[I/T] DinLOLsaurs


Grizzled Veteran
Dinlolsaurs is a comic drawn by my husband, Tibblewinkles, and hosted on Webtoons.

I've been saying for months that it would make a fun base for a shop!

Tibbs and his co-pilot, Pancake, are searching OWOsia for the Dunk, a fish headed muscle man, who isn't in the right time period.
When it comes to the players, You are a Dinlolsaur. Its the cretaceous and you're doing your best to stay alive, make friends, and have the best life you can have!

A crude map by Pancake will start us off and Species Diagrams and info will be from the point of view of Tibbs.

Some of the featured Dinlolsaurs will be:
Velolcirawrptrawr, Spinnerlolsaurus, Armadillosuchus
Barackchilosaurus ,Trollolnanilazorus Shrex, Afarezlolus, Kekhaowololus


Grizzled Veteran
Currently, we don't have lineart. We'd like to hear if you are interested before we really start making this a reality!

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Grizzled Veteran
Other thoughts

Collectible items
  • crab claw
  • fish
  • punched fish
  • berry
  • leaf card
  • ultra leaf card (We swear its real!)
  • armadillosuchus tooth
We are considering making certs like Leaf cards.

Interspecies breedings wouldnt happen without special items.

Rewards for making Art, Answering Prompts with RP or Story, being around.


XD I'd hope so!

Will there be stages? Or is it just "adult" stages? Though seeing a babbin of Velo would amuse me highly.

Also would certain dino inhabit certain areas or is it ahm "I go where I please" sort of thing

Feel free to DM me if yall wanna bounce ideas. I am so down for this

Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
He is considering a baby or kid stage.

some would prolly prefer certain areas but i imagine velols and keks would go just about anywhere

i'll ping you in our group chat hehe


Grizzled Veteran
some new artwork from tibbs

This is based closer on the early comic design of Velol.​