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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ MountainClan Leader's Den ]


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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a clan meeting."
It was time for the apprentice ceremony for several eager cats, and Tigersun had wasted no time summoning his clan to the Meeting Boulder. The group of kits waited within the small crowd, ears perked for their names to be called. Tigersun inhaled deeply and muttered a soft prayer to the ancestors above before rising to his full height.
"Songkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day onwards, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Songpaw. Your mentor will be Damsonflower, and I pray to the sun above that he passes all he knows now unto you." His eyes swiveled to his deputy, followed by an approving nod.
His attention would now turn to Whisperkit. "Whisperkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day onwards, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Whisperpaw. Your mentor will be Buzzardstrike, and I pray to the sun above that she passes all she knows now unto you."
Eventually, if said enough, the ceremonial words would stop feeling so foreign on his tongue, Tigersun hoped. He nodded towards Buzzardstrike and regarded the pair with an amused glint in the corner of his eyes.
Slowly, Tigersun regarded Flickerkit. "Flickerkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day onwards, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flickerpaw. Your mentor will be myself, Tigersun, and I pray to the sun above that I pass all I know now unto you."
Hopefully the young apprentice could keep up, for Tigersun was going to ensure they trained dutifully.
And now it was the apprentice he found himself thoroughly interested in -- a new medicine apprentice. The clan had never had more than one medicine cat in their time, and Fernfire was nowhere near ready to retire, but that didn't mean times couldn't change. It was time to evolve.
"Starkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day onwards, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Starpaw. Your mentor will be Fernfire, and I pray to the sun above that he passes all he knows now unto you."
With the ceremonial ceremony over (and Tigersun feeling still a little awkward repeating the same phrase over and over), the cats began their celebrations. Four new apprentices meant four new helping paws, and the clan desperately needed them. Only fate will tell where they go, but the sun shines in their favor.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: Nym
Previous Name: Squirrel
Cat Cert: [x]

Mentor?: N/A
Name Change Reason: Accepting a clan name


signed an NDA
Staff member
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: Nym
Previous Name: Squirrel
Cat Cert: [x]

Mentor?: N/A
Name Change Reason: Accepting a clan name
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a clan meeting."
So many new faces and names -- it was becoming a welcomed and steady rhythm as the clan slowly found themselves growing. It was time to bequeath a clan name to the newest member at her request and Tigersun felt confident in what he had chosen the night before. It was perfect, in his eyes, and he was delighted in her acceptance of the clan way.
"Squirrel," he called, nodding towards the red and cream cat who popped her head from the crowd. She returned the gesture and padded quickly to the boulder, taking her spot beside her leader dutifully.
"Ancestors within SunClan," he called, voice stern and loud. "You know each and every name within these mountains. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you," he gestured with his tail towards Squirrel. "for it no longer stands for who she is. It is with authority as clan leader, and with the approval of our ancestors, that I grant this cat a new name. From this moment on, she will be known as Squirrelflight."
Squirrelflight blinked owlishly back at him and nodded respectfully, a content purr leaving her throat. Tigersun couldn't help but feel pleased with himself.


Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: belloblossom
Previous Name: Songpaw
Cat Cert: Songcall
Position: Warrior

Mentor?: Yes, Damsonflower.
Name Change Reason: n/a
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Bubble

Why?: Bubble had been pacing along the boundaries of the clan territory for a while. Squirrel had long since joined, and while Bubble had accepted it at first, she slowly grew more and more agitated being away from Squirrel for so long. One day, she was able to see her old friend on the clan boundary, and she was able to offer up prey to help strengthen the clan, and learned Squirrel's new name - Squirrelflight. Bubble learned much about the clan that day, walking along the border until she couldn't any more, never setting a pawstep inside. She didn't feel like upsetting an entire group of cats just yet.

But it had been so long since she saw Squirrel. So finally, she had spoken with Trout, and the two were heavily considering joining. Bubble wanted to know what it took to become one. So today, she was pacing the boundary with a sizeable piece of prey in her mouth as tribute. Hoping it would allow her to meet the leader. Sure enough, the cats who were patrolling were willing to take her, albeit warily.

Now, she sat at the foot of a rock and was peering up at a beautiful orange striped tom. Her ears flicked nonchalantly as her paws tucked gently together.

