooky. Still if they were a hungry pony who broke in for food and possibly cleaning the place since it was up and running… well honestly he would let them play as long as they didn’t make to big a mess. He was likely going to be fired but the hell with it. He would join in on a pizza raid to the fridge himself if it stopped the agitation he was feeling by not smoking. Stil he was pretty sure he was going to be attacked. “Care to help me find the candy? You can have the pizza we find on the way.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 8 8
Akadia entered the DJ Booth only to find it completely lacking of DJs. There was a little fairy dude which seemed to be following her which was okay, she supposed. Maybe it was just the weird markings, but she kind of felt bad for it. She did a quick once over of the room before she decided she would investigate behind the booth. If nothing else, maybe she could figure out how to mix her own tunes.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 52 52
Dark Knight had made his way through the place, flashlight and batteries grasped tightly, though he tried not to let the ambiance of the place get to him. He glanced around, light revealing nothing of note and took a few deep breaths to ease any worries from his mind. Turning his focus to the available locations, he pondered the arcade, but decided at the final moment to go check out the bowling alley. Bowling alleys were easily the least spooky - the wacky carpets were a staple of foalhood nostalgia and maybe he could get more lights to come on - Oooh, maybe he could find a disco ball! Any good bowling alley always had a disco ball laying around somewhere.

Turning his attention and his hooves, Dark Knight took another deep breath - or maybe he released an anxious sigh, it was hard to tell - and started towards the bowling alley to see what could be, well, seen.


Grizzled Veteran
[You had to beat an 85!]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them to their feet, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​


Grizzled Veteran

You climb up into the DJ Booth, the rows and rows of old vinyl, a nostalgic vibe...
But the face looking at you is certainly new.
"Hello S-S-Superstar."

Oh boy, a new friend?!
They don't seem malicious, maybe you two can team up! Or is the idea of this slightly-twitchy character just a bit too much and you want to make a run for it?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

For the most part, the trash is old advertisements, candy wrappers, old food containers, oh hey! even a sticker sheet!
You go to grab for it and it's stuck... to... what?

Ah, it seems you're not the only sticker fan around here.
It's all good, you can share them after all!
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Finding nothing else notable, you're left with the options you had before: check out the main stage, or go root around in the manager's office?
Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You make the decision to check out the Bowling Alley, which just happens to be to the right of the turnstiles.
The big, looming mascot entryway is kind of a dead giveaway, so getting lost is out of the question.
Luckily for you, the shutters, although down, aren't completely shut, and you can just duck under them and find yourself in a room of blacklights and a really deliciously neon-looking carpet.
It takes a minute for your eyes to adjust, but at least it isn't pitch black like you'd been expecting.
From the looks of things, this place must've been off-limits for a while, considering there's boxes shoved in here from the other attraction areas.
Squeezing past a rather dangerous looking stack, you see where your next exploration can be.
To the left of you, the shoe rental is pretty well lit, maybe if you hop over the counter you can go rooting back there.
To the right, the bowling lanes are all surprisingly clean, but one of the lanes seems to have a light filtering from behind, maybe taking that staff door is more interesting.

Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 56 56
Dark Knight had made it safely into the bowling alley - though it was a shame that this place was clearly more abandoned than the rest of the mall seemed to be. He spent a good time just running his feet over the carpet, though he stopped, worrying that he would become supercharged with static electricity. Finally moving forward again, he glanced over at the shoe rental, which was more well-lit, but figured he would swing back around. He doubted any disco balls would be among the shoes, but the staff door - now that was more like it!

Worst case scenario, it would lead to a broom closet. Best case scenario: this place was gonna get lit with prismatic broken pieces poorly glued to a spinning ball!