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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[OVER] Farewell, Thistlefur…

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Sometimes, your best just isn't enough.

This was the harsh lesson that the cats who remained on the mountain learned. Every single MountainClan cat who remained, whether warrior, elder or even their medicine cat went out to fetch prey home to feed their kin. Dedicating themselves to ensure that their loved ones saw themselves through another season, cats would go out every day to hunt. Every piece of prey brought back was celebrated, for it meant a better chance of making it through the dry, hopeless heat of green-leaf. Hope rang out in the hearts of the MountainClan cats and as the season came to an end, they were certain that they would make it all through, alive and together.

Such a future, however, was not to be. Despite the hard efforts of the Clan, one cat would feel the hollow pit of hunger overcome them and when they lay themselves to rest that night, they would not wake again.

So it is that we've come to the shop's first Death Raffle!
Your job is simple, just fill out the form below. You may enter as many MountainClan cats as you like, provided they remained behind on the mountain. But be warned, one of these cats will die.
Participation is always optional, you don't have to enter any cats if you don't wish to!

Sign Ups will close on Sept. 1st at 7am PST/10am EST.

[size=16][color=grey][i]You will be missed... [/i][/color][/size]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]cat name[/b] please link to their official cert
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 5
Res: 1
1. Thistlefur
2. Swallowtail
3. Finchchirp
4. Streamheart
5. Dapplelight​

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
@PeterPan_da144 Thistlefur has served MountainClan well. While all of her dedicated hunting ensured that her fellow elders and the youth of the Clan survive, it took its toll on the elder. She shall, indeed, be missed by all of her kin.

Your next step will be to move to the certing thread and put her in for a SunClan very. Don’t forget to tally up her DP and submit them to be claimed.

This concludes the shop’s first death raffle. What will be in store for MountainClan next? Stay tuned to find out.​