Devotee lv 1
Issue a single Command to one living creature. It will obey it to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. An Easy (2) Mental Check negates this spell.
Commands can be one of the following:
Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn.
Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.
Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties.
Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn.
Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions.
If the creature can’t carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails.
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