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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ DP Shop ]

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Death Points, or DP, are points that you the player have earned for things your cats did while they were alive. This thread here gives you a bit more of a breakdown on how you earn them, but this thread is where you spend them! Once items are purchased, your total will be updated in the DP and You thread.

Shop stock will change every once in a while, so check back when you get the chance!

Semis and Customs
Unedited Semi-Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Adult ]
10 DP
Unedited Semi-Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Kit ]
13 DP
Unedited Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Adult ]
15 DP
Unedited Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Kit ]
18 DP
Edited Semi-Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Adult ]
15 DP
Edited Semi-Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Kit ]
18 DP
Edited Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Adult ]
18 DP
Edited Custom [ Loner/Kittypet Kit ]
21 DP
35 DP
Breeding Perks
Extra Kit
Gain +1 kit to a breeding of your choice. You do not choose the gender. You may still only claim one kit per breeding. Each breeding can only have two kits added at max. All breedings have a max of five kits.
5 DP
Claim +1
In a breeding of your choice, claim an extra kit! The other parent must choose before your second pick, to keep things fair.
12 DP
SunClan's Blessing
This boon will ensure the survival of all kits in a given breeding.
8 DP
Mystery Breeding
A breeding with only one parent. Traditional claiming rules still apply.
20 DP

Plot PowersDescriptionCost
Spirit Interaction
This cat is able to interact with cats from the afterlife!
12 DP
SunClan Approval
The Cats of the Sun smile down upon your cat, welcoming them to an applicable clan. Please make sure the clan you're applying for is accepting members. The application will still need to be filled out.
10 DP
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
To purchase something from the DP shop, please fill out the form below.
[color=red][b]Death Point Purchase[/b][/color]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]purchase[/b] an itemized list of what are you buying and which cat they are for
[b]total cost[/b] add together the cost of your purchases


Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username PeterPan_da144
purchase semi custom edited adult
total cost 15 DP


Blinded is grabbing! DP deducted!
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Death Point Purchase
username Nym
purchase Extra kit claim + extra kit for RLC breeding
total cost 17

Noted! DP deducted!
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Death Point Purchase
username Blinded By Silence
SunClan Interaction Perk - Scrap
total cost 12

Noted! DP deducted!


Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username belloblossom
purchase +1 extra kit claim (Barb/Hunter)
total cost 10 DP

Noted! DP deducted!


Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username PeterPan_da144
purchase semi custom edited adult with afterlife interaction
total cost 27 DP

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Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username PeterPan_da144
purchase mystery breeding of Wisp with an extra kit
total cost 25
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Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username belloblossom
purchase Edited Custom Adult
total cost 18 DP

Custom Form attached below
username belloblossom
breed preference DLH
sex Without Eyelashes
growing Warrior
edited? Yes, Specifically:
- Squared Bobtail
- Tall Ears
- Small Eyes
- Long Leg Fluff
- Scarf
- The Recently Donated Ankle and Spiky Leg Fluff
- The Recently Donated Round Belly
** I didn't see the flower in mouth edit on the open edit threads, but if available/open I would love to have him holding a flower in his mouth. No worries if not though **
inspiration Soquili Horse
request Instead of having the chinese symbol on his chest, could we put it on his scarf? If it doesn't fit then total no worries, I realize it's a tricky request on that one. The goal is to replicate the horse as well as we can onto the cat base with the edits we have available.
notes Link to Ownership is in Inspiration. I'd be pleased to be kept in the loop and it's a-okay if the artist wants to stream (or doesn't want to stream!) this custom. Thank you so much either way <3


Stew Aficionado
Death Point Purchase
username belloblossom
purchase SunClan's Blessing
total cost 8 DP
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