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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter Four: Split as the River Does [FIN]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
After an eventual first meeting of the local wild cats, the Clan's story continues with the next chapter of the Meta ORP! Last time on Warriors: Cats of the Sun...

Water brings all kinds together, it would seem. The Clan met many loners that day at the Pond. A worried mother, unsure of what the large group's appearance meant for her small child's wellbeing. The father-like tom just looking to help. And the tailless young cat surrounded by flowers.

How do these new faces fit into our clan's new lives? Will they become clan cats themselves? Or will they halt the progress of our struggling party?

Either way, it is time to move further down the river. The split is coming, the whole clan can feel it.

Could their new home be just around the river's bend?

- - - -

This is the final chapter of the Meta ORP! Thank you all for joining us on this amazing journey! Now, it is time for the clan to part ways and search for their new homes. Use this space to find out where your alliances lie and begin to build your clans! There will be a total of three splits in the river, and there for three clans will be made. Sunseer and Skysong will be leading StoneClan, but the other two will be created by the players!

Please go to the Clan Application Thread once you've secured your idea! And to those of you looking to join other clans, make sure to reply to the clan you which to join!

"There it is," She said softly, looking out over the crest of the hill they had just reached. Looking down, her pale eyes followed the bends of the river and with the drop of her heart, she saw its arms stretch out. "The river splits ahead. Three times looks like." She sighed heavily and turned her head to Sunseer, "What do we do now?"

The elation of finding the river itself had long faded in Sunseer. While he was still confident that this is what truly needed to happen for the clan to survive, it broke his heart to know that it was fracturing beneath his paws.

"The only thing we can do, Skyong." He said solemnly, "We must move forward. Sunclan will guide us."


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Goldenleaf could feel the end was coming soon, but how? Littleflower's omen was loud and clear in the back of her head, and now they were at the very river Little had seen. It was coming soon, and by the sounds of it the clan would likely shatter into different paths. What would become of everyone now? Where would they all go?
One thing was for sure, wherever Lilacmoon went she'd follow.


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This was it, this was the river. She swallowed thickly as she trailed quietly behind her father. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment, regarding the newly blinded leader. They had spent a few nights talking to one another, exchanging more words than they ever had prior to this. It was an odd feeling, but her heart felt warm around the edges whenever she thought of what it could mean for her. A new beginning was ahead, and hopefully, maybe, that would mean reigniting her relationship with her father.
Ah, relationships-
Her ears folded and she cast a glance back towards the cats she had raised. Her kids, even if her recent separation from Zoey might make things complicated. It hurt still, Littleflower had to admit, and she had yet to tell anyone about their breakup. She just... wasn't ready. Zoey and her had come to the conclusion that the recent events had pushed the cats on to different paths, and they had admittedly been drifting apart, but Zoey had been her first love, and the mother of the children Littleflower adopted. It'd hurt for a while, Littleflower reckoned, but at least they were still friends.


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Mothwing was anxious, and he had every right to be. The journey had been a long and arduous one and now he couldn't locate Palepaw. Well, that was honestly the norm lately, but usually he saw a glimpse of her here and there. His family was crumbling and Mothwing couldn't figure out exactly what event he could have been better in to change the tide. Should he have pushed Palepaw more, or nudged Deadeye to talk to their daughter? Should he have not intervened? All he knew was that, ever since they cast stones, Palepaw and Deadeye seemed to avoid one another more and more, and now he couldn't remember the last time they shared a meal as a family.
Petalpaw was also distant, no matter how Mothwing tried to cheer her up. He couldn't help but feel like a horrible dad and mate as he watched his children pull away from him. If he could just go back in time...
He clung to Deadeye's side as they traveled, his eyes darting to find Palepaw. Petalpaw he had seen recently, thankfully, but now he also found himself wondering where she had wandered off to.


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Daisypelt stayed closer to her leader, head held high and face void of anything but determination. The journey was almost over, she could feel it. She was proud of her family, who had all worked hard during the adventure in their own ways. It'd be worth it soon, Daisypelt reasoned with each difficult step and unexpected turn. They just had to believe in SunClan and their own strength to find the rest of the way.


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Minnowclaw found herself thinking of Rumble as they continued their journey, her mind wandering back to how devoted he had been to his family and those around him. A good clan trait, she mused, but it wasn't just that, either. He was genuinely a cat she respected, and maybe she was a little bummed they had parted ways- for completely clan-related reasons, of course! Maybe they'd bump into one another again, although she genuinely felt like that'd be unlikely. He lived in the parts they had left behind, after all.



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Lynxstrike had noticed something was off with her little mother, but she had respectfully kept her head out of the medicine cat's business for now. There were other things to worry about, anyway, like how to juggle hunting and traveling, or where would they eventually call home, or something other than pestering her likely very busy mother.
She still felt strongly that she didn't want the journey to end, but she could feel it would soon. Could she go back to clan life after this? After she saw what was out in the world, and how little of it she knew? She didn't think so, realistically, but time would have to tell.


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She had finally left. It would be hard to notice at first, thanks to how distant she had become with almost everyone but Poppypaw, but Palepaw had slid free from the group during the commotion with the loners earlier. She'd miss her family and friend, but they'd be fine without her. Poppypaw had found love and Palepaw would never admit her feelings to the other cat, which was likely for the best. She hoped Riversurge would be a good mate for her best friend. Petalpaw wouldn't have to worry about watching her every step, and her parents could slowly recover from the sheer drama of it all. It had been a hard choice, but a necessary one.
It was time to go home.
Palepaw is not able to be interacted with and is already on her way back to MountainClan.



