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[MRP] Complicated Feelings


Grizzled Veteran
Garjana was angry, not an emotion she was particularly familiar with really but this was very much the exception to that 'rule' of hers. She'd gone from being delighted at having found a little friend perhaps in a dormouse under the floorboard she'd inspected, to shocked at the arrival of what seemed to be an actual real live ghost, then upset and sympathetic to his plight, round to confused and angry when she had been grabbed and hustled out of the Haunted House by the lackeys of that... that... PONY. How dare that so called Leader just throw them out, that and the fact not only had he yelled, but his lackeys had pushed and pulled at her, poking at her eyes, not seeming to care she had none on her face to see where she was going. She was sure more than a few of the workers had been left bleeding by sharp snake teeth and for the first time ever, she wished they had been slightly venomous. She had also shocked herself by wishing, then dismissing, for that darn necklace that had been turning ponies into stone when she herself had been trapped, within a maze, however she was instantly disgusted at herself for that momentary thought and it made her feel hollow inside.

No amount of free food and prizes was going to satisfy her now, she HAD to help that ghost pony, regardless of the consequences. She had tried, more than a few times to get back into the house, confronting different workers at a time, claiming she'd left valuables inside and needed to retrieve them, but had been rebuffed each time. The worker ponies just informing her that she could go and check the lost property office for what she was missing, which just made her more determined. She'd even tried sneaking into an unwatched door but had been removed almost instantly by the worker pony on the other side, apparently coming back from a potty break. She would keep trying though because she really had to go and help that ghost, she knew the feeling of being trapped, not being seen, needing help from someone else to come and save them, plus, where there was one ghost, might there be more needing help? Well damnit Garjana was going to help and to hell with the consequences, she just wasn't...strong enough on her own.

She'd heard the rumors going around and while she hadn't exactly added to them, she had definitely told those ponies she'd met, about the actual ghost, trying to get their sympathy in helping but most of the ponies she'd talked to had just laughed, given her looks they had seemed to assume she was another circus member, trying to stir up interest in the haunted house, closed yes but perhaps that was part of the whole thing they had mused. She'd stopped trying to get help from those laughing and enjoying the pleasantries and turned back to the house, in time to see hooded figures leaving. Hmm? when had they entered, she supposed she'd missed it. She hadn't been close enough to see who they were either, at least not at first. She'd snuck back towards the house, trying to find some way in when the hooded ponies had returned, Council members? here? And where was the circus leader? Damnit she needed answers.....