"Greetings, Tigersun," she said, dipping her head. "I have brought some prey as a gesture of goodwill, and to repay you for allowing me within your territory's borders. However, that's not all I am here for." She let it hang for a moment, before continuing on when prompted. "A dear friend of mine joined you not too long ago, and not only do I miss her, but I find the thought of a large group of cats banding together and living together to be alluring. Fighting for each other, hunting for each other, taking care of one another. I've been told some of your customs, but I would like to know more, and possibly even join, should I show my worth to you all."
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signed an NDA
Staff member
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Previous Name: Starpaw
Cat Cert: Starbright
Position: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Mentor?: Fernfire
Name Change Reason: Growwwwwwwwth

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signed an NDA
Staff member
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a clan meeting."
It was time for cats to pile together and witness the newest litter's full warrior ceremony, and Tigersun stood proud on the meeting boulder. He had practiced the traditional speech the night prior, in the privacy of his own den, and now eyed the brood with keen interest. It would be Songpaw who he nodded to first, gesturing for them to take their stand upon the boulder for all to see.
"I, Tigersun, leader of MountainClan, call upon SunClan to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in turn.
Songpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
A pause accounted for Songpaw's answer, and was followed by a quick nod from Tigersun.
"Then by the powers of SunClan, I give you your warrior name. From this moment forward you will be known as Songcall, and we welcome you as a full warrior of MountainClan."

Phew, what a mouthful, and still a few apprentices to go.
He now turned to Flickerpaw and waited patiently for the apprentice to find their spot on the boulder before beginning once more.
The words were much the same, as was tradition for MountainClan, with a brief pause to allow Flickerpaw's answer.
"Then by the powers of SunClan, I give you your warrior name. From this moment forward you will be known as Flickerfly, and we welcome you as a full warrior of MountainClan."
Starpaw would remain as an apprentice, as she was still tutoring for her medicinal roll, but it'd come as a great shock when Whisperpaw was not called up to the boulder. Whisperpaw stood there, eyes narrowed and body still, and they'd remain there motionless until the crowd fully dispersed and Tigersun found them.
"Come, we should talk," Tigersun spoke in a hush, and the two wandered away together.


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PeterPan_da144 said:
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Bubble

Why?: Bubble had been pacing along the boundaries of the clan territory for a while. Squirrel had long since joined, and while Bubble had accepted it at first, she slowly grew more and more agitated being away from Squirrel for so long. One day, she was able to see her old friend on the clan boundary, and she was able to offer up prey to help strengthen the clan, and learned Squirrel's new name - Squirrelflight. Bubble learned much about the clan that day, walking along the border until she couldn't any more, never setting a pawstep inside. She didn't feel like upsetting an entire group of cats just yet.

But it had been so long since she saw Squirrel. So finally, she had spoken with Trout, and the two were heavily considering joining. Bubble wanted to know what it took to become one. So today, she was pacing the boundary with a sizeable piece of prey in her mouth as tribute. Hoping it would allow her to meet the leader. Sure enough, the cats who were patrolling were willing to take her, albeit warily.

Now, she sat at the foot of a rock and was peering up at a beautiful orange striped tom. Her ears flicked nonchalantly as her paws tucked gently together.

"Greetings, Tigersun," she said, dipping her head. "I have brought some prey as a gesture of goodwill, and to repay you for allowing me within your territory's borders. However, that's not all I am here for." She let it hang for a moment, before continuing on when prompted. "A dear friend of mine joined you not too long ago, and not only do I miss her, but I find the thought of a large group of cats banding together and living together to be alluring. Fighting for each other, hunting for each other, taking care of one another. I've been told some of your customs, but I would like to know more, and possibly even join, should I show my worth to you all."
Truthfully, he had expected to see Bubble. Squirrelflight had long told him about her two "friends" and had mentioned wanting to encourage the two to join, which he had readily agreed to consider. Of course, once he had been alerted to the loner hovering his clan's edge, he had dropped everything and waited for her on top of the meeting boulder.

He had waited, patiently, and even nodded to encourage her to finish her speech while eying the prey. More hunters-- good. The clan had been doing fairly well since Tigersun's reign, but that didn't mean they couldn't benefit with more eager paws. In fact, Tigersun had yet to begin his patrol...

