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Identical Twin Permission Thread

Mule Account
Identical Twin Permission Thread Rules
  • Identical twins will be indicated by the colorist when dropped. Twins may only be the same 'gendered' lines with a slight hue shift. Nearly identical characters with one on masc and the other on fem lines do not count.
  • If your breeding resulted in Identical Twins then you must post here with an agreement on who keeps the extra child (and the agreement must be replied to). Failure to do so results in the extra child being unable to be owned or certed.
  • The form MUST be quoted with an agreement from all parties, including co-owners unless they have made a before-mentioned agreement to have no rights to the children. Please post a link to said agreement with the form.
  • If you cannot agree on an owner then the child can be rehomed by the shop.
  • Games are allowed for the twin, just make an agreement saying so.
  • Usually, no owner may keep more than two children from a breeding. They may only keep two if there are twins or if they own more than one parent. The twin must still be agreed upon.
  • You may only own the extra twin if you own the first twin. You may not own X child and take either A1 or A2. (Unless you own more than one parent.)
  • Non-parent owners may own both twins.
  • If there are any other questions feel free to ask staff!
Mule Account

Identical Twins Form
[center][b][color=orchid]We had Iden[/color][color=cornflowerblue]tical Twins![/color][/b][/center][/size]
[b]Owner of Parent 1/Character Name[/b]: 
[b]Owner of Parent 2/Character Name[/b]: 
[b]Owner of Parent 3/Character Name[/b]: (Delete if not applicable.)
[b]Owner of Parent 4/Character Name[/b]: (Delete if not applicable.)
[b]Cert Links[/b]: 
[b]Owner of First Twin[/b]: 
[b]Who is keeping the Twin[/b]: (If it's a game just indicate here!)
[b]Anything else[/b]: (Anything else here, link to a co-owner signing away rights to a breeding, etc)