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Discovering Terithel

Finding Fire Meta Part 2

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Grizzled Veteran
Strange Things After six days of trekking through dense forests with a near constant drizzle, high humidity, and persistent mosquitoes, the expedition team finally reached the boarder of the Alvia Province. Being the first dry spot seen several days, the team wasted no time in building a fire and setting out their belongings to dry. Though they hadn't been attacked by anything, the conditions along the river weren't the kindest. There had been many twisted ankles from hidden roots, scratches from thorn bushes growing over the trail, and blistered feet from the moist conditions on their journey. Taking inventory of supplies, the team had less than they thought they'd have at this point but would be okay if they were careful. Skin wasn't the only thing ripped by the thorns and shrub branches that grew along the path; many packs and bags now had small tears, or in some cases rips, or begun to fray along the scratches left by the trek. The humid conditions also aided to several bits of food getting moldy and going bad. Though it was still mid-day and sunny, camp was already set up with the fire now burning low. While some sat around the fire complaining about their aching feet, others tried scouted the woods around them for anything useful. A few even reviewed the maps the group was given and tried to make sense of the clues provided. [This is a reaction period. Feel free to interact with each other, any NPC, ask questions, or simply react and state your characters opinion. If you would like to hunt, find something, fix something, or any other specific task, ask Nati in ⁠dice-rolling and she'll tell you what to roll and the results from that roll. Note: This round the more active you are, the more you will be asked to roll for... things.] The next push will be Sat, 16th @ 5pm EST (edited)
NatiStorm03/14/2024 12:00 AM
Feel free to start reacting! (edited)
((Oh, also, it'd be great if you would roll 1d100 social in ⁠dice-rolling for your characters to see how they're maintaining after such a soggy trek))
NatiStorm03/14/2024 12:32 AM
Amali plopped down in front of the fire. She took her boots and socks off and stretched her feet towards the flames. "Are we there yet?" Amali groaned as she laid back on the bumpy ground putting her hands under her head. "Who knew forests were so.... soggy." She continued to complain to no one in particular. After awhile she got up and went over to where the maps had been rolled out. "Guess I should do something useful." Amali muttered as she began to study the maps again for the hundredth time.
Rainyaviel03/14/2024 1:01 AM
Despite the damp air and bugs Nayzee was having a great time exploring a new place. Sure the thorny vines and pointy branches were a pain as they snagged her bag, hair, and clothing, but just look at all of the awesome plants and animals that lived in this strange forest! She tried her best to lift everyone else's spirits with her own fascination but it helped some more than others. When they eventually came to the end of the muggy jungle Nayzee was quick to set things out to dry and she rummaged around in her own pack to find her needles and thread so she could start mending some of the items that had been damaged along the way. After repairing the two packs that were the worst off she stood up to stretch and decided she would take a break from sewing to go scout around the area for anything useful. Ripple, as usual, wasn't particularly helpful and Bacon Bit seemed to miss the memo that they were looking for anything helpful, not just food or other people. The young pig walked right through some helpful herbs and Nayzee scolded her for her carelessness as she gathered what was salvageable. When she returned to camp she set down what she found and started asking the others if they needed help with anything. Maybe she could be more useful if she just went back to mending packs or cooking up some food but she knew that at least Shulbari had gone hunting so she wanted to wait until he returned before deciding what to cook for everyone. (edited)
Jorildyn tried to be cheerful as he got to know the travelers from HollowOak but it was difficult. He couldn't remember the last time he had been apart from his twin for so long, had he ever? And though he knew that she was needed in FallingFeather it didn't do any good to ease his concern. What if she ran into trouble and needed backup and he wasn't there for her? The thought that maybe he should have stayed behind as well gnawed at him, but Siofra had basically forced him to go on her behalf. 'Tell me everything when you get back!' she'd told him and he couldn't let her down. That's how he ended up trudging along a forsaken path full of tripping hazards in a jungle where the air was made of soup. The young man was miserable. Eventually they found the end of the bug-infested hellscape and he sighed in relief. Finally they were free! He saw everyone else setting up a camp and was quick to help out before setting his own things out to dry. After resting his feet for a bit he put his boots back on and went to check out their surroundings. Maybe he could find some tracks or signs of civilization? (edited)
robbedragon03/14/2024 2:06 AM
Raja sat by the fire, massaging his aching feet. He had never walked this much and he missed his warm bed in his nice little hut. This was all Shulbari's fault. If he could trust him not to act like a complete and total jerk, he wouldn't need to go on this stupid adventure. If they made it back to the village in one piece, he was never talking to Shulbari ever again for making him so miserable.
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 2:07 AM
Even if they were careful, getting low on supplies was dangerous. Shulbari decided to take this opportunity to go out hunting for food, preferably some meat because if he had to eat anymore bright colored fruits and veggies, he was going to scream or die of starvation.
Swamp Siren03/14/2024 2:16 PM
Trying hard not to show her foul mood, Alder kept to herself. She knew all too well one cross word, especially from Shulbari, and she'd snap like a thin twig under foot. Deciding it was best not to linger at the camp the dark skinned woman retreated to the woods to hunt for food. She turned up nothing. Her hopes had risen at the sight of a game trail, but quickly fell when she was unsuccessful at finding anything. And then.... there it was. Again and again the feeling of not being alone. Of eyes on her. But no matter what twists or turns she made, it was still there. Alone. She was alone, in unfamiliar woods, with the feeling that perhaps she was the hunted. Turning she made a swift course back to the camp. Once there she looked around at the other, "It may just be my paranoia of being in unknown territory, " she began in her exotic accent, "But I can't shake the feeling we are not alone." (edited)
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 2:39 PM
Gathering up the boar, Shulbari quickly made his way back to the camp, dragging the large beast behind him. He managed to make it back just as Alder was pointing out and confirming his own suspicions. "I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching me and I don't think it was this big slab of pork...." he added. "Might be a good idea if we set up a defensive perimeter and discuss a watch rotation." he offered.
NatiStorm03/14/2024 4:13 PM
Hearing Nayzee asking around to help out Amali called her over. "Hey Nayzee! I could use your opinion if you've got a minute?" Though she said it as a question, Amali didn't really wait for an answer as she rushed over to the cook, map in hand. "Do you think this symbol here is a tree or a rain cloud?" She pointed at the map as she asked her questions. "And this here, what do you think it means? To me it looks like a shark." Amali flashed her flirtatious smile before turning to groan as Alder, followed by Shulbari, returned from the forest. "You two are just paranoid from being in strange woods. We're miles away, days away even, from any civilization or outpost. I'm sure it's nothing." Amali was trying to be reassuring but came across as being dismissive. "I say we discuss what Nayzee is going to do with that fine looking boar you bested."
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 4:17 PM
At being called paranoid, Shulbari's sour mood quickly got the best of him. "Hey, dumbass... Paranoia in one person can be overlooked but if two established hunters both feel like we're being watched then maybe you should listen to the experts. We are, afterall, more experienced in the woods. If you came in and told us who was a good lay, I'd at least hear you out." he snapped.
robbedragon03/14/2024 4:17 PM
Raja stifled back a chuckle but quickly jumped to his feet. "Shulbari, calm down. I'm sure if there is someone or somethingout there, it won't attack us as long as we all stick together." he offered.
NatiStorm03/14/2024 4:32 PM
Amali turned to Shulbari and raised an eyebrow. "The only thing you're an expert in is losing your temper and using vulgar language. That boar is the only reason any of us take you seriously at all. I mean didn't the last time you two went out to search for stuff you tracked each other? Not what I would call expert level skill there. You probably tracked each other again." Amali turned from Shulbari to Raja. "I trust Zakiax. If he's feeling paranoid when he gets back, then I'll consider taking it seriously."
Rainyaviel03/14/2024 4:49 PM
Nayzee had barely opened her mouth when a map was shoved into her face and she blinked to focus on the print. "A... Rain cloud? I think? I don't see any sharks... but that thing in the mountains must be a waterfall. A big one too, if they put it on a map." As she studied the drawing a bit more she pointed at a circular symbol and one that sort of looked like a hut. "What do you suppose these mean? A cave? Another village?" When Shulbari and Alder returned to camp and mentioned they had felt watched Nayzee's head snapped up from the map that she and Amali were studying. "No, they're right. I felt uneasy too but I couldn't find anything and Ripple and Bacon Bit didn't seem alarmed so I shrugged it off as some sort of harmless creature. If you two also felt that way maybe there is something hiding around here?" Nayzee wasn't sure what to make of it. Was it possible for someone to disguise themselves so well even animals wouldn't smell them? She knew the hunters in HollowOak would cover their scent by using plants or mud or even other animal furs but even then an animal close enough could still tell the difference... couldn't they? Maybe she should have got herself a dog? They were good at protection and scouting, right? Moving to her pack Nayzee gathered her butchering supplies and motioned for Shulbari to move the boar a bit further from their camp so she could get started and the scraps wouldn't draw in hungry wildlife overnight. @NatiStorm to Amali, @robbedragon to Shulbari, @Swamp Siren to Alder (edited)
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 5:02 PM
"See, even Nayzee felt it. That's three strikes so I think you're outvoted." he growled at Amali with a smug grin. He then dragged the boar over. "Until we know more, nobody leaves camp alone. Even if you have to take a piss or a shit, you take at least two others with you like myself or Alder. This way, if you get attacked, you'll have someone nearby to save your ass."
Swamp Siren03/14/2024 5:08 PM
Glowering at Amali Alder stomped a foot, "That last time was after an attack. We were desperate to find the cause! Plus we have not worked together much and haven't developed a good team tactic. That does not mean that we are shabby hunters by any means." Leaning forward. "I survived a great deal of things you can not image before I wound up at the village." Shaking her head she stood beside Shulbari, "I agree with him..... for once." (edited)
NatiStorm03/14/2024 5:21 PM
"Oh nooo, not you too Nayzee." Amali groaned. She turned to look at Nayzee confused. "Your familiars did react? That's strange, usually animals sense things like that." Turning to Alder, Amali have the Dalvis woman a look. "I'm sure you've survived a lot but it's a bit obvious that after several months of hunting with the guild and Shulbari, you still haven't developed the skill set needed to succeed here so forgive me if I don't trust your paranoia. And you two have agreed more than once, just kiss and get it over with." Taking a deep breath, Amali rubbed the bridge of her nose. Everyone was being so sensitive. A big part of her wanted to argue that Shulbari wasn't in charge and that she didn't give a shit about what he feltso unless he brought proof that something was out there, she would come and go as she pleased.... but she knew that wouldn't help things. It would feel good to argue but it really wouldn't help. With another deep breath Amali shook her head and raised her hands in defeat. "Alright, I still think you all are just being paranoid but I'll go along with it." She mumbled under her breath "It'll feel good to say I told you so."
Rainyaviel03/14/2024 7:49 PM
"Thank you." Nayzee offered to Shulbari as he brought the boar over and she got started with the butchering. The woman wasn't oblivious to the tension in the air but she really didn't want the group to start fighting in unfamiliar territory with who knew how much longer to go on their journey. "Nope, neither of them seemed to notice at all but I definitely had a weird feeling. If I wasn't being watched then perhaps there is some latent magic in this area that is messing with some of us?"She offered as a possible alternative while trying to keep the peace.
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 7:53 PM
Rolling his eyes, Shulbari decided to ignore Amali for once. If he continued this argument, it would only mean more of Alder defending him and that was already a scary enough concept on its own. "Look, just stick together until we know for sure. Better to air on the side of caution so we don't lose more supplies or possibly our lives." he urged. "If you don't want to live, wander off and get yourself killed but you were warned."
Rainyaviel03/14/2024 8:50 PM
Jorildyn finally returned to camp with a defeated slump. He'd searched for hours and found nothing. Not a single thing. In fact, the only thing he could be sure of is that he'd felt as though something was looking at him but even that hadn't lasted long. He dropped down onto a log and took a bit of time to feel sorry for himself before looking around and finally noticing that there seemed to be some sort of disagreement happening. "What's going on? Did anyone find anything?"
Swamp Siren03/14/2024 9:25 PM
She wanted to snap at Amali. She tried to stay calm but her tail showed her true feelings. It flicked back and forth like that of an angry cat. Breaking eye contact with Amali to bring Jorildyn into view, "Some of us feel we are being watched. There has been a bit of disagreement about it all." At the sound of rustling she jolted then looked at the others then tried to focus on their surroundings. "I'm not the only one to hear that am I?"
ShulbariAPP03/14/2024 10:54 PM
Jumping to his feet, Shulbari pulled up his spear. "Believe us now?!" he snapped at Amali and quickly put himself between the camp and the forest. "Everyone get around the forest unless you can fight and if you can fight, grab a weapon." he ordered. He couldn't pinpoint where the noise came from.
robbedragon03/14/2024 11:50 PM
(Shulbari meant get around the fire)
Rainyaviel03/14/2024 11:52 PM
Just as Nayzee was finishing up her butchering work there was rustling in the trees. At first she thought it came from behind her but then it sounded as if it was off closer to the direction of the fire. Wiping her hands off on some moss nearby she stood and grabbed her knives. Her skinning knife wouldn't be much help against anything that wanted to attack them but her butcher's knife would certainly do the trick. She moved over toward the others, putting her back toward Alder, trusting the Dalvis to let her know if anything came from that direction while she watched the treeline on the opposite edge of their camp.
xpressionless03/15/2024 4:53 AM
She was wet, covered in mosquito bites, had more cuts then she should count; and, honestly, she couldn’t have been happy - which was more than could be said for some in their party. Using the break in the weather, the group were quick to establish a camp. Determined to be of use, Mirin turned her attention to forging. While the supplies from the locals at FallingFeather had been greatly appreciated, Mirin knew that supplementing them when they could would prove essential in their journey. This time, luck was on her side, and she was able to find some greens and medical herbs. Returning to camp, Mirin stowed the herbs in her pack, and turned her attention to cooking the party a meal. Tension seemed to be on the rise, and she hoped a cooked meal would help ease the situation. As Nayzee finished butchering the boar, Mirin set a skillet to heat over the fire. Setting some tallow to melt, the woman stiffened at the sound of movement in the forest surrounding them. Although she was no fighter, Mirin grabbed for the skillet in front of her and held it tightly. “What the hell is that?” she asked, struggling to keep her voice from wavering.
NatiStorm03/15/2024 7:55 AM
"No." Amali grumbled quietly in response to Shulbari before she remembered that she'd given up arguing. While everyone else took defensive stances, Amali stood where she was, map still in her hands, and looked around. "Probably just the others coming back to camp or an animal of sorts." Amali replied to Mirin before tilting her head and looking back to Nayzee. "Or magic, since that is a thing that exists now." The cook may have been onto something when she suggested magic before. Regardless, Amali refused to believe it was another ambush. There was no one else out here, she was so sure if it. "Can anyone pinpoint the sound?" (edited)
Swamp Siren03/15/2024 8:02 AM
Pulling a short sword free of ots scabbard Alder put her back to the fire and watched the trees. With out looking away the Dalvis tilted her head to speak towards Amali, "I can't tell. It may be nothing. But it is better to be ready...... and keep everyone safe then regret it if we lose someone."
Revel03/15/2024 11:40 AM
Nari fared pretty well on the journey along the river, she'd been through all this before so knew the best way to hike so by the time they stopped again, she was definitely in better shape than most. She watched the bickering between party members go on with little energy, sure she fared better but she was still quite tired out, so tired, she felt like she was being watched. Though apparently she wasn't the only one. She did however think to go looking for some herbs or plants that could help with the mosquitoes, now she had time to actually search, versus picking up the useful things along the way, she'd been able to somewhat suppliment their diet with some fresh greens.
