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[MRP] Solo -- That was Real ?!?


Things were so messed up. Passhon shook like a leaf as he dashed out the Haunted House and met up with his family. He stared at his Father in disbelief for a moment. "Well, confirmed Haunting." he whined. After a few moments of teasing from his friends there. The small group went about to enjoy the rest of the circus. Things seemed okay and everything. Passhon was going over everything in his head that had happened. So, his Haunted House Experience started with him getting creeped out...but as obvious as it was it was all fake. The actors were really good and the set up was convincing. In the first room he was scared of a loveseat, the china cabinet and a bookcase. All for obvious jump-scare reasons. He sighed as he recalled the next room...

All. The. Coffins. He shivered at the recollection. That was when his fear started to amp up with him. He sighed as his mind whirled through the rest and then paused. If that was all a cover up for something else...was there actual Ghosts here in the Circus. That was rare in itself. Ghosts didn't exist...they just couldn't. He whimpered as he thought about it more. Oh no...what if the circus master was the one who made the Ghosts and when that one was trying to tell them something he silenced them to cover it all up. Oh what if they all were next. He sat there shaking like a newborn foal in winter before one of his friends tapped his shoulder. Screaming to high heaven he curled on the ground in the fettle position begging for mercy. There was a round of sighs before he was bodily picked up by his friends tail and then taken to where he was sat down to hear a long talk. Mostly about how it was okay to be scared, but he couldn't let his fear rule him. Things he was far too used to. He sniffled a moment before nodding in agreement. Then he recalled the one thing about the House that had his heart aching the most.

The foal, if that foal wasn't a actor but someone honestly who went through that. Then Passhon hoped that the circus became the family they needed and wanted in their life right now. He whimpered a moment as he thought a little more about everything. Finding that now he felt as if the being in the basement might not be a Ghost after all, since Ghosts didn't exist...right...right?

Oh by the seasons he hoped they didn't. The hybrid huffed as he started back out into the circus with his friends and family. Hearing things left and right about the Haunted House, unknowing of the truth, he hoped that nothing bad was about to happen to everyone here. That wouldn't be fair to the circus. If bad things happened then the Circus would be out of a job and everyone in it would be in trouble too, like major trouble. He sighed again. He really should stop sighing...