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Finding Fire Meta Part 1

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Grizzled Veteran
Setting Off
The day had finally come to leave HollowOak on what many believed to be a fools errand to find Osha's twin, the Elamel of fire, and restore fire magic to the world. Bags were all packed, supplies loaded up, and fourteen villagers gathered at the stone bridge leading out into the forest. FallingFeather was the first destination of the expedition team and as they stepped out of HollowOak, the team was already faced with their first group decision; which way to go? It was clear that going south was the easiest way but also the longest. Going north around the lake was quicker but more dangerous. Then of course there was the crazy way - straight across the great lake, just like the Alvia did.
[This is a decision period. Feel free to interact with each other or simply react and state your characters opinion. If you don't think you'll have time to post as your character before the next push, please post in brackets which way you'd like to go : (North, South, East) ]
For signed up characters only: Shulbari, Raja robbedragon ,Amali NatiStorm , Lana Falcona , Alder Swamp Siren , Nayzee Rainyaviel , Zakiax πŸ‰Zakiax , Tatyana ᙏᙓα’ͺOᙏᗩᖇ 🐸 , Miren xpressionless , Nari, Osha Revel , Calliope, Glisselda belloblossom , Gunnar DBPyrat
(Jorildyn Rainyaviel Siofra Luna Will have to wait until the group arrives at or close to FallingFeather.) Next push will be March 3rd @ whenever movie night is finished. Meta

Swamp Siren β€” 03/01/2024 8:20 PM
Tapping her lips as she listened she considered what would be the best way. Though longer south would ensure everyone would be at their best. They would still have strength to fight if they run into something worse.
robbedragon β€” 03/01/2024 8:29 PM
"I say we go north. I'll be at the shit out of anything that attacks us." Shulbari suggested. "This way we use less supplies." "Are you insane?!" Raja snapped. "What if we get injured going north? We'd waste more time and supplies to mend them up and let them rest or we'd have to backtrack back to the village. I say we make a boat like the Alvia did. They know what's safe."
Swamp Siren β€” 03/01/2024 8:42 PM
"Has anyone here ever sailed or used a water fairing vessel? It may be straight and perhaps easy. But if we don't know what we are doing, then people could be hurt. Or drown." Looking between them. The long route would be the best. No loss of people. No battles. Keep an easy pace. This is an exploration. Not a race "
NatiStorm β€” 03/01/2024 8:46 PM
"I hate agreeing with Shulbari but I also think we should go north." Amali replied with an apologetic look. "We've got a long way to go and it would be best to save supplies. If we stick together and watch each other's backs, we'll be fine and get there in no time!" She tried to sound as optimistic as possible.
Rainyaviel β€” 03/01/2024 10:53 PM
Nayzee arrived at the bridge shortly after the others, having made a pitstop into the kitchen to ensure everything was running smoothly before she left the village. Reassured that she wouldn't return to a burnt down building, or worse, though the irony of that possibility wasn't lost on her, she waved to the rest of the group. "Good morning! Is everyone ready for some adventure?" she asked as she came to a stop amongst the others who were already discussing... something. Taking a few moments to listen in she realized that there seemed to be a bit of debate about which way they should go to get to FallingFeather. Nayzee hummed in agreement with some of the points that were being made and then thought about her own ability and what would make the most sense. She had been practicing with her water magic consistently since she'd had it awakened years ago with the discovery of Osha and she knew some of the others had as well. Still, 14 people, plus their supplies seemed like an awful lot to carry if they tried to cross the lake directly. A nudge to the back of her leg caused her to look down where she was reminded that for some reason she'd decided to bring both of her familiars with her. Bacon Bit stared up at her as if the pig could tell what she was thinking and gave a quiet snort that sounded an awful lot like a 'No.' to the woman. Raising a brow at her companion she shrugged before looking around and noting that there were 3 other Alvia amongst the group. "I would love to say it makes the most sense to go straight across, as our Alvia friends from FallingFeather do, but I'm not sure 4 of us can support the entire group and all of our stuff. Perhaps sticking to the path to the South is our best option?" She paused for a moment, tucking some of her hair behind a pointed ear, "I'd be willing to try though. Osha's temple is out there so we could take a break at that point." She eyed the group wondering what the rest were thinking.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/01/2024 11:35 PM
"Look, the greater the risk, the greater the reward." Shulbari pointed out. "Besides, Alder and I are scarier than anything in these woods."
robbedragon β€” 03/01/2024 11:40 PM
Raja sighed and kicked Shulbari in the shin. "Did you forget there are more than animals in these woods? The outcasts have killed others and they're smarter than you." (edited)
Rainyaviel β€” 03/02/2024 1:29 AM
Nayzee let her gaze fall on Shulbari and shook her head, "Since when are you and Alder on good terms? Pretty sure she still thinks you're too cocky for your own good." The woman locked eyes with the Dalvis for confirmation before her attention was drawn to Raja and she stifled a laugh at him kicking his friend. "Raja has a good point. I'm not sure about the rest of you but I'd rather not start our journey out in the most difficult way possible."
Falcona β€” 03/02/2024 4:59 AM
Lana sighed as she adjusted the pack that she had on her back. There were soooo many people, most of them she recognise. She heard Nayzee greet everyone and nodded, a soft smile on her face. "I hope so?" she replied. She then just stood around an listened to the conversation as it turned towards what to do. They needed to stop by FeatherFalling to grab two more before going on the quest. She nodded when Nayzee raised where they needed to potentially stop to take a break. She never really thought on where they needed to stop. Lana hopes that what she has will keep her and the fellow travellers in good shape. At least waht she thinks will help.