Osha.... well let's just say that if Osha hadn't been a being of water, she'd be black and blue, full of bruises by the time they made it to a resting place, she'd tripped on almost every freaking root and vine, she'd gone splat (literally) so many times she'd lost count, the moment they all stopped for a rest, Osha made her way towards the river "I need to recharge" she said to the others, or anyone who was even listening over the arguing, she would have said something but she was just too exhausted, and sore (how was she sore?) to care. Her back ached, her ankles felt like they were boiling, she was just so DONE. "Im going to the river, someone shout me if i'm needed"
Revel03/15/2024 5:13 PM
Nari looked around camp once she'd rested for a few moments, for anything to help people with the mosquito bites, blisters, etc but couldn't find anything useful, however once she got back to camp, she heard noises, noises that kind of freaked her out "Hey guys.... uh .... i don't think we should rest here...." she said, her voice low and frightened, she huddled towards the middle of the group.
Revel03/15/2024 5:23 PM
Osha returned to the group after a short while, feeling totalyl refreshed and energised, she looked around at the group who was chattering about being watched and noises. "i don't hear anything you guys" (edited)
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 5:24 PM
Jorildyn nodded as Alder caught him up on what the disagreement was about. "Come to think of it... I thought I heard something earlier but it didn't continue so I brushed it off." Just as he finished there was a distinct sound of twigs snapping in the trees which had the scout jumping to his feet and looking around. "Where did that come from?"He asked, looking around as the sounds continued. It was if they were echoing off the trees, coming from every direction at once. The alternative being that they were surrounded and Jorildyn didn't want to think about that possibility. He backed towards the fire, his dagger in hand and had just reached Mirin when he heard more movement. Quickly locking in on the sound he watched as Osha emerged from the woods. Good! At least they were back together now and no one could be singled out and broke off from the group.
NatiStorm03/15/2024 5:26 PM
((24 hour notice! No worries if you don't post, I'm just giving a gentle reminder. If you're not sure what to do, feel free to discuss the map icons with Amali. ))

Rainyaviel03/15/2024 5:37 PM
Nayzee eyed Osha as she returned to camp. "You don't hear... anything? No rustling? You don't feel like you're being watched? Nothing?" Her voice was a bit disbelieving but not accusatory. Taking in a few deep, slow breaths she focused on their surroundings again. She still felt like they were being watched but the sounds seemed to be less frequent, maybe whatever it had been was moving away now that it had checked them out? Still, she didn't feel comfortable and as she gripped her knives she found herself hoping that something would happen to prove them right, or wrong, anything to end the feeling of walking on eggshells. While Nayzee was focusing on everything around them Ripple slithered down to the ground and set off across camp to investigate whatever was making his master so jumpy.
Falcona03/15/2024 5:38 PM
Lana was tired. Happy, but the exhaustion was seeping in quickly by that last day. Sighing a little, she adjusted the pack she was holding and continued to trudge on. The hike was worth it when the village came to sight and she breathed a sigh of relief. It was not too bad all things considered. Some time later, she sat with the other villagers, listening. She had no idea what to make of everything, this being her first adventure with her fellow villagers. She tilted her head at the exchanges and look around the camp. She feels okay? What noise is everyone talking about? “Huh?”
Revel03/15/2024 5:41 PM
Osha blinked at Nayzee "nope... i don't dismiss you guys though, if you guys feel something, i believe you, i just don't hear or see anything right now" she stretched but she was ready for anything
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 6:11 PM
Excitement vibrated through her bond with Ripple and Nayzee looked to her shoulder where the snake familiar usually rested only to realize he'd gone off on his own. Her eyes widened in alarm but he didn't seem to be hurt or worried so she tried to calm down. All of this was silent right up until the snake came back to camp and climbed her leg then along an arm to coil around one wrist as he presented a short black hair. What in the world?! Nayzee tucked her skinning knife into her belt for a moment to grasp the hair and look it over. "Hey..." she began, wondering what to say that wouldn't set off an argument or panic. "It looks like we aren't alone after all..."She kept her tone as even as possible hoping if she remained calm others would too. Then she raised the hair up, pinched tightly between two fingers so she wouldn't lose it, for others to take a look at.
Revel03/15/2024 6:44 PM
Osha's cat Lake, crept about the camp, completely unbothered by the distress of the humans, it didn't bother him whatsoever, they weren't cats, or Osha so he didn't much care. THERE... a sound... he pounced... coming up with a small Lizard in his paws, he ended it's life, then proudly trotted over to Osha to show her his gift for her. Osha for her part, was grareful of the cat's presence and didn't ask much of him, but when he brought her a lizard, she went almost pale, "uh.. thanks Lake but you can eat it" she gave the cat a few pets on the head before it curled up somewhere a little drier to eat his meal
Swamp Siren03/15/2024 7:50 PM
So much was going on. So many people talking. And so many people to keep up with. She hardly noticed that Osha had left until she had returned. Paling she began to question if Amali was right. She wasn't skilled. Not at all. When Nayzee spoke up she looked back to her then focused on what was in her fingers, "What is it....."
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 8:31 PM
Nayzee turned to look at Alder, walking over and bringing the hair with her. "It's a hair. A short, black hair. Ripple seemed excited when he found it. I'm not sure if that means someone gave it to him, or if he actually just found it on the ground, but he doesn't typically get excited about other people." As Nayzee spoke she looked over the Dalvis in front of her and a thought began to form, the woman certainly had some snake-like features, maybe... just maybe. "Say, Alder, your hair... is it naturally two-toned like that? Do other Dalvis also have dark hair?"
Swamp Siren03/15/2024 9:01 PM
Caught a little off guard Alder blinked. "Oh..... uh... yes..... my hair is naturally like this. We can have a wide variety of color."
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 9:17 PM
With Alder's reply Nayzee frowned a bit, "Hmm, perhaps not then... I suppose the only way to find out is if we go find them, or they come out of hiding." Nayzee returned her gaze to the treeline, "Show yourself."She said with the same tone she used to get her siblings to behave.
ShulbariAPP03/15/2024 9:18 PM
"Everyone stay at the camp, damn it!" Shulbari snapped. "We don't know what's out there and we're safer together." He wanted to yell at Osha for wandering off but he wasn't sure she could even be killed.
Swamp Siren03/15/2024 9:28 PM
Watching Nayzee Alder's brow furrowed, "Perhaps not..... what?"
NatiStorm03/15/2024 9:34 PM
((In response to Nayzee talking to the woods)) The movement in the woods quieted but persisted still. No one emerged.
🐉Zakiax03/15/2024 9:41 PM
After the camp had been made. Zak was not that tired so seeing that they were in need of more provisions he had gone off on his own into the woods to try to track down any animal he could hunt. It took him a while to find some fresh tracks of an animal due to the rain and mud, but he found himself tracking a fairly large buck. He kept a decent distance from the beast and waited for the right moment to strike it down with his bow. Next came the hard part, draining the blood, which he did on the spot because he did not want to lead a dangerous creature back to camp due to the smell of blood. He strung the buck up into a tree and let gravity do its work draining the blood into a hole in the ground he had made. Zak was gone for quite a while as he did this, skinning the animal, portioning out the meat into clean leather packs to be used for later. Taking the skin and antlers he wrapped them up and tied them to his pack. The hunter in him pretty much taking everything of use and only leaving behind the stuff they could not use on this journey. Lastly he buried what remained returning what was left to the earth. Hoisting his pack onto his back he began to follow his own tracks back to camp.
🐉Zakiax03/15/2024 10:10 PM
With the feeling of being watched on his way back to camp, Zak slowed his pace a bit. Though one could say it was a bit unnerving not knowing what direction he was being watched from, there were no changes in the sounds of the woods. It what or whom ever was watching him was dangerous the animals would sense it. Taking this note from nature he too deemed this presence as non dangerous. He wondered if someone actually lived in these woods, it did not seem impossible, despite the recent rainy weather it seemed that the woods was abundant with life and the means to provide. He stopped as he pondered this, maybe they were just hungry. Taking one of the leather packs of the fresh venison. "A gift for a new friend." He spoke to the wood and put the pack on a fallen tree before returning on his way back to camp. Zak returned to the campsite just as Nayzee was calling into the tree line, and Shulbari was telling everyone to stay at camp. "What's got everyone all on edge?" He questioned.
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 11:14 PM
Jorildyn had slowly relaxed as more members of their group seemed at ease. Maybe Amali was right and it was just some normal woodland creatures. What a joke this would be if anyone back in FallingFeather found out he had been scared by a random animal. Sheathing his dagger and running a hand over his face the blond started to laugh.
Rainyaviel03/15/2024 11:50 PM
Nayzee pouted a bit when her order didn't bring any results. Not that she was surprised, even her younger siblings ignored her at times. Looking around as Zak returned to camp the woman then turned her gaze to Ripple as she tried to get some of her thoughts out in the open. "There is obviously something else in the woods nearby. I was wondering if the hair belonged to a Dalvis and that is why Ripple was so excited..."Nayzee had started walking towards the treeline as she looked at her snake who still seemed quite excited about what he had found.
DBPyrat03/16/2024 2:00 AM
Gunnar was quite miserable. This incessant and pervasive damp was wearing on him, even his mohawk was wilted and plastered to his sweating head. When they call was made to make camp he helped with the initial setup before promptly collapsing near a fire to dry out and promptly fell asleep. He had no idea how long he had been out when he awoke to the others worrying over movement in the woods. The big Smith hauled himself up and pulled the forging hammer from his belt. He had been having a rough few days and as he cocked his head towards the trees to listen, he thought to himself that they could really use a good fight to put a cap on this lovely, humid, nap interrupting day.
🐉Zakiax03/16/2024 4:42 PM
"I did feel it too, on my way back." Zak nodded as he replied to Nayzee "But who or what they are they mean no harm." he seemed quite confidant in this aspect.
NatiStorm03/16/2024 5:29 PM
As the day wore on the forest settled down, the strange noises stopped and everything seemed normal again. Despite Nari and a few other wanting to move camp, the group stayed at the already made campsite - though they did agree to Shulbari's schedule of keeping a lookout. After such an exciting day many of the villagers thought they wouldn't be able to sleep yet the sound of the river nearby and the soft breeze in the trees lulled everyone to sleep.... even those on watch. Jorildyn and Raja awoke to find their packs empty! All of their supplies and items gone! Shulbari, Nari, and Zak found several items missing from their packs including several of Nari's medicinal tinctures! Alder, Nayzee, Amali, and Mirin noticed that their packs had been moved but no items seemed to be missing. The rest of the bags were completely untouched. Concerns grew as no tracks, foot prints, or trace of anything could be found. After a through search of the campsite and surrounding area it seemed that there was no way to recover the missing supplies and items. While searching around however, Alder found another short black hair near one of the packs. Shulbari found a white hair the same size and texture as the two black hairs. Nayzee didn't need Ripple this time to find the short orange hair that was stuck to her pack. Jorildyn also found an orange hair in his empty bag. The morning flew by as everyone tried to find something to give them clues about what had happened to no avail. Eventually it came time to move on. After much discussion, the expedition team decided there were three paths to take. One north towards a waterfall in the mountains. One south towards a raincloud? And one straight east towards a river.
[This is a reaction and decision period. Feel free to interact with each other or simply react and state your characters opinion. If you don't think you'll have time to post as your character before the next push, please post in brackets which spot you'd like to travel. Ex: (waterfall) ] The next push will be on Sun 17th after movie night so in a little over 24 hours! Get those votes and reactions in quick! (edited)
Feel free to start reacting! (edited)

ShulbariAPP03/16/2024 6:02 PM
"Son of a bi-" Shulbari started to exclaim but Raja elbowed him before he could finish. He glared at Raja but decided it was probably not worth the effort. "Look, someone is dwindling our supplies but the thing is, they are only taking necessities like food and medicine." the normally agressive man pointed out. "It could be outcasts but, if it was the same ones that killed our villagers, they would've taken everything or slit our throats. I say we set our own trap." he suggested.
robbedragon03/16/2024 6:02 PM
Raja blinked at the suggestion and tried to find a fault in Shulbari's logic but, for once, he couldn't see anything wrong with that. "What do you have in mind?" he questioned.
🐉Zakiax03/16/2024 6:15 PM
Zak took note of what he had been missing from his pack it was mostly the meat he had prepared and a skin he collected from a previous hunt on this journey. "I don't think that is wise." Zak spoke up to Shulbari. "As i said last night they mean us no harm, i mean granted they have been taking things but its not like we can't replenish what was lost. Plus we don't know the area and they do which gives us a disadvantage. Wasting anymore time here to set a trap will just give them another chance to take more. We need to continue on. I didn't say anything the first time casue it would have been a waste of time to chase down our stuff. This is the same." (edited)
ShulbariAPP03/16/2024 6:25 PM
At the mention of that, Shulbari turned on Zakiax. "You knew where they went and you didn't tell us?!" he snapped. "Whether they mean us harm or not is irrelevant. They are taking our supplies which means we may find ourselves in a spot where we end up short on food or necessities because of them. These thefts may not outright kill us but they could still lead to our demise with a group this large!" he ranted. "What happens if someone gets wounded and we don't have the medicine to treat them? Are you okay with telling someone we'll have to cut off one of their limbs if they get infected wounds?!"
Swamp Siren03/16/2024 6:55 PM
Taking the hair Alder turned it over in her hand several times. She was sure she'd seen this before. But from where. Her tail thumped against the ground as she thought. She could hear Shulbari being gruff, but what else was new.... she opted to ignore him for now. Last thing she needed Tawas to be told that they should kiss again. "You know...." she began hoping she wouldn't regret this, "I think I've seen this before.... can't quite place it.... but I don't think it's Homia, Alvia, or Dalvis. I'm pretty sure it's an animal hair. But I'm not quite sure......" Knowing that others had lost everything and they were going to need supplies she considered going out to hunt. Maybe then she would be useful. Amali had been right, she hasn't been a very good hunter. Getting to her feet she walked over to the ones arguing and placed a hand on Shulbari's shoulder, "We may not be able to catch them. Look around." she motioned at the ground, "There are no tracks. And with out any we have no way to find what did this. We don't know if we will get lucky and find more food. Staying to set a trap will make us waste more. I don't like seeing our people harmed either. But this can cause more trouble. We can't fix the past. We can only keep moving forward and prepare for the future...." She held the hair up to him, "We can keep moving, and I have a feeling our unwanted 'friends' may continue to follow us. "
Rainyaviel03/16/2024 8:18 PM
Waking to find that his pack, along with others, had been emptied the Alvia scout felt a wave of despair wash over him. Not only had his twin been left behind, he hadn't found anything useful to help the group, and now what supplies he had brought were gone. The man felt like a failure. Sure he was young but he had been so sure of himself going into this, so prepared to prove himself and maybe play some harmless pranks on his new companions. Now he felt defeated. Rising to his feet he set about helping break down camp before finally taking a good look at the hairs that had been collected.
Rainyaviel03/16/2024 8:39 PM
Nayzee woke to commotion as others realized their belongings had been taken. Sitting up and rubbing at her eyes for a moment she felt for her own bag, eyes snapping open when she realized it wasn't where she'd left it. She quickly got to her feet and started looking around camp, finding her bag across the clearing with some of the others. As she pulled things out to check the contents she realized there was nothing missing, how odd. Why move it if they weren't going to take anything? Then again, why take only certain items from some of the other packs? Even more than that, she realized, why take things out of the packs instead of grabbing the whole thing and running? "Whoever did this had their own packs on them. It wouldn't make sense to take a bunch of loose items and try to carry them away in the dark so they must have had their own bag to put things in. But these hairs..." She held up a short orange hair, the same texture as the black one Ripple found the day before, studying it closely. "I agree with Alder, they look animal." Hearing what Zak said about the prior theft Nayzee turned to look at the hunter. It didn't take long for Shulbari to start yelling at him and Nayzee didn't bother to stop him this time. He did make a good point. "It was only one bag then, now it is quite a bit of our stock of supplies and food." She stated once Shulbari had finished. "If we keep allowing them to take our stuff we will end up with nothing. Do not forget, we still don't know how far we have to go, and then we need to make it all the way home."Her voice was steady but there was an obvious bite of irritation to her tone. She hated to admit it but she agreed with Shulbari about setting a trap around the perimeter of their next camp. They needed to get to the bottom of this before they were in unfamiliar territory with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
xpressionless03/17/2024 3:01 AM
“Alder’s right, we need to keep moving; and, standing here, arguing amongst ourselves is just a waste of time,” Mirin added, glancing around the group. She felt bad for those who had lost their packs, not to mention the loss of the food and medicine. “I’m happy to share what I have, and we already know the forest can provide enough to keep us going for a time. And, if we continue east along the river, we’ll have the added benefit of a steady water source, maybe fish with some luck,” Mirin continued. “By all means, set whatever traps you think will be necessary when we make camp again; but, for now, we need to just get moving”.
