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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Battle of the Borders

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Tensions among cats have grown since new Clans have formed after their separation with MountainClan. While the journey happened seasons ago and all three Clans have set up camp and settled in through the seasons, Sunseer, the leader of StoneClan, has been letting just about any cat who waltzed across his borders join his Clan. TreeClan, meanwhile, has grown its number threefold since its founding members. With two large Clans held apart only by the span of a river, it was fated for something to go awry before too long.

With pressures on for the outsiders who had joined StoneClan to be better, they started to find new ways to bring back more prey for their Clan, which included stealing from their neighbors across the river. TreeClan hunted prey in the branches, they couldn't possibly miss stuff that lived on the ground, right?

They thought they could get away with it, they were sure that they could! The first time TreeClan let them off with a stern warning and the second time war was declared.

In this meta we'll be roleplaying through the events that caused this rift and then, by Phase Three, we'll be battling it out between the two Clans in Cats of the Sun's first Clan Battle! Some cats may lose their lives, others will walk away with stories to tell about how they defended their Clan that will get passed down for generations.

Are you ready to be a part of history in the making?


This Battle Meta will be broken up into three phases which will run through July into mid-August. There will be sign-ups posted to participate in each phase before the phase comes around. The schedule of phases are as follows:

Sign Ups for Phase One
July 1st to July 5th, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Phase One
July 6th to July 13th, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Sign Ups for Phase Two
July 14th to July 19th, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Phase Two
July 20th to July 27th, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Sign Ups for Phase Three
July 28th to Aug 1st, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Phase Three
Aug 2nd until the battle ends.

Because this is a Battle Meta, cats do run the risk of dying, but not all three phases of the meta will be dangerous to your cat. In fact, only Phase Three, where the Battle will take place will have the concern of your cat dying. The Battle is completely optional, but we encourage you to take part in the Meta if you can! We'll have a medicine cat on site who will be able to heal one cat per day and remove them from the death raffle list if they go down in battle and we've got some fun prizes to give away for those who participate in the battle portion of the meta too!

Those who partake in the battle can get exclusive accessories only for the cats who fought in the TreeClan vs StoneClan battle meta and you'll have the chance to win a reincarnation token, too!

If you're feeling a little rusty about how Death Raffles work, you can find more information about them right here. Any cat who hits 0 HP during the battle portion of the meta will have their name added to the death raffle list, but it's not a given, even then, that your cat will be rolled. Again, your cat doesn't have to participate in the battle portion of the meta which will take place later in the month, but we sure would love to have you there!

If you have any other questions you're welcome to ask me or Blinded By Silence on our discord server in #ask-the-staff or you can DM either one of us via BasiliskStew, and we'll get back to you ASAP.​
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Phase One - StoneClan

Are you tired of being treated like an outsider in the Clan you joined? Have you been waiting for a chance to shine and prove to leadership that you're as true a warrior as anyone who was born into StoneClan? We're looking for a handful (pawful? xD) of cats who want to stretch their independence and show that they're willing to go the distance to keep their Clan fed and happy.

These cats will be going into TreeClan territory and catching the ground prey from their lands. TreeClan never hunts on the ground anyway, so it's practically overrun with mice, voles and gophers. It would be foolish to just leave it there untended to and with StoneClan's recent growth and more mouths to feed, there's a higher need for prey! Besides, just imagine the look on Sunseer and Skysong's faces when you bring back prey enough to feed them for a moon! They'll have to look at your cats with respect after a hunt like that! Or even, a couple of hunts! And anyway, if you take the care to go through the river, the TreeClan scent will wash off your fur and no one will be able to tell where this prey came from anyway. It's foolproof!

Any StoneClan cat that joined as a loner or kittypet may sign up for this phase!
1. Flashpaw (Blinded By Silence)
2. Snarlpaw (belloblossom)
3. Yarrowbloom (NatiStorm)
4. Twistpaw (pyrrh)

Phase One - TreeClan

It was a normal border patrol and honestly, you've been wondering why you ever patrol the borders when no one ever crosses them. But wait - someone IS crossing them this time - it's StoneClan! You catch them red-handed while they're hunting prey on YOUR territory! Sunflight isn't here to give direct commands, but you aren't looking to start a war without her say, so you rush in to chase these intruders out and tell them off as they go! Your patrol will need to report back to Sunflight and tell her what happened - but hey, now you have more reason to scout out the borders. What on earth has gotten into StoneClan?

Any TreeClan warrior or apprentice can sign up for this border patrol!
1. Fogmoth (NatiStorm)
2. Viperfang (PeterPan_da144)
3. Poplarpaw (Umbrefox)
4. Branchtail (belloblossom)
5. Talonfang (Blinded By Silence)
6. Honeypaw (LiveWire)

Sign Ups Open on July 1st
Sign Ups Close on July 5th
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Stew Aficionado
Phase Two - TreeClan
((Any TreeClan cat, except for kits, can sign up for Phase Two. This Phase is Roleplay Only. Your cats will not be at risk for being entered into a Death Raffle if they sign up for this phase.))

