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Dragon Realms

[Fin | Quest | SRP] Healweed Hunting with Sitri


Stew Aficionado
Find 5 healweed

1-5 You found a Thistle
6-8 You found a Healweed
9 You find two Healweeds
10+ Contact Zak as you rolled a special event!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 10 10
Sitri didn't make a habit of coming out much. Frankly she didn't generally care for the company of other dragons. If it was up to her, she would much rather spend her time holed up in a room with a stack of books and some snacks. She liked the idea of magic, but to use it for something like hurting others for sport wasn't what she would call thrilling. Unfortunately, though, she didn't have an endless reserve of supplies and on occasion had to step out into the sunlight.

One of those occasions just happened to be today. While she was out and about she decided to stop by the Adventurer's Guild and look over the quest board. Maybe there would be something interesting or useful up there. Not really, but she did take notice of a request for gathering up healweed. She supposed that would be easy enough and it wouldn't require any fighting or associating with other dragons for the most part. She could also gather up some for her own potions. Seemed like a pretty good deal all around.

So Sitri formally accepted the quest and set out to complete it. She was well aware of how tricky telling apart healweed and thistle could be, but she was determined. There should be some around here somewhere...

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Stew Aficionado

Off in the distance you spot a brightly colored sheep, upon closer inspection it seems to be eating the very Healweed you are looking for.

(This sheep is yours to keep the colorist is Kisa)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 3 3
As a matter of fact, there was. It just happened to be located in the chewing jaws of a vividly coloured sheep. "Hey, hey, hey!" Sitri protested, trying in vain to salvage what she could of the plant. "I need that! Shoo, you!"

The sheep in question blinked lazily and just stared up at her with dull lavender eyes. The entire time it continued to chew on the bit of plant it had secured.

Sitri desperately searched around the area the sheep had been occupying, but alas, it seemed the hoofed monster had already eaten what healweed there might have been.

With a huff and a glare, she moved on and continued her search while she wondered where the sheep's guardian was.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 9 9
Sitri surveyed the area with the intent to make this pesky sheep someone else's problem. Even if they weren't the sheep's originally guardian, she wanted someone else to take the thing somewhere else so she could focus on finishing her fetch quest in peace. She didn't see anyone. Maybe this sheep had wandered off and its owner was looking for it. Whatever the case may be, she'd just have to ignore it for now and hope it went somewhere else and quit eating her healweed.

Sitri continued her search for the necessary plant.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 3 3
What luck! In the next spot she checked, Sitri managed to locate not one, but two healweed growing near each other. She hurriedly gathered up the pair of plants and tucked them away into the safety of her satchel before the sheep took notice. Instead of grazing where it was, the tricolored creature had taken to following her. It might have been endearing if Sitri hadn't been so annoyed with the thing. She had to keep a close eye on the fodder lest it end up chewing on some healweed she might have overlooked. Maybe it was a good thing that it seemed to have such a lazy disposition. It meant the sheep wouldn't go out of its way to cause mischief.

Anyway, Sitri had more important things to focus on at the moment. Two was a good start, but she still needed another three healweed before her quest would be complete. Hopefully locating them wouldn't take too long.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 9 9
Sitri knelt close to inspect another nearby plant. Healweed? Nope. Too pointy. With a sigh, the dragon released the plant and moved on. When she agreed to take on this quest, she hadn't expected it to be quite so tedious. Nevertheless, she had already agreed and it was too late to take it back now. For now, she would keep searching.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 7 7
Sitri seemed to have wildly fluctuating luck. She either found pairs of healweed, like she just did, or none at all. Not that she was complaining, per se, as it was significantly better than just straight terrible luck, but still, it would be nice to just be able to consistently find them even if it was just one at a time.

Ah, well. What could she do? Sitri simply gathered up the pair of healweed and carefully tucked them away with the other two in her satchel. She supposed maybe she should just be grateful for now that the stray sheep hadn't managed to snipe any from her.



Stew Aficionado
Just as she had that thought, Sitri came upon another duo of healweed. She had just gathered up the first of the pair when the sheep she had been successfully ignoring came up beside her and pulled the second one straight out of the ground and into its mouth.

"No!" Sitri wailed, but it was already too late. The healweed was far too damaged to be of any use, even if she did want to try and wrestle it out of the chomping jaws of the wooly menace. She could only grit her teeth and clench her claws in anguish as her prize was ripped away from her. Her only consolation was knowing that now she at least had the five healweed she needed to complete the quest. She was wondering now if her sanity was worth losing in order to save herself a trip. She didn't get any of the potion ingredients for herself, but maybe if she came back later she'd be able to avoid being bothered.

She ultimately decided that that would be the better option and started making her way back toward the Knight's Guild so she could at least collect that reward. Despite the annoyance rolling off of her in nearly palpable waves, the sheep remained oblivious and continued to follow after Sitri.

The dragon in turn gave up trying to leave it behind, having realized that it was all but hopeless. She hadn't intended to take in any fodder, but she supposed she wasn't left with a choice now. Maybe she could sell it off later for gems or potion ingredients. That would be a decision for future Sitri to deal with. Right now, she was tired and just wanted to head home.