NatiStorm03/17/2024 3:05 AM
Amali woke to the commotion of the others and was confused as to why her bag had been moved across camp. By the time she'd reached her bag, Amali had pieced together what'd happened. As she went through her belongs checking to see that everything was where it should be, she listened to the others going back and fourth about moving on or staying to set a trap. Though she did want to know who was messing with them, she honestly thought it best to press on. "I agree with Zak, Alder, and Mirin. We should keep moving, gather and hunt what we can along the way." She said as she picked up her pack and moved to where the maps were set out. "It looks like we'll come out of the forest by the end of the day no matter which way we choose to go. Should be harder for anyone to sneak up on us out in the open." Amali considered the map for a moment longer. "Like Mirin said, I think we should just keep going straight, east, to these squiggly lines that looks like a river. It'll probably be our best source of water once out of the tree line."
Rainyaviel03/17/2024 8:26 AM
Nayzee nodded as some of the group voiced their opinions on which way they should head. Though she was intrigued by the possibility of a waterfall she knew that continuing along the river would make the most sense, for now. Though she wasn't sure she agreed with what the markings on the map might be she was fine with moving forward and facing the new terrain when they reached it, whatever it may be. "I think continuing along the river is a good idea as well, at the very least it keeps us from getting turned around while we are still in these woods."
Rainyaviel03/17/2024 8:36 AM
Jorildyn sighed as he looked at the strange hairs, he couldn't place them. Another thing to add to his list of failures since leaving home. He knew if his sister could see him now she would be trying to cheer him up and remind him that he still had plenty of time to prove his worth to the group. Knowing that didn't do much to help his mood but he did his best to put on a mask hoping if he could fake a better mood it would take hold. Listening to the others he moved over to look at the maps. "Do you think the waterfall might be where water ends?"He asked to no one in particular. It seemed that might be the way to go if they were following the clue.
Revel03/17/2024 11:08 AM
Nari grew sleepy, she was already pretty wiped from the trek so it wasn't long before she fell asleep. She woke with a start, feeling like something was missing, she reached for her medical bag, which should have been right there but instead.. it was gone. She sat bolt upright, like a puppet pulled on a string and saw her bag lying just outside the group of sleepy forms.... "no ... oh noooo nonononono please no.." she mumbled as she crawled on her hands and knees over to it, bumping into other sleeping people as she did so, not caring about anything but her bag.... she reached it, opened it and her heart felt like it stopped for a few moments.. "oh you BASTARDS" she let out, not even realising she'd said it out loud. She looked out into the forest... "YOU COULD HAVE JUST FUCKING ASKED AND I'VE HAVE HELPED" she screamed, then sobbed "WELL I HOPE YOU KNOW THEY'LL MAKE IT WORSE CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE FOR... " which was true, she didn't label her tinctures and things as normal, she had a system of knots and things added to the bottles and bags, so that without needing to look, she could feel what was what in her bag, and not waste time trying to look through it. she hadn't even realised she'd screamed out loud... before she broke down sobbing, clutching her bag to herself, devastated at the loss... and invasion of her privacy.
Osha woke slow but when a knee crushed her shoulder by Nari going past, she soon woke, finding their packs displaced, some empty... "awe crap, not again" she groaned, getting to her feet. She heard Shulbari rant at someone and couldn't bring herself to disagree with the brash man, sure they hadn't been directly harmed but... "he's right.. without supplies, we're going to struggle to go further, i mean water isn't really a problem with me around but we all need food, and..." she eyed Nari, sobbing at the edge of the camp they'd made "medical supplies" she whispered, She turned to Alder "you've seen this before? could you try remember please Alder? it would help us all out a lot"
🐉Zakiax03/17/2024 12:22 PM
Zak seemed to have ignored Shulbari's comment as the conversation steered in the direction on where they should be going. He could have argued back but everyone seemed to have made his point for him. "I also agree to go east towards the river. With a fresh source of flowing water game will come by often to drink, plus there should be medical herbs that grow near it, so we should be able to restock what we have lost along the way. Grab what we can from the forest before we leave it."
ShulbariAPP03/17/2024 1:48 PM
"I never said stay in here..." Shulbari grumbled. "I meant leave traps along the path. Whoever or whatever is stealing from us is going to leave us desperate if we don't get rid of them." he pointed out. "We can't track it, watch clearly didn't work because we all fell asleep so we might as well try this."
Swamp Siren03/17/2024 2:23 PM
Alder tried her best to remember. "Its not from my home. That I am certain..... it's something from your land....I can't quite remember it.... and don't know the names of all your animals. " sighing she looked to the others, "I think following the river is the safest option." Walking over to Nari she gently placed a hand on her shoulder as she sank down beside her. "I am sorry for your loss. We can't bring them back.... but we can rebuild it. " she softly smiled, "I can try to help.... if you are willing to teach me what I should look for."
robbedragon03/17/2024 2:31 PM
Raja looked around and shook his head. "Even if an animal is stealing our supplies, I highly doubt an animal set that net trap we got caught in." he pointed out. "Unless we're dealing with a crafty animal with human-like hands...." he added. "I say we follow the river because that's the closes thing to the clue we have and, if we can set traps on the way or at our next campsite, we do that to appease Shulbari and maybe cover our butts." he suggested. He couldn't help but feel like these 'hairs' everyone was looking at seemed familiar, like a material he worked with on occassion. They weren't nearly as coarse as deer or boar hide which was the most common material he used. No, this was soft and flexible, something he'd use on rare occasions for a more fashion oriented piece than protection, he just couldn't quite place what it was.
ShulbariAPP03/17/2024 2:38 PM
"Osha has a point. We're fine on water and, who knows, we might get lucky enough to hunt and fish along the path for food but there are other supplies that were taken that can't be easily replaced." Shulbari pointed out. He held up the hair he found. There was something so familiar about this strange orange coloring but he couldn't quite place it. He gave it a sniff and found it had a bit of a musk to it. The texture and color were so familiar but, they were obviously not from an animal that would normally be hunted for food for the village. No, this wasn't a big game creature, this was something small that the trappers would usually catch for pelts and he was no trapper. He licked the fur and almost gagged. Whatever beast had fur this repulsive was probably not worth eating, at least, not in large portions. "We're definitely dealing with an animal. Something small that the trappers might go after..." he mused while continuing his strange 'inspections'. "The fur is long and flexible so it probably has a thick coat of orange black and white but, it's also musty and earthy which means it probably burrows and hunts at night when it's colder. I'm more familiar with big game so I can't place what animal it is but, I'd say we're looking at something small, crafty, nocturnal and, judging by how well it hides its tracks, it might use the trees to get around..." he figured.
🐉Zakiax03/17/2024 2:43 PM
"That net trap was right at the beginning of our journey." Zak pointed out to Raja. "I believe we are dealing with a different being here, i doubt anyone would have tracked us from there through Falling Feather to here to continue to steal our stuff." Zak also recognized the hair but couldn't quite place where he recognized it, but he did have to agree that it was an animal's hair.
Revel03/17/2024 3:16 PM
Nari flinched when a hand touched her shoulder, she tried not to flinch away even more as she realised who it was, she was trying to be better around Alder but a lifetime of scary stories was hard to get over. "s..sorry" she said, her voice wobbling, she hoped Alder would forgive her. "I..not out here we can't... and my b..b...bags" she sniffled "and the bottles... we can't f...find new ones right now.. and i had an ORDER... and it's all messed up" She wasn't crying quite as hard now but tears still ran down her face and she wasn't about to let go of her bag for anything either. "it's h...h..hard to explain wh...what to look f...f...for" she rubbed her face with the sleeve of her overshirt, somewhat grateful to Alder for being nice enough to try and help.
Swamp Siren03/17/2024 4:44 PM
Curling her tail against her legs Alder listened. She tried to not let the flinch bother her. She was still a stranger. And not just that but a being from stories that portrayed her kind as monsters. "I'm so sorry...... I wish there was something I could do." Watching Shulbari her nose scrunched. "You..... just licked that..... "
Revel03/17/2024 4:56 PM
Nari still hadn't really realised she'd had that loud outburst, she was still pretty upset but genuinely grateful that SOMEONE at least was trying to help. "Th..." she wiped her face again, with both hands and took some deep breaths "Thank you Alder... i guess we could look around to see if there's anything useful, i had a quick look but didn't see anything before" she said with a sigh, describing a few plants that might be easy enough for Alder to find, while she looked for things that could replace what was stolen.
Revel03/17/2024 5:12 PM
Nari headed out of camp to look for herbs or anything that could replace anything she'd lost, she didn't realise quite how far away from camp she had gotten when her foot hit something... it was one of her bottles "OH!" she said to herself, excitedly, bending to pick it up. She turned to head back and took a couple of steps before turning back, she'd seen something out of the corner of her eye, a shirt, she grabbed it, bundling it in her bag and almost running back to camp. "I FOUND SOMETHING" she cried out to them, pointing back the way she came then pulling the shirt out of her bag "This... and one of my tinctures" She was rather excited, "Should we....go see if there's anything more further out?" she asked the group. (edited)
DBPyrat03/17/2024 7:37 PM
Gunnar slept through the initial commotion but was roused when people started yelling. After discovering, to his relief, that his belongings hadn't been disturbed he joined in the effort to find clues. Unfortunately his search revealed nothing helpful. He was glad when Nari recovered something, small though it was. "Perhaps we should continue the search in the direction of Nari's find, it appears to be following one of our possible paths anyway and sitting here all day will not accomplish much of anything. "
NatiStorm03/17/2024 7:56 PM
((Two hrs to get in any last replies or votes. Majority rn is east aka straight across the map to a new river. ))
Falcona03/17/2024 8:06 PM
Lana facepalmed. This is getting ridiculous. What is happening?! "Uh... Do we need to get more supplies again?" Lana asked before she turned to Nari as she exclaimed something. Tilting her head, she moved towards Nari'd direction. "Maybe?" She said softly, unsure.
🐉Zakiax03/17/2024 8:26 PM
"I really don't think we should waste our time searching any longer as we don't know how much longer our journey is and we've already come this far. We could run into a nest of these creatures and really could be in trouble."
Rainyaviel03/18/2024 1:43 AM
Nayzee flinched and turned quickly when she heard Nari start shouting. Realizing what had happened she moved towards the other woman and embraced her with a nod at Alder who was also trying to comfort the healer. "Breathe, Nari, nothing good will come of crying. Let us look around while the others decide which way to go. Maybe we will find some of your things."Nayzee beckoned to the others who weren't currently busy to help do a quick search of the nearby area. If they could find any of their pilfered supplies before they left it would be one less thing to worry about. As she searched she set Ripple and Bit to looking as well hoping that they would be a bit more careful with their searches this time.
Jorildyn had been feeling rather sorry for himself but at the urging of one of the women he rose to his feet and set off to check the area opposite where the had gone. Maybe he could find some of his supplies while he was looking as well. As he searched he stayed within earshot of the camp so he would know when it was time to head out.
Revel03/18/2024 3:29 AM
Osha frowned. "I really think it might be a good idea to at least check where Nari found those things guys, we might need her medical supplies if nothing else" she offered up. Worried now, the party had food and water sorted between herself and the hunters but the loss of Nari's healing things could spell bad news.
Rainyaviel03/18/2024 9:43 AM
Nayzee, Ripple, and Bit all returned to camp empty handed. Looking around for Nari she made her way to the other woman and, with an expression that showed how truly sorry she was, broke the news. "Nothing. If there are any more supplies that were dropped they're too far out. What direction did you go to find these? Maybe it's on the way?"
Jorildyn heard the others getting ready to leave and rushed back to camp. He hadn't found any of their stolen supplies, nor anything else of use. He hoped that someone else had fared better.
Swamp Siren03/18/2024 12:13 PM
Hearing Nari's shouts Alder moved closer. Hope. This made her feel hope. "This is fantastic! Perhaps if we follow in the direction we could reclaim more of our items. We could also check this area, just incase it is actually the path to the fire twin."

To Follow or Not To Follow
After another quick search of the area that turned up nothing the team decided to pack up and continue on. The majority of villagers had voted to go east to the new river so they started off in that direction. Coincidentally that was the same direction Nari was searching when she found her tincture and Raja's shirt. As the group made their way through the forest two more items were found, one of Zak's packs of food and one of Jorildyn's extra pants. The river they had been following turned to the south and as the team continued east through the forest, the sounds of the river faded until it was no longer seen or heard. It was late afternoon moving into early evening when the group saw the tree line and the vast prairie with rolling hills. After breaking from the trees, the team noticed something strange. Several of the missing items were lying on the ground in sight but far enough away from each other that it was obvious someone or something was leading them towards the southern part of the new river they were heading towards. Looking at the items leading them off their chosen course, Nayzee got a sense of déjà vu. This seemed all too familiar. Not following the clothes and items but following a trail to something magical.... Hadn't she followed something to find Osha? Just as Nayzee was thinking about telling the group her feelings, a figured appeared. A creature with orange, black, and white fur trotted over one of the small hills, Shulbari's belt sash dangling from it's mouth. It set the belt down a little ways from the last item lying on the ground. Several members of the group realized at the same time what had stolen their stuff. A fox! As the fox turned and crested the small hill again, it looked back towards the group and for a moment, it seemed like the fox's orange colored fur was on fire, blazing bright against the evening sky, and then it disappeared over the hill.
[This is a reaction period. Feel free to interact with each other, any NPC, ask questions, or simply react and state your characters opinion.] Next push will be March 20th at 9pm EST Feel free to start reacting! (edited)
Rainyaviel03/18/2024 6:56 PM
This journey was much longer than her previous one and Nayzee was grateful that she spent time after performing her duties in the village to go hiking and swimming; otherwise she would have collapsed from exhaustion long before they reached the edge of the forest. As her eyes adjusted to the unfiltered light the woman noticed some items up ahead that she recognized as belonging to others of the group. Moving towards the closest one she noticed the next was a good distance away but still visible, and beyond that appeared to be another, a trail. The feeling that she'd done this before sank into her and she wondered why it felt familiar, coming to the conclusion just as a sleek fox appeared in the distance. The fox was carrying something and Nayzee squinted, trying to make out what it was, as the fox set it down. Shortly after it turned and walked back up the hill, looked back at them, swished it's tail and disappeared. Just before it was out of sight Nayzee could swear she had seen it catch fire and she let out a shocked gasp before patting her thigh for Bit to follow her and taking off after the fox. This was definitely familiar now, she'd followed those magical snakes to find Osha and now she was going to follow this fox and see what it might be leading them to. She was nearing the hill when one of the others in the group passed her, she recognized the form that was now leaving her in the dust as Zak and she shook her head at the hunter's speed. Once she crested the hill she huffed a bit as she caught her breath while looking around. "I don't see it, no tracks either. Did you see where it went?" she asked him. (edited)
Rainyaviel03/18/2024 7:17 PM
Jorildyn was relieved to see the edge of the trees. Despite living amongst them his whole life he still felt uneasy roaming beneath their sprawling branches, thick trunks, and gnarled roots. The man even made use of an herbal blend that helped keep the worst of his symptoms at bay but he'd lost that along with all the rest of his items when his bag was looted. By the time they made it to the plains the man was having to make a conscious effort to focus on anything around him that wasn't a tree and was doing his best to keep anyone else in the group from noticing his trembling hands and the sweat on his brow and palms. Breaking free from the tree line the first thing Jorildyn noticed was the leather pouch he used to store his herbs. Sprinting over he grabbed it and checked for the contents. It appeared to be the same level as it had been last time he'd used it and he sighed with relief. Quickly swallowing some down he shoved the pouch into his bag and focused on the surrounding area. More items were littered on the ground but beyond that, on top of a hill, was a fox. A fox that was on fire? Jorildyn shook his head and blinked quickly, refocusing on the spot the fox was standing just as it disappeared from sight but he got enough of a glance to know what he saw. Thinking things over as the rest of the group caught up Jorildyn turned to look at Osha. "That fox... do you think it's related to your twin somehow? Should we go after it like those three?" he gestured to where Zak, Nayzee, and Amali had already ditched them in pursuit of the creature. He wasn't sure how much the elamel remembered at this point but perhaps a memory had been jogged during their adventure that could help.
