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[Open for Interest!] The Coven of the Night


Grizzled Veteran
I Want to Join!

Pony Cert + Uncert:
Rank Wanted: Shop... owner??? Heir to his (npc) father's vineyard/winery and helps around the place XD
Vampire?: yissss

Brief Info On Pony: He's a pretty boy, and he knows it, but he's not a total a$$hole about it. Speaks calm and cooly, even when angry, but won't hesitate to demonstrate what those teeth can do if provoked. He doesn't quite understand 'love', but once someone is 'his' Cullen will strive to make them happy and protect them at all costs. He can be a bit of a flirt, though mostly just for fun, and gets a kick out of ruffling feathers.

He is the heir to Moon's Blood Winery, sometimes handling his father's business, but mostly he oversees and manages the employees... when he's not out and about taste-testing the product. Or the (registered and consenting) customers.

(would love if his father had moved here years ago, and Cullen just grew up in it? if not, upon hearing of the herd him and his father decided it was a more preferable place to run their winery, so they moved XD)
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Stew Aficionado
I Want to Join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Pony Cert + Uncert: (in for certing)
Rank Wanted: Service Provider - Music / Entertainment
Vampire?: Yes

Brief Info On Pony: Malik's stage name is Malice. He greatly prefers to play darker and louder sounding music, but he'll play just about anything that a pony pays him to do. He is thinking about opening his own place so that he can sing what he wants, when he wants, but he's not entirely sure on it yet. Might need a business partner to help him get things off the ground.
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Grizzled Veteran
I Want to Join!

Username: Bluedemonwolf
Pony Cert + Uncert:
Rank Wanted: Service Provider (Beautician) and Donor
Vampire?: no

Brief Info On Pony: Marama is kinda creepy. They're really into horror type stuff and does a lot of research into death, funerals, and myths of that sort. They enjoy freaking other ponies out with their head. They're not exactly nice but they're not evil per say.

As for why they want to join, well their mate is joining so they are following along. Plus the herd doesn't seem bad and seems helpful for vampires.
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Grizzled Veteran
I Want to Join!

Pony Cert + Uncert:
Rank Wanted: Service Provider
Vampire?: No [but might as well be]

Brief Info On Pony: Alcina stems from a very long line of aristocratic women given the privilege of making a very specific, family-only recipe of red wine called Sanguis Virginis, served to those with a more refined palate than most ponies and aged to perfection.
She tends to be on the abrupt side, and while she comes off as a pleasant sort to those she deems worthy of her time, it's an unspoken secret that her ingredient donors may not always be willing ones, but no proof has ever been discovered of such a thing....

Rather than joining openly, she more or less existed in a peaceful comradery alongside it, but when questioned about why she wasn't a member, she scoffed: "I've been here since day one."


signed an NDA
Staff member

Further information is required! The coven does not permit the unwilling collection of blood and will actively pursue and assist law enforcement in removing those who do so (or just... disappear, especially troublesome vampires). Unfortunately, if this unspoken secret is easily discovered (or, with enough sleuthing, can be dredged up), the coven would not only reject her wine, but alert the government. Nightfell is also only for coven members, and they do not take imported goods from criminal sources.... usually. At least, not blood from unwilling victims.
Could you give me more information on how she'd explain her contributions? If this doesn't work, that's okay! But I'm willing to discuss plot-specific ideas (even her being caught and her fleeing/us working out how she gets away once it is discovered).


Grizzled Veteran
More than willing for it to be a plot device. XD I love chaos.

Given there would be plenty of living and willing donors as well, she'd probably keep them around in good faith to 'prove herself' as an upstanding pony of good quality, and treat them as well as she should be expected to.
She would probably thoroughly document them as well for the books.
Anything 'off-the-books' might be harder to trace, but if someone came looking for a missing relative and she just happened to not be the first pony they encountered, it might stir up some dramaaa~ |D


signed an NDA
Staff member
If you're totally okay with it being later drama (or, the other scenario we discussed with her reforming), then I see no reason to tell you no for now! Consider her approved and not yet honed in on, but likely there are a few higher-ups lingering by that Morgan has sent because something seems fishy.
I'll have her graphic done soooooooon~