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Dragon Realms

[Fin | Quest | SRP] Akadia's Healweed Hunt


Stew Aficionado
Find 5 healweed

1-5 You found a Thistle
6-8 You found a Healweed
9 You find two Healweeds
10+ Contact Zak as you rolled a special event!

If a faun is present in a gathering quest they will roll 1d2 and add it to the dragons gathering quest result.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 3 3
🎲d2 2 2
Akadia stared idly at the quest board while she considered her options. What did she feel like doing today? Not that she had all that many options. There were only a handful of jobs posted at the moment. Fodder research, weed collecting, or fighting rats. Well, research sounded boring and rats were dirty. Not that weeds were all that clean, but.

A voice sounded behind her suddenly. "Hey, you looking for a job to do, too?"

Akadia turned to see a grey-furred faun watching her with an easy smile. "Uh, yeah. I think I'm gonna go pick some healweed or something. Seems easy enough."

"Want some company? I've got nowhere to be, maybe I could help," the faun offered.

"Uhh, sure." Akadia agreed. The guy seemed innocent enough. "I'm Akadia, by the way."

"I go by Summer Sky. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Akadia answered. "Well, are you ready to go?"

Summer Sky confirmed that he was and off they went.

"You know what we're looking for right?" Akadia asked, once they had arrived at the field they'd be searching in.

"Yeah, I think so," Summer Sky replied.

"Let me know if you find one, I'll stick it in my bag," Akadia told him.

Summer Sky replied affirmatively and continued the hunt.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 6 6
🎲d2 1 1
It was quiet for a while as the duo concentrated unusually hard on tracking down the needed plants.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 8 8
🎲d2 1 1
"Aha!" Akadia couldn't help but exclaim when she stumbled upon a single healweed.

"You got one?" Summer Sky asked, looking up from where he'd been searching.

"Uh-huh. Only four more to go." Akadia grinned while she gently tucked the plant into her pack.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 1 1
🎲d2 2 2
"I got another one!" The pair of them spoke the same words with surpising harmony.

"Wait, really?" Again they spoke together unintentionally. It soon devolved into shared giggles.

"Guess that makes three then," Summer Sky remarked, grinning.

Akadia agreed with a similar goofy expression on her face. She accepted the weed from the faun and tucked them away. "Just two more to go."


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 9 9
🎲d2 1 1
Akadia thought she had something, but when she brought it closer for further inspection, it was just a thistle. She tossed it away with a pout and continued her search.


Stew Aficionado
"Ooh a double!" Akadia exclaimed with excitement. "Alright, that makes five! Thanks for you help, Summer."

"Sure, no problem. I'll see you around then?" the faun replied with that same easy grin he always seemed to wear.

"Um, yeah. You're not coming with?" Akadia asked.

"Nah. I think I'm gonna hang out here for a while. It's a nice day. You go ahead and collect the rewards you're owed."

"Oh. Alright. Well, thanks again. Enjoy your day." Akadia tucked away the last two healweeds she needed and returned back to the Adventurer's Guild. She actually did hope she would see him again. While she didn't have much experience with fauns, she liked him. He was easy to get along with and didn't ask too many questions. Maybe she'd be able to get him to help her again some time.