πŸ‰Zakiax β€” 03/02/2024 11:54 AM
Zak listened as the conversation when in a couple different directions about the way they were going to go. "I also vote we go the southern way around the lake." the hunter replied. "If we don't have to worry about other dangers we can take our time and get there safely, also if needed we can hunt for our food if we run low and the water from the lake is clean enough to drink that we will not run out of water if we stay close to it," He argued The hunter was quite confidant when he spoke, as he was quite confidant about his skills as a hunter and willingness to provide and possibly fight if it came to that. The hunter had brought many different tools with him. First his trusty bow with a full quiver of arrows. Second was his carving knife which he used to gut and skin his prey. Third was a small short sword which rested on his hip recently he had been using it if his prey would charge him and got too close to comfort after getting hit with a couple of arrows.
Revel β€” 03/02/2024 2:01 PM
Nari stood to the back, her pack full with the supplies she figured she'd need for any healing needed along the way, let alone the other supplies. "I...i think going the shorter way is better, it might be more dangerous but we would use less of our supplies to get there, who knows how long the longer way might take" she said, her voice on the quieter side, she didn't like dangerous but quicker wass better.
Osha looked back and forth in the two directions most were picking. "The lake is the fastest way, i can make sure at least some boats, if not all, are safe"... (she hoped, she thought) as much as she kind of didn't want to go near her altar right now, crossing the lake was literally the shortest path to take and, for her at least, it was the safest path. "If anyone wants to come with me?"
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/02/2024 2:04 PM
"If the outcasts attack us, I'll give them some payback, then." Shulbari pointed out, his temper flaring. He'd been looking forward to finding those responsible for years and this was his chance.
robbedragon β€” 03/02/2024 2:05 PM
"I'm starting to think the real reason you tagged along was for a chance at vengeance...." Raja muttered.
Rainyaviel β€” 03/02/2024 4:26 PM
As discussion continued about which way the group would go Nayzee was struck with the memory of her last adventure and how the group had split up. "Look, I know we all have our reasoning for why we prefer one way or the other but I do think we should try to stick together. We decided to split up when we went to look for Osha and ran into giant snakes and crabs. Who knows what we'll encounter this time?" She paused, eyeing each member of the group in turn before continuing, "That said, I still think the lake is the quickest way to go. We have access to the fishing boats, it's not like we need to completely rely on the water magic that some of us have to keep a boat made of water afloat." She hadn't actually asked any of the fishermen if they could use their boats but she was pretty sure they couldn't refuse anyway, seeing as the expedition was approved by the council. Having firmly made her choice she moved to stand beside Osha and noted that Raja was also in favor of the lake path, how many others could they sway?
πŸ‰Zakiax β€” 03/02/2024 4:32 PM
"If we do go the boat way i will have to warn everyone I will be useless if we run into something until we hit dry land." Zakiax replied. It wasn't really a weakness, it was more of as his body couldn't take the constant swaying and rocking of a boat and he often got motion sickness just thinking of it.
DBPyrat β€” 03/02/2024 5:09 PM
As he was running a bit behind Gunnar took a moment to get caught up with the conversation before chiming in, "For what it's worth, I would prefer the southern route and would rather not cross the lake, Mother always said I swim like a stone." He chuckled, "We are not in a great hurry at this point and I see no sense in exposing the group to unneeded danger. Regardless of the path we choose I must agree with Nayzee, we must all work together to achieve our goals."
Swamp Siren β€” 03/02/2024 5:58 PM
Alder shook her head, "How did being a hot head treat you last time Shul Bar Ee? The past two times actually. " patting Shulbari's arm, "I am flattered that you think I'm scarrier than anything in the forest " (edited)
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/02/2024 6:01 PM
"With a face like yours, even bears will run and hide in fear." Shulbari shot back, glaring at the Dalvis. "Look, I honestly don't care which way we go but if we find those outcasts, I want to beat them to the edge of death and then bring them back to the village to be publicly executed for their crimes."
Swamp Siren β€” 03/02/2024 9:29 PM
She was trying to be nice and playful, but after the comment about her face . . ...... the hand that had been patting his arm swiped upwards, striking Shulbari's cheek. "That was past being playful and down right rude......"
ᙏᙓα’ͺOᙏᗩᖇ 🐸 β€” 03/02/2024 9:41 PM
Tatyana stood off to the side with their pack a-ready. They didn't much care for all the arguing, so they decided just to go with the majority, this time. They smiled faintly but it wasn't a particularly friendly smile.
robbedragon β€” 03/02/2024 10:08 PM
The slap caught Shulbari off-guard and he snarled at Alder, "You're lucky I was raised not to hit women. Even scaled freak ones." he muttered. In truth, he wasn't sure if he could even catch her as quickly as she moved but he wasn't about to admit that.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/02/2024 10:22 PM
Alder scoffed and muttered, "You did try to hit .e when we first met..... I kicked you." It was best if she ignored him
NatiStorm β€” 03/03/2024 12:13 AM
Amali nodded along with the many points and concerns shared by the group. "I agree that we're not in a rush but we don't have endless recourses on this trip. The long way may be safer but that won't matter much if we run out of supplies." She was just about to to make a comment about Shulbari when Alder once again smacked him. Though she tried to hide it, a small chuckle escaped her. "The more time I spend around you, the more I like you Alder." Amali said with an amused smile. Turning her attention back to the group and the decision at hand, Amali went to stand with the small group forming around Osha. "If the magic users feel confident we can get across the lake, I'm in favor of giving it a try!"
xpressionless β€” 03/03/2024 1:43 AM
Mirin watched quietly as the others debated the finer points of the options before them. While she was a strong enough swimmer that the idea of crossing the lake did not phase her; the possibility that all their supplies, not to mention the village's fishing boats, could be lost should something go wrong was not a risk she was willing to take. β€œThe southern route is the safer, more practical option. With luck, we should be able to add to our supplies as we travel, and avoid overtaxing ourselves in the event of any … complications” Mirin voiced, nodding resolutely.
Revel β€” 03/03/2024 7:35 AM
Osha was shocked at Sulbari's comments to Alder, "HEY now that's enough, she's done nothing to deserve your rude comments" It was as close to confrontational as Osha ever got, but her waters rippled as her annoyance at this man bubbled in her mind. "We don't have to get along but we do have to work together here"
Nari threw her hand to her mouth when Alder slapped Shulbari, she hadn't heard what caused the Davis to react that way but she wasn't sure it mattered, she was still rather wary of Alder, though she knew the Dalvis had done nothing out of the ordinary ... so far, she'd done nothing to harm the village or villagers but while Nari didn't outright hate her, she was wary of Alder, it was hard to ignore the stories she'd grown up with.
NatiStorm β€” 03/03/2024 6:08 PM
Three hour notice! You have three hours left to state which direction your characters would like to go or any other interactions! (belloblossom gentle nudge to at least put which direction in brackets.)
belloblossom β€” 03/03/2024 7:03 PM
(Both Calliope and Glisselda are opting to go South!)
ᙏᙓα’ͺOᙏᗩᖇ 🐸 β€” 03/03/2024 7:28 PM
(Tatyana would prefer Across The Lake! )
Swamp Siren β€” 03/03/2024 7:29 PM
(Alder thinks south)
NatiStorm β€” 03/03/2024 8:59 PM
robbedragon (it is clear at this point that the majority is voting either south around the lake or east across the lake. Does Shulbari want to change his vote or stay firmly as the only one pushing north?)
Falcona (Is Lana just following the majority or does she have a preference on direction? I just want to be clear :3 )
Falcona β€” 03/03/2024 9:07 PM
(Lana is going to follow majority yep!)
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/03/2024 9:23 PM
He turned and eyed the lake. The thought of crossing that much water didn't appeal to him for two reasons. One was he wasn't sure if he could swim back if they got too far out and the second reason was the fact that there was no way he'd run into the outcasts going that route. "Fine, if you're all too cowardly to go north, we'll go south. Less risk of losing supplies should we capsize." he suggested.

The Southern Trail After discussing back and forth for what seemed like hours, the group decided to take the southern trail around the lake to FallingFeather. It was sure to be the safest route, with it's easy to traverse terrain, milder weather, and abundance of small prey and wild edibles, even if it was a nine day trip. Their friends who had moved to FallingFeather had taken this very route when they came to visit last year and they had made it to HollowOak safely enough. The expedition team was only two days into the nine day trail to FallingFeather when they found what was surely the picked over remains of the carts and wagons of the last villagers to leave HollowOak. Anything of use or of value had been taken. Looking at the broken wagons and smashed apart carts it was clear there had been a fight here. Almost all at once, the villagers felt as if something or someone was watching them. [This is an action round! Please roll 2d100 for Physical/Mental in ⁠dice-rolling Please post the name of the character you're rolling for and any combat dots they have in Physical or Mental. Ex: Amali +1 Physical +0 Mental before rolling the 2d100.] For signed up characters only:
Next push will be March 5th @ 5pm EST
Feel free to start rolling. I'll do the next push sooner if all characters (besides Jorildyn and Siofra, I promise we'll get to FF soon!) roll before the 5th @ 5pm but there is no hurry so everyone take your time!

Revel β€” 03/04/2024 3:43 PM
Nari just hefted her pack and went with the flow of the group, sure she'd have preffered to go the other way but if everyone was going this way, then she would go with them, it was fine, everything was fine.... until it wasn't fine.. not fine at all, did any of that part actually make it to Falling Feather? ... she didn't see any... bodies, at least not obvious. She shuddered, looking around at their surroundings, creepy... it felt like there were eyes on her.
Osha grumped... she had wanted to cross the lake, she was ready and able to prove herself very useful by getting them all, and their supplies, across but as a whole, the group went with the majority vote. She travelled with the others, on foot, the long way round, the water at her feet, turning murky with mud from the trail. She was UNHAPPY and it was pretty obvious by the lack of interaction she made with the others in the party the first two days.... it wasn't until they found the wagons and carts that she felt stupid for being grumpy... "oh no...." she said, the water making up her body literally rippled top to bottom, her version of a shudder, as she felt like she was being watched. "Stay together" she said loudly, trying to put herself between the party and whatever it was that seemed to be watching them.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/04/2024 3:52 PM
Looking at the torn carts, Shulbari snarled and reached for his spear. "Everyone take cover!" he called. "This is too open to an ambush." he realized, expecting arrows to come flying from the trees at any second.
Rainyaviel β€” 03/04/2024 5:57 PM
Nayzee let out a resigned sigh as the majority decided to take the longest route. It wasn't so much that she wasn't interested in seeing whatever sights there might be, nor was she in a huge rush to get to their destination. She simply had wanted to have a chance to revisit the place where her powers had first awakened and her opportunity had been struck down. Still, she could understand why the others weren't as keen on crossing the lake and she had to agree they made a fair point. As they traveled she did her best to prove useful, often foraging for fruits and vegetables with Bacon Bit assisting (who knew pigs had such great noses?). She took the opportunity the first night to prepare a hearty stew in hopes it would bolster morale as she noticed some of the group seemed less than pleased with their situation. On the second day they happened upon the broken wagons that had obviously belonged to the last visitors to HollowOak and she gasped in alarm, checking through the remnants for any signs of who had done this and what had happened to the travelers. Osha and Shulbari's words reached her and she ducked down beside one of the wagons, pulling her pig with her and letting her snake slide down her arm "See what you can find!"she whispered as she peered over the top of the cart while reaching for one of her knives in case she needed to defend herself or others. As soon as her snake was on the ground the blue serpent determined the safest path through everyone and used it's keen sense of smell to try and search out any strange creatures or people hiding nearby.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/04/2024 9:29 PM
Gasping Alder spun unsure where was the best way to go. When in doubt she felt it was best to stay near Shulbari. He may be a rash arrogant jerk, but he did seem to know to fight
NatiStorm β€” 03/05/2024 1:07 AM
From the moment the first cart was shifted, the trap had been set into motion. The carts and wagons had been set along the perimeter of a large net snare. Shulbari, Nayzee, Gunnar, Raja, and Tatyana noticed the knotted rope under the leaves, dirt, and debris right before it snapped up. Raja, Nayzee, and Tatyana managed to jump out of the way with Nayzee managing to pull Glisselda with her. Shulbari managed to push Nari beyond the boarder of the trap, as did Gunnar with Amari. However, Zakiax, Shulbari, Alder, Miren, Gunnar, Calliope, Lana and Osha were not as lucky and got swept up into the net. The eight villagers in the net toppled onto one another as the net snapped up around them, lifting them into the air, and left them dangling from a large tree branch. Osha was on the bottom of the pile and as the others shifted on top of her, the pack of supplies she was carrying fell to the ground several feet below her far out of reach. A moment or so after the net snapped up and the pack fell, a black ball rolled onto the trail. Before Raja, Nayzee, Glisselda, Tatyana, Nari, or Amali could react, the wide trail was filled with smoke. Once the smoke dissipated it was clear that Osha's dropped supplies had been stolen. After a few more moments there was a loud snap and the net holding the other villagers broke sending everyone tumbling to the ground. Thankfully no one was severely injured.
[This is a reaction period. Feel free to interact with each other, any NPC (aka Amali), ask questions, or simply react and state your characters opinion on what just happened.] For signed up characters only Next push will be March 9th @ 5pm EST Feel free to start reacting. (edited)
Rainyaviel β€” 03/05/2024 1:35 AM
Nayzee's quick reaction time was a blessing, and a curse. Had she also been scooped into the net she could have started cutting immediately and possibly prevented the theft of Osha's bag Still, she was glad no one was hurt. She was quick to help some of the others back onto their feet and then turned her attention to focusing in on the bond between herself and her familiar that she had sent to investigate. Perhaps the little snake had picked up the trail or found something useful? If only they could communicate! Focusing a bit harder she realized that the distance was still growing so at the very least her companion hadn't turned back or gotten caught as well. "Is everyone alright? Whoever just took our supplies picked the wrong group to mess with. I had friends in these wagons and I want to know what happened to them."she wasn't sure that they could really spare the time to go on a hunt for the thieves but she also had a feeling that if they didn't do something now the thieves would get bolder and potentially cause more trouble for them in HollowOak later.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/05/2024 2:58 AM
Dusting himself off, Shulbari tried to look for a trail of some kind. He was pretty sure he wouldn't find one as the outcast thieves tended to be pretty clever about hiding them in the past. "When I get my hands on those bastards..." he growled. "Is anyone injured?" Raja had managed to jump clear of the net thanks to Shulbari's warning but what really surprised him was how Shulbari had risked getting captured to push Nari out of it. He thought Shulbari's single-minded focus had changed him but this proved the reasonable protective Shulbari was still in there and could possibly be reasoned with. He just needed to figure out how to convince Shulbari that magic and outsiders weren't all bad.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/05/2024 7:57 AM
So stupid. You are better than this! Alder mentally chidded herself as she got from underneath the other villagers and dusted herself off. "I'll look for tracks and see if I can find were the thief went. We will need yhise supplies."
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 9:39 AM
Nari felt herself suddenly thrown to the ground by that brash man that had been horrible to the Dalvis... "hey!" she said, just as a trap shot up around him, and much of the rest of the party, well now she felt guilty for immediately thinking bad of him for shoving her, she had just enough time to wrap her arms tightly around her medical supplies, though not enough time to grab the other pack of supplies that had fallen off her back when she was pushed, before there was a cloud of smoke, if someone had wanted her medical bag, they'd probably have to take her with it because she wasn't about to let go of her satchel.
Osha didn't have any time to react as some of the party shoved others to the ground and a trap caught her and the rest up in a net, with her at the bottom "get your foot out of my back" she said to someone as she tried to reach down and grab her pack but it was no use, a cloud of smoke appeared and by the time anyone could see, let alone breathe properly, it, and all the other supplies were gone, as she tried to manouvre out from under the others, the net snapped, dropping her and the rest to the ground. "ow...." she moaned, oozing herself out from beneath the rest. "is everyone alright?" she looked around, it didn't look like anyone was missing at first glance.
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 10:19 AM
After a quick look around, Osha managed to spot a coil of rope not too far off, it must have come loose off the tie on her pack.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/05/2024 10:47 AM
While continuing the search for a trail, Shulbari got excited to find footprints he didn't recognize. He followed them and ended up bumping right into Alder. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" he snapped when he realized the 'trail' he'd been chasing was just the Dalvis. "Way to go, ya clutz. You just stomped your big ugly feet all over any chances we had at picking up their trail!" he snapped at her. He already mistrusted outsiders and the Dalvis reputation wasn't helping but the weather and current events had him in an exceptionally foul mood and he wanted to attack someone or something, to blame someone or something for always coming up short.