ShulbariAPP03/18/2024 7:58 PM
Upon seeing the fox, Shulbari put two and two together and realized what the fur came from. "Crafty fucking foxes..." he growled. "That would explain the fur and the thefts."
robbedragon03/18/2024 7:59 PM
Raja couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the fox. "Of course it's fox fur!" he realized. "I should've caught that sooner."
Swamp Siren03/18/2024 8:02 PM
Ah! That was the animal she had seen before in her travels to end up at HollowOak. Looking between Shilbari and Raja, "I do not know this animals name. What did you call it?"
ShulbariAPP03/18/2024 8:11 PM
Now that he had something to go after, he tore off after the beast but, in his urgency, his feet got caught in some grass and he went head over heel and ended up face first in mud.
robbedragon03/18/2024 8:11 PM
Raja burst out laughing hysterically at Shulbari. "The great hunter at work!" he teased.
Swamp Siren03/18/2024 8:17 PM
Not wanting to let not just the foxes but their team out of her sight Alder took off after behind Shulbari. When he fell dark skinned woman leaped over him and crested the hill. Breathing hard she looked around. Nothing. She saw nothing. "Its like it's trying to lead us this way!"
NatiStorm03/18/2024 8:29 PM
The bard kept pace with the hunter and the cook... at least, that's what Amali was going to write down. In reality, she stumbled as she ran after Nayzee, nearly tripping as Zak flew by, and arrived at the top of the hill completely out of breath. As much as she enjoyed writing about adventures, actually pursuing one was turning into a physical nightmare. She listened to the others as she tried to slow her breathing. She really hated running but Amali was determined not to miss a moment of the magic; Even if it meant running after a long day of hiking through the woods. Like everyone, she wanted to see that fox up close. Was it really on fire or was it just a trick of the light from the setting sun? Right, the sun! "It'll be dark soon. Maybe we should stick together here, camp for the night, and pursue our fox friend tomorrow?" Amali offered once she'd finally caught her breath.
🐉Zakiax03/18/2024 8:34 PM
Zakiax followed Nayzee in with chasing the fox. It left no tracks which still boggled Zak's mind, but trying to keep out an eye out for the fox was more on his mind then trying to figure out why that was. "There" He pointed out just as it disappeared behind another small hill. Bringing his hands to his mouth he spoke quite loudly trying to project his voice as far as he could "Excuse me." He started, "I think you want us to follow, but several of us are having a hard time keeping up. Could you perhaps slow down? I can give you more meat." He offered assuming this was the same creature from the woods.
NatiStorm03/18/2024 11:45 PM
A fox bark was heard by all though it sounded very far off, even to those on the hill. Zakiax however heard something a bit different. Yes, follow. Too slow, that's why we leave trail. Lahvean is another moon away. (edited)
🐉Zakiax03/19/2024 11:12 AM
So that is why it took thier stuff to leave a Trail. "We will have to make came for the night, " he called back to the fox. "Is there any where safe to make camp?" With out waiting for a reply he turned to Osha since they were out here trying to find thier twin. "does the name Lahvean mean anything to you? The fox says Lahvean is another moon away."
NatiStorm03/19/2024 11:41 AM
ring-ding-ding-ringading Another fox call was heard, though this time it came from the forest behind the group. Sleep where you want. We will keep watch. Zak heard the fox say.
Revel03/19/2024 3:29 PM
Osha was pleased to see they way they had to go, was the same way the healer Nari had indicated she'd found some things in so that was good. Better yet they recovered more of their supplies. She spotted the creature .. or maybe just one of them, that had taken their things, givn the fact it had a belt in it's mouth and dropped it. It was certainly behaving oddly. When it crested the hill and it's coat flashed like it was on fire she had a vision creatures like the one ahead, a black stone .. it was a happy memory, then a name came to her mind....Lahvean! ... a Sister... she had a sister and her name was Lahveah... "We should definitely follow them" she said to Jorildyn, a big goofy smile plastering her face, "i think i remember them in relation to... my SISTER... i have a sister!!" she was excited now, she'd been nervous when they went away from the river but she was filled with enthusiasm now. Rainyaviel She blinked hard at Zak " you know that name?" she asked stupidly, "it's... it's her name... a MOON? ... a while moon away?" she was surprised... "Lahveah.... hold on.. we're coming" She murmured as she left the both of them and followed the fox.
Revel03/19/2024 4:43 PM
Nari was happy they were heading the same way she wanted the party to go in search of her things, she was surprised to see a fox... especially when it seemed to be on fire for a moment, she'd been about to say something to the party when her eyes landed on a lumpy pile among the other things... "you little shits" she muttered under her breath... before running to the pile, pulling aside bits of clothing to reveal her tinctures and bags and bottles of healing supplies... "oh thank the gods" she breathed, gathering them up, feeling each one to make sure they were all in order, she didn't even realise she was crying tears of relief.
🐉Zakiax03/19/2024 4:55 PM
Another? Well it did make sense since several of them had mentioned before being watched in the wood. "That fox said it" He said pointing at the one they had been following, then he motioned to the one behind them in the forest. "This one says if we wish to make camp they will keep watch." There was a pause. "I'm assuming a moon means a day or a month, its hard to tell, to them since these guys are mostly active at night. Wolves tend to speak in reference to the moon as well when mentioning time." (edited)
Revel03/19/2024 4:58 PM
Osha raised an eyebrow at Zak "the fox said it?" it wasn't that she didn't believe him, especially after her experience at the Altar but all she heard was fox noises, she didn't hear it saying words. "I doubt it's as simple as a day away, if this one wants us to make camp" She wasn't opposed to making a safe camp though, the trek had been rather hard on her once they'd moved away from the river and away from places she could easily refresh herself.
🐉Zakiax03/19/2024 5:03 PM
"We don't have to make camp but it will be dark soon, and i don't think the majority of our group will be able to continue on unless we rest." He replied
ShulbariAPP03/19/2024 5:03 PM
After wiping the mud from his face, Shulbari limped towards the others just in time to hear Zak say he was talking to the fox. "What in the hells are you talking about? Do I have a concussion or is this idiot claiming animals are talking to him?" he blurted.
Revel03/19/2024 5:04 PM
Osha was about to reply to Zak when Shulbari decided to pipe up "And someone might call you an idiot if you said you know someone made of water... there's things around we don't know" she snapped, she was exhausted and not really in the mood to deal with Shulbari's snippy comments.
robbedragon03/19/2024 5:06 PM
Raja was a bit concerned about the 'speaking to animals' thing but, a member of their party was personified water so, it wasn't as if stranger things weren't at play. "Shulbari, Osha has a point. We're dealing with a world of magic now. You need to get with the times and accept that it may not be too strange to think some people can hear and speak with animals." he offered.
🐉Zakiax03/19/2024 5:09 PM
"It may sound a bit crazy but for as long as i can remember I've always been able to understand canines. Believe it or not but the fox was the one who said the name of Osha's twin. How else would i have known that information?" he replied back quite calmly, taking no offence in Sulbari's words as his reaction was what he expected from most hence why he never told anyone about it before.
robbedragon03/19/2024 5:13 PM
"Ignore Shulbari." Raja suggested to Zak. "He has a bad habit of saying the first thing that comes to his head, even if it's the dumbest thing to say. He has no filter." he offered. Something caught his eye and he groaned. A pair of tight leather pants hung from a low hanging branch. "NO!" he exclaimed and rushed over to gingerly pull them off without tearing them. "You just left these out to the elements?! They're going to be ruined!" he cried out in disbelief.
NatiStorm03/19/2024 5:17 PM
Amali's eyes lit up. This was perfect. A long adventure that full of talking animals. How splendid. "The fox looked like it was on fire, I'm not surprised one of us can understand it." Turning to look at Zak, she marveled for a moment. "So you can understand all the dogs in the kennels back home? That's amazing!" Looking to the sun starting to set beyond the western woods, Amali trudged back down the hill to somewhat even ground. "Well if the foxes say its safe to sleep here then I'm all for making camp and getting some shut eye."
Swamp Siren03/19/2024 8:16 PM
Walking over to Shilbari with her arms loosely folded over her chest she nudged his elbow with hers, "Would you have believed a being such as I existed a year ago?" She smiled, "Having gifts are not do unheard of. I can speak with snakes."
ShulbariAPP03/19/2024 11:00 PM
He turned, glared at her and scoffed. "Great, so the freak and the nutjob both talk to animals. Not helping either one of your cases." he mocked and then he wandered off to look around. While doing so, he noticed a sash hanging from a tree and realized it was the belt sash he tied around his waist. He reached for it and found it soaking in something wet. "Hey, Zak! Tell your stupid fox friends that they drooled all over my belt and I'm gonna skin them for that!" he called back.
Rainyaviel03/20/2024 12:48 AM
Jorildyn tilted his head as Osha spoke of the foxes and her sister. If they were related it wasn't too farfetched to think that they might be leading the group exactly where they were heading. "If you think we should follow them and it will lead us to your twin then I support your decision." It sounded like they were planning to make camp and with that knowledge the scout began searching the nearby area for anything useful.
Rainyaviel03/20/2024 1:12 AM
Nayzee looked to where Zak pointed and nodded, starting to head in that direction when all of a sudden he was shouting. Flinching at the loud noise she turned to look at him over her shoulder, her expression plainly asking what the hell he was doing. Then a fox started yipping, almost as if responding to the man and she shook her head. What was happening?! Lahvean? The cook had no idea what that meant but as she looked over to Osha it was obvious the water enamel recognized the name. Oh! Lahvean is the twin? That made sense, she thought, as she took in the entire group and tried to make sense of everything that was currently happening. As the others were discussing making camp and Shulbari was being his typical abrasive self Nayzee caught sight of Nari in the distance. The woman appeared to be crying and Nayzee instantly worried that she had managed to get hurt somehow. "Let me know what you decide, and don't take anything Shulbari says to heart. He must have been raised by outcasts to have such poor manners." She stated and then excused herself to go check on Nari. When she reached the healer she reached out one hand to rest on her shoulder. "What's happened? Are you alright?" The woman asked as she tried to see what Nari was holding.
Revel03/20/2024 5:12 AM
Osha went up to the fox, she reached a hand out, hoping it would let her pet its head "have you seen her? Is she well? Or is she trapped like i was at her altar?" She asked, hoping it might answer, her memory was vague, but happy, she recalled they had been happy to see her... maybe... it was all a jumble.
Nari looked up when someone touched her shoulder, she had expected Alder again but it was... uh.. Nayzee she thought she recalled this woman's name was. "Im ok" she sniffled, "my th...things... they're all here and safe.. " it was clear it had been happy tears, obvious in the way she was lovingly and carefully placing items back in her bag, making sure they were where they were supposed to be she could get everything back in order again. Rainyaviel
NatiStorm03/20/2024 5:42 AM
((There are several foxes about but they are hiding in the forest behind the party or behind hills in front of the party. Currently none can be seen. )) There were several fox calls from all around them as Osha asked her questions. The fire is dying. We can't get there. You must help.
Revel03/20/2024 11:17 AM
Osha asked her question of the foxes and she heard the calls all around "i don't understand you" she said out loud, before she looked to Zak. "What did they say?" she asked, she could feel a sense of urgency about the calls but that was it.
ShulbariAPP03/20/2024 11:42 AM
He pulled his sash down and after whipping most of the slobber off, he put it back around his waist. He'd make those foxes pay for ruining his prized posession. He just couldn't wait to destroy the fire magic once and for all and get back to some semblance of normalcy back at the village. "Stupid magic... Stupid fucking talking foxes..." he muttered under his breath as he stomped past the rest of the group to find a place to sit down and brood.
Falcona03/20/2024 9:19 PM
Lana was so overwhelmed. From one thing to the next and she was confused as to where to begin, first the piece of scrap, next the noises, now the fox. “Oh god, I think I am going to have a conniption “ she says, rubbing her nose bridge.
🐉Zakiax03/20/2024 9:23 PM
"I can" Zak replied to Amali, "But many at once tends to get very hard to follow as their voices will overlap. So I limit my time there." There was a pause as the foxes responded to Osha "Give me a second it gets harder when they all start going at once." Another pause as he reorganized what he heard and he finally responded to Osha. "They say they need our help, that the fire is dying and they can't get there."
Rainyaviel03/20/2024 9:42 PM
As soon as Nari stated that she had found her belongings Nayzee understood the tears. She helped the woman put them back into her bag, handing the items to her one at a time so they could be organized properly. Once everything had been put away she pulled the other woman into a brief hug and handed her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away so the others wouldn't notice. After making sure that Nari would be alright on her own Nayzee turned and started looking for the best place to set up a campfire so she could get dinner started for everyone.


Grizzled Veteran
Confident that the foxes would keep them safe, the group set up camp for the night on one of the grassless spots of the flat prairie. It was odd for most everyone to sleep out in the open but eventually sleep did find them. The team woke the next day to a very obvious trail made up of the remaining missing supplies. The foxes seemed to be nowhere around, or if they were, they were doing a great job of hiding. Since many members of the group were anxious to get moving, the team packed up early and began following the trail left for them. Once all of the recently stolen supplies and items had been found, those of the Hunters Guild noticed that the foxes left a distinct trail of broken grass that almost anyone could follow. As the day wore on, the sun beat down upon the group relentlessly. There was hardly any shade and only an occasional breeze. Even as the sun began to set, the heat persisted. As many in the group were beginning to feel like they could go no further, the team crested a small hill and spotted a ravine nearby. It was more than likely the river the map showed. Approaching the ravine, several foxes were also spotted pacing along it's edge. Upon hearing the expedition teams arrival, the foxes yipped, barked, and squealed as they ran farther away along the edge of the ravine. ((What Zak hears: Close! Soon! This way! Hurry! )) Reaching the edge of the ravine, the team found it was completely dry. Nothing lived in the gorge below, not even plants. The group didn't have to travel far before they found the foxes swarming on an odd shaped hill. The empty ravine seemed to disappear under that hill, in what almost looked like a cave. ((What Zak hears: It's cold! We help but it's cold! Down there! Dangerous! We can't touch it! Help her! )) [This is a reaction period. Feel free to interact with each other, any NPC, ask questions, or simply react and state your characters opinion.] Next push will be March 23th at 8pm EST Feel free to start reacting! (edited)

ShulbariAPP03/20/2024 11:05 PM
"Well, what are they saying?" Shulbari questioned, looking to Zak. He still wasn't sure he believed the whole 'talking to foxes' business but it got them this far so no point in fighting the crazy now.
Rainyaviel03/20/2024 11:31 PM
Jorildyn wiped his brow, sweat pooling on his hand as he did so which he then wiped on his pants with a disgusted look. As much as he hated trees he had learned to live among them without being in full panic constantly. Out here in the open he felt his fair skin burning, the sun beating down relentlessly. Though he knew the alternative might be rain, which would just lead to them all being soaking wet and miserable as well. Then again, the landscape around the ravine didn't appear to have seen water in quite some time. A desert. Of course the fire elamel would be in a desert. Why had he come again? As the group trekked on, following the trail left by the foxes the alvia man worked to summon any moisture from the land around them in an attempt to cool himself down before his brain melted. He was sure that's what would happen if they didn't find some shade soon. Just as he was about to throw himself to the ground in exasperation, his attempts having failed, the foxes appeared. His eyes widened as he took in the scene. Many foxes, so many foxes, and they were all pacing and yipping and seemed to be in an uproar over... what was that? Jorildyn moved closer to get a better look at a dark opening at the base of the hill. He had about a million questions that he could, and probably should, be asking, but all he could think was that the opening was dark and that meant shade and shade meant cool. Pushing past some of the others he made towards the opening, stumbling over loose rocks and scrub brush on the way.
