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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META-TEST ] Clan Patrol

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Blindsight and her apprentice, Bellpaw , are going on a patrol of the StoneClan Territory!

StoneClan, Opponent: Fox
1. Hunting Training (apprentices roll 1d20 to determine if they are able to catch the prey or not, anything over a 14 [or some number specified] indicates a successful catch!)​
2. Battle​
3. Battle​
4. Hunting/Scent Identification (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an even number, they're able to correctly identify the scent as (insert prey time here, ex: a frog) and have a +1 chance of catching it later in the RP. If they roll an odd number, they cannot identify any specific prey nearby, but still have the chance to see what they can catch.)​
5. Loner​
6. Stealth Training (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an odd number, they're able to sneak up on their mentors successfully. If they land on an even number, they make too much noise and alert anything nearby to the patrol's location.)​
7. Battle​
8. Battle​
9. Oops! Encounter (Oh no, you've stumbled upon a buried nest of wasps while patrolling your territory! While the nest was damaged enough to suspect those wasps won't be back, your patrol members sustained some nasty bites and had to return to camp to get them treated.)​
10. Battle​

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 30
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
9. Oops! Encounter (Oh no, you've stumbled upon a buried nest of wasps while patrolling your territory! While the nest was damaged enough to suspect those wasps won't be back, your patrol members sustained some nasty bites and had to return to camp to get them treated.)

Oh no! Together Blindsight and Bellpaw roleplay this encounter and scamper back. o . x

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
Oh no! Blindsight and Bellpaw found the fox on their patrol! There's no time to get help, time to fight! There is no dedicated turn order; just make sure someone else posts before you post again and the enemy goes last (unless it's a loner!)

Blindsight tries to claw the fox's face! I roll 1d20 to see if I hit! As a Warrior, I only need a 10 or higher to hit!

after I roll, I can edit in my roleplay response!

The Fox starts with 30HP, 2x the amount my party has! But with Blindsight's hit, that brings it down to 25!

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 25
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+
Last edited:


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Bellpaw tries to scratch the fox's legs! I roll a 1d20 to see if I hit! As an Apprentice, I need a 15 or higher to hit!

After I roll, I'll be able to edit in my roleplay response!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Blindsight doesn't have time to be impressed with her strong apprentice; it's the Fox's turn! The fox also rolls a d20 and needs a 10+ to hit!

It snaps at the ballsy youngling!

Oof! It catches Bellpaw's tail between it's teeth! She takes 3 damage! Make sure to keep track as you go!

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 2
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 22
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
Blindsight hisses angrily! Not my apprentice, you beast! She attacks again! Sweep the leg!

A solid hit! Take 5 more damage, foxbreath!

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 2
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 17
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Bellpaw isn’t going to stay down that easily! With a yowl, she launches herself towards the fox, aiming for its exposed side flank!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17
Ooh a good strike! The fox yelps in surprise at the young cat's sharp claws! It looks for an opening and swipes at the bigger cat!

It hits hard!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 2
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 14
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
Blindsight slips into battlemode now that the surpise of the encounter has worn off. No one messes with her apprentice! She let's the fox move in at her, using the opportunity to attack back with a bite aimed for it's neck!

Her teeth meet in its fur and she kicks hard at its soft belly!

The enemy is now at less than 10 HP! The patrol has two options; chase off the fox or keep fighting! If we keep fighting and a cat's HP hits 0, we must do a death raffle... But all participants may claim a Battle Scar edit if they bring the enemy's HP to 0!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 2
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 9
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
It's do or die now. Blindsight blocks the path the fox could take and puffs up, making herself seem larger than she is! She takes an opportunity when the fox hesitates and lunges for it!

The fox dodges!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 2
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 9
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
Bellpaw isn't about to give up now! She leaps forward with a snarl, hoping to drag her claws into the fox's pelt!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
The fox hisses angrily and rolls, trying to shake off the small cat!

Oh no! The poor apprentice is crushed by it's weight! Poor Ballpaw falls limply to the ground... It's up to Blindsight now!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 0
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 9
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+
Last edited:

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 2 2
Blindsight roars in anguish and anger, she goes for the fox's throat as it gloats over it's kill!

But the fox dodges at the last second!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 0
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 9
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
The fox pounces at the cat as she gets her paws back under her! They roll in a flurry of claws and fangs, yowling all the way!

HP: 4
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 0
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 9
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
Blindsight is fighting for her life now! She tries to rake her back claws against the fox's belly!

Her claws tear deep gashes in the soft skin!

HP: 4
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 0
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 4
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
The fox senses the danger it's in and tries to kit the cat away!

Blindsight lands in the dust, panting heavily. Her head is swimming. Will she make it?

HP: 1
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 0
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

HP: 4
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 10+