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[Group research] Storm watching [Vi, Cameron, Adette , and Jun]


Grizzled Veteran
Trainer: Jun Ito, Adette Canmore,Cameron Astor, Victoria 'Vi' Shian
Project: task #M01 - The Traveling Tempest's Tumultuous Terror!
Assignment: What's going on with that storm?
Requirement Proof: N/A

Options Chosen: Pokemon Oddities 2
Which Rolls: Vi - Insight and Pokemon Behavior science = 6 dice
Adette- Insight and Alert = 5 dice
Cameron= Insight and lore=6 dice
Jun ito= Insight and alert = 4 dice


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 2 3 4 2 2 16
Vi rolling for insight - 4 and pokemon behavior science - 2

1/9 obtained


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Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5 2 6 18
Jun Rolling

3 Successes!


Grizzled Veteran
Despite being native to the area and likely accustomed to the storms that come with living near the sea, the pokémon residents of Doveport that were caught nearby are still quite agitated. Even typically calm specimens are feeling skittish of the weather.

Knowledge drop


Grizzled Veteran
Vi frowned, running her pokeballs between her fingers. The storm was last longer then she thought and something about it smacked of wrongness. Fairlight may have said they were all well and good but Vi didn't believe what she could official see. Something was odd.

She grabbed her raincoat, folding it over her arm as she left the dorms and went out to view the storm herself. She would see with her own two eyes what was going on and form her own opinion.


Stew Aficionado
Cameron was concerned. Sure, there was no doubt in his mind Nauwill experienced storms like any other region. There was no reason to suspect otherwise. But the fact that there was a barrier in place was... New. This storm must have been a lot worse than expected. He was curious to see the team of barrier holders, but also, was curious about how the native Poke'mon were reacting if this was such a bad storm. Certainly he would find some scurrying about even through the town, everyone trying to find a place to hunker down and wait it out.

There were other curious people milling about, wanting to see what was happening. A few faces he recognized from around the labs, others from the dorm area. When eye contact was made, there was a slight inclination from his head before he moved on. He was much more focused on any exceptionally agitated Poke'mon that he might find. Ready to take notes on their behaviors.


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Jun had been one of the first to shrug and carry on when the storm was first mentioned and was quick to dismiss the barrier at first sight. It wasn't his first time seeing such a drastic maneuver in response to weather and likely wouldn't be his last. What had caught his attention was everyone else and their concern. Had they never seen protective measures taken during extreme weather? Or was he just missing something? Again.

Now that several island residents had begun pouring out of the living quarters to peer at the sky he too felt driven to do the same. Solidarity and all that. He had grabbed his fluffiest sweater, scooped Poppy into his arms, and found himself outside within minutes, head turned to the sky and a hand raised to shield his eyes.

It was a barrier.

A good one, at that. He drummed his fingers on Poppy's side and set her down gently, turning to the first person he saw (Vi).

"Excuse me- has there been any further news on the situation? Or are we sightseeing?"


Grizzled Veteran
"No," Vi replied briskly, glancing over at the young man in a very fluff sweater and a strangely pink torchic. Such a bright little thing. "I do wish they had gave us some news by now. They said it would be over soon and it has been hours." She clicked her tongue, looking back up at the pokemon forming the barrier high in the sky.

"So, we are here to observe for ourselves." She hummed, chewing slightly on her lower lip. "Or at the very least, it is something to observe and write about." She had not obtained her starter yet, and her pokemon where not native to the area. "If this is a normal occurrence hopefully we can learn something from the native Pokemon's behavior."

She paused, looking at Jun in new light. "And you have a native pokemon." She drawled, motioning to the torchic snuggled into his chest.


Grizzled Veteran
It was such a weird thing for her to see the barrier and the Pokemon keeping it up. How many were actually working and keeping them safe she wondered, twirling her hair a little with one hand while the other held her two fidgeting Pokemon, her Chingling floating near enough to push into her a little. Azula snuggled into her more and she pulled her light jacket over them a little more.

"Hey!" She called out, seeing two others there and one with a very bright Torchic. "They say anything yet?" Curious if either of them knew anything as they approached, having just joined up after their conversation.


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Staff member
Over soon felt like hours were a possibility to Jun. Had they said how soon was soon? His head tilted back to the barrier as Poppy circled his feet and chirped sharply. "Maybe it'll be gone in the morning?"

When the attention shifted to Poppy he glanced down at the torchic, who was angrily stomping their feet. "She's been very unhappy," he admitted, bending down to gently rub the top of her head. "I've never seen her this distressed. She's always been finicky, but something has her on edge."

Another person ran up and Jun stayed on the ground with his torchic, who had now pressed harshly into his hand. He gave a faint wave with his free hand, offering a smile in greeting.

"Not yet. We were just talking about how the native pokemon have been reacting."


Stew Aficionado
He had been half wandering through the town as he jotted notes down about the storm. Sure, they knew the rough climate of the area immediately around them. But knowing exactly what kinds of storms the region had would be important too. As well as Poke'mon behavior.

Off to one side, he could hear voices. Turning to look, there were a few people grouped together talking. One had a very brightly colored Torchic, which made Cameron's brows shoot up. It was so... Poppy!

Ambling over, the blond tucked a few loose pieces of hair behind his ear. He had put his hair up into a pony tail because of the possible wind, though his glasses still seemed like they could fly off at any moment.

Coming closer, he could see how agitated the little Poppy was. "Oh dear," he would say, crouching down to pet her gently. A reassuring smile was given to Jun and Poppy both. "It'll be all right, little one."

At mention of native Poke'mon, Cameron would speak up. "They all seem to be agitated, though the ones with owners less so? Maybe because they know their trainers will keep them safe. Though, I'm used to seeing Poke'mon agitated during storms and taking shelter. However... The way some of them are reacting... I'm thinking this is a rarer occurrence here. Possibly the first time a storm has been this strong." Those were his observations and theories, at least.


Grizzled Veteran
"It might be something they that is known, but dangerous." Vi shifted, squating down to get a better look at the brightly color torchic. Such a cute little thing. "Neither of mine are native," She said, looking over the fluffy child. "I was suppose to get a torchic during the next hatching."

Vi looked up at the barriers stretching over the sky. "Perhaps this storm is not normal, it is not like this is a normal reaction to one." So many psychic pokemon working together. "Actually does anyone know how long an abra can keep up a light screen?"


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Cameron! Jun instantly perked, straightening upright and grinning at his newest friend. What a good sight to see! Poppy chirped loudly, nuzzling into the offered hand.

"Good to see you, Cameron," Jun reached out to help Cameron back up when he was ready.

Poppy jumped from leg to leg at the undivided attention, basking in it as her trainer beamed. Well, she was, until a crack of thunder crashed through the sky and hit the barrier, causing the small chick to fluff twice her size and run behind Jun's leg. He scooped her up and held her ever so gently, softly cooing as he pet her head.

"I've seen a barrier used for a storm before, but that was a tornado," Jun murmured, reassuringly rubbing his cheek against Poppy's. "Shh baby, it's okay."

Abra what now? He shook his head at the last question, absorbed in comforting his pokemon.