"I am about to set out on a hunt myself, if you'd care to join and learn more about our clan on the way. If we agree it suits you then I would be pleased to welcome you within MountainClan, Bubble."

Bubble has been approved (with the assumption the talk went well during the hunt!)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Cat Cert: Trout

It took the last of the three she-cats nearly a moon to admit defeat. One by one her companions had left their comfortable life for the dry and dusty mountains, charmed by the thought of "clan life." Where they heard 'protection in numbers' she heard 'rules and regulations.' Trout sighed heavily, letting the weighty fish that was her namesake thud to the earth at her paws. She sat, blinking at it a moment before lifting her head to the sky and letting out a yowl. She would sit there, calling, until a patrol finally found her.

- - -

She dropped the fish once more, this time at the paws of the vibrant sun-colored tabby who had stolen her mates. Trout sat down and looked at Tigersun with a frown.

"You win," She says simply, head raised to hold his gaze, "I'll join your clan."

What was the point in fighting it any longer? Her attempts to persuade against the move had fallen on ears deafened by the excitement of a new thing. She was tired of rolling over in her empty nest and missing the warmth of the two halves of her heart. But she did not ask. Her stubborn pride would not allow her to grovel at the paws of this tom, heartbroken as she was.

Hopefully, a fish nearly as heavy as she was could allow him to overlook that.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Previous Name: Thomas
Cat Cert: Softstep
Position: Name change! Thomas has earned his warrior name!

Mentor?: NA
Name Change Reason: Through his diligence and unending patience, Thomas's ambush hunting technique helped feed the clan through the drought. He is given the name Softstep in honor of this.
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signed an NDA
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I want to join!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Cat Cert: Trout

It took the last of the three she-cats nearly a moon to admit defeat. One by one her companions had left their comfortable life for the dry and dusty mountains, charmed by the thought of "clan life." Where they heard 'protection in numbers' she heard 'rules and regulations.' Trout sighed heavily, letting the weighty fish that was her namesake thud to the earth at her paws. She sat, blinking at it a moment before lifting her head to the sky and letting out a yowl. She would sit there, calling, until a patrol finally found her.

- - -

She dropped the fish once more, this time at the paws of the vibrant sun-colored tabby who had stolen her mates. Trout sat down and looked at Tigersun with a frown.

"You win," She says simply, head raised to hold his gaze, "I'll join your clan."

What was the point in fighting it any longer? Her attempts to persuade against the move had fallen on ears deafened by the excitement of a new thing. She was tired of rolling over in her empty nest and missing the warmth of the two halves of her heart. But she did not ask. Her stubborn pride would not allow her to grovel at the paws of this tom, heartbroken as she was.

Hopefully, a fish nearly as heavy as she was could allow him to overlook that.
He wasn't surprised to see her, not after her partners had told him all about the determined she-cat. He hadn't done anything to push the idea of her joining, but Tigersun figured it'd be inevitable, and by the description of their mates she seemed like more than a good fit, attitude and all.

So when she stood before him and dropped a fish at his feet he could only tilt his head towards the offering, tail tip flicking once in approval. Fish-- something he knew his clan desperately missed. That meant she had to have grabbed it from beyond the territory lines and carried the large creature the entire way until she found herself before him.

That meant she knew where to get it again.

"It was always your choice," he murmured lowly, nodding toward her. "Come, we have much to discuss."

Congratulations, Trout-- you've been approved! Please repost for a clan-appropriate name, should you go that route. A mentor does not need to be found, as Trout is the final cat allowed to join without an apprenticeship.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Morel
Why?: The source of Morel's interest in joining MountainClan lies with Buzzardstrike, a she-cat he's come to know and... he loves her, at least the side she's shown him outside of the Clan boundaries, but he wants to get to know her better, too. He won't ask her to leave MountainClan - he would never, so it stands to reason that he would try to join in her world, instead.

He's been separated from his housefolk for a long time - and has no interest in returning to them. He's knowledgeable about plants and wants to offer any help he can in that regard, as his hunting skills leave something to be desired - but he promises to work as hard as any Clan born cat, no, harder even! He just needs the opportunity to prove his mettle.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Previous Name: Thomas
Cat Cert: Softstep
Position: Name change! Thomas has earned his warrior name!

Mentor?: NA
Name Change Reason: Through his diligence and unending patience, Thomas's ambush hunting technique helped feed the clan through the drought. He is given the name Softstep in honor of this.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a clan meeting."

A familiar call. and one met with each cat arriving diligently at the meeting boulder. Tigersun nodded his approval before continuing.

"Thomas," he called, beckoning to the tom. "Ancestors within SunClan-- you know each and every name within these mountains. I ask you now to remove the name from the cat you see before you," he gestured with his tail towards Thomas. "for it no longer stands for who he is. With authority as clan leader, and with our ancestors' approval, I grant this cat a new name. From this moment on, he will be known as Softstep."

Yeah, he preferred that wording over the old. Pleased, the leader nodded to Softstep, flicking his tail against the tom's side.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom

Cat Cert: Morel

Why?: The source of Morel's interest in joining MountainClan lies with Buzzardstrike, a she-cat he's come to know and... he loves her, at least the side she's shown him outside of the Clan boundaries, but he wants to get to know her better, too. He won't ask her to leave MountainClan - he would never, so it stands to reason that he would try to join in her world, instead.

He's been separated from his housefolk for a long time - and has no interest in returning to them. He's knowledgeable about plants and wants to offer any help he can in that regard, as his hunting skills leave something to be desired - but he promises to work as hard as any Clan born cat, no, harder even! He just needs the opportunity to prove his mettle.
Tigersun regarded the cat with a stoic and long stare. While the cat who stood before him had two faults he normally would find himself refusing (recently a kittypet and a poor hunter), he hesitated. Softstep had been a kittypet once, too, and he had proven his worth diligently. The cat who sat before him couldn't impressively fell kill, but their knowledge of plant life and their usage was a skill Tigersun found interest in. Fernfire was an excellent medicine cat, but it wouldn't hurt to have more paws who understood the minimum use of plants.

"Very well," he finally breathed, nodding towards the path back home. "We will begin your training immediately."
Morel has been accepted and will be an apprentice for the time being! Please fill out the apprentice requirements when you're ready to promote them!


I want to join!

Username: DragonGirl1031
Cat Cert: Stormsong
Why?: Stormsong left with rest of the Clan in the beginning. He didn't realize his sister, Silverstreak, had decided to stay. Once he saw his clan settled as StoneClan, the regret of leaving her became too strong and he returned back along the trail to return to his family.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Gravelpaw
Why?: As a kit, Gravelpaw had traveled up to the mountains to visit his kin. It took all of his mother's spirit to wait until after the kits were grown enough to travel, but Gravelpaw had been so excited! Unfortunately, no matter how much he loved it there, his parents forced him to return to the forest. He was devastated. He just never really felt at home in the forest, and had idolized his aunt Palepaw - No, Palestorm - through all the stories his mother had told him of her.

So one day, when Gravelpaw had just had enough, he decided to make the trip back up the mountains. As soon as he got to the border, he didn't even wait, and instead pushed on through. He had made it halfway to the clan's home when someone spotted him, nearly raking his pelt off for trespassing. Thankfully, they recognized him, and avoided any serious injuries.

He was presented to Tigersun, vibrating with excitement. "Tigersun!" he mewed in delight, paws kneading the ground beneath him as he tried to stay glued to his spot. "I never felt at home in the forest, and longed to come back ever since mom and dad brought me to visit." Tigersun hadn't even gotten a chance to ask him why he was here. His paws continued to work against the ground nervously.

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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Dream
Why?: Dream believes that he's been led to MountainClan for a reason. What that reason is yet, he cannot be certain, but he is able-bodied. He can hunt well and in the coming cold seasons, is hoping that he will be seen more as an asset to MountainClan, rather than another mouth to feed.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Stormborn
Why?: Stormborn accompanied her mate, Stormsong, to MountainClan to find his sister and reunite with his Clan. She is level-headed and knows how to provide for herself, but wants to extend her aid to MountainClan, provided that Stormsong is also allowed re-entry.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Purrfect
Why?: Don't worry, she'll change her name if she's allowed to join the Clan. She met Palepaw (now Palestorm) on her return journey to MountainClan. She intends to join the clan to be further in Pale's company, but is intrigued by Clan culture as it is. She's determined to be useful, despite her privileged background. @Nym