Branchtail and Talonfang's patrol has returned with news of StoneClan intruders. As a result, Sunflight and Riversong have called a Clan meeting to discuss how they should approach this slight against TreeClan. Some cats are calling for peace - StoneClan and TreeClan have been on friendly terms for seasons and StoneClan have never done something like this before, so there's really no need to send in the troops over one mistake, is there? Others call for justice! StoneClan's leader is old and both his and his Clan's judgement is growing lax - one mistake might lead to more and then who suffers? TreeClan!

Sunflight seeks the opinions of everyone in her Clan who is able to walk among the branches. Any TreeClan cat (except for kits) can voice their concerns about this incident and how they would like to face it. If they want to stride into battle, what would that look like? If they want to hang back and seek for peace - how much leeway will TreeClan allow before something gives entirely?

(Out of Cat Knowledge: Regardless of the vote, the choice will ultimately be that if StoneClan oversteps into TreeClan territory once more, Sunflight will lead TreeClan into battle with StoneClan in a show of strength. In Phase Three, your cat will be called upon by Sunflight to fight as a warrior of TreeClan to defend their prey and territorial rights! Any cat who wishes not to participate in the battle should speak up in Phase Two, so that your cat's disloyalty when being called upon in battle isn't a shock to a leader who needs them. Maybe you can even convince Sunflight and Riversong that there is a reason cats should stay behind in the camp, rather than going out and fighting.)

There is no limit to how many cats can speak up about their feelings in TreeClan. Any user can sign up however many TreeClan cats they own, who would like to participate in Phase Two!

1. Sunflight (belloblossom)
2. Riversong (NatiStorm)
3. Fogmoth (NatiStorm)
4. Mapleshade (NatiStorm)
5. Lightningdash (belloblossom)
6. Pinedapple (belloblossom)
7. Sprucetail (belloblossom)
8. Dustfeather (belloblossom)
9. Branchtail (belloblossom)
10. Dappleleaf (belloblossom)
11. Mudripple (belloblossom)
12. Moosetracks (belloblossom)
13. Brackencloud (kovak)
14. Maplepaw (kovak)
15. Nutpelt (PeterPan_da144)
16. Viperfang (PeterPan_da144)
17. Strongclaw (PeterPan_da144)
18. Tigerpaw (PeterPan_da144)
19. Honeypaw (LiveWire)
20. Poplarpaw (Umbrefox)
21. Errol (Blinded By Silence)
22. Talonfang (Blinded By Silence)
30. ...

Phase Two - StoneClan
((Any StoneClan cat who wants to prove themselves in a big way to Sunseer or Skysong - and who is willing to keep this hunting patrol a secret from Sunseer and Skysong - can join this patrol! There is no limit for cats to sign up, but any StoneClan who join this patrol may run the risk of joining a Death Raffle in Phase Three. Read below for further info.))

Snarlpaw's feeling sheepish. The hunting patrol into TreeClan's territory was going so well at first! If only TreeClan's border patrol had shown up a few minutes later... sigh. Snarlpaw's rash and dog-headed, but she isn't entirely mouse-brained. She's been keeping her head down and her eyes on her paws, but she's not through with trying to prove herself ready to become a warrior.

This past moon, she's been reaching out to cats who are willing to try the same scheme. She's been watching the patrols TreeClan puts out every day and how frequently. She's been working hard to gather cats to her cause again. Apprentices who want their warrior names, warriors who want to provide for their Clan in a bigger way. Any StoneClan cat with something to prove, whether they were born outside of the Clan or even within it is welcome in her next patrol, so long as they can keep the surprise a secret. No need to ruin the fun by tattling to Skysong or Sunseer about the load of prey they're planning on bringing in, right?

(Out of Cat Knowledge: This patrol will be taking place at the same time we're writing Phase Two in TreeClan, but will be happening In Character a moon (one month) after TreeClan has come to their conclusion about how to handle any trespassers. This second hunting patrol will be gathered up by Snarlpaw. They'll go out and hunt on TreeClan territory and have more time to hunt and bring back prey to StoneClan's camp. Something to keep in mind is that Phase Three's battle with StoneClan will be taking place immediately after Phase Two has concluded. Thus, any StoneClan cats who sign up for Snarlpaw's second patrol will automatically be put on the battle sign ups for Phase Three of this Meta and will be put at risk for joining a Death Raffle as a result.)

There is no limit to how many StoneClan cats a single user can sign up for with this patrol. Just remember you've read all the details to see what StoneClan cats are more eligible for Phase Two than others. Can they keep a secret from their leaders?

1. Snarlpaw (belloblossom)
2. Yarrowbloom (NatiStorm)
3. Strikedrop (belloblossom)
4. Sharptongue (belloblossom)
5. Steadypaw (belloblossom)
6. Petalpaw (belloblossom)
7. Flashpaw (Blinded By Silence)
12. ...

Sign Ups Open on July 14st
Sign Ups Close on July 19th

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