Looking For A Lineartist

The Lost Lenore

New Arrival
I am wishing to open a B/C shop however one needs art to do that and I can't draw to save myself so I am needing a lineartist.

Yhe concept is based around the Ancient Egyptian horoscope so the stages that I want are all human (except for the gods possibly but that will be discused?) And in anime style are:

An "egg" stage (to be discussed?)
1 male
1 female
1 baby
1 teen

12 God's

I will be paying in Gaia gold/plat/possibly item(s) of need be.
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late to the party
Staff member

It might help if you give a concept of what the creatures are? Are you looking for human/humanoid lines, quadrupedal - canine, equine, feline, insectoid, etc. :3

The Lost Lenore

New Arrival

It might help if you give a concept of what the creatures are? Are you looking for human/humanoid lines, quadrupedal - canine, equine, feline, insectoid, etc. :3
Of course, that would help, thank you! I posted and ran to a dentist appointment having forgot I actually posted something on here (a tooth extraction will do that to a person xD) so I didn't even check it after I posted as I was running late as it is. *Goes and edits*