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 11:07 AM
Nari snapped out of her shock when she heard Shulbari snap at the Dalvis again "Hey uh.... thanks for saving me from the trap" she said, hoping to distract him from his ranting at Alder.
Osha wasn't about to hold back "Hey, now it's not her fault, with the smoke and everything, it's not going to be easy to track anything, we all wandered around in a panic" she said to Shulbari. "How about we stop verbally abusing each other, and scout a little futher out from our group to see if there are any other tracks?" she suggested.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/05/2024 11:45 AM
A growl came from under her breath as she turned to glare at Shulbari. She hated the gloomy weather, much like how she disliked the darkness caused the the thick tree canopy of her home. Her tail snapped against the ground as she bowed up at him, "I am trying to help! The village is now my home too and I do not like seeing anyone hurt. I can admire your protective nature for the people Shul-Bar-Ee but I can see why no one seems to like you. Respect maybe. But not like." Alder grumbled in her thick exotic accent. With a huff she turned and pushed farther out from the area. Looking to where the rope attached to the trap and tried to find where it was tripped from in hopes of finding tracks.
robbedragon β€” 03/05/2024 11:56 AM
Alder's words stung and Shulbari actually shrunk back at bit at that. It was true that many of his 'friends' only seemed to want to hang around when drinks were being poured and he was reveling them in tales of his exploits. Once the tales ended and the drinks dried up, Shulbari always found himself alone at a table, drinking until he could barely see straight and stumbled home alone. The only people he ever considered friends were fellow hunters and, after the outcasts killed two of those friends, he started putting up walls and pushing people away. He became suspicious of everyone and kept things superficial. Somehow, Alder saw right through is bravado and attitude and managed to strike him right where it hurt most. He regained his composure and stormed off in the opposite direction to look for tracks. Chances were this wasn't a one-person job and, if anything, the supply thieves would've gone a different direction than whomever released the trap.
robbedragon β€” 03/05/2024 12:16 PM
Raja walked over and placed a hand on Osha's shoulder. "Maybe you should go talk to Alder." he suggested. He then turned his attention to Nari. "Don't waste your breath on Shulbari. He's been a real ass lately and the weather probably isn't helping." he informed her, pointing up to the sky. "After all these years, I've learned Shulbari is like a plant. No sun and he wilts and lashes out at everyone."
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 12:25 PM
Nari sighed "it's ok, it's nothing important anyway" she said to Raja when he tried to comfort her after being ignored by Shulbari. Thanks though... "
Osha huffed at Shulbari but grinned when Alder bit right back and used her words against him, somehow the emotional slap was more satisfying than the physical one she'd given him before they set off. "You're right, but .. someone should go with him, probably not safe alone" She huffed again and went over to where Alder was "Ignore him, he's just a dumb guy" she said to Alder
Rainyaviel β€” 03/05/2024 12:30 PM
Nayzee stayed focused on her familiar despite the argument that broke out nearby. She could easily pick out the voice of Shulbari and the exotic tones of Alder amongst others. Whatever they were arguing about she was sure Shulbari had started it. She respected the man for his role in the village and perhaps she even felt a bit of sorrow for him too, having seen him sitting at tables alone and in a drunken stupor more than once, however it didn't give him the right to be rude to everyone else. After a bit longer she felt a faint tug to her bond with her snake and she felt excitement swirl in her chest briefly before it faded away as she realized the tug wasn't insistent. This wasn't something she needed to see, just something that had caught her familiar's attention. With a sigh the woman turned her attention to everyone else once again. It didn't take her long to catch the gist of what had happened between Shulbari and the others and she rubbed her face with one hand. It was almost like taking care of her siblings again, except she couldn't dole out punishments very well to full grown adults. Instead, she returned her attention to the wagons and started searching them for more clues. Meanwhile, Bacon Bit happily snuffled around the area, nibbling on anything that may be edible while trying to mimic the humans.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/05/2024 12:53 PM
Running her fingers through her long silvery white and smokey blue grey hair Alder took in a deep breath to calm herself then looked to Raja and Osha. "He is rash and crude." she agree, "But certainly not dumb." Turning fully to them, "I don't think we have officially met. I'm Alder. But I am sure you knew that already." unbinding her hair she ran her fingers through it to smooth out the mess she had made then began to braid the long locks.
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 12:56 PM
Osha smiled and held out her hand "I'm Osha, and i meant dumb as in stupid enough to be an ass to you, i kinda know what it's like being different, being the first of my kind to meet these folks, i don't think many liked me much at first either" She smiled warmly, or was that wet-ly at Alder. She wondered how the reptillian person would react to her dampness, she knew from experience it was usually a surprise to the other person at first, at least she wasn't cold, she was, or her body water was, about as warm as anyone else.
Rainyaviel β€” 03/05/2024 1:00 PM
While Nayzee was coming up empty in her search of the wagons Bacon Bit had actually stumbled across something interesting. The soft snorting from behind her eventually drew the woman's attention and she turned to look at Bacon Bit. The green fabric was the first thing she noticed and as she grasped it gently in one hand she gave a fond pat to the pig. "Good job, Bit. Let's see if we can figure out what this is, hmm?" Moving over towards where Alder, Raja, Osha, Nari, and some others were standing she raised the hand holding the fabric. "Hey, Bit found this, do any of you recognize it?"
Swamp Siren β€” 03/05/2024 1:07 PM
Tying off the end she took the offered hand, "A pleasure to meet you Oh- sha." She purred. The water didn't bother her, but instead intrigued her. "Different isn't always bad. I should know. I am not as bad as the stories make me out to be." At Nayzee's question she released Osha's hand and looked the fabric over, "I have not seen anything like this....." Looking to Raja, "You know much about cloth, what do you think?"
