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Lifemate Registry

Mule Account
Lifemate Registry

Welcome to the Lifemate Registry! Here is where we'll keep track of lifemates for a chance at an extra baby. However, you will still need a breeding permission to breed just to make sure that everyone is still on the same page. <3
Mule Account
Lifemate Thread Rules

  • You must post here (and be quoted with the agreement) to be eligible for the possible extra child.
  • Your character may only be lifemated to one other character in the registry. However, if the lifemated characters are in a poly breeding together then the group will get the chance. You will only have the chance once even if there are two lifemated couples in the group.
  • You must get permission from the owner of your character's lifemate to breed outside of the lifemating, even if they are involved in a poly group with your character. You can ask for permission here. Failure to ask for permission will result in broken lifemates.
  • You still need a breeding permission set up to breed. You can find the thread here
  • To do a break you must quote the original agreement and say that it is broken.
  • Breaking a lifemating has a 6 month breeding penalty starting from the time the lifemating is broken. It only takes one person to break it. However, we encourage discussing it with the other person before breaking any agreement.
  • Staff cannot referee broken lifemates, this is up to the two owners to work out.
  • Mixers fall under the clause for needing permission from the other owner to breed.
  • Characters must be adults to be lifemated.
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Mule Account

Lifemate Form
[size=16][color=pink][center][b]Lifemates Here~![/b][/color][/center][/size]
[b]Owner 1/Character Name[/b]: 
[b]Owner 2/Character Name[/b]: 
[b]Cert Links[/b]: