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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Game ] Finding a home [ CLOSED for judging and rolling ]

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Stew Aficionado

This dual game and raffle is for the third and fourth kit in this breeding!

All four kits will grow up with Perish Song and her Twolegs in their house, but Odin will visit often, and his Twolegs are also helping to name the kittens.

This contest will run until Sunday, May 5th, at about 5 pm EST.
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Stew Aficionado
Here is a little bit about the father, Odin.

Odin is just as ornery as his namesake. He's not actually all that old, he's still in his prime, but he's regarded as an "old man" by his Twolegs all the time. He is crotchety and easily annoyed, preferring to lord over his Twoleg territory as if he were a god. Odin does not get along well with kits - Twoleg or otherwise - which is okay for his Twolegs as they are older and don't plan on kits anyway. However, if he were to sire kits, Odin would very likely become obsessive over them. Wanting them to be absolutely perfect in every way. He will not be a soft father, but very hard and firm on them. His Twolegs are very intelligent and attentive, and call themselves "geeks" all the time. Whatever that means. (They are big mythology buffs, though particularly Nordic, hence the name. They are also nerdy and love games, especially D&D)

Here is a little bit about the mother, Perish Song.

Perish Song is a stern parent without being strict, if that makes sense. She values family and having the strength both mentally and physically to protect and foster that family. She would encourage her kits to form close bonds with her and each other. Affection would come freely from her, but I don't think she would be overbearing.​
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Stew Aficionado
The oldest kit

Named Baldr, after one of Odin's sons in Nordic Mythology, Baldr really lives up to his name as a kit. He's just and true, making sure that his siblings don't get bullied by one another. He often stands up to Odin when his father is being too harsh on them. He is also a strong bodied kit, probably being the biggest among them all at birth.

The second oldest kit

Named Tail Glow (name may change) after a move from Poke'mon. They are the second born of the siblings.​
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Stew Aficionado
Here are the kits you will be entering for.
Please put entries in separate posts :)

The third kit didn't survive long after birth, though they did receive a name. Use the coding below to give them a name. Anyone with 0 dead cats (adults and kits combined) will get an extra ticket. This kit will be decided via raffle of all those who enter ^^

[center]Poor lil kibby[/center]

Username: (your username here)
Kitten name: (What was the kitten named for the few moments it was alive? Did it get a Nordic name like Baldr? Or a nerdy Poke'mon name like Tail Glow? We would prefer to see lesser known Nordic names if you go this route)
Do you own any dead cats? (if you own 1, kitten or adult, you answer no)

The fourth kit did survive, so they still need a name and will grow to be a strong kitty in their own right. But what is their personality like? And what are they named? Tell us! We want to know all about them! These entries will be judged, not raffled, so the one that Absol and I decide on as our favorite together will be the winner!

[center]They live!!!!![/center]

Username: (Your username here)
Kitten name: (What was the kitten named? Did it get a Nordic name like Baldr? Or a nerdy Poke'mon name like Tail Glow? We would prefer to see lesser known Nordic names if you go this route)
Kitten personality: (Tell us about the kitten! Do they embody their name? Are they the opposite? Somewhere inbetween? How do they cope with Odin's parenting style versus Perish Song's parenting style?)
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Lunar Fea

They live!!!!!​

Username: Lunar Fea
Kitten name: Endure[/center]
Kitten personality: Endure's name came from a double entendre. Not only did he survive after the passing of his third sibling, but he endures life every day. He works hard to be something that his father will be proud of, or at least good enough. He's not always able to be strong, and often has moments where all the stress of a tiny little kitten life (and adult hood later) gets to him and he shuts down, needing space and time to be alone and regain his strength. He takes Odin's gruffness with stride as best he can, though the kit never forgets even the smallest of slight. Like a video game, "Endure will remember that."


They live!!!!!​

Username: ArrowAnubis
Kitten name: Áleifr
Kitten personality: Áleifr isn't a push over, but she also doesn't have the strongest backbone. She's quick to bow down to her father and would do anything to make him proud. She prides herself on being able to put her own feelings aside to try and be the perfect offspring that Odin demands. She loves both her parents and her siblings, but doesn't feel like she has the need to build relationships outside of her family and their two legs. Not a well rounded kitten by any means but she's going to make Odin proud if it kills her.


Poor lil kibby​

Username: Umbrefox
Kitten name: Sigurd (like the Hero who slayed Fafnir from the Volsunga saga, I didn't wanna be morbid)
Do you own any dead cats? no


Stew Aficionado
Poor lil kibby​

Username: belloblossom
Kitten name: Týr (born weak at birth, Odin's twolegs named him in hopes that he'd be a fighter and live, alas.)
Do you own any dead cats? Yes
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Stew Aficionado
They live!!!!!​

Username: belloblossom
Kitten name: Originally her name was supposed to be Moongeist Beam, but as her personality came out it was agreed by both Odin and Perish Song's Twolegs that Fake Tears was far more fitting.
Kitten personality: Fake Tears, informally called Crybaby, hates her father. She doesn't understand why he has to be so harsh and mean all the time! Often going to Baldr for comfort, or trying to hide herself under her mother's tail, when she reaches her breaking point (which is often) she'll make a racket that will ensure that no one can ignore her.

She wails, she yowls, she cries and cries and cries - but once she gets what she wants, like the protection of an older sibling, or the attention of the Twolegs (she loves being picked up by Twolegs, where Odin can't reach her) she quits her caterwauling and starts purring up a storm.

It's hard to say if she'll ever grow out of this habit. It really depends on how her parents and siblings interact with her - and how much attention she can milk out of the Twolegs. She'll be as cute as they want her to be! So long as they give her everything she could ever ask for.


Grizzled Veteran
They live!!!!!​

Username: ChexaRain
Kitten name: Víðarr / Vidarr, Named for his similarity to his father's gruffness.
Kitten personality: Vidarr will be almost notoriously similar to his father's ideal desires, to the point it's almost frightening. He strives for perfection, and would probably butt heads with Baldr often because the teachings are 'justifiable for the weak among them' with some ill-placed pride as his father's son.
The Twolegs are often worried for him since he doesn't want much affection, usually coming over for a pat or two before running off to do whatever he has his little heart set on.


Grizzled Veteran
Poor lil kibby​

Username: NatiStorm
Kitten name: Facade (Pokemon move)
Do you own any dead cats? Yes!


Grizzled Veteran
They live!!!!!​

Username: NatiStorm
Kitten name: Valkyrie
Kitten personality: Valkyrie is a little spitfire. A fighter through and through, she is constantly fighting her father Odin on everything. It's almost as if she's determined to be the exact opposite of what he wants her to be. Though she is the smallest of the three living kittens, she acts like she's the biggest and is quick to boss Tail Glow around until Baldr steps in. She will fight her father every step of the way but she absolutely loves her mother and will do anything Perish Song asks of her without hesitation. Valkyrie is really only affectionate with her mother, preferring to fight her father and play pounce her siblings.


Grizzled Veteran
Poor lil kibby​

Username: kovak
Kitten name: Mea - bright
Do you own any dead cats? yes


Grizzled Veteran
They live!!!!!​

Username: kovak
Kitten name:Vivica - war fortress
Kitten personality:Vivica is a fighter, and she loves Odin. She wants to be as tough and experienced as he is, and get her own battle scars too! Vivica is not close to her mother, and would prefer it that way.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 1
1 ) Lunar Fea
2 ) Blinded By Silence
3 ) Umbrefox
4 ) belloblossom
5 ) NatiStorm
6 ) kovak
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