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Lost Woods Adventure Sign ups open


Grizzled Veteran
Greetings and welcome. It would seem that you are very lost stranger. This is the lost woods a home to four Koshin. These Koshin will be hard to find, but I have a feeling you might be luckier then most.

  • The Edited Green Koshin will be raffled for between all who participated and did not win a Koshin at the end of the Adventure. So even if you dip out it will be ok you still have a chance to win a koshin.
  • The other three will be in the CYOA areas to find. If more then one person enter that area then the pet will be raffled between those two. Any who aren't found at the end of COYA will join the edited green for an end of adventure raffle.
  • You may only win one Koshin form this event.
  • All shop and site rules apply
  • We are all adults here so please remember to act like one win or loose.
  • All four are colored by Reoakee.
  • You do not have to keep them a family or in this realm at all but bear in mind two of them are gen two and listed as such.


Grizzled Veteran
The trees seem to stretch into the sky as if to encrouach on the territory of the sky itself. With thick trunks that you could make half a house out of a single tree. The forest itself is alive with noises deep inside it. Still a pathway seems to be open for you should you go under twining branches into this forest. You are positive you saw a tail and a pair of eyes see you and then dart deeper into the woods. A strange wind blows over the area as thought the wind itself has a melody to it as it weaves through the branches.

Do you cross the threshold?

To sign up for this adventure please let me know.

Sign up from posted open until Tuesday 5-14-25 6pm EST Each round will last two days unless all participants have posted then I will speed it up and ping all individuals. Don’t worry this is a short adventure so it shouldn’t take too long.

Yes I -insert username here- am going to cross into this forest!


Grizzled Veteran
@Absolutiones @Lunar Fea @Revel @AuguryRaven @spazzedoutmew @Rano713 @Zakiax

Once you step into the woods you are immediately put into a predicament. To the left you see a well worn path that has a stone every so often that is large and flat. It’s quite clear it has been used often though when you couldn’t tell. To the right you see a packed down earthen path with several roots that edge up around it. The tops have been scrapped down smoothly so you know this path also has been warn. Trying to decide between the two paths you lean far to the left. Is that a hint of sunlight that way? Could it be a grove of some kind? And leaning far to the left you are greeted with a deep darkness of the forest. Both the light and dark call to you and you have no other clues. Which way do you go?

Left- The stone every so often path with a hint of light far down it?

Right- The packed dirt path that looks like it leads to the forest depths?

(Run time from post to Thursday 6pm EST. I may update early if everyone posts a response. Welcome to the woods~)


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 2
Res: 1
To the left you find the stone speckled worn paths do indeed open up more and more. More stonework appears first as a small wall finally you see sunlight pour in as you reach an open glade with a large stonework training ground of some kind. The full breath of the sunlight is warm on your face distracting you while you take in the sight before you. There has been built some kind of course and as you watch you see a grey koshin who is agile and graceful on the course. They move with the grace of an experienced adventurer. You have to wonder how long they have been at this. Overhead a soft melody seems to play in the branches as the wind blows. Almost like you have found a treasure in this spot.

It would seem they noticed you and will pick one of you to go home with. The other will still be entered into the contest for the edited green koshin.

1. @spazzedoutmew
2. @Lunar Fea

To the right you plunge yourself into the depths of the forest lured by a call you can’t quite explain you move swiftly over the roots and carefully around a large shallow that is clearly a trap. Who makes one that obvious right? It’s strange though because who is even around to put traps up in the forest? The light seems to struggle to trickled down just enough so that you can see though a few places on the path are still hard to make out much less the deeper forest. Strangely enough you see a light you head toward and it takes a bit as it’s quite a way down the path. A single torch that is unlit is exposed by a single ray of light coming down. That would certainly make traveling the paths easier. Though you could always risk the dark parts and trust the natural light of the forest is enough even if it means some parts of the path aren’t clear. It would seem you have come to your next choice.

Take the torch? You don’t want to miss anything after all.

Keep going trusting the natural forest light? After all you have been doing fine so far.

@Zakiax @Absolutiones @AuguryRaven @Revel @Rano713


Grizzled Veteran
@spazzedoutmew Congratulations RNG likes you very much and so does the grey gen 1 Koshin. They will be dropped as a group at the end of raffle but please feel free to save the koshin now the link above is indeed their link.