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Now Hiring for Night Security -- A CYOA Sign-Up!

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Grizzled Veteran
"Hello? Hello hello?" The muffled voice over the phone seems wary, but warm enough.
"So, you found the flyer. To be honest, when I called tonight, I wasn't sure if you were going to pick up.... I'm sure you've heard the rumors, but rest assured, rumors are ALL they are. There never was or will be any incidents at this location, so long as you follow the rules..."
You can hear the shuffle of paperwork, and you can only assume it's the contract you signed only a few hours ago.
You came across the hiring flyer stapled to a lamp post just this morning too, but desperation means taking what you can get, even if it was a bit... odd.
Who only lists an e-mail for a hiring flyer anyway?
The voice clears their throat, drawing you back to the present.
"It's really simple, you just go in the front door and look around, make sure no one decides to break in and you get to leave in the morning when the sun comes up. There's a lot of equipment left in that building, and the higher-ups would hate for any of it to go missing before the big move, you know? Just bring a flashlight and lots of batteries, and the key for the front door is above the door on the frame, I left it there a few minutes ago just for you... I don't think it'll go missing before you can get there."
The voice chuckles, and you get a chill. Weird.
"Best of luck to you."


You heard it here, local ponies!
You've been tasked with babysitting... er, watching an abandoned food joint for a few hours tonight.
But only for those willing to do the work, of course!
Fill out the form below, and don't worry, we'll take good care of you from there. ;D

[Rules Section]
1. You may enter 1 pony or yourself as the 'main character', but only choose one!
2. Follow the prompts carefully and bold or color somewhere in your response the direction you are choosing.
3. Wins from this game are capped at 2 pony prizes per player. Companions have no such restrictions.
4. Staff are free to enter as well, since they had no hand in my shenanigans.
5. A good amount of ponies involved in this game are bald, as well as a few twins. If this is an issue, this may not be the game for you.
6. Do not feel pressured to make long, drawn out responses! As long as the direction is clear and in a sentence form, anything goes.
7. Entrants DO need certs! Unless it's yourself. we can't cert you.

This is a CYOA, which means you will be prompted to travel to different places depending on your choices.
There will be many, MANY times when you will be prompted with a dice roll as well as a list of choices, please pay careful attention to the posts!
Different locations have different encounters, even going in the same direction as someone else doesn't guarantee the same encounter!
You DO have the potential of getting a 'Game Over' during this game!
No matter what, you WILL walk away from this game with something, don't worry. <3

[b]Username:[/b] ----
[b]Who is Entering?:[/b] Pony Name & Link or Username/Nickname for Self
[b]Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death?[/b] Yes/No
[b]Phobias:[/b] Plz list any that would cause you an issue.

Signup Period: NOW until October 15th @ 9:30 PM EST!
Signups will close before the game actually starts, so be sure to enter!​


Grizzled Veteran
1. Bittersweet Contradiction
2. Inari Miko
3. Joshuality
4. PeterPan_da144
5. Nym
6. Natty-chan
7. ArtificialJellyfish
8. Reoakee
9. YupItReallyIsMe
10. Jackariah Beckett
11. Bluedemonwolf
12. Absolutiones
13. belloblossom
14. Zakiax
15. Luxona
16. astralprogenitor
17. sharkberrypizza
18. Tea
19. Tigeria
20. ---​
Username: Bittersweet Contradiction
Who is Entering?: Zion Tsukimi
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: None <33
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Inari Miko

Username: Inari Miko
Who is Entering?: Pooka
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Spiders (clowns & gore aren't phobias but squick factors).


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Joshuality
Who is Entering?: Bon
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: piggy stuffs
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Stew Aficionado
Username: PeterPan_da144
Who is Entering?: Sami (me)
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Intense gore, dental stuff


signed an NDA
Staff member
Username: Nym
Who is Entering?: Jaxx
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah."
Phobias: All good!


Stew Aficionado
Username: Natty-chan
Who is Entering?: Arataki Itto (He will be referred to as Itto though)
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? "Yeah, yeah, yeah... sure. When do we get paid?"
Phobias: Clowns (harlequins are okay). Not really a fear, but more of a squick, but real life satanic imagery/symbols (fake ones are fine)


Grizzled Veteran
Username: ArtificialJellyfish
Who is Entering?: Jinx Jackripper
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Centipedes, multi eyes/limbs, exposed spine, intestines


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Reoakee
Who is Entering?: Cig
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Clowns (harlequins are okay)


Username: YupItReallyIsMe
Who is Entering?: Lefty
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: None!

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Username: Jackariah Beckett
Who is Entering?: B0wz3r
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: none, be free
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Who is Entering?: E.E.K.
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Crocodiles/Alligators, Spiders, Snakes


Stew Aficionado
Username: Absolutiones
Who is Entering?: Akadia
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: None


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Who is Entering?: Dark Knight
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Trypophobia (clusters of holes, bumps, etc) and exposed intestines


Stew Aficionado
Username: Zakiax
Who is Entering?: Match
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? Yes
Phobias: Spiders multi eyes(more then two sets)/limbs


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Luxona
Who is Entering?: Boni Brunswick
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? *rolls eyes* Sounds like my day job. (he means 'yes')
Phobias: eh, gonna say none for this game~


late to the party
Staff member
Username: astralprogenitor
Who is Entering?: Glance
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? ye
Phobias: nuh


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Username: sharkberrypizza
Who is Entering?: Materia Magika
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? o7 yep
Phobias: n/a


creepy crawly
Staff member
Username: Tea
Who is Entering?: Nain
Do you understand the risks associated with watching this establishment may include: undue stress, unexpected encounters, frightening locations and/or death? yerp
Phobias: n/a
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