Rainyaviel03/20/2024 11:45 PM
Nayzee was still in good spirits when the group reached the ravine. She was actually enjoying the heat, though she did wish she was at the lakeside or along a riverbank with a nice cool breeze to go along with it. At some point during the day she'd tied her hair up into a bun to keep the majority of it off of her skin and changed from the long dress she had been wearing to some mid-length pants which allowed a bit more airflow to her legs. As she looked over the dried up riverbed at the bottom of the cliff she hummed thoughtfully. This was a desert but if the river had dried up where were the local wildlife getting water? As she was pondering this she heard the foxes start yipping and the group moved away from the edge to follow the sound. Once the foxes were in view Nayzee stopped beside Zak, trusting in the magic he said that he held. After all, she had magic herself, and there were obviously other kinds to be discovered. Shulbari beat her to asking what had been on her mind and she eyed the blonde curiously when he failed to follow up his question with an insult. Maybe everyone's manners were finally rubbing off on him? Focusing back on the foxes, the hill, the dry riverbed, and the hole that it seemed to disappear into Nayzee turned her gaze to Osha. "I'm going to guess your twin, Lahvean," she paused as she tried to remember the other elamel's name, please with herself when it came to her after only a moment, "is down there. This is all starting to feel awfully familiar." The woman grinned as she moved towards the foxes, following after Jorildyn who had already stumbled past them. "No time like the present." she called back to the rest of the group.
NatiStorm03/20/2024 11:55 PM
A moment after Nayzee spoke, a horrible hissing noise and a pulse of light came from deep within the ravine cave. (edited)

xpressionless03/21/2024 4:32 AM
Mirin missed the river. The idea of diving into the water and never resurfacing has never been more appealing. It was taking what little willpower she had left not to turn around and head right back along the path the foxes had set. As they crested another hill, Mirin gasped audibly at the sight of the ravine. Surely this was the river marked on their map, and rivers meant water, and water meant sweet relief from the oppressive heat. And of course there were the foxes. Mirin had never seen so many foxes; and, even without Zak translating, it was clear the group were to follow them. Reaching the edge of the ravine, Mirin suppressed a groan. The gorge below was dry; not just dry, but dead. Frowning, the woman continued to follow the group until they reached the point at which the ravine trailed off into what looked like a cave. Jorildyn was quick to push forward, with Nayzee close behind. “We’ve come this far, might as well see it through” Mirin said, moving to follow the others. “Or not,” she added quickly as the cave hissed and pulsed with light.
Swamp Siren03/21/2024 10:24 AM
Hot. It was hot. Her dark scales made it even harder for Alder as she trudged along after the group. She was just getting used to having so much light in her life compared to where she had came from, but she was not prepared for being out in the open in the unforgiving rays of the sun. The cave and its darkness beckoned and after a quick search; maybe a little too quick, and seeing no sign of trouble ducked into the darkness. As her eyes shifted back to being able to see in darkness she swore she felt something breeze past her arm. Spinning she couldn't see anything..... just the cave walls. "Hello?" She called
Revel03/21/2024 10:47 AM
Nari was grateful to Nayzee, though when she was hugged it was a little awkward, she wasn't really used to physical affection, she didn't normally seek it out. She patted Nayzee a little "thaaaanks?" she said, just a bit awkward about the hug. @Rainyaviel She didn't struggle to sleep that night but it was weird waking up totally in the open. She wasn't happy with the weather as they trekked, it was too hot ... way too hot, even as the light started to fade. She joined the others when they heard yips and barks, as she'd been struggling near the back, even her blisters had blisters, and she was shocked to see a compltely dry riverbed below them. "I don't like the look of that" she murmured, anyone close by could have heard it.
Revel03/21/2024 10:55 AM
After Zak had told her the foxes had said the fire was dying, Osha had been on edge... she'd barely slept... finally nodding off just as it was getting light, then waking less than a couple of hours later with the others. She was anxious to get going. Osha led, or rather, she was ahead for most of the trek, being made of water made it easier to deal with the heat, but she kept having to stop for the others, though she wasn't a horrible person, she made sure that at every small break they took, to make the water she gave everyone, cool, anything in their packs would have warmed up with the weather, if they didn't want her water, she cooled their own instead but she was eager to move on, so perhaps the cooling water was slightly selfish. As the sun began to set, Osha got more and more frustrated, what if they had to spend another night... before they could get to her sister, who was apparently dying.... she was worried, very worried, even moreso when they reached the ravine and the foxes were spotted, and heard, she looked for Zak among their party "Zak, what are they saying?!" her voice was somewhat desperate. She turned her face to Nayzee "It must be" she said, her voice strained as she fought the urge to just go in running, an urge dampened only slightly, by the hissing noise and a flash of light. (edited)
Revel03/21/2024 1:15 PM
Osha couldn't contain herself, others were going to the cave "Sorry Lake... i have to go find her" she said to the cat, leaving him behind as she ran "I'M COMING SISTER" she yelled as she ran into the cave, taking notice that saying her sister's name had caused the hiss and light so she decided not to do that.
NatiStorm03/21/2024 1:38 PM
Amali watched as Alder and Jorildyn stepped inside the hissing cave. This is what she'd come along for, to witness daring acts and the release of magic. Taking a deep breath to swallow her fear she stepped past the others. "Let's see it through." Amali said, echoing Mirin as she set a hand on the other woman's shoulder as she passed and gave her a small reassuring nod. Amali stepped into the cave behind Osha and was taken back by just how dark it was. Trying to carefully navigate her way to the others, Amali put her hands out, feeling for walls or bodies. Instead she felt something hit and pinch her arm. A moment later she was running and stumbling back out of the cave. "OW! GREAT HOLY SERAHISTIA THAT HURTS!" She screamed as she rushed out of the cave. "IT BURNS! IT BURNS IT BURNS! OW OW OW" unable to stand still as her arm felt like it had caught fire, Amali danced around and howled in pain clutching her arm. (edited)
(( Amali talking to Mirin))
Revel03/21/2024 2:29 PM
Osha screamed in pain qnd automatically lashed out with a slash of water, with her good arm, in the direction the stinging blow came from, no time to think, just instinct right now.
Revel03/21/2024 3:32 PM
When she hit out with her water, she heard noises that were very much less than pleasant to hear... "Watch out there's... aaargh..." her arm burned, it really really hurt, to the point she really didn't want to use it "There's something here that stings or bites... " she tried to shout but because of the pain, it was little more than a strangled talking volume.
DBPyrat03/21/2024 9:04 PM
Gunnar, oddly enough, rather enjoyed the dry heat they traveled through as opposed to the humidity found in the forest. The ability to actually communicate with the foxes was a wonder, though their message was disturbing. Upon arrival at the cave beneath the hill he felt a bit of trepidation to blindly charge in, which was shortly proven wise with Amali and Osha's screams of pain. Gunnar quickly lit a torch and with his hammer in hand he followed the others underground.
Rainyaviel03/22/2024 2:38 PM
As others entered the cave behind him Jorildyn tried to get his bearings. Then they were screaming? What burns? He wished he had brought a light with him. "Everyone hold still if you can. We need to figure out what we're up against!" When Gunnar entered with a torch he was immediately relieved that someone had the forethought to bring one. Looking around the scout tried to see what had shoved him and was presumably attacking the others but he still saw nothing. He could hear the clacking though and a shudder ran down his spine. "It's invisible." he said, barely louder than a whisper, only those in the cave would have heard him. With this new information the man wasn't sure what to do, should he push forward or should he retreat? Maybe it was better to just stay still and wait for whatever it was to wander off.
Revel03/22/2024 3:09 PM
Osha shook her head "I'm not waiting, i need to go find my sister!" she said to Jordilyn, and before anyone could stop her, clutching her still ridiculously painful arm, she tried to press on, further into the cave. "She needs me" she said to herself
Rainyaviel03/22/2024 3:28 PM
Nayzee felt Ripple tighten around her arm, something she had learned he only did when it was time to be cautious. When Bacon Bit came running back from the entrance of the cave the woman knew something dangerous was up ahead. Still, they'd come all this way and the foxes said the fire elamel needed their help, she had to try. She had just finished telling Bacon Bit to stay back with Osha's feline companion, Lake, when Amali came rushing out of the cave screaming. "What happened?!" she exclaimed, rushing to the other woman's side while looking around for Nari, good thing she'd just found her medical supplies. "Nari! Help!" she called, not immediately seeing the woman. She rummaged in her own bag for her canteen of water in case they needed to rinse a wound.
Revel03/22/2024 3:29 PM
Nari heard the yells of pain from the cave and was working her way towards the entrance when Nayzee called for her. "I'm here, what's wrong?"
Rainyaviel03/22/2024 3:54 PM
Nayzee gestured to Amali who was still holding her arm. "She came out of the cave saying it burns. Whatever is in there must have stung or bit her. Some type of venom?" Ripple had loosened his hold on Nayzee just enough to crawl down her arm and look at the injured woman. Seeing him there Nayzee had an idea, "Ripple, can you ask the foxes if they know what this is? How to treat the wounds?" She realized then that the only people who could truly translate for her were already in the cave, one of them had also screamed but had now fallen quiet. "Zak, do the foxes know what's in there? How do we treat the injuries?"
Revel03/22/2024 4:03 PM
Nari frowned and reached to Amali, to have a look at her arm. "I have some poultices that can draw out anything left behind but if it is a sting or a bite, then the venom has already reached her bloodstream, i can treat the site, make sure it doesn't get infected" she said to Nayzee "There's herbs that can help but unless i know what caused it, im not sure how best to treat her, other than care for the initial area, use the poultices and hope for the best, i have some ground willowbark than can help with the pain if made into a tea... can you start a fire? hot water doesn't hurt for the poultice either" she knelt by the injured woman, anxiously looking at the place Amali was stung/bitten to see what it could have been... was it a snake? an insect? a spider? she couldn't tell.
Rainyaviel03/22/2024 4:23 PM
Listening to the instructions she was given Nayzee quickly untied one of her pans and grabbed her flint and steel from her pack. Setting them down beside the others she set out to find something that would burn. It took her a bit but eventually she came across a desiccated bush of some kind and with a bit of help from Bacon Bit she was able to pull it from the ground. She hurried back to Nari and Amali, breaking the bush into sticks as she went so that when she arrived she was able to set them down and start the fire. It took a couple of tries to get it going but once she had it started she was able to place the pan over the flames and she poured her canteen into it to start heating up while also trying to pull some water from the atmosphere or the ground to add to the pan in case the healer needed more. "I'm not sure what is in there but all of the animals are concerned by it. Someone else screamed earlier, it might have been Osha or Alder? Do you still need my help out here? If not, I can go in and see what I can find out."
Jorildyn looked at Osha as she passed him and headed deeper into the cave. He could somewhat understand where she was coming from, having a twin himself. If anything happened to Siofra he would do anything in his power to help her. With a sigh he looked to Gunnar, Do you have another torch on you?" he asked, if they were going deeper they should at least take a light source.
DBPyrat03/22/2024 5:44 PM
"Yeah, hold this a moment," Gunnar hands his torch to Jorildyn while he rummages through his pack for another. Once he has it he lights it off the first, "Hopefully Osha hasn't gotten too far ahead of us."
Rainyaviel03/22/2024 6:41 PM
As the smith lit a second torch Jorildyn sighed in relief. More light! Still, as he looked around he couldn't see anything. Whatever was down here was wielding some interesting magic, to be sure. "She can't have made it far, I still hear her footsteps." he stated as he started into the darkness. "If you're coming after Osha with me you might want to leave that torch with Alder?" he suggested, not that it would help much against an invisible attacker, but at least the torch would be available for anyone else who needed that followed after them.
NatiStorm03/23/2024 9:10 AM
"It buuuuurns!" Was all Amali could manage in response to Nayzee's question. By the time Nari reached her, Amali was in tears. She nodded along as Nayzee relayed her message to Nari. Amali sobbed as she held her arm out for Nari to inspect. It was easy to see the swollen red welt on her pale skin. All she could do was cry. There was no relief from the burning sensation that was consuming her arm. It was as if her blood was on fire and trying to burn its way out of her body. "It burns." Her voice was a soft whisper between her sobs and whimpers of pain.
As Gunnar lit his torch and disappeared into the cave the foxes went wild, a few even started to run toward Gunnar but stopped when he entered the cave. They yipped and barked swarming the hill once more. Until Nayzee made a small fire. As she placed her pan over the flames several foxes approached her. They squealed and shrieked and pawed at the flames while looking at the odd hill. ((to Nayzee))
Revel03/23/2024 9:18 AM
"I know, im sorry Amali, ill do my best to make it better" she said to the distressed woman, voice calming and soothing. She grabbed her water skin, while Nayzee was heating up some other water, she used her water powers to cool and wrap the womans arm, hopefully the cooling effect would help for the moment. With her other hand, and half her concentration, she got out a bag of herbs and a bottle of something, adding them to a bowl. "Nayzee, please pour hot water into that bowl, and an empty one for some willowbark" she instructed, pausing momentarily in the cool water treatment to get a clean bandage and some willowbark from her pack. To the empty bowl she added a little willowbark, letting that soak while she used a nearby stick not used in the fire, to mash up the contents of the other bowl until it was a nice mush. She soaked part of the bandage in the mushy mixture, then, making sure it wasnt too hot, she scooped some out, putting it on the welt on Amali's arm, then gently wrapped the bandage around, light enough that swelling wouldnt make it too tight but firm enough to keep the poultice on. It would feel hot at first but it would help draw any badness out of the wound.
NatiStorm03/23/2024 9:39 AM
It took a few minutes but Amali finally stopped crying. There was still a burning in her arm but it was now more of a candle flame instead of an inferno. "Thank you." Amali managed weakly. She wiped eyes and face before turning to Nari and Nayzee. "I couldn't see but it felt like the wall I bumped into stung me like a bee and set my blood on fire." She looked to her burning arm and the bandage on it. "It's lessened, but it's still burning." ((to Nari, to Nayzee))
Revel03/23/2024 9:44 AM
Nari nodded "a sting then, not normally quite as bad as a spider or snake bite" she murmured "just keep the poultice on, it might take a while before we see if it makes much of a difference but i think its just going to have to rely on how well your body can deal with the venom" she was sympathetic to the woman's pain but there wasnt much more she could think of to do right now. "Lets put your arm in a sling, keep it supported for now, and drink some of this tea, it will help with the pain" she said, pouring some of the steeped willowbark into a cup, handing it to Amali. (edited)
robbedragon03/23/2024 6:19 PM
It took some time for Shulbari to limp his way to the rest of the group with Raja's help but, when he did arrive, it was as if pure chaos had broken out. Something had attacked the rest of the party and they were getting bandaged up. He tried to find the culprit but, as soon as he got close, someone snapped at him to gather firewood and water. "I'll get the wood!" he called and immediately started hobbling to find some. Raja raced to go find water and gather it in whatever containers he could find.
🐉Zakiax03/23/2024 8:33 PM
Each time the foxes yipped he took a bit to translate, each time they spoke simultaneously, the words overlapped so he took a moment to translate. Zak followed the group into the cave keeping towards the back pulling his bow and knocking an arrow ready to shot at what ever was dangerous that the foxes had spoke about down here. After all he was better with a bow then his sword. As others seemed to be attacked he waited either to find the right moment to release his arrow at what ever was attacking his party or to see what it was, or perhaps a bit of both.
Swamp Siren03/23/2024 8:56 PM
At being offered to keep a torch, "I can a dually see in the dark." At Amali's cries of pain she had drawn her short sword and taken a defensive stance and began to see is she could find the source of what was hurting everyone. The ones that were wounded she was sure they were in good hands, turning she plunged in after Osha.
Falcona03/24/2024 3:41 AM
Gah! Fire! Lana's eyes widen when Amali screaming in pain after touching the walls of the cave where the foxes went into. "Oh god!" She was not too great at healing and was at a loss of what to do. She attempted to help as best she can.
