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Hiring Event [CLOSED]


Grizzled Veteran
To mark the shops 1 year anniversary I'm expanding the staff.

Looking to Hire:
1 Certist
1 Colorist -No edits (no new lines or shading)
1 Line Art Colorist - With edits (new line art and shading)
1 Assistant Storyteller

If interested please apply below!
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Grizzled Veteran

Responsibilities: Cert all new characters, fix problems of current certs, update the owners list as new certs are made.

How to apply: Download the Cert file and fill out the form below.

Cert File
Use this font
Amali Uncerted || Elijah Uncerted

[size=20][b][color=blue]I'll Fill Out Those Character Sheets![/color][/b][/size]
[b]Player Name:[/b] Your username
[b]Have you done this before:[/b] Y/N
[b]Promise to try hard:[/b] I'll do my best!
[b]Examples of Character Sheet:[/b] Two pictures should be posted here.

1st picture - Amali's cert has a problem! The background is set to FallingFeather instead of HollowOak! Additionaly, she's in the crafts guild, not the hunters guild. She also has three combat dots in social. Please fix as much information as possible and post it here.

2nd picture - Amali's offspring Elijah needs a cert! All children are part of the Labor Guild and don't get combat dots until they come of age. Elijah is just a wee boy who hangs out with his mother Amali and father Gunnar. Please fix as much information as possible and post it here.
NatiStorm is the Player for both characters.
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Grizzled Veteran

Responsibilities: Color characters, label character files correctly, upload files to the shop postimg, and drop off all colored characters in the discord. If applying for a line art position, completed shading will be required for all new lines.

How to apply: Download the Neutral Base and fill out the form below.

Neutral Base

[size=20][b][color=green]I Want To Color![/color][/b][/size]
[b]Player Name:[/b] Your username
[b]Have you done this before:[/b] Y/N
[b]Promise to try hard:[/b] I'll do my best!
[b]Examples of Colored Characters:[/b] You may post as many colored characters as you want here but please link them instead of posting huge images. If applying for line art position please show off some edits and shading!


Grizzled Veteran
Assistant Storyteller

Responsibilities: Assist NatiStorm in creating events, fleshing out lore, give input on storylines, help with meta ideas, help run roleplay events (yes you can still participate, just don't meta game), help with ideas and set up monthly rp prompts, proofread Nati's writings for spelling and grammar errors.

How to apply: Fill out the form below.

[size=20][b][color=darkorange]Let's Plot Together![/color][/b][/size]
[b]Player Name:[/b] Your username
[b]Have you written stories before:[/b] Y/N
[b]Promise to try hard:[/b] I'll do my best!
[b]Examples of prompt ideas:[/b] What would you suggest as solo prompt ideas? What about group rp ideas? Give me a few examples!


New Arrival
Let's Plot Together!
Player Name: robbedragon
Have you written stories before: Y
Promise to try hard: I will try my best! (...and help flesh the world out with you)
Examples of prompt ideas: I don't remember if you were part of the Digimon shop Chaos did but I created the idea for the massive battles with Gulfmon and Apocalymon and ran it which was actually something I had in mind for down the road as a group event. Like a massive boss like enemy shows up and everyone has to slowly inch off its health before it destroys the village or something. I also had the idea for a massive tournament in the fighting pit with a prize at the end for whomever rolled the best combat rolls. Fishing competitions, festivals and all kinds of events could happen. I'd even thought about discussing a calendar with holidays to plan out when and how those would happen for the villagers so it feels like there is life and a passage of time for them.


New Arrival
I'll Fill Out Those Character Sheets!
Player Name: ChaosMyotismon
Have you done this before: Y
Promise to try hard: I'll do my best!
Examples of Character Sheet: Two pictures should be posted here.

1st picture -

2nd picture -
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