Dungeons and Pokemon

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Stew Aficionado
Would anyone be interested if I ran a Dungeons and Pokemon game here. It would run kinda like the Mystery Dungeon games where you are the pokemon gathering friends to help you explore the world and the never ending dungeons

I'll have more info on how the game will work once i tweak my 4 year old version of this to add fairy type to the lot and the many other things that pokemon has brought to the main series.

Heres what I came up with 4-5 years ago Dungeons and Pokemon

Check out the group for more info
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late to the party
Staff member

Hard for me to say without actually knowing any rules but I'm always down to at least see what's going on with a gaming idea.


Stew Aficionado
I added a link to the rules and info of the game that i created before fairy was a type. Also ignore the trainer and summoner stuff as that will be taken out of the game to make things simpler


late to the party
Staff member

(I just haven't had a chance to look at the rules yet, but I want to run my face anyway. 8D)

Did you know there is a community built pokemon tabletop system? I've actually always wanted to try it out, although it's geared more towards trainers and poges iirc. It's been a couple of years since I looked at it so it's cool to see that it's still being updated.

It's generally a LOT more complicated tho, hence why I've never actually tried to play it. 8D

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Stew Aficionado
The game i created is simple and geared towards thosr whove never played dnd before as this game was made for my college roommates back in the day


late to the party
Staff member

Ye I was just ... making conversation. x'D It was early and I felt chatty, sorry.

It's a little hard for me to think of how your ruleset would work in a MD type game though, since it's got so much of the trainer stuff in it right now. o uo I'd def give it another look once you tweak it tho.



Stew Aficionado
I have notes from when i ran the game if how I'd do it based on how the game had went its just taking the time to type it up


Stew Aficionado
So i ended up hashing everything out at work and ill be scrapping most of the document posted above. When i get home from work ill create the group for this. I wont be able to do anything till the 1st of Feb but those interest if you could go through all the info in the group once its created that would help. To get questions and concerns out of the way


late to the party
Staff member

So wait are these adopts or just a game? 'Cause of the setup / group category ... XD There is a gaming category for groups too. o uo/ (You can change that without having to remake the group so it's nbd)

What you have looks interesting so far tho. Enjoy your vacation and I'll be peeking whenever you get more info up~



Stew Aficionado
Im gonna be making this into an adopt game. Since i decided to makr sprites for the pokemon and the pokemon arnt necessarily classed into shiny and regulars. Ill be addiny fusions. And differnt colorint and patterns to them


Stew Aficionado
And i wasnt really sure where that fell into the group wise. If you want me to move it i can just say the word


late to the party
Staff member

no it's fine if it's adopts though if they're just modified sprites from games that might fall more under gaming yeah, since they're not wholly original creations? but I didn't know which you meant, and if you're making fusions that is original work too so


Stew Aficionado
Yeah i've been meaning to get back into sprite work and i figured this would be a nice way to do it. Editing sprites from the games creating my own fusions and megas. So i was on the fence on where it fell since part of them would be my work and part would be modified from the games. I may just move the group to games since mega's will be like the elder stages and fusions are rare enough. There are breedings but that would just be modified sprites or fusions so. As i said up in the air about the whole where it should go thing.


late to the party
Staff member

I think if the majority of sprites are just normal in-game sprites or only very slightly modified (like a palette swap) I'd probably consider it a game more than an adoptable, myself, yea, but that's definitely a tricky one. :Ia Leaning towards game since it's only partially unique and partially not so it's more like, um, a game with a character art type service for really dedicated players?

Edit: The getting back into sprites is cool though. :D I hope you really enjoy it. It seems like a good in to it.



Stew Aficionado
I'll move it to gaming thanks for the input. Gonna try to get a bit more infomation posted in the group posted before i leave. Got a few more things done already. I also need to edit a few things into the other info i 've already done since i've forgotten a few things.
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