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He was tireddddd. He was grateful that it felt like they were close to reaching their goal, although he couldn't help but dread the inevitable challenges that would lay ahead once the cats found their home. They'd need to make a new camp, and collect more kill, and and...
Ugh, and even then it wasn't a guarantee that it'd work out. He still couldn't help but wonder why he tagged along in the first place...
@PeterPan_da144 I have no clue if your cat tagged along but if so then!


Stew Aficionado

Robinflight had been dwelling on a lot of things over the trip. About her relationship with Riversong, but also knowing that she'd have to come to a decision about her future soon. MountainClan had travelled far, but she wasn't even sure it could be even called MountainClan anymore. She felt as though they'd gone too far from their home to be something new, but now... Now she had an idea of how she wanted to live her life.. and who she wished to come with her. Her former mentor, Duskwing, would be the hardsell, especially since she recently had another litter of kittens, but maybe...

"Riversong?" She mewed, turning around to see if she could locate the white and grey she-cat. "Can we talk? About the future... about our future?" @NatiStorm


Stew Aficionado

Dustfeather had been over the moon with delight and love for his mate when she'd announced that he was going to be a father... again. With leaving Finchchirp and Buzzardstrike, even if his children wanted that fate for themselves, it had been a hard struggle to move on beyond it, but the five new sets of little paws certainly helped to distract him.

Now, it seemed, they were coming to another crossroads. He could feel the tension in the air and as Oriolekit darted under his paws, he smiled. He wanted a Clan to ensure that his family was safe, protected. Could Sunseer, the blind, aged tomcat, provide that life for his family? Even Skysong seemed distant. He didn't feel comfortable looking at them immediately as cats to rely on, but, where else could they go?

"Duskwing?" He approached his dark mate. "How are you fairing? Do you want me to fetch you and the kits some prey?" @Tigeria


Stew Aficionado

They'd moved passed the loners, past any threats and now... now Branchtail wasn't certain what was going to face him. He was still unsure of whether Nutpelt wanted much to do with him. While he hadn't expected anything to come from the apology he shared with her, he couldn't help but wishing that she'd magically decide his apology was worth becoming his mate... and he hers.

At least they were speaking regularly again. He still tensed with Stormflight or Eclipsefur's approach, but for the time being, he tried to take everything in stride. Today was no different, really, as he found himself sticking near Nutpelt's flank.

"What do you imagine may come next?" He asked her. @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado

Salmonstripe hadn't spoken much of her thoughts to anyone during that journey. Most days, she kept close to her siblings and mothers, but in the recent days, she felt distant. So much seemed to happen to her Clan, ever since their initial split. For some cats, like Duskwing and Dustfeather, or Riversurge and Poppypaw, things seemed to be getting better. For others, like Branchtail or Palepaw, it seemed to be so much worse. They'd seen wild cats, well, wilder cats and Salmonstripe had been at the back of the group, wearily observing these newcomers that her Clanmates seemed to welcome with open paws. She didn't feel quite right about any of this and while she knew that she could never go back to the mountain, she wasn't quite certain where she belonged now, with the terrain and the cats around her changing so much.

At last, they came to another stop along their travels, Salmonstripe was left gazing at the path ahead with uncertainty. She supposed she could follow her mothers, she knew that she'd always have a place in their hearts, but... Was there any chance that she would be able to make something of herself, outside of her family's guiding paws? Salmonstripe feared that she would only ever be known as "Goldenleaf and Lilacmoon's docile daughter" and nothing else. She wasn't entitled enough to think SunClan had a plan for her, but maybe a cat who was familiar with SunClan's ways, could give her some more peace of mind.

Approaching her medicine cat with a soft 'mrrp!' of greeting, she came to stand beside the spotted she-cat.
"This is all... so much." She mewed. "How are you faring through it, Littleflower? I know I feel severely overwhelmed." @Nym


Grizzled Veteran
Riversong shifted uneasily on her paws as she looked around at her clan. They had all faced so much change already but there was still more to come. As light green eyes scanned the cats around her, the dappled grey she-cat wondered just how exactly her clan would split. Where was she going to end up? That was obvious, wherever Robinflight went.

Just as Robinflight's name entered her mind, the pale calico's voice called out to her. Riversong was by her side almost instantly, concern clear on her face. There was something about the way Robinflight had posed the question that made Riversong's heart race. "Of course. What's on your mind?"



Stew Aficionado
Robinflight had found Riversong without much difficulty and she purred reassurance at the concern that plastered itself over her face.
"Riversong, I'm not going to continue on with MountainClan." She admitted. "I... I don't know, I feel there's so much more I can do and learn - the loners that we met were inspiring - I didn't realize cats could just, form their own groups and... I would like to form my own Clan, too." She told the grey she-cat. "And... and I'd like you to come with me. I can't imagine going anywhere without you, Riversong, and while I know it's selfish to ask you to leave the life you've known behind..." She couldn't confess her feelings right now - it would seem like she was using that to sway Riversong to her group, wouldn't it? No, she'd wait to see what her companion had to say about this and then, well, Robinflight would go from there. @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Riversong listened to Robinflight's plan for the future with her ears perked forward to catch every word. A loud purr erupted from her when the pale calico requested her company.

"I already left the life I knew behind. The land of my birth and the place my family is laid to rest is already well behind me." Riversong said with a sad smile. "You are what's important to me now and I will follow you anywhere. We're a team, right? We look out for each other and I'm not about to let you go off on an adventure without me." She blinked slowly as the purr returned.

"Now, tell me more about this clan." Riversong sat and wrapped her tail around her, settling in to listen to what Robinflight had in mind.

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