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Pokémon Expeditions

[Journey] A step beyond ['Vi']


Grizzled Veteran
Vi double checked her bag at the gates, fingers counting the journals, pens, and recorder. She had her phone and the pager like device Fairlight has issued her for adventures outside the town. She had various foods for herself and her pokemon, separated in measured portions and sealed tight. Water. Her approved pokemon.

The storm had passed and now she had a chance to bond with her pokemon and watch their behavior without them being uneasy from the storm. Doubtless there was going to be displaced pokemon and interesting behaviors caused by the stress. She was excited to record the wild pokemon and to work with her own. To know them better.

Even if Tintin seemed traumatized from hatching in the middle of the storm. Her nauwil torchics expression was haunting, as if he had seen something beyond her field of vision. Which wouldn't be surprising, humanity range of visible light was rather small compared to some others. She was getting off track.

"Alright, let's get out and see what we can find." She muttered to herself, taking a deep breath and shoulder her pack up a bit higher before stepping out in the heavy grass.


Grizzled Veteran
The damage was clear, the grass had been torn up in places. Fallen limbs had tumbled from trees and even some of the giants had fallen or cracked from the force. Rocks had been misplaced but it was not as bad as she had feared. Certainly traversable to her and her Pokemon.

Vi ran her hand over her Poke balls, running his fingers over the stickers decorating the sides to let her know which one held which Pokemon. She considered which to let loose, not Violet. Perhaps later but not when she was going to be on the move. Tintin would be a good choice, or perhaps Aurelian, the chingling would be light enough to rest on her if he tired.

She hummed and picked the torchic, releasing the starter out into the grasslands. Tintin appeared with a kick of his feet, his small body fluffing up as large as he could manged as he chirped. The torchic stared into the void, wind ruffling through his feathers.

"Tintin," she called, motioning with her hands to catch the bird's attention. "We are outside, are you ready to explore?" Vi looked into those large round eyes, watching him blink in a confused sort of why. Poor thing. "Come along then." She said, starting to walk off to a fallen tree, pulling out her phone.

She peered down at the rings, taking pictures, counting the amount, and pulling out a measuring tape to get the size. This was not her study, but figuring out the age and growth cycles could give her valuable information in the history of the land. She brought out the fairlight tablet, tapping it to get her coordinates and scribbled them down. "Alright, where shall we go to next?" She questioned Tintin.

The fire type just looked at her dully, blinking slowly. "Chik?" He questioned, fluffing up his feathers.

"Well, hopefully that gets better." Vi muttered. That was a bit unsettling, but it was fine. She could handle this. She looked out, heading to the next tree, motioning Tintin to follow. "Come along now." And maybe, maybe she would also bring out Aurelian, if just for some normal.

She hummed, pulling out the other pokeball and released the small pokemon. He appeared with a cheerful chime, flying around her head gleefully. "Chimmmm."

"Hey darling," Vi said, offering a hand for the pokemon to wrap around. "We are on an adventure."


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5 5 4 2 21
Sleepy lefmews catch rate 2

Vi wasn't sure if Aurelian chimes where what roused the pokemon, or herself, but in the branches of the fallen tree something rustled. Slowly the Pokemon started to appear, slowly rising up in the air on rotating leaves, and yawning widely. They were so cute! She took pictures of the round pokemon, in various shades of green. Vi had seen them around the town, they were lefmews.

She cooed at them and paused, wait, wait. She fumbled in her pockets, finding the research ball and lobbed it at the last rising pokemon. "Get into the ball, I need you for research," she hissed.


Grizzled Veteran
The research ball clicked, capturing the Pokemon and rocked, once, twice before stilling. "Yes! There we go. We caught our first Pokemon." She reached down, claiming the research ball and lifted it up in triumphant. One down, and two left. She held it out to her companions to look at before tucking it back in her bag. "Okay, so where were we?"

She stroked over Aurelian's ribbon considering. That was it! She was looking at the fallen trees to plot the seasonal rains and dry seasons to get an idea of the climate history. Not truly her study but could influence her study.

The lefmews having taken sheltered in the falling tree could be important to her actual field of science. She would have to see if she found more of the pokemon resting in the fallen giants. "To research," Vi called, heading off.