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[CYOA] The Fourth Floor

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Grizzled Veteran

You jerk the curtain to shut it again, but it gets caught. You look up to get it unstuck and look back in a panic, but the pony is completely gone. Uhm... phew?
Now then, where were we...
Oh, hello?

Well, I guess they're tagging along with you now...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

A rather intimidating main stage is just back the way you'd come from...
Two doors seem to be labelled East Hallway and West Hallway as well, maybe those lead to something more interesting in the building?

Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You open the door soundlessly, which in itself is nerve-wracking.
Signs of a fire are all over this place, but it doesn't look like you'll fall through the floor anywhere.
Despite the burns, you can make out that you're in the dining area, and a rather intimidating main stage is just to the left of you.
further in the building, you can make out an 'Out Of Order' sign sitting in front of another smaller stage curtain, which could be of some interest...
Two doors seem to be labelled East Hallway and West Hallway as well, maybe those lead to something more interesting in the building?

Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 16 16
Itto partly expected the door to creak, or groan when it was pushed open. So, when there wasn’t a noise at all, he found himself swinging it open and closed a couple of times just to be sure. It wasn’t even hard to open either. Though… he might be confusing the mall with a horror movie he’s seen before, and now expects every abandoned thing to be creaky and decrepit. Well… this place has probably seen better days as Itto looks around, frowning at how singed everything looked. If I were a trespasser, where would I hide? He asked himself as he gazed around. As much as he believed he belonged on the main stage, it was kind of out in the open. Hiding behind a curtain would make lots of sense, but then again, so would hiding behind doors. The stallion hummed in thought, his tail swishing idly as he looked between the smaller stage curtain and the two doors- debating which would yield the best results. Ah… I don’t have time for this. He snorted, making his way to the smaller stage curtain. If anything, if he was wrong he could always check the doors afterwards.


Grizzled Veteran

You barely took a step when you heard a noise from behind, but you know there's no way that something is behind the curtain again... right....?
Oh... well, I guess you could be wrong.

Well, do we want to confront them? Or did you want to book it down the east hallway?​


Grizzled Veteran

You draw back the curtain and are instantly met with a glowing pair of eyes....
Oh, and they're attached to someone.

Well this wasn't quite what you thought would be behind a small stage curtain, and they advance on you very slowly.
Uhhh... should you run? Or maybe you want to confront them head on?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 81 81
Itto froze for a moment, eyes wide at the pair of… well, eyes. At first, he thought it was another sad looking Pixie- nearly grumbling that he didn’t have enough pockets for all these companions he was finding here. In fact, he never even questioned how they got in here in the first place. After a few minutes though, he realized it was just another pony. “Oh bro, you nearly gave me a heart attack. Hey… since you’re here, have you seen a shady suspect sneakin’ around in here?” He asked, his head turning about to look around further behind the curtain- as if he didn’t just ask the suspicious pony to help him find… himself. One. Two. Three. Four… Five… “Waitaminute! You’re not supposed to be here either, buddy! C’mere, you little...” He commanded, lunging to the other pony to confront them head on.


Grizzled Veteran
[Fredbear roll was a 46... XD]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them to their feet, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​


Grizzled Veteran

You make a beeline for the East Hallway, glancing over your shoulder for a pursuer... and nothing's there.
I suppose that makes this a little easier, right?

The East Hallway is pretty damaged, but even through the dirt and grime you can make out the old tile patterns on the lower half of the walls and the red border trim, although very burned, is still a noticeably grungy red.
From here, it looks like you have 2 directions you can go...
To your left, there's a faded sign stuck crookedly to a door that reads Parts & Services.
To your right, however, an open doorway looms, with a little glass window to the left and right of the door, and you swear you can hear a soft whirring.
Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You step towards the West Hallway... and dust flies on your face.
Wait, is that...?

Oh, well it's not dust, at least?
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

The West Hallway has seen better days, but somehow little decorations made of paper plates have survived both the first and time, lined up on the wall at the very end of the hallway.
It seems you have 2 directions you can go from here...
To your left, an open doorway beckons, with glass windows on either side of the door frame, and you can hear a soft whirring noise coming form within.
To your right, you can see one of those swinging doors with a port hole in it, so you can only assume it's some kind of kitchen.
Where will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
The door opens with a significant amount of force, and looking at the frame you can see it's warped from the fire. Not nearly as terrifying, however, as the sudden gaze of 4 heads lined up on the shelves along the far wall, or the one that seems to be looking at you sideways from a table in the center of the room.
You swear you can hear something move under the table, maybe you should check it out?
Or maybe we should go back in the hallway and tray another direction?

what do you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You aimed for the open doorway... but something else beat you to it, and you're looking at a rather frightening pair of eyes... oh, and they're attached to a pony.

Oh boy, should we make a friend... or...?
Do you want to try ducking into the kitchen?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
[BRB losing my mind over Chica rolling a 4]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them to their feet, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​
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