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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] Round Belly ≠ Fully Fed (Silverstreak/Rainbowfish)


Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak's hunts hadn't been coming back very successfully - and in the beginning, she resented herself for it. She thought she didn't need to eat, not if she wasn't contributing to the prey pile herself. Of course, even before the Clan split up, hunting was hard, but now it seemed like while they didn't have as many mouths to feed, they also had less paws to catch what prey still remained. She ended up having a serious conversation with Thistlefur, her mentor from moons ago, now an elder who was catching more prey than Silverstreak herself, which resulted in the impression that even though Silverstreak wasn't catching as much as her MountainClan kin, she still deserved to eat so that she might have more strength to provide for the Clan in other ways.

It was between the council with her mentor and her recent affection towards the colorful tomcat, Rainbowfish, that Silverstreak had begun to feel more herself than she had when all of her siblings left her in the split. Even Stormsong... For nothing more than a silly dream - SunClan sent or not, she would not forgive SunClan for insisting her brother part from her. She suspected he would've nipped her eating habits (or lack thereof) in the bud, scolding her about how important it was that they stay heathy together. She missed her brother every day, her sisters too. Still, at least her sisters both had mates and kits to occupy their time, who did her brother have?

She hoped that maybe he would be able to reach out to one of their Clanmates, like she had done with Rainbowfish and offer to spend some time together. Indeed, her and Rainbowfish's time was merely spent together by sharing tongues and discussing their high hopes for the cats who had left - as well as those who had stayed behind. Silverstreak was relieved to have someone closer in her age to speak to (no offense to Thistlefur) and to take comfort in and it was no surprise to her when some of their conversations took a more intimate turn than others.

What did surprise her, however, were the stomach pains in her belly one morning. She'd set off to see Fernfire, their medicine cat - SunClan bless him for staying behind. Had she eaten a bad piece of prey? She did feel rather bloated - as though her stomach had grown in the course of a half-moon, but she'd figured that was because she was eating more regularly than she had before. After some gentle poking and prodding from Fernfire, along with some quiet admissions, the truth of it came forward. - she was expecting kits! And while it was too soon to tell how many exactly there were, it was safe to guess that it would be a decently sized litter, even with the conditions they were living in.

After consulting with Fernfire further on what she could do to try and ensure the kits survival, she stumbled out of the Medicine Cat Den. It was no guess to who the father was - she had only been that particularly close to Rainbowfish of all her remaining Clanmates. For a moment, she wondered if he would reject her for having kittens (as though she could help it) during a time when there were already plenty of mouths to feed. But no, she might expect such behavior from Tigersnarl, who had been increasingly frustrated as days passed, but not Rainbowfish. He was kind and considerate and... and she loved him, too. She raised her head and began to search for him, inquiring of his presence to her other Clanmates. If she didn't find him first, surely one of them would and point him in her direction. Eventually, she started towards the Nursery, poking her head into the empty den. Even before the split, there hadn't been kits in MountainClan for sometime, not since Goldenleaf and Lilacmoon had raised their kits together, she believed.