Revel β€” 03/05/2024 1:09 PM
Osha was curious about the way Alder said her name, but she guessed it was just different to the names she was used to "I'm sure you're not, you definitely don't act like a big scary mon....person anyway" she caught herself before turning to look at Nayzee "Not something i recognise, i don't think"
Nari just kept herself out of the way as the others conversed, but she was curious when Nayzee brought some cloth over "Looks well worn, like someone either loved it, or wasn't in a position to replace it easily" she commented, eying the repairs and stitches that crisscrossed the fabric. "Likely one of the outcasts maybe?"
Falcona β€” 03/06/2024 4:43 PM
Well this is life she guessed as Lana got swept up into the net with her fellow villagers. β€˜Great…’ she thought, as she struggled to see which way was up. It was a short time before she was flat on the ground and helped up to her feet by another villager. Thanking them ,she realised that not a lot of them are carrying supplies anymore. She remained quiet when everyone started looking for trails and clues to what happened. Ah, she must have been looking into the canopy then when she was trapped. The commotion below did not even register in her brain. Looking around, she could not see anything that was immediately obvious.
πŸ‰Zakiax β€” 03/06/2024 10:19 PM
Within moments Zakiax was caught up in the trap and with in a few more it seemed he was flat on his back on the ground as the rope tore. Seeing that the supplies were taken. Zak rolled to his feet and moved to help others look for tracks or any indication where these outlaws who stole their stuff might have gone. Granted he wasn't sure if they should actually pursue them or try to just live off the land and continue forth but Zak was pretty much at this point following what other were doing.
NatiStorm β€” 03/08/2024 8:14 AM
(Gentle nudge, you have 24 hours left to post and/or roll to find anything. No worries if you can't post, just a gentle reminder )
xpressionless β€” 03/08/2024 7:44 PM
For two days the trip had been uneventful, pleasant even, until it wasn’t. β€œMaybe we should have taken the boats,” Mirin muttered to herself as she took in the sight of the broken wagons. As she moved among the debris, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Something, or someone was watching them. A shout rang out, urging the group to take cover. Mirin froze, glancing this way and that as her mind struggled to choose a path. She needn’t have bothered however, as the ground swiftly withdrew beneath her feet, before she was just as quickly deposited back to earth. β€œOw” Mirin grumbled, taking the offered hand as she climbed back to her feet. That’s going to leave a bruise, she thought to herself as she massaged her lower back. Remaining still, Mirin glanced at the others around her, taking in their snippets of conversation. She knew she was out of her element. Put her in a clinic with expectant mothers and newborns and she could tell you all you’d need to know, but the sight before her just looked like mud and mess. β€œCan anyone make heads or tails of this?” she asked, gesturing to the scene before her.
πŸ‰Zakiax β€” 03/09/2024 1:33 PM
Zak found some tracks that would seem to lead to their quarry. However Zak said nothing about this information to the group. Loosing one pack of supplies wasn't really going to be a big deal in the long run after all they could live off of the land if they needed to. He felt that they should continue on with their main quest instead of going after an indivdual or individuals that could potentially be dangerous. If they wanted danger he was sure that they would run into some as they got closer to finding Osha's family.

NatiStorm β€” 03/09/2024 11:41 PM
The team from HollowOak searched for awhile but other than Zakiax, who kept the information to himself, no one found any trace of the stolen supplies. It took awhile for the majority to agree on a plan but eventually the group of villagers decided to push onward towards FallingFeather. The next seven days passed by rather uneventfully as the group trudged on towards the Alvia village. On the tenth day, the team reached the village of FallingFeather, and were amazed by what they saw. The village was built into the trees with many houses having trees growing out of them. A few structers were even built up in the trees with rope bridges connecting them. The houses were clearly much better made than the ones in HollowOak. Though curiously enough, FallingFeather also had one structure built out of white stone that no one could ever find more of, like the Dorm in HollowOak. Upon their arrival, the expedition team was given a generous welcome, though there were many Alvia who gave Alder dirty looks. The team was housed in the white stone building where warm baths were drawn for them. A small feast was held that night with all sorts of new delicious dishes. The next day, the Alvia replaced Osha's stolen supplies, many of who showed great sympathy and anger on behalf of the Water Elamel they so highly revered. Alder was very much ignored as the Alvia restocked everyone else's supplies. Along with the supplies, the team was given several very old maps that the Alvia thought might be useful. Though many of the Alvia didn't think it wise to go searching for fire, there was a set of twins who thought otherwise. When the expedition team started out of FallingFeather, the twins tagged along, insisting they could be of help. Leaving FallingFeather, there were three different paths to take. The northern path that skirted the mountains, the woodland path that wound it's way through the forest, or the southern path that ran along the Wide River. All three paths ended in nearly the same spot at the territory boarder. [This is a decision period. Feel free to interact with each other or simply react and state your characters opinion. If you don't think you'll have time to post as your character before the next push, please post in brackets which spot you'd like to search first. Ex: (north) ] The next push will be Wed, 13th after movie night. (edited) Feel free to start reacting!
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/09/2024 11:58 PM
It was one thing for Shulbari to treat Alder like a freak and an outsider but to see these disgusting pointed ears treating her differently was getting under his skin. He snatched one up by his shirt and lifted him in the air. "Listen, elf..." he growled. "You're going to give Alder her supplies directly or I'm gonna rearrange your insides with my fists."
robbedragon β€” 03/10/2024 12:00 AM
Raja's eyes shot open he he started panicking. "Shulbari! It's okay! You're gonna get us killed!" he rambled frantically, trying to do something to stop this from getting worse but he was pretty much powerless.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/10/2024 12:13 AM
She wouldn't admit it but the cold shoulder had bothered her, but she wouldn't expect any less from the Alvia. What she would admit was being surprised at the brutes reaction to her treatment. He'd been rude and antagonistic towards her. To see this side of him was odd. Walking over to him she gently placed her hand on his fist "Its ok. Though it does make me feel better to see that you cared enough."