Rainyaviel03/24/2024 3:50 AM
When others started arriving and offering to help Nari with anything she needed to get the injured taken care of Nayzee turned her attention to the foxes who were pawing at her fire and looking towards the hill. "What do you need, friends? I'm sorry I don't understand you, maybe you can show me? Do you want me to go into the cave too?" she asked, rising to her feet, making sure Ripple was firmly wrapped around her arm, and looking at the foxes, ready to follow any lead they could give her.
NatiStorm03/24/2024 4:04 AM
The foxes settled a bit as Nayzee acknoledged them. Two of the foxes stood between Nayzee and the entrance to the cave. They took an almost aggressive stance and seemed to be squealing out a warning. A few of the other foxes pawed at the fire then ran up the hill to dig at the top of it, before running back to paw at the fire. The yips of the foxes seemed desperate and pleading. (( To Nayzee))
Rainyaviel03/24/2024 4:07 AM
Nayzee was confused at the actions of the foxes. How was she supposed to help if she didn't go into the cavern? The fire elamel was obviously not on top of the hill. Frowning in confusion she watched them more closely, an idea finally coming to her. She gathered some of the sticks she'd brought and headed toward the top of the hill where the foxes were digging. "Here?" She asked, setting them down in the indentation the foxes has made.
NatiStorm03/24/2024 4:13 AM
Several foxes swarmed around Nayzee though never touching her. They pawed at the ground on top of the hill and looked to Nayzee and her sticks expectantly.
Rainyaviel03/24/2024 4:30 AM
Seemingly in response to the actions of the foxes Ripple crawled down her arm, and into her pocket where she'd placed her flint earlier. With a shrug, since she had already been through odd circumstances in the past when looking for Osha, the woman complied with what she assumed was expected of her. She grasped the flint, pulling it from one pocket, and her steel striker from the other, using them together to create sparks that would eventually light the dry sticks she'd found on fire.
Revel03/24/2024 11:00 AM
When Nari saw Shulbari limping back with firewood, she frowned. "SIT" she said, to him, pointing at the ground now cleared near the fire. "Why are you limping? what happened?" she asked him, refusing to take any crap, he would sit, and she would do her job and try and fix his hurts ... end of story.
ShulbariAPP03/24/2024 1:43 PM
"I just twisted my ankle on the way up. I'll walk it off and be fine. Worry about the others." he ordered. His usual abrasive gruff attitude wasn't laced in the words and he seemed genuinely concerned. There was nothing to fight, he couldn't heal for shit and he definitely didn't want to take the attention off the others.
robbedragon03/24/2024 1:44 PM
Raja returned with buckets of water and looked for guidance. He wasn't sure what to do but he was willing to do it.
Revel03/24/2024 1:50 PM
Nari shook her head "No... you sit, i'll at least wrap your ankle if you want to go walking on it, take your boot and sock off and let me see, i've got more than enough poultice and willowbark now thanks to yours and others' help" she stood, hands on hips, a do not argue look on her face, if Shulbari knew what wass good for him, he would listen to her.
Nari looked to the man who returned with some water "Thank you" she said gently, realising he looked confused "If you can just set th water down near the fire, i'll boil it when this lot's done" she added.
ShulbariAPP03/25/2024 3:33 PM
"I'm going to go get firewood. It's just a twisted ankle, I'll be fine. Focus on the others." he argued, not looking her in the eye.
robbedragon03/25/2024 3:35 PM
Raja did as he was told and then looked awkwardly between Nari and Shulbari. He wanted to intervene and mediate but, he wasn't sure even HE could calm down either of the hard-heads.
Revel03/25/2024 4:14 PM
Nari stood, going to grab Shulbari by the arm "Let me at least bandage it for support, before you go walking on it anymore, we've got a long way to get back home after"
ShulbariAPP03/25/2024 4:25 PM
He jerked his arm away and growled at her. "Take care of the others. I have hurt my ankle much worse before and I'll be fine."

Strange Fire Outside the cave: Amali, Nari, Raja, Nayzee, Shulbari, Lana, Mirin, Tatyana, Calliope, Glisselda Inside the cave: Alder, Osha, Jorildyn, Zakiax, Gunnar Having mixed feelings on entering the cave, especially after hearing screams from inside and seeing Amali run out in tears, most of the villagers remained outside close to the entrance. Those who went inside the cave seem to be under attack from something no one can see. Almost everyone outside was focused on helping the healer Nari make enough poultice to help those who were injured. Everyone except Nayzee who was crouching on top of the odd hill trying to start a fire. It took a few strikes before the sparks caught and as the sticks began to burn, the foxes on the hill ran around excitedly. Before she could react, the ground around Nayzee caught fire. Within seconds, the whole hill was engulfed in flames. Strangely, the fire did not burn the foxes nor did it burn Nayzee. After what felt like forever but was actually only a minute, the fire died back to the small fire Nayzee lit on top of the hill... Now, however, the hill no longer looked like a hill. With so much trampled grass burned away everyone outside the cave could see that the hill was actually an alter made of black stone. There were steps carved into the stone leading up either side to the platform where Nayzee stood, small flame at her feet. The black stone of the alter led to the top of the ravine and presumably into the cave where the others went. Of all the strange events, perhaps one of the strangest of this adventure was the small fire that sat upon the alter, for it no longer sat there. It bounced around the stone platform, visiting the foxes, before it seemed to roll (how is it rolling?) down the side of the alter and slither it's way over to the other fire. Growing in size, the flames consumed the frying pan for a moment before the fire seemed to sit in the pan, as if waiting for something. Those inside the cave did not see the fire above but they did see the walls, floor, and roof of the cave shimmer and flicker with light as if there was a fire inside the stone of the cave. As the cave came alive with dim light, those inside noticed that there seemed to be several shapes on the walls and floor that did not light up. Very specific identical shapes... A closer look as the shimmer in the cave began to fade revealed that this cave was occupied by scorpions. Many, many scorpions. Most were small but there was one towards the entrance and one right in front of Osha that stood about a foot tall with tails that could easily reach a Homia's head. [This is a reaction period. Feel free to interact with each other, any NPC, ask questions, or simply react and state your characters opinion.] Next push will be March 28th at 8pm EST Feel free to start reacting!
🐉Zakiax03/25/2024 8:10 PM
As soon as the cave light up and the many of scorpions where revealed the biggest one in front of Osha caught his eye the most. The arrow that Zak had knocked ready for anything released aiming to hit it in the tail, before it could strike.
ShulbariAPP03/25/2024 9:09 PM
Once the strange fire show had ended and Shulbari realized there was a threat within the cave, he ran to see what he could do to help, rushing as fast as he could with his limp and ignoring Nari's pleas to help him. Once inside, something struck him in the neck. The searing pain felt as if he was on fire and he screamed out bloody murder and stumbled backwards out of the cave and fell back onto his butt, holding his neck.
Swamp Siren03/25/2024 9:15 PM
Wishing to protect Osha Alder followed in with a short sword. The strike missed but she was able to draw its attention away. Quickly she dodged it, using the same move she used to avoid being hit by Shilbari the first time they met. Speaking of him, she was certain that loud scream was the gruff man himself. "Shul-Bar-Ee!!!" Now she was torn. Protect Osha, or assist her fellow guild mate.
Rainyaviel03/25/2024 11:17 PM
Nayzee screamed, more in alarm than pain, as the fire suddenly burst to life and engulfed her, the foxes, and the hill they were standing on. She tried to channel her magic to protect her skin before realizing that the fire didn't actually burn. Odd. When the flames returned to normal size the woman looked around at what the fire had revealed. "Where are we? What is this?" she murmured, more to herself than any of her companions. She was so caught up with the black stone that had been revealed that it took her a bit to realize that her fire was now mobile. What in Terithel?! Nayzee was suddenly hit with a memory of scooping up the water in her quest to find Osha and she wondered if perhaps this was similar. Did she need to take the fire to a certain place to free the fire elamel? Looking to the foxes she patted her thigh, "Are any of you coming along, then?" she asked before chasing after the fire that was now rolling toward the original fire she had created. She reached it just shortly after it caused a burst of flame to engulf the entire pan. Nayzee frowned, looking at the pan that Nari was using to make her poultice then set her pack down and rummaged through it, finding a kettle with a handle that wouldn't get too hot if it was affected by the flame she set it next to the pan. "I'd love to help, but I can't take that pan. Our healer needs it." More shouts came from the cave entrance and they drew Nayzee's attention. it appeared that something had happened inside the cave as well and... was that Shulbari? She watched as the man staggered backward out of the cave holding his neck. "Sweet Serahistia, what is going on in there?" she wondered aloud before rushing toward Shulbari so she could get him out of harm's way and back to Nari who would be able to assess his injury. The kettle on the fire momentarily forgotten.
Rainyaviel03/25/2024 11:26 PM
Shimmering light danced through the stone the cave was made of and Jorildyn was distracted by the beauty of it until he realized that there was danger hiding among the dazzling display. "Scorpions?!" he shouted, shuddering with repulsion as he realized they were surrounded. He'd grown used to the small forest scorpions that occupied small areas of the woods surrounding FallingFeather but these were larger and he had no desire to be near one. Never mind the largest one, which he had conveniently not noticed until he was almost on top of it, directly behind Osha. Pulling his sword for the first time in their journey the Alvia man moved quickly, darting around Osha and then pivoting to bring his sword around in a clean arc aiming to slice through the beasts thick tail where most of its danger lie.
NatiStorm03/25/2024 11:53 PM
Once Nayzee set down the kettle, the fire in the pan swayed as it crackled and popped. It was just a flame but those nearest the fire could swear they felt sass coming from those pops. The blazing fire continued burning in the pan. (edited)
Revel03/26/2024 3:13 AM
"Sister?" Osha said as the cave walls shimmered, before her eyes went wide, she couldnt quite remember what they were but as she had already found out, they had stingers that packed a punch.... though the one that got her, was it one of the little ones or the big ass monster in front of her, automatically she lashed out with water magic, aiming it at the things face....
Revel03/26/2024 3:21 AM
Nari had been distracted with Amali and Shulbari and hadnt immediately noticed Nayzee go and light a fire on the hill, she DID however notice when it flared and consumed the whole hill, she quickly placed herself between Amali and the fite, though she hadnt needed to apparently. She shouldnt have been surprised at the flame that seemed to have a life of its own but she did have to cry out a little when it caused the fire around her pan to flare "HEY!" Well.. thay batch of poultice was ruined.. maybe...the fire was weird. "Oh fff...." she exclaimed as Shulbari rushed off before getting his foot wrapped and she couldnt help the little eyeroll as she heard a scream as he stumbled back out. Well.. if someone wouldnt help themself... she was concerned of course but Amali seemed to be calmer now so maybe the venom was just painful, not lethal. Her attention was turned back to the little flame in her pan when Nayzee tried to encourage it into a kettle, "is there something you need in the pan?" She asked it.
Revel03/26/2024 3:14 PM
Osha slashed at the scorpion's face with her water, forcing it to rear up and back, she saw something on the underside of it and a memory of the adventurers story about when they looked for her... "HEY THERE'S SOMETHING STUCK TO THIS THING" she yelled behind her "I THINK WE GOTTA REMOVE IT LIKE YOU GUYS DID LAST TIME" she added, before trying to use her water powers to grab at the object, she didn't trust her stung arm, it was still throbbing badly.
DBPyrat03/26/2024 5:36 PM
Gunnar was unnerved by the sight of the massive bugs but fought as best he could, swatting the monster's pincers aside with his hammer as he tried to crack it's shell
🐉Zakiax03/26/2024 5:49 PM
Zak pulls out another arrow and when Osha spoke about seeing something in the scorpian. He focused on what it was and it seemed to be a shard of a rock. He released the arrow aiming to hit it to try to loose it out of the scorpian.
Revel03/26/2024 5:57 PM
"DAMNIT" snapped Osha as her water slid off the object on the underside of the scorpion. She tried it again, concentrating harder, while trying to avoid being attacked in return.
🐉Zakiax03/26/2024 7:01 PM
With his arrow hitting its mark the stone disloged a bit further from the scorpions tough exo skeleton. Zak pulled out yet another arrow and aimed at the same spot to continue to try to dig it out from the creatures flesh.
Rainyaviel03/26/2024 7:17 PM
Jorildyn cringed when his sword cut into the flesh of the scorpion's tail. He wasn't able to make it all the way through but he had managed to slice deeply enough to hear a disgusting squishy sound that made him gag. Absolutely disgusting! This is why he was a scout, not a hunter. Pulling his sword free and flicking the blood and bits of flesh off of it he heard Osha exclaim about something being stuck in the underside of the creature. With a frown he focused in on the area. After a few moments he was able to see what she was talking about and he rushed in after her and Alder, aiming carefully with his sword so he wouldn't hurt either of them in his swing. Unfortunately the extra care he took made his swing ineffective. It failed to pierce the exoskeleton of the oversized creature. Instead, Jorildyn felt the stinger he had tried to remove at first pierce into his shoulder. Moments later the burning began and his eyes watered as he bit down in his lower lip to keep from screaming. Staggering back he sunk into a kneeling position against the cave wall, hissing in pain with each breath he took. "Damn it!" He cursed, keeping an eye on the scorpion as he wondered what his next move should be.
Swamp Siren03/26/2024 7:23 PM
He was fine. He had to be fine. She couldn't worry about him. Why was she even worrying about him? Once Osha pointed out l there was something under the beast Alder lunged for its belly, grabbing at the shard. So much was happening she couldn't keep ahold of it.
DBPyrat03/26/2024 8:30 PM
Cursing violently as the beast's pincer finds his skin, Gunnar spots the stone the others were pointing out. Fighting the pain the big smith drops his hammer and seizes the scorpion in return and with a heave forces it up off the ground exposing it's belly to the room, "Someone get in there and grab it while I still have a grip!"
Revel03/26/2024 8:48 PM
Osha was encouraged by the others trying to pull out the objext from the scorpion, so she gave it another try, this time trying to use her actual hands.
NatiStorm03/26/2024 8:51 PM
The moment the shard was free, the scorpion drastically shrank in size with a loud crack. Osha and Alder would find that the shard was very warm to the touch. Along with being warm, the shard was nearly a forearm long with jagged edges and had a weird symbol carved into it's smooth face. It was unlike any stone in either of the villages as it was the darkest black with iridescent yellows, oranges, and reds that shimmered and shifted in the torch light.
Rainyaviel03/26/2024 10:00 PM
Jorildyn swore again as he watched Gunnar get pinched by the scorpion. Instead of trying to free himself and retreating the burly smith grabbed the beast and hefted it upward so the front of its abdomen was off the ground. Jorildyn shook his head, still doing deep breaths to block out the pain of the sting he had endured. Rising to both feet he ran forward, holding one arm close to his chest so he didn't jostle it around and spread the venom faster. As he reached the fray again and ready to swing he realized he had arrived just after the shard was removed from the monster. Immediately it shrank down to match the size of the others. What in Terithel is going on?" He asked, trying to get a better look at the shard the women were holding.
NatiStorm03/26/2024 10:13 PM
Amali looked over to ask Nayzee a question and realized the woman wasn't there. Looking around, she spotted the cook right before she caught fire along with the hill. For a moment, it seemed as if time slowed and her world tilted. Adventure was one thing but she was still burning on the inside and now another in their group was burning on the outside. She hadn't signed up to watch people burn. Right before she passed out, the fire died down. Surprisingly, Nayzee was standing in the same spot seemingly unharmed. Amali stared in wonder at the flame that was moving around like a sentient creature. "Is it me or is the fire talking? Not in words exactly but.... that's some sass." Amali said in response to the flames crackles and pops. @Revel At Nari's question the flame flared up and licked the kettle with it's flames. The fire crackled a bit more before dying down into a sizzle on the pan.
