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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Leader's Den ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Welcome to The Leader's Den. Here you can find all of the forms you will ever need to be a clan cat. Requesting naming ceremonies, clan applications for loners and kittypets, and promoting your cat's rank can all be found here.

If you have any questions, concerns, plot ideas, or just want to chat, please feel free to PM me here on Gaia or DM me on Discord at Pounce#8921.


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
  • Defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life.
  • Hunt only to feed the Clan, for without prey there are no hunters.
  • The Clan eats together to ensure every cat is fed.
  • Hold the Elders, Queens, and Kits in high regard, for without them there is no Clan.
  • At six moons old, kits become paws and must work hard to earn their Clan name. Only then do they bear the rank of Warrior.
  • Any cat who asks for help deserves the aid of the clan.
  • Blood does not need to be spilled when words can fix the problem.
  • An honorable Warrior does not need to kill to win their battles.
  • The word of the leader is Code.
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MountainClan is as strong and true as the mountains they came from. They will not bow to any wind. They endure. Fighting and battle are the last resort as these cats prefer to talk things out but they will defend themselves, and their ideals, to the death.

MountainCaln is very traditional. They start their day with the dawn patrol, with two more at sun-high and moon-rise. Hunting parties are sent out and mentors train their apprentices. The clan eats as a clan, once when the dawn patrol returns and again before the moon-rise patrol leave.

SunClan is incredibly important to MountainClan. They give thanks to SunClan when they make their kills, eat their food, and earn their names. Their dead are buried beneath mounds of stones.

MountainClan is not hostile. Any cat who asks for help will be given what they need and sent on its way. It is very rare for loners to be invited into the clan, but not unheard of. Kittypets are not welcome, for MountainClan has not forgotten that the Two-Legs have stolen their river from them.

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

I need an apprentice/mentor! said:
[color=red][b][size=14]I need an apprentice/mentor![/size][/b][/color]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]cat cert[/b] please use the official cert, thank you
[b]position wanted[/b] mentor or apprentice
[b]preferences[/b] do you have a cat in mind already? or what kind of cat are you looking to train/be trained by? if left blank, i will choose for you.
It's time for my naming ceremony! said:
[size=14][b][color=green]It's time for my naming ceremony![/color][/b][/size]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]cat cert[/b] please use the official cert, thank you
[b]position wanted[/b] are you being named as an apprentice, a warrior, a medicine cat apprentice, medicine cat, or just a name change?
[b]new name[/b] be sure that it follows the naming rules of the shop.
I'd like to join your clan! said:
[b][color=purple][size=14]I'd like to join your clan![/size][/color]
username[/b] your username here
[b]cat cert[/b] please use the official cert, thank you
[b]why does your cat fit my clan?[/b] give me a reason why i should accept you. if you have any roleplays or dp purchases to back this, please link them here.
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
I'd like to join your clan!
username Alanna the Pirate Queen
cat cert LINK
why does your cat fit my clan? Flicker is a high energy, happy young cat who wants to have a purpose and mean something in the world. While he loves his family, the idea of just meandering as a loner his whole life just doesn't sound like the lifestyle for him. He has heard about the warrior cats that live in the mountains, and has always found them amazing. The moment he was old enough to wander, his paws drew him up the rocky slopes to chase his future. He'll work twice as hard as any cat to prove he belongs. (OOC Belloblossom and I had plans a long time ago for Silverstreak to be his mentor when Robinclan was still a thing. We wanted to do it now, but in Mountainclan)

((If this is accepted then please also process this request as well <3 ))

I need an apprentice/mentor!
username Alanna the Pirate Queen
cat cert LINK
position wanted Apprentice
preferences Silverstreak

Approved and updated!
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
I'd like to join your clan!
Blinded By Silence
cat cert Thomas
why does your cat fit my clan? When Thomas came back to the mountains to surprise Zoey and their kits, he learned that she had left him behind, both literally and figuratively. He would like to wait here, hoping she'll come back, helping out while he waits. He's a strong, stocky boy who isn't afraid of hunting down by the Settlement. Thomas is very loyal, albeit not the brightest.