"Well," She mewed softly to herself, gazing at the old moss and wilted leaves inside. "I'll certainly have my paws full trying to make this place presentable." @Nym
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actual trash
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It had been a long and tiring few weeks in the mountains, but Rainbowfish still held hope. It was all you really could do nowadays if you wanted to keep your head on your shoulders. He had surprised himself in his decision to stay, but he had been glad to have made the choice. The elders needed working paws to ensure they'd survive the next few moons and Rainbowfish was not one to seek an easy life for himself at the cost of others. He was actually doing something here, and while he wasn't as efficient at hunting as Tigersnarl or as clever as Fernfire, he still had his place in the crowd.
It also didn't hurt that Silverstreak was there if he was honest.
Rainbowfish had joined the clan originally in hopes of finding a community where he belonged, and while Mountain Clan had accepted him readily, Rainbowfish never truly found his people. He hated admitting it, but sometimes he found himself wondering if he truly belonged in the clan. Perhaps staying behind had been also an attempt to place himself in a situation where he'd matter in the long scheme of things, although even then he found himself drifting into obscurity. Life had become a simple routine; hunt, check the elders, find herbs for the new medicine cat, eat, sleep, repeat. It had been a dull and monotonous life, but Rainbowfish wanted to do good for others, even if he found nothing in return.
And then he connected with her.
Silverstreak; a cat who he had briefly bumped into before the great shift of the clan and hardly exchanged a word with. He couldn't quite remember when the two of them began sharing their evenings together, but he was grateful all the same. She was a comforting soul, even if he found himself doing most of the soothing. It was nice to have someone who smiled when you turned the corner or would seek you out at dinner time, and even nicer to share a warm laugh over absolutely nothing after a long day. She kept him sane, pushing back the monotony and giving him a reason to wake up in the morning. He wasn't sure the extent of how he felt about her, on a deeper level, but Rainbowfish was just glad to finally have a friend.
That's what they were, right? Friends?
... Even though some nights had ended more, err- well.
Whatever they were he was glad, and Rainbowfish had begun to make a habit of finding her after a hunt. Just to check in, of course, but he liked the warmth that would spread through his chest when she greeted him with his name and a smile. So, that's exactly what he had set out to do after he tossed that night's prey into the small pile; he searched for her.
He found her rather quickly, although in the oddest of spots. The nursery? He crept to her side and, gently, bumped his shoulder against hers, dipping down to peer inside with her. "What are we looking for?"


Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak had been sizing up the Nursery with a keen eye, ready to step inside and figure out where the most comfortable spot would be to lay - where she could ensure that the kits she had couldn't scramble out into danger - goodness, SunClan look at her, she was already a worried mother and she had only been told of their presence that day.

She perked her ears when she heard pawsteps nearing and her eyes lit with delight when she caught Rainbowfish's scent - right before he came up beside her. Turning her head to him with a merry grin, she had no issue with brushing her cheek against his with a purr.

"Hello to you, too, Rainbowfish." She purred her amusement, before turning back to the view inside the abandoned nursery. "To answer your question..." Could she really just come out and say it? Yes. Yes, she could. "I'm looking for the perfect place to have the kits comfortably." She flicked her tail, was that not obvious enough, she worried with a small frown. "Which is to say, when I say THE kits, I mean, my kits... and yours,ss too. Not as a distant future scenario, but now. Well, not now now, but soon, that is, if Fernfire is to be believed." She turned her gaze from the depths of the Nursery to size up Rainbowfish.

"Rainbow, I'm... I'm expecting. And I know that you're yours, because you're the only one I've... that I've ever with..." She paused and then her smile returned. "Are you... happy?" @Nym


actual trash
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He leaned into the affectionate greeting with a small and cheeky smile. Ah, she was so nice~ He had begun to move to bump their foreheads together but she had been quicker in turning away, giving Rainbowfish enough time to realize he was really pushing it at times. Sure, he liked her company plenty, and he hoped she returned the sentiment, but was he getting too affectionate with her? Did she mind?
W-well, they had gotten closer before... so maybe--hopefully--not.
"Oh, yes, I se-" He had been half distracted by his own ponderings before he actually heard what she had said and choked on the realization. Kits? Was she- oh, she was still going- oh- OH.
He stared at her with wide eyes as she stammered through her words, his body frozen in place as he just watched her. By the time she had finished, he could feel his heart thundering in his chest, drowning out the world around him. Kits- his kits? With her? With the very nice molly who treated him like his presence actually mattered? He didn't answer for what probably was a disturbingly long period of time, but Rainbowfish was overwhelmed -- it hadn't been too long ago since he had felt so incredibly and utterly alone, and then suddenly Silverstreak had found him. She had made those lonely days more liveable, giving him someone and something to come home to. And now they'd have a family together?
With her?
He flashed into action, pulling himself in front of her and placing a paw on one of hers as his face broke into a wide but nervous grin. He didn't know exactly what would come after today, but he knew in the depths of his soul that he wanted this. Some might say he was rushing, and honestly, he was, but when you spent your life wishing to have someone to hold and a family of your own... well, you usually lept at the chance if you met that right someone -- and by SunClan, he really felt like she was that perfect cat for him.
Hopefully, she felt the same.
"Yes- of course, of course. I- I always thought that perhaps I was asking too much with how I've, err, no, wait-" he broke off, frowning in frustration as the words eluded him. He felt embarrassed almost by how vulnerable he suddenly felt, but when his eyes met hers he felt that squishy part of his chest squirm. Maybe he was being an absolute idiot running right into the fire, but-
"I know we just recently started connecting, and I understand that it might be a red flag, or I'm too eager, or- I just- I get if it's offputting that I say this, but I really like you, Silverstreak. Kids are- I've always wanted kids, and even though I figured it'd come later in life that doesn't mean I'm not happy. I guess I'm just skipping a few steps- but I'd- I'd like to skip them with you, if you'd allow me."
He met her gaze with his own eager and hopeful smile, another paw reaching to touch hers. "Is that okay?" He questioned lowly, worry flickering across his face. Did she even want him to be there for her and the kits?


Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak waited for Rainbowfish's reply... and continued to wait a long while after that. His usually bright eyes had gone so blank that she worried if he'd suddenly been possessed with the same blindness that had struck Sunseer before he'd left the camp.

"Rainbowfish...?" She mewed hesitatingly, only to widen her eyes when he lurched forward, shoving himself in front of her and placing a paw on hers. It was his turn to be a total chatterbox, words spilling out of his maw faster than the river had run through the ravine... back before the twolegs stole it, at any rate. She struggled to keep up at first, but then, she realized he was smiling and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if it's a red flag, as you put it." She replied once he'd given pause enough for her to give her input. "I've felt a deep connection to you, too, Rainbowfish. I was going to wait a bit to say anything initially - SunClan knows that so much as happened in so little time, but..." She glanced down, gave her chest a few nervous licks and then looked back up at the colorful, mottled tomcat. "I would like to skip those steps with you too, if I understand your meaning. Which is to say, Rainbowfish... I'm having your kits - well, our kits, but... I would like to be more than just the mother of your kits. I'd like to be your mate, if - if you'd have me." She gazed at him, leaning forward without quite noticing it. @Nym


actual trash
Staff member
It wasn't a red flag? Good. Good. Relief poured through his body and surfaced on his face, followed by a soft sigh. He remained patiently quiet as she continued, which immediately felt impossible the moment she admitted her returned connection towards him. His mouth clamped harder and he fought back every desire to move closer, instead anxiously waiting for her to finish.
'I would like to skip those steps with you too.'
His heart lurched and he was incredibly grateful she would quickly finish afterward so he could step forward and immediately bump his forehead into hers, nuzzling. "Of course, I'll have you," he mewled, twisting his head so now his cheek touched hers. "I'd be honored to be your mate, Silverstreak."
Children, a mate, a family -- he had never thought his dream would actually become reality, but now there she was; a perfect flash of silver who would make the perfect little paws for the two to cherish. He had so much to do! So much to plan for! They'd need to start preparing, and possibly clean up the nursery dens, and-
Oh, but that could wait just a moment longer, couldn't it? He wanted to snuggle into his new mate- his new mate! Ugh, his heart was going to explode, he knew it. What was that overwhelming feeling in his chest? A feeling he had this entire time, but now threatened to spill over?
"I love you," he blurted and sat upright, an eager honesty in his eyes. Yes, that was the feeling in his chest. "And I'll do my best to be a good father and mate, I swear it."


Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak couldn't be happier - that he was happy, no, even honored to be her mate. That he would have her as his and that she could have him, as hers, too. She had no issue in nuzzling him back and even less with running her tongue along his cheek, a loud purr rumbling in her throat.

Despite her happiness, she couldn't imagine the next words out of his mouth. She stared at him, mouth agape for a moment, before she blinked warmly at him, a radiant smile pushing across her expression.

"I love you, too, Rainbowfish." She mewed earnestly and slid forward to touch her nose to his. Pulling away, she was practically beaming - looking near like a silver sun with all the light in her eyes. "You'll be wonderful - we'll be wonderful, together." She glanced over at the Nursery, the very thought of her sitting here with feathers and moss in her nest, a proud parent... and the first queen in MountainClan since the split. She wished Stormsong would be here to see his nieces and nephews, but for the time being, she wasn't about to let anything get under her fur. She was going to ensure that her kits had the best life available to them - and she was certain that she could do that, with Rainbowfish at her side. @Nym (Fin~)