Rainyaviel03/27/2024 1:08 AM
Shoving her forearms under Shulbari's she half lifted, half dragged the man away from the opening of the cave and back towards where Nari was working on Amali. "I'll pretend this never happened if you do." She said to him on the way, knowing his pride was probably the worst thing one could wound as far as he was concerned. Once she managed to get him back to the healer she looked down at the small flame still sitting in her frying pan. "C'mon now, do you want to go in the cave or not? I can't take the pan with the poultice. The best I can do is offer you my smaller pan if the kettle won't do." She hurried to pull a sauce pan out of her bag and set it down next to the flame as well before looking back to the top of the hill at the foxes. Would they follow her too?
ShulbariAPP03/27/2024 12:02 PM
The pain was too much and poison was something even Shulbari knew he couldn't walk off so when he felt someone try to pull him back, he assisted, pushing weakly with his legs which didn't seem to want to function for him. The excruciating pain in his neck felt as if his blood was boiling inside his veins. 'I can't die here... I haven't saved everyone....' he thought to himself.
robbedragon03/27/2024 12:04 PM
Raja rushed over to help pull Shulbari the rest of the way. "What happened? What's in there?" he asked, staring at the cave in horror.
Revel03/27/2024 12:15 PM
Osha was surprised at how easily the rock... crystal?... thing.. pulled out of the scorpion once they dislodged it intisially "thanks Alder" she said to the Dalvis, she turned it over in her hand "Does this look like the cave?" she asked her, passing her the shard
Nari glanced to the cave and saw two people pulling Shulbari out of the entrance, the man cleary in significant pain. She looked at Amali "I don't know, it wants.. something, but i don't know what" she said before turning to the fire "Little fire, please, i'm going to need what's in this pan, people are hurting, those things will help, would you like something else to sit in? i have other containers... i have bottles, which i won't seal obviously, or there's the kettle that Nayzee has, please i really need you to move and let me get those herbs" she was polite, pulling an empty bottle, with a wide neck, out of her bag.
Swamp Siren03/27/2024 12:53 PM
Giving a warm smile Alder nodded to Osha, "You are welcome. I will do what ever I can to help my new home." Cautiously she took the shard and turned it over. "I does look to be fave stone to me.... how did it end up in the creature?" She wasn't sure the word for the animal.
🐉Zakiax03/27/2024 2:08 PM
Zak gave a long sigh of relief when the giant scorpion shrank in size. "I'm assuming that thing is what the foxes were afraid of before and couldn't get down here to help." He spoke as he walked over. "Anyways what was in it?" He questioned still a bit diligent to make sure another one wouldn't sneak up on them. There was a pause as he fell a bit deep in though of the words the foxes had spoke, and the way the cave had lite up to reveal the creature, and the clues they had been given in the beginning of this quest. "Fire burns at the lake" he whispered barely audible before something clicked. "I feel like there should be more do this cave then that and these creatures. The foxes mentioned it was cold maybe it needs fire to work?" he spoke loudly.
NatiStorm03/27/2024 3:59 PM
Slowly, as if reluctant, the flame spread to engulf the saucepan before simmering down to burn on top of the new, smaller pan. The poultice in the larger pan seemed fine. For the most part, the foxes had settled down on the alter platform and watched the villagers curiously.
Rainyaviel03/27/2024 4:07 PM
As soon as the flame had transferred itself over to the new pan Nayzee smiled, her eyes lighting up with fondness as she remembered the water doing the same thing during her last adventure. "I trust you've got things handled here, Nari, but holler if you need more help." she nodded to the rest of the group before grasping the handle for the smaller pan and heading back towards the cave. She slowed as she neared the entrance, holding the flame out in front of her hoping it would cast enough light that she could avoid being struck by anything that tried attacking her.
Revel03/27/2024 4:10 PM
Nari smiled "thank you little flame, I'm sorry i can't come with you if you wanted to go elsewhere, i have to stay and look after the people here" she said to the fire before turning to Shulbari, preparing a poultice quickly and placing it on his neck where she could see an obvious welt where he'd been stung.... "here drink this" she said to the stubborn bastard.
ShulbariAPP03/27/2024 4:11 PM
Taking the poultice, Shulbari threw it back and almost gagged. "Well, it don't taste great but, hopefully it'll do the job. Thank you..." he managed.
Rainyaviel03/27/2024 4:17 PM
From the corner of her eye Nayzee saw something coming toward her and without thinking she swung the pan. A loud clang was heard as whatever had been headed for her was deflected but the woman quickly realized her mistake when the area around her quickly grew dimmer and she noticed the flame she had been carrying was now quite a distance away. "Oops." Stumbling through the cave in the dim light she had available to her now she made her way towards the flame hoping she would reach it before it flickered out, hopefully it didn't take offense to her mistake. Could it take offense? She spoke to it as if it understood her, and sometimes it responded as if it did, but wasn't it just fire? Fire wasn't sentient... was it?
NatiStorm03/27/2024 4:22 PM
Amali looked over as Nayzee grabbed the pan and headed for the cave entrance. "Wait! Let me go with you. Now that I know what I'm up against, I think I can handle it." With her arm still in it's sling she moved to follow Nayzee and the flame. "Thank you again Nari. And don't worry, it helps." She said to Nari and Shulbari as she made to chase after the cook. Amali came around the corner just in time to see Nayzee swing the pan and hit something. "Nice one!" That was until she realized the fire was tumbling down further into the cave. "Oh!" Without thinking Amali rushed into the cave. She chased after the light of the fire and as she neared the flame and the woman trying to carry it, something stung the back of her leg. Amali chocked back her yell of pain. The fire now burned down her leg but Amali was determined not to go back this time. She hobbled after the others, her breathing ragged from the pain.
Revel03/27/2024 4:35 PM
Osha frowned "Can i take that back?" she said to Alder, reaching for the shard "I'm going to head further in, see if there's anywhere to put this thing"
Revel03/27/2024 5:11 PM
Nari placed the cooling bandage around Shulbari's neck, the herbs and such she had put on it should work in a short time to help ease the man's pain and swelling. She eyed Amali getting up and into the cave "Really?" she muttered to herself, welp... she better prepare some more herbs, she sighed as she waited for a response from the flame in the now smaller pan.
Swamp Siren03/27/2024 5:17 PM
Carefully she passed back the shard and stood, "I'll be right behind you." Looking to Zak she nodded, "You may well be right. Rivers end seems to mean where a river used to be. Is this the only piece of cave wall?" She motioned to the one Osha held, "And if we need fire Do we have flint and tinder?" (edited)
Revel03/27/2024 7:31 PM
Osha nodded at Zak "maybe... im sure someone has flint or something..."
NatiStorm03/27/2024 7:33 PM
As Nayzee reached down to scoop the fire back into the pan, the flame gave a small crackle and fizzled out. Amali gasped and turned to the other woman, "That wasn't supposed to happen... was it?" It wasn't really a question. Suddenly, the fire beneath the pan next to Nari flared up once again before simmering down to a flame sitting on top of the pan instead of beneath it.
DBPyrat03/27/2024 7:33 PM
When the scorpion shrunk down to it's normal size Gunnar swiftly crushed it, wiping of his hands with disgust. Stooping to collect his dropped items he raised and blew on the guttering torch until it flared back to life. "I'll do you one better," he said to Osha and Alder
Revel03/27/2024 7:34 PM
Nari blinked at the little flame "are you... waiting for me? Do you want me to come? She asked, glancing between the cabe and the fire.
NatiStorm03/27/2024 7:36 PM
The flame hissed and sizzled and licked it's fire towards the cave. It seemed to be complaining about something. Nari wasn't sure what it wanted but she could feel that it was aggravated. (Shulbari is close enough that he could feel it too)
Revel03/27/2024 7:39 PM
Nari fretted "ok ok... you want to go to the cave? I guess i can take you, seeing as you like my pan" she glanced at Shulbari "will you be ok if i go with it? If you hurt too much, have another cup of that tea but only one"
ShulbariAPP03/27/2024 7:41 PM
He climbed to his feet and opened and closed his hand. "I'm going back in there with you. Not sure what attacked me but I can at least be a meat shield for you." he offered.
🐉Zakiax03/27/2024 7:44 PM
After picking up what remained of his arrows he found the torch and relite it to full flame using Gunner's. Now with ample enough light Zak looked around to see if the cave went deeper or if it was just a shallow cave. Seeing it only go so far back. Zak turned around to exit the cave careful of the scorpian guarding the exit. "I don't think there is much more here." He spoke. "I'm gonna let the foxes know what we found and see what we must do with it." (edited)
Revel03/27/2024 7:51 PM
Nari sighed again but knew she couldnt argue with Shulbari "just... try not get stung again... "
She walked into the cave and just about dodged a sting before getting pinched "THE WALL IS ALIVE WHAT THE HELL" she practically screeched.
Swamp Siren03/27/2024 8:16 PM
As she checked the wall Alder's brow furrowed. "What in the...." she looked at the hole then back to the shard in Osha's hand and back at the wall. "Oh-Sha? Do you see this? It looks like the piece of stone fits here."
Revel03/27/2024 8:25 PM
Osha couldn't see shit but she didn't question Alder "lets see if it does"
🐉Zakiax03/27/2024 8:30 PM
As soon as Zak exited the cave he felt a burning sensation in his side. He winced at the pain, there was def something still in there but the pain was making it harder to think straight. His mind still focused on trying to return to the foxes to let them know what they had found in the cave
Swamp Siren03/27/2024 8:43 PM
She blinked at Osha then at the hole. Could Osha not see it? "Right here." extending her index finger the traced the edges with a dark finger nail.
Revel03/27/2024 8:45 PM
"I guess you can just see better" she said to Alder, before putting her own hand to the wall, "i feel something, shall we try... together?" She held the shard out to Alder
Rainyaviel03/27/2024 9:17 PM
Nayzee watched the flame flicker out and was overwhelmed with a rush of guilt. She'd let the flame die. What if that was their only hope? What if it had been a messenger from the fire elamel? She'd killed it while trying to fend off the giant scorpion. She felt her eyes begin to water and she rubbed at them with the back of her hand. 'Get it together, Nayzee. You're still in danger!' She chided herself, looking up as Amali spoke. She'd only vaguely heard the woman ask her to wait up before and now as she looked up at her she realized how rude she had been not to slow down. Amali had already been injured once, leaving her behind was probably even worse than killing the fire that may have been the key to freeing the elamel they had come to see. "No... I don't think it was." she murmured, looking around the cave to see that Gunnar had just squashed what had previously been the huge scorpion and Zak was exiting the cave. She saw what looked like cave wall move toward him but before she could shout a warning he was stung. The man kept going though, and she didn't see much point chasing after him when he was now out where all the medical supplies were. Then she noticed that Osha and Alder were missing, and... was that Nari screaming? She whirled around to look toward the entrance again. Finding that the healer was entering with the other pan, a flame dancing around in the center. and caught in the pincher of a second giant scorpion. "Hold on!" She called, taking a firmer grasp on her smaller pan and rushing forward to swing at the scorpion. "Let go of my friend!" she hollered, hoping to draw its attention and get it to let go of their only healer.
Jorildyn wasn't able to get a good look at whatever Osha and Alder were holding and he'd dropped his torch when he went in to attack the scorpion so now he was left standing in the center of the cave feeling pretty useless. He was also in quite a bit of pain as the burning from his shoulder intensified and blood continued seeping into his clothing from his wound. Screaming near the front of the cave drew his attention and the man turned, seeing that some of the women in the group were being attacked by a second giant scorpion. "Shit! Gunnar, the women!" he yelled as he made his way toward the scorpion, sword still in hand. "Let go of her, you disgusting beast." the Alvia channeled some of his water magic into his sword wondering if this would be more effective against the beasts that were guarding the fire elamel.
NatiStorm03/27/2024 10:28 PM
Alder and Osha slid the stone shard into place.... and nothing happened. After a moment of looking over the stone wall, another crack was spotted, directly under a piece of stone that jutted out from the black cave walls.
Revel03/28/2024 7:15 AM
Nari was relieved that others had come to help her, with their help, she easily got free of the pincher, relieved it wasn't trying to sting her because of the others. Phew.. "Thanks guys.... the wall.... is not a wall... at least not this bit" she said, her voice trembling and she backed away from the creature... nope... not doing this again, the crab was bad enough.
Osha pouted when putting the shard in, did ... absolutely nothing. She'd hoped for SOMETHING, "Damnit Lahvean. Give us a clue here" she muttered to herself, before seeing another crack.... "there's ... another one? we need another shard?" she said, frustrated "Alder? do you see anything else? you can see better in the dark than me"
Revel03/28/2024 8:10 AM
As she moved away from the scorpion, she let out a little sob "Not again" she said... "Guys, we need to get that thing out of it.... there's something stuck in it, we need it to help Osha's sister" .... she sighed, she wasn't a fighter... perhaps others could fight it, while she tried to grab the shard... maybe that would work better
NatiStorm03/28/2024 8:26 AM
The moment after Osha spoke her sister's name the carved wall before them shimmered as if reflecting fire. Back towards the cave entrance, the giant scorpion hissed a shrill high pitched sound as the shard sticking from its exoskeleton lit up and sparkled. The flame in the pan Nari was holding flared up and waved around rapidly.
As soon as Zak exited the cave he felt a burning sensation in his side. He winced at the pain, there was def something still in there but the pain was making it harder to think straight. His mind still focused on trying to return to the foxes to let them know what they had found in the cave
NatiStorm03/28/2024 8:32 AM
Once Zakiax exited the cave, a few of the foxes made their way to him from the alter platform. Fire below, fire above. One fox said. Fire goes on the stone. Yipped another.
Falcona03/28/2024 8:41 AM
Too many things at once. The villagers were all split, a few heading into the cave and some others staying behind to keep watch? At least that is what Lana thinks. Oh look a scorpion! Might as well try and fend it off!
Rainyaviel03/28/2024 8:42 AM
As soon as the monsterous scorpion let go of Nari and the healer said there was something stuck in it she remembered the tales of the crab some of the others had fought. Briefly she wondered why there were magically enhanced beasts guarding... no... more like holding captive, the elamels. Seemingly without cause the walls of the cave flared to life and the scorpion screeched. Nayzee was forced to cover her ears as the high pitched noise sent pain straight through her head then she noticed the shard Nari had mentioned. Unfortunately Jorildyn was caught in the other pincer and she worried that the scorpion would crush him completely if they didn't get him free. So, with no other weapon on her at the moment she swung her pan again, aiming for where the pincer met the leg.
Revel03/28/2024 8:45 AM
Nari squeaked when the fire in the pan flared "What's wrong?" she asked it, before turning half of her attention on the scorpion, darting under it to try and grab the shard with the hand not holding the pan, while the others were fighting it.
Rainyaviel03/28/2024 8:49 AM
Jorildyn screamed out in pain as the scorpion grabbed him in its claw. The pressure radiating through him and forcing more blood from his shoulder wound in the process. His vision blurred with the pain, dark spots swimming through his vision as he fought to stay conscious. He saw a flash of light like the one from earlier and the scorpion screeched, squeezing tighter. Fearing that he was about to be cut in half by a scorpion, an overgrown one, but still just a beast, Jorildyn swung his sword as best he could. Luckily the scorpion had clasped him below his arms but with the pain getting worse by the moment it was only going to be a short time before he passed out from the pain if he couldn't get free.
🐉Zakiax03/28/2024 11:33 AM
His eyes trailed where the foxes came from. "They can get the fire below." He muttered through the pain. "The fire goes there?" He questioned forcing his feet to move towards the alter, torch in hand. Unsure of when the scorpion venom would actually take him but at least he could be helpful before he passed out.
Swamp Siren03/28/2024 1:36 PM
Alder had begun to shake head as she looked at the opening for another shard, the sudden flare of light startled her. "Was that because you said her name?" Turning the dark skinned woman looked back towards the way they came, "There has to be another creature with a shard."
Revel03/28/2024 1:44 PM
Osha frowned "given the sounds coming from back there, i think there must be... we should go help... i guess" she said, not purposely ignoring the other question but focusing more on the task at hand.
Revel03/28/2024 3:19 PM
Nari really tried hard to grab the shard with one hand, but protecting the pan cost her, she got stepped on and started to struggle to breathe.
