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- #21

Branchtail had considered what Fogmoth had said with a smile and was moving to reply when he was called up on ahead. Taking care not to rustle the branches underfoot, he moved to stand next to Talonfang and raised his mouth to catch the scents that were being pushed towards them.
"It's a StoneClan patrol." He said, shock and outrage mingling in his mew. "Why on earth would they be -" But there it was, the scent of fresh prey blood. Oh, well that just wouldn't do. He closed his eyes and dug his claws hard into the branch, causing some bark to splinter off and fall onto the grass below. "If we go in claws out without hearing their reason for hunting on our grounds, then we may wage a war - that's leader business. Let's hear them out, but we need to leave the impression that this won't happen again. Whatever happens today, gets reported directly to Sunflight and Riversong - they can come out of the Nursery to hear this."
Nodding for Talonfang to follow and expecting him to lead the patrol behind them, Branchtail leaped from one tree to another, walking along the branches with careful control and precision, before he was sitting on a tree that faced out on the clearing where he could look down upon the four StoneClan cats who had entered his territory. One, a particularly thick-furred she-cat with no tail that he could see from this distance, had been prowling especially close to the tree line.
"Halt, StoneClan trespassers!" Branchtail's deep yowl was hard to ignore. "State your business for hunting in TreeClan's territory! What you do now is against the Warrior Code and we will defend our lands if you have no reason beyond the filling of bellies!" Branchtail's eyes looked from the thick-furred she-cat to the ones beyond, taking note of what each of them looked like. He hoped that Viperfang was above him somewhere, doing the same. None of these cats had been on the journey down the mountain, but Branchtail did reason that TreeClan had grown since the journey down themselves. Strangers to him or not, he would hear what they had to say, though he would've much preferred this patrol to have been routine.