NatiStorm β€” 03/10/2024 12:16 AM
The Alvia in Shulbari's grip nodded, gathered the supplies (once Shulbari released his grip), and handed them directly to the Dalvis.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/10/2024 12:16 AM
Turning, he glared at Alder. "I didn't do it for you." he muttered and then he threw his pack over his shoulder and stormed off.
NatiStorm β€” 03/10/2024 12:23 AM
Amali was amazed at the houses but more than that, the village just seemed magical and would be the perfect setting for her next epic poem. She was so focused on the Alvia's food and songs that she missed their dirty looks at Alder. A part of her was sad when it was time to leave. Now that she'd seen the village of FallingFeather, she could understand why other Homia from HollowOak had moved here. Standing at the edge of the village, Amali thought hard about where to go next. It was still spring time so Amali assumed the north way at the base of the mountains would be cold. Way to many things hide in the forests. Which left the southern route. Maybe they could find a good swim spot to cool off in after a days travel. "I think we should take the southern road." Amali stated looking around at the others.
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/10/2024 12:25 AM
"I say we take the shortest route." he suggested. "We already wasted too much time going south. The longer we're out here, the more risk we take."
Swamp Siren β€” 03/10/2024 12:26 AM
Taking the supplies Alder watched Shulbari with a furrowed brow then turned to Amali, "Along the river? That would make sense. Wasn't a clue something about being at the end of the river?" (edited)
robbedragon β€” 03/10/2024 12:27 AM
Raja rolled his eyes, "I don't know why you're in such a hurry. You hate magic. I kinda agree with Amali. I trust her gut when it comes to finding the fire."
NatiStorm β€” 03/10/2024 7:40 AM
((Any character trying to accurately recall the clue about where you're all headed roll 1d100 mental in ⁠dice-rolling )) (edited)
Luna β€” 03/10/2024 1:25 PM
(ill edit this in a sec, siofra is going to suggest river cause osha = water, but shes also gonna confer with her twin. and maybe stay away from shulbari.)
Revel β€” 03/10/2024 1:57 PM
Nari was stunned when they arrived at FallingFeather, the homes were just... wow, she didn't have many words really but it was no wonder they had fared better .. even if this place flooded like HollowOak had, the way the houses were here, it wouldn't matter, that said she did wonder about high winds though they looked sturdy enough. She didn't worry too much over the cold shoulder the Alvia were giving Alder, though it irked her slightly, Alder WAS part of their team and village, that said she was surprised by Shulbari's aggressive defence of Alder. She did wonder slightly about the white stone building but paid it no mind once she was offered a warm bath and warmer food. She relaxed for the first time in more than a week. As she dozed she remembered a bit of the clues they were told about where to find the fire... so when they met up, ready to set out again, She told the rest of the party "Fire burns at the river." So she suggested they follow the river.
Osha had been rather excited to see FallingFeather and all the Alvia, as well as some of their own villagers who had moved. However, she frowned as she observed the behaviour around Alder. She was surprised at Shulbari's defence of her though and while she didn't approve of the threat of violence, she felt she had to say something "Alder is part of our team, our party and our Village, she has pulled her weight since coming to us and she has done NOTHING wrong, i expect you to give her the same respect you would give anyone else, she is a good person and does not deserve what you all have been dishing out" she spoke to a large group of Alvia that had gathered near her, eager as they had been to show their anger at her supplse being stolen. "I wasn't accepted at first back in HollowOak.... and i know how that would annoy most of you to hear, knowing i would have done nothing to harm the villagers, so you will respect Alder, thank you very much!" she added, hands on hips, her water bubbling a little in heated defence of the Dalvis who had done nothing to deserve the treatment she got. She then thanked the villagers for the maps, though she didn't touch them herself, she appreciated it. She turned to her party as some spoke about the clue they had been given. "Fire blazes at the lake's end." she said, echoing some "I would suggest we follow the river, to where it meets the lake... if it does" she said.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/10/2024 3:09 PM
"Osha.." Alder approached her, "Thank you." Clasping her hands infront of her she gave a slight bow, "I appreciate your words. Please know I will do what ever it takes to get you to your destination. " She did agree with following the river. It was apart of the clue and made the most sense.
Revel β€” 03/10/2024 3:22 PM
Osha reached for Alder's hand "Like i said before, i know how it feels, you absolutely did NOT deserve that, you're one of us"
NatiStorm β€” 03/10/2024 9:56 PM
Amali looked over one of the maps the team had been given for confirmation before turning to Shulbari. "If I'm reading this right, the shortest route would be the windy forest path. We don't know what's in the forest out this way," she turned to Alder and gave a small shrug, "I don't remember any clues but we have several water magic users now so it makes more sense to go the southern route near the water." Amali nodded along as many others stated their desire to travel south. Listening to Nari and Osha echoing Alder's river clue, or was it a lake clue, Amali made a face of confusion. "What are you all talking about? Something burning on a lake? Or blazing on a river? What does that even mean?" She looked around the party to see if anyone had an answer. "Whatever it is, it sounds like more reason to travel along the water to me."