ShulbariAPP03/28/2024 3:22 PM
The medicine seemed to be working but, Shulbari still felt woozy as he reached for the shard. He almost had his hands on it when his spatial awareness told him to move. He rolled out of the way just as a scorpion's leg came down where he had been mere seconds before. "Shit, there's too much to watch out for..." he growled. This would've been a challenge for him under normal circumstances but, the poison was making him dizzy and weak.
Revel03/28/2024 3:31 PM
Nari grabbed at the shard, making contact before feeling it's heat... "really?" she muttered, then out of the corner of her eye she saw a foot coming at her hand, she pulled it out of the way just in time "Damnit Shulbari! you shouldn't even be here, you should be at camp, resting!"
🐉Zakiax03/28/2024 4:26 PM
Zak had dragged himself to the alter and placed the torch on it. It wasn't long after that he passed out from the pain in his side and the venom coursing through is veins.
Rainyaviel03/28/2024 4:27 PM
Jorildyn collapsed onto the ground along with the pincer he had just managed to slice off. Groaning at the impact he lay there for a moment, dazed, before he was able to start pushing himself back. He made slow progress but was able to avoid the legs that were skittering around as the scorpion flailed. Once he felt his back press up against the wall he used it as a support to get back on his feet. sword still in hand Jorildyn considered his next move. To be honest, his vision was still clouded with black dots, he was dizzy, and felt like his whole torso was on fire, it was probably best for him to make his way out of the cave. That would be smart, logical, perhaps even instinctual for someone else. However, as he weighed his options and started to take a step his leg buckled beneath him and he collapsed back onto the cave floor. 'Not like this...' he thought as he struggled to get back to his feet. If he could just hold out Nari could heal him once the scorpion was dealt with.

Nayzee saw the pincer fall to the floor, Jorildyn in its grasp, and went to help the man get up but before she could make it she was cut off by the scorpion's frantic movements. Dancing around to avoid the scorpion was getting exhausting, especially after such a long journey, and the woman had seen enough people get injured by this point. Her eyes narrowed as she locked sight on the shard in the underbelly of the beast and as soon as she saw an opening she ran forward, her only goal to grab that damned shard and yank it out so they could be done with this and check on their wounded. Her mind wasn't even on the fire elamel anymore, she just wanted to make sure the people she had been traveling with were tended to.
Rainyaviel03/28/2024 5:46 PM
Well, that didn't go as planned. The scorpion reared up, just out of reach, as Nayzee got close enough to grab the shard and instead she stumbled forward, nearly running into the creature before she caught her balance and righted herself. Maybe if she knocked it out instead they could remove it? Still keeping an eye out for the other pincer and the barbed tail she moved back into a position that would allow her to whack the beast on top of its head. Pan at the ready she waited for the right moment to strike.
Swamp Siren03/28/2024 7:27 PM
"They may need help. " she agreed. "As soon as we have the shard we will be closer to saving your sister." Turning she ran back towards the sound. Hearing some one cursing Shulbari she groaned. What had that hot head gotten himself into now. Drawing back her sword she prepared to swing and missed.
NatiStorm03/28/2024 8:22 PM
Amali had managed to grab ahold of the scorpions tail below the stinger but for being an oversized bug, this thing was strong. With one arm still in it's sling, Amali tried to pin the stinging tail down. The scorpion, however, was not having it and trashed about wildly until it hissed a shriek. Taken by surprise, Amali loosened her grasp for just a moment but it was enough time for the scorpion to yank it's tail from her arm. She heard Nari saying something but the words didn't register in her mind as all Amali could think about was pinning the tail down. Dodging said tail, Amali looked around her to the others just in time to see Jorildyn slice off one of the scorpions claws.... right before he hit the ground. It was then that Amali realized the Alvia man was bleeding from his shoulder, which she was pretty sure wasn't good. Just as she started to step towards him, the scorpion shot it's tail forward at Jorildyn. "Noooo!" Amali shouted as time seemed to move in slow motion for a moment. Though Amali tried to get to him in time, she tripped over one of the scorpions legs and watched helplessly as the stinger pierced Jorildyn. A second later, she was by his side. "Oh no, no no no. Jorildyn, stay with me, okay?" Looking back to the fight, Amali found Nari underneath scorpion, unable to get to them quickly. Hoping to be of some help, the bard took off her sling and removed the light bandage with the poultice and pressed it to the wound on Jorildyn's shoulder. Amali tied the sling around the scouts leg as quickly as she could. There was nothing to wrap around his newest wound so Amali took a tiny bit of poultice from the shoulder wrap and pressed against his newest sting site. "Nari! Help!" She cried as she applied light pressure to two of the wounds. "Come on Jorildyn, you're going to be okay." They would all leave here alive.... they had to.
ShulbariAPP03/28/2024 8:52 PM
"I rest, you all die!" Shulbari snapped. He felt the stone loosen with his kick. "It's coming out. Maybe just one more ki-" he felt his head grow weak and woozy. He was just about to pass out when he shook it off. "NO!" he roared and he kicked out with his feet, slamming into the shard again and knocking it a bit more loose. He could feel it give way and knew it wouldn't take much more to get it out at this point.
Revel03/29/2024 8:24 AM
Everything was chaos, Nari was on her back and rolled here and there to avoid the scorpions legs, she was reaching to grab for thr shard when she suddenly felt pressure in her stomach, a sharp pain and then burning, oh gods.... no wonder the others screamed, Nari bit hers back, protecting the little flame in the pan before making one last desperate grab for the shard....
NatiStorm03/29/2024 8:45 AM
The moment the shard was free, the scorpion drastically shrank in size with a loud crack. Nari would find that the shard was very warm to the touch. Along with being warm, the shard was nearly a forearm long with jagged edges and had a weird symbol carved into it's smooth face. It was unlike any stone in either of the villages as it was the darkest black with iridescent yellows, oranges, and reds that shimmered and shifted in the torch light.
Revel03/29/2024 9:03 AM
Nari barely noticed she held the shard, the thing she did feel was the burning in her stomach, it eclipsed everything else, she was close to blacking out but she forced herself to crawl away, if she let herself pass out, who would help the others? She saw Osha and Alder on the other side of the cave and held out the shard before dropping it and curling herself into a ball as a dpasm of pain took her breath away, she didnt realise she was curled around the pan with the little flame. Osha, for her part was more than a little stunned to have followed Alder to ... a fight with anothrt giant scorpion, that shrank pretty soon after.. that must mean someone had the shard.... there, someone was crawling... she didnt see what they held til she got closer, it was their healer Nari, in some trouble herself with a pan on fire? Nari dropped the shard so Osha quickly grabbed it. Torn between helping the healer and going and rescuing her sister.... "Im sorry Nari, ill be back soon, i have to go find her" she whispered. She felt her way back along the cave wall to where she and Alder had placed the last shard, "pleaaaaaaase work" she begged, sliding the shard into the remaining hole.
ShulbariAPP03/29/2024 2:30 PM
Still holding his neck, he watched in amazement as the scorpion shrunk down. Once it was small enough, he picked up his foot and brought his booted heel down on the creature. "That's what you get for giving me such a fucking hard time, you creepy bastard...." he growled and ground his heel in for good measure to make sure it was dead.
Swamp Siren03/29/2024 2:50 PM
The sight of blood on Shulbari's neck and fingers made Alder suck in a sharp breath. Sheathing her sword she leaned in to inspect the wounds, her hands gently cradled around his head, "Let me see." Osha had the shard and she had figured all that was needed to be done was place it into the spot she had indicated. (edited)
ShulbariAPP03/29/2024 3:26 PM
"Stop fussing over me..." Shulbari growled and pushed her hands away. "I'm fine. Nari already treated it. Help me carry her out before she gets stung more and we're out our only healer." he instructed and then he attempted to pick Nari up to carry her out.
Rainyaviel03/29/2024 3:30 PM
Nayzee relaxed as someone grabbed the shard and the scorpion shrunk down. Scanning the cave she noticed that Jorildyn seemed to be unconcious, and Amali was assisting him as best she could. Shulbari had managed to rally and was currently squashing the vanquished beast beneath his heel, she would have laughed if their situation wasn't still so dire. Alder and Osha had returned from wherever they'd disappeared to earlier and as she focused on Osha she noticed that Nari was crawling on the ground, a moment later she collapsed and a black shard fell from her hand. "NO!" Nayzee's scream echoed through the cave as she rushed toward their healer. 'She has to be okay. She has to be.' she repeated to herself over and over in her head as she knelt beside the other woman and started looking for her wounds. She hadn't realized it, but at some point between their last adventure together and this one she had started to think of Nari as more of a sibling than a friend and she'd be damned if this stupid scorpion is what stole her from everyone. "Nari, stay with me, where are you hurt? What can I do?" she asked, slowly rolling the woman over to try and help her sit up. They were still surrounded by tons of small scorpions and while she doubted their stings would be anything compared to those of the giant ones Nayzee wanted to help everyone get out of the cave, or at least closer to the entrance where the daylight was helping keep some of the scorpions at bay. That thought was forgotten as Nayzee caught sight of the flame flickering in the pan that Nari had brought in with her. Now she was torn, finish what they came here for, or help her companions get to a safer space and begin tending their wounds? She wasn't a healer by any means but she knew basics. Did the others? It occurred to her then that she hadn't seen Zak in some time but he had been injured as well. "Can anyone help get Nari and Jorildyn out of here?"
NatiStorm03/29/2024 3:30 PM
Though no one noticed, as Osha neared to take the shard, the flame burning in the frying pan waved wildly. Once Osha had walked away, the small flame seemed to sulk as it crackled and popped. As Osha slid the rock shard into place, the already shimmering walls of the black stone cave brightened. It looked like a fire was being burned near the wall on all sides.... but nothing else happend.
Revel03/29/2024 3:33 PM
Nari was out, at some point as she curled around the pan, she blacked out. Osha frowned as nothing much happened when she inserted the shard, but she recalled the fire... it had been strange. Her sister was fire so maybe it was connected? She went back to where she'd left the healer and saw others trying to help her which made her feel a little better about abandoning Nari. She looked around for the pan with the flame in it.
NatiStorm03/29/2024 3:41 PM
Amali called again for their healer with no answer. As she turned around to try search her out, her heart dropped. Nari was curled almost in fetal position. Not good, not good at all. Panic washed over her and she scrabled over to Nari a moment after Nayzee. Nari was unconscious. Oh no, this was bad. Looking Nari over, Amali noticed a small hole in her shirt with swollen red flesh beneath. "Sorry little flame." Amali said as she stuck her hand into the fire in order to scoop up some of the poultice. She dumped a big glob on Nari's stomach just as Shulbari hoisted the healer into the air. "Thank you, Shulbari. Please take Jorildyn too." She asked the couple moving Nari.
Rainyaviel03/29/2024 3:46 PM
Jorildyn felt a sharp pain in the back of one thigh as he lay on the ground and he thought for a moment that this would be the end for him. Hopefully he had made a difference and the others would be ok. He had no way of knowing that Nari had also been stung and wouldn't be able to heal anyone unless she got help for herself as well. He had nearly succumbed to the exhaustion and pain when he heard someone nearby. They were talking to him... what were they saying? The blonde man groaned, the only response he was capable of giving at this point as he tried to focus. His eyelids felt like stones as he fought to open them and see who was talking but he shouldn't have worried about that because a moment later he was hissing in pain, his eyes clamping shut as he grimaced. The burning that had been in his shoulder returned with a vengeance as the poultice was applied, why did medicine always taste awful or burn like a Deav's damned soul? He would have to ask Nari later, provided he survived. As Amali pressed more poultice into the wound on his leg he made a sharp inhale and clenched his teeth. Once the burning had started to wear off he tried to thank whoever was helping him but the sounds that came from his mouth were muffled and slurred so nothing could be understood. Far too tired to spend energy trying to speak more clearly the Alvia instead formed an 'ok' with his fingers on the side Amali was sitting.
Rainyaviel03/29/2024 3:53 PM
As soon as Nayzee saw that Shulbari, and Alder were helping move Nari she looked at her small pan and poured most of the poultice into it. Handing that pan to Amali she rose, the pan with the flame in it now firmly in her grasp. "I'm going to try and finish what we came here to do. Make sure to get some of that back onto your wounds as quick as you can." she turned to see Osha had returned again and was looking around. The woman tried not to be angry with her for abandoning all of them, if it was her sibling she might have done the same, wouldn't she? Nayzee wasn't sure, so many of them had been stung or pinched that she was almost regretting when she had advocated for the mission in the first place. No wonder the foxes wouldn't come in here. Making her way to Osha with the flame pan in hand she nodded towards the back of the cave. "Show me where the shards went." Best keep it to business for now until she'd had time to consider everything and was feeling less emotionally charged.
Revel03/29/2024 4:03 PM
Osha nodded to Nayzee "this way" she said, before moving off to show Nayzee where the shards were.
ShulbariAPP03/29/2024 4:52 PM
Shulbari scooped Nari up and threw her over his shoulder. "Figure this shit out so we can get back to the village." he growled at anyone who would listen. He then headed out of the cave to set her by the fire. He wasn't sure what he could do to help her but at least she was safer outside where there weren't any scorpions.
Rainyaviel03/29/2024 4:57 PM
Nayzee followed after the water elamel quickly, the flame in the pan was flaring and waving about in what appeared to be excitement, little pops and crackles coming from it while it danced. When they reached the back of the cave Nayzee looked around. The walls here shimmered as well and the light they gave off helped her see but she wasn't sure where to take the magical flame to. "Do you see anywhere that looks like it should hold something?" She began walking around the area, towards the steps that looked similar to the ones she had revealed at the top of the hill. Just before she began to walk up them she noticed a small section of the cave wall that jutted out and she had a vivid memory of a similarly shaped basin at the alter where they had discovered Osha. "There." she pointed, making her way toward it. She stopped a short distance away, waiting for Osha to join her. After all, it was her sister they were freeing if this worked.
Revel03/29/2024 5:42 PM
Osha didn't see anything but she trusted Nayee did see "Together?" she said to the other woman, reaching her hands out to the flame, to place them beneath Nayzee's since she was water, she didn't want to hurt the flame by touching it herself.
NatiStorm03/30/2024 4:11 AM
As Nayzee and Osha stepped up to the alter and held out the frying pan, the fire sitting on top seemed to leap into the black stone basin. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the cave erupted with light. Everyone could feel it - the magic returning to the world. The villagers in and around the cave felt a tingling sensation as magic pulsed through them, felt the connection to it form or in some cases strengthen. Those of Nogia ancestry felt it the most as the magic made physical changes to their bodies, elongating their ears to a point and shrinking them down to a child like size. Those that had suffered stings from the scorpion felt the magic burn the venom from their bodies, providing sweet relief. As the light faded, Osha and Nayzee remained alone at the back of the cave. The fire in the basin made a pillar to the cave roof, illumination the back stairs. Those outside the cave realized they were not alone. A woman stood on the platform before them with fire seemingly burning out of her skin. "Yes! Finally!" The woman exclaimed before taking in her surroundings. Looking down to an unconscious Zakiax the woman shook her head, her fiery hair blazing radiantly in the twilight. "Oh my, you look like you had a hard time recently." It wasn't until Osha exited the cave that the twin sisters had their reunion. As the two sisters reconnected, the two simultaneously remembered their other siblings, an older brother and a younger brother. Lahvean struggled to remember anything from before she became trapped but all she could remember was Osha. The villagers along with Lahvean stayed at the fire alter for a few days for everyone to heal and replenish their strength for the trip home. On the day they were to leave however, a strange figure appeared. She was about the size of an older child but assured the group that she was well into her third decade. Bowing to Lahvean like the Alvia bowed to Osha, the small woman declared the party hero's for restoring the fire alter and the fire magic. Insistent, she invited everyone to her village, OpenSky, for a feast. After spending a few days with the Nogia, the expedition team started the trek back home. Stocked up on new maps, new clothes, and new food, most of the villagers were eager to get home and tell of their exploits. The trip home seemed to fly by. In FeatherFall, the group said a teary eyed farewell for now to Jorildyn, with promises that visits would happen. Then they were home, falling back into the normal habits of the village.
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