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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[EVENT] A Family in Peril

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Stew Aficionado
For ease of access for everyone (and especially myself), I've gathered up the information from all the cats won previously! Hopefully it will help to spark some inspiration for the remaining kit who lives <3

mother Bristletoungue
father Warmgaze

Warmgaze was a kindhearted tom that lived in LostClan. One day while stalking a mouse, he traveled beyond the boarders of his clans territory. It was on that day that he met Bristletongue. There was something about the fierce she-cat that captivated him so the sweet tom began sneaking out to visit her as often as he could. Though he thought himself loyal to his clan, Warmgaze soon found himself making difficult decisions that tested his loyalties. Upon learning that Bristletoungue was pregnant with his kits, the two of them decided to raise their kits outside of their clans in the secret den where they had met. After Bristletongue died, Warmgaze left Lostclan to care for his kits as a loner. Unfortunately he didn't raise them for long as he soon died of a broken heart. Having renounced his clan and taken to the life of a loner, Warmgaze found himself wandering the Wild Woods, always searching for his lost love Bristletongue, unaware that she found a different afterlife.

Bristletongue lived up to her name; a sassy, sharp tongued, she-cat that was hard to get close to. Though Bristletongue had grown up a member of StoneClan, she often wondered what it would be like to live life as a loner. Occasionally when clan life became too much (some of those cats were just so annoying), she would sneak away and hide for awhile in the woods past the territory boundaries. It was there she met Warmgaze, the only tom that didn't get on her nerves. In fact, after meeting up with him a few times, Bristletongue found herself missing Warmgaze and looking forward to their next meeting. To throw off suspicion that she was meeting with a cat from another clan, Bristletongue faked interest and flirted with a tom from StoneClan that had been trying to court her for some time. That was, until she became pregnant with Warmgaze's kits. Though her pregnancy was normal, Bristletongue felt herself growing weak. After a talk with the medicine cat, Bristletongue found herself with an incurable sickness. She begged the medicine cat to keep quiet about her condition. Shortly after having her kittens, she snuck them out of StoneClan and took them to the secret den where she met with their father. Though they had decided to raise the kittens outside of their clans, Bristletongue really just wanted her kittens to be with their father since she knew they wouldn't have a mother due to her illness. Her clan was shocked to find out what she had done but the tom who had been courting her was absolutely furious. The StoneClan tom thought he had fathered Bristletongue's kits and was beside himself with rage that she had taken them from him, taken them from their clan. When the tom threw accusations her way and threatened to go find the kits and bring them back, Bristletongue lashed out. Afraid for her family and angry at the accusations, Bristletongue killed the tom, her clanmate. Her sickness ended her life before StoneClan could pass judgment on her. Having broken her loyalty to the clan and killed a cat out of fear and anger rather than self defense, Bristletongue found herself wondering the Dark Forest.[/SIZE]

first Feather

It was hard for Feather and her siblings to survive the harsh world without their parents. Loving her siblings more than anything, Feather gave every bit of prey her tiny paws could catch to them and eventually wound up to weak and sick to recover.

second Boulder

Boulder was holding their ground when they were protecting their siblings from a rockslide and got suffocated under.


Stew Aficionado
So Much Left To Live
username PeterPan_da144
cat name River
concept River, growing up, was much like their name. They went with the flow of whatever happened around them. For some reason, they had always thought they might be the cause for their mother leaving them shortly after they were born. The three kits were nursed just barely long enough, and then she was gone, forever. She had always come in smelling of hostility and fear, which put River on edge, and molded them into the cat who always tip toed around others even as a kit. This continued especially after their father passed, too sad to carry on without their mother. Feather was always so headstrong and fast, catching as much prey as she could for all three of them. Boulder was big and stocky and always prepared to jump to protect them from anything. River... Sat back and watched. River was the quiet, babbling brook behind the trio, gently herding their siblings here and there to take the rest when needed. They had lost their parents already, there was no reason to lose each other.

So when they did... River was devastated. Boulder shoved River out of the way of a rockslide, and got crushed under the rocks. River dug for days before they could finally reveal their siblings corpse and bury it properly. By then, Feather was already week. She had been running ragged feeding all three of them, and even though they had lost Boulder, it wasn't enough to allow her to regain her strength from their catches.

River was suddenly alone. All alone in the once crowded and noise filled den. Barely an adult, they found the forest to be far too big now. Where were all the other cats? Stories of clans had been told to the trio of kits growing up, but the way their parents smelled when talking about them... Especially their mother, the fear that gripped her... River would not go to a clan. At least, not the clan their mother came from.

But.... They missed their family. They missed the comradery. The sense of belonging and being happy. Everything was bleak and dark now. River just wants to feel the warmth again.

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
This has officially come to an end! There was only one entry for the remaining cat who lives, so they will be handed out now <3

@PeterPan_da144 congratulations! Here is your newly named River to take home

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