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/10/2024 11:17 PM
Listening to the others arguing over the wording was giving Shulbari a headache. "Hey, morons! It's 'Fire blazes at the Water's end.'" he informed them with a smug grin. "In other words, it doesn't specify a lake or a river, just water. For all we know, it could mean a waterfall in the mountains or some place where the snow is melting. Water takes too many forms to make assumptions based on a riddle."
robbedragon β€” 03/10/2024 11:18 PM
Raja blinked and stared at Shulbari while he spoke, his jaw actually dropping. "D-did the meathead actually make sense for once?" he finally asked once the stunned realization eased away.
Swamp Siren β€” 03/10/2024 11:23 PM
Alder blinked at Shulbari then smirked. "Good to see you don't have brain damage after all the blows you've taken. .... or O knocked some sense into you." She considered for a moment., "All water ends up at the ocean. Even if it is from snow on a mountain eventually finds its way there."
Falcona β€” 03/11/2024 2:55 PM
Lana eyed the shawl that Nayzee was holding and frowned. To say she was surprised was an understatement. How could his shawl be here of all places? Was Orn the one that stole from them? But he disappeared so long ago. She was so confused that she kept to herself, unsure how to react seeing it. She followed the rest of them to the FallingFeather after some time and went with the flow. The many days after, they were now setting off again. With three routes before them - Lana peered over someone who had a map. There were suggestions, and she thought maybe the shortest route might be good too. Though, going through a forest might be a little more dangerous given what happens to them previously, she voiced as such.
Rainyaviel β€” 03/11/2024 4:09 PM
No one seemed to recognize the fabric that Bacon Bit had found but Nayzee tucked it into her bag anyway in case someone back home might know something about it. She sent Bacon Bit off to retrieve their snake friend, knowing the pig could move much faster and not wanting either of her familiars left behind. While she waited for them to return she scouted around for more clues about what had happened to the wagons but came up empty-handed. It seemed like everyone else did too as they finally gathered back together and decided to keep moving. Time passed in a blur for Nayzee as they traveled. Each day was filled with new sights, smells, and discoveries and she was content to take it all in. She made herself most useful at meal times, making sure everyone had a hearty share of food to keep their strength and morale up. Eventually they arrived at FallingFeather and she couldn't help the shocked expression she made as she took in their construction. Most of their buildings were up amongst the trees and after bathing and gaining permission from a few of the locals she took to one of the ladders and set about exploring the village. She ran into many familiar faces and was glad to catch up with the Alvia she'd befriended during their visit to HollowOak as well as the former residents of her own village. She told them of the journey so far over the evening meal and tried to convince a few to join them in the rest of the adventure. When it came time to leave and continue the search for the fire elamel Nayzee bid farewell to everyone and took a peek at the maps they had been given. "Fire blazes at the water's end." she recited from memory, confident in her answer, just as Shulbari spoke at the same time, loud and brash as usual, at least he was giving correct information when he spoke over her. "Right. So we should stick to river and see where it leads. That would make the most sense for now." she looked around, waiting to see what everyone else thought.
Jorildyn welcomed the visitors with open arms and some playful pranks. It had been quite awhile since the alvia scout had anyone to trick and joke with outside of his usual victims and he knew the other villagers grew weary of his antics. When the group started getting ready to leave the young man searched for his sister ( @Luna ) and practically begged her to come with him as he wished to see what lay at the end of the journey. What might they find in their search for the fire elamel? The curiosity was simply too much for him to ignore.
Luna β€” 03/11/2024 4:33 PM
Siofra, of course, agreed to come with Jorildyn. They couldn't cause mischief solo! That wasn't quite as fun. "Who should we target first?" she whispered to him quietly, before pointing out at the one called Shulbari. "he seems a bit dangerous though." she added with a soft frown. She didn't want her brother hurt and besides all that... well they had a fire elamel to find!
NatiStorm β€” 03/12/2024 12:35 AM
Having not heard Nayzee, Amali raised an eyebrow at Shulbari statement. Turning to Raja she nodded. "It seems so." She chuckled at Alder's comment before pondering Lana's words. "Okay what do we know? This fire twin of Osha's is somewhere beyond the Alvia territory. Somewhere there is a fire pool. And we're looking for the end of water." Hearing herself say it, she could understand why so many thought this to be a fools errand. "It seems we mostly agree that going south and following the river until we reach the boarder is better than cutting through the forest, even if it might be shorter."
ShulbariAPP β€” 03/12/2024 1:11 PM
Hearing it put that way, a thought occurred to Shulbari and he quickly jumped in with, "What if it's telling us to go where lava meets water?" he questioned. "When a volcano erupts, it spews lava which then flows until it hits water and then it cools and hardens into land over time. What if we're going the wrong way by going south when we should be going north towards the mountains and looking for an active volcano?"
xpressionless β€” 03/12/2024 2:50 PM
((Hopefully I get the chance to edit this later, but Mirin is voting to travel south along the river.))
πŸ‰Zakiax β€” 03/12/2024 4:06 PM
(Zak is also gonna vote south along the river. Will edit in a rp reply some time today...maybe)
robbedragon β€” 03/12/2024 4:41 PM
((Raja is voting south as well. Only Shulbari is arguing against it cause he's a stubborn ass. XD))
DBPyrat β€” 03/12/2024 5:20 PM
Having returned the Alvian smithy, eagerly having taken all the notes he could of their techniques before they departed, Gunnar was unconcerned with the squabbling. "I'll go along with the majority, but for what it's worth, I would stick to the river." (edited)
NatiStorm β€” 03/12/2024 6:35 PM
((24hr notice! Gentle nudge to vote for which direction your character wants to go and get in any last minute rp before we set out! ))
belloblossom β€” 03/12/2024 6:37 PM
(Calliope and Glisselda will be opting to travel along the river!)
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