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- #1

Good day everyone!
Welcome to our little game : 3
Kovak and I are running this personality and name contest for the last kitten in one of our new breedings!
The thing is, they are entering into a HUGE family, so we are really focusing on family bonds and how the kits might try to stand out!
Dawn has had a litter with a previous male, and as such, already has five of her own kits. None were sired by Pepper, however, Pepper has pretty much become their father. Pepper has two siblings - Salt and Paprika - as well as two "parents" in Cream and Milk, who adopted the three seasoning "siblings" when they became loners. As such, Dawn found herself attracted to this large family and the extra paws to take care of the five kits that she herself had. That being said, she fell for Pepper, and has come to have an additional three kits with Pepper himself. Dawn's previous kits are all grown up, though some still linger around - such as Bumblebee, their clumsiest kid, who has come around with their newfound mate too. The other four kits are named Nightfall, Omen, Daybreak and Buttercup.
That being said, the family is massive. They could almost be their own colony! The three new kits are going to be well loved and taken care of, perhaps a bit too well from some of the others in the family.
This game is for the following kit specifically.

We would like to know how they fit into the family. Do they enjoy having so many paws around at all times? Or would they prefer to go off on their own, start their own family, and maybe visit from time to time? The name theme will be simple as well, as their mother is a loner and prefers more natural names, though their father is an ex kittypet so he might suggest a weird name or two (even without knowing what the word means! However, any kittypet sounding names would have to remain simple!)
This game starts on Friday 10/20/2023 at 7:30 am EST, and will run for a week, ending on Friday 10/27/2023 at 5 pm EST.
[b]Username:[/b] (here)
[b]Kit name:[/b] (here)
[b]Do they like their big family? Do they hate it? Tell us a little about them and how they feel about the large family, and where they fit in![/b]
(insert a few sentences, minimum, here)
[b]Future plots: (Optional)[/b]
(give us a